Chapter 2: A Xenomorph and Human vs Predators

A/n Hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. Now let me know how this chapter goes in the comments and let the chapter begin.

Y/n's pov

After going around the ruins killing androids and seeing that Six has harvested some of the non combatant workers.

Y/n: [Poor bastards.]

I then went up the stairs of the by going through one of the ruins that has stairs only to see an open door with a combat android coming out and sees me, but I see Six get behind the android and quickly takes him out by grabbing him and chopping it's head off with her bladed tail. I lower my weapon and smiled at Six even though I'm wearing a helmet.

Y/n: You know I could have taken him right?

Six: I know, but I still couldn't let anything bad happen to you.~

we both chