Chapter 5: Starting over on another planet

A/n: Hello, my fellow readers, Here is the next chapter to this story, now before it begins I went back through the last chapter's comments for any suggestions of future chapters of this story. So far There was only one and he brought up Aliens vs Predator extinction Xenomorph campaign, so for the person who suggested that you my dude, I'm glad for helping me so now Let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

After Six and our daughters have took full control of the ship, the kids went through out the ship making sure there aren't any leftover Weyland workers that could still be alive, while I took the time to go through one of the ship's computers to find out where it was heading too. While I was doing my search, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pulled me into the embrace of my wife.

Y/n: Well, hello dear.~

Six: And Hello to you, my King.~

We both let out a good chuckle, then Six releases me and looks over to the monitor I was going through with a curious head tilt.

Six: What are you looking for from this computer?

Y/n: Searching for any info on where Grooves and the people that were on this ship taking us too. Since the last base was swarmed by your sisters and Queen.

Six: True, and I suppose they tend to run more experiments on me?

Y/n: Probably... *finds a name* And found our destination, apparently the planet known as LV-742.

Six: I see...

Y/n: You think, well encounter any more Xenomorphs?

Six: Hmm, if the Hive is small with only small groups of children. Then I could probably negotiate with the Queen of that Hive to merge our hives as one to further the growth of the Hive all together.

I nod to her and begin to read up on the need-to-know parts of the planet and to find out if there is another Xenomorph Hive in dormant.

3rd pov

On the planet of LV-742, in a base owned by the Weyland Yutani corporation with personal going on to their business, while the lead researcher and his assistant were going through the data of the expedition team to scout the hive. But that's not all that they were doing, they were also waiting until they get notified that Dr. Grove's ship would enter their system.

head researcher: How's the expedition team handling?

assistant: So far they have no problems with any Xenomorphs, which I had to guess the Hive may have been abandoned. Due to the lack of eggs and Queen.

head researcher: That's odd, from what we know of Xenomorphs. They aren't the type to abandon their Hive.

????: Sir! I got a reading on the scans.

head researcher: Is it Dr. Grove's ship?

????: Yes, it's his ship sir.

head researcher: Good, put me through.

The person behind the terminal then brings up the monitor showing Dr. Grove's ship and begins trying to establish communication with the doctor, while the head researcher waits until the man behind the terminal gave the head researcher the go too.

head researcher: Dr. Groves, this is Dr. Samuel Kadinsky. We're ready and waiting for you to enter the base.

Samuel waits for a response from the ship, but all he got was nothing but static which also makes everyone else in the room on edge. Then Samuel tries to call out to Dr. Groves or anyone on board the ship.

Samuel: Hello? Dr. Groves? Is there anyone on board to answer.

Just as he finished, the monitor showing the ship explodes which surprises everyone in the room and makes Samuel wanting to know on what was going on in the ship.

????: Sir, what do we do now?

Samuel: *turns to his assistant* Tell me on the status of what's left of the team, that came from LV-1201?

assistant: So far their settling in nicely, and are ready to receive any work they can do. But sadly Dr. Arnaud Eisenberg wasn't so lucky, the last thing we got from the drop ship that was meant to pick up the Doctor ended up crashing after losing the ability to land properly by a Xenomorph.

Samuel: Just one Xenomorph? I find that impossible.

assistant: Though it was confirmed that he was trying to take an Empress class Xenomorph off world. But after reports of finding any remains of the doctor, the only thing left was his limbs and the weirdest thing is that synthetic blood was flowing out of them.

Samuel: [So Eisenberg had a synthetic body?]

As Dr. Kadinsky and his assistant walk through the base to discuss next moves of operation, but little did they know that a couple of Drop ships left the destroyed ship, just minutes before it self destructed and remained unnoticed by them.

Six's pov

After we left the ship with the drop ships, thanks to my lover Y/n remote piloting the ships and safely onto the planet. So far we seemed to have gone unnoticed by the Humans that Y/n believes work for this "Weyland Yutani" Company, once me and the girls were out and able to check the area to see if it's safe. While Y/n sets the drop ships to self destruct to cover our tracks.

Y/n: Alright, that's done. Once we get a good amount of distance, I can blow up the ships.

Six: Good, I would like to keep the element of surprise for us. Along with being able to make contact with the small hive that's here.

Just then, one of our daughters came up to us which we named her Ashely who governs tracking and scouting the area.

Ashely: Mother, Father. Me and my scouting party took a look around the area.

Six: Speak, my child.

Ashely: Just a couple of miles out, we sensed the small hive within the area but there wasn't a Queen present. We've only sensed one Drone and seven eggs with one of them containing a Royal facehugger.

Y/n: A Royal Facehugger? Don't those usually carry an embryo that will become a Queen?

Six: Indeed, my love. This can play out well for us, since this Queen will be young we can convincing her to join us to expand the Hive can help easier. Who knows, you might just be able to Breed this Queen as well.~

Y/n: Huh?!

Ashely: But that's not all, a small group of Humans are investigating the area not too far from the small Hive.

Six: I see, why don't we help with birthing the Queen.

Y/n: Alright, we got a plan. But we do have to be aware that once this small group goes quiet from their schedule reports.

Six: By the time that happens, we should have already established a big enough hive. Now let's get moving.

My Y/n nods at me and we let our children lead the way to the small hive, once we were far enough Y/n pressed the button to destroy the drops ships we used to enter the planet. While the small group of Humans I'm uncertain if they have or had not heard the explosion, but even if they did we still have the element of surprise.

3rd pov

Within the cavern that leads to the small hive that is guarded by a Xenomorph drone, while the research team want to at least get some data on the cavern itself. But little did they now is that Six, Y/n and their children were nearing their current location, while each of the researchers were taking samples for Dr. Kadinsky.

researcher1: So, why are we taking samples of the hive?

researcher2: Simple, since the hive's structure and resin is made by Xenomorph. Some aspect of their DNA is included, which will provide enough for the doctor's special project.

researcher1: I see, what do you think the project is?

researcher2: Not sure, but since it involves the Xenomorphs it will probably attract unwanted attention, from the Xenomorphs and the aliens hunters that previous reports on other planets that held Xenomorphs.

As the two researchers continue talking and taking samples, with three guards to keep watch from different pathways to make sure not to get jumped by a Xenomorph or two. While another researcher was taking some of the samples to a nearby table, before the researcher could place the samples on the table. A liquid like substance fell and landed on the researcher's hand, which he looks up to see what it was, that was until he was suddenly grabbed and pulled up disappearing into the dark. 

Then the samples the Researcher held were dropped on to the table making a sound, which the guards and remaining researchers quickly turn towards the sound. Which the guards brought up their weapons prepared to shoot anything that moves, while the two researchers are on edge.

researcher1: Um, don't tell me that...

researcher2: *checks the tracker* No, the drone has yet to make its move.

guard1: I don't like this.

guard2: Oh, don't start with tha-

Before the guard could finish his sentence, he was grabbed and pulled into the shadows making everyone in the room turn towards the direction. One guard was able to aimed at the pathway while the second guard wasn't so lucky, as he was stabbed in the back with a hand covering the guard's mouth and pulled into the shadows. Then Xenomorphs were able to enter the unguarded pathway and catch the humans off guard, though they didn't kill them right then and there.

The Xenomorphs only knocked them unconscious, as Y/n is revealed to be dragging an unconscious guard with a bandage wrapped around the stab wound, to prevent the guard from bleeding out. While Six follows behind him with their pretorian daughters, who are also dragging two more knocked out humans.

Six: This should be enough to gain the trust of the drone.

Y/n: That's good, you don't think she'll attack me on first sight, do you?

Six: You should be fine, as long your with me and our children. The drone would not think twice to attack you, if she wanted to be killed by us.

Y/n nods as the group continue on towards the inner chamber, where the drone and eggs are located. Once they arrived, the drone was quick to notice their presence and hissed at them telling them to back off, but Y/n and Raven tossed a knocked-out Human at the drone's feet. This confused by this and looked at the Queen and the pretorian that have a living Human with them.

Drone: What is the meaning of this? Why is there a living human here and why are you here with your hive members?

Six: The reason on why we're here is to make a deal with your yet to be born Queen, and the reason why this *motions to Y/n* Human is still living and with me and my daughters. Is because he is my lover.

Drone: Lover? *shakes her head* Never mind that, but what sort of deal do you prepose?

Six: A deal that would benefit us for the future of the hive. All I need to do is discuss the details with your small hive's Queen.

The drone put some thought into Six's words, wondering if she could even trust Six and if the deal did benefit them, she was still on edge with Y/n being present. But ultimately the drone reluctantly caved in, since she was both wanting to make sure the Hive grows and is outnumbered by Six along with hers and Y/n's children. The drone brought one of the knocked out Humans close to the egg that contained the Royal Facehugger, that soon opens up and the said facehugger comes out of the egg.

It then latches onto the face of the knocked-out Human and begins to implant the embryo that will take time to develop until the chest burster is ready to come out.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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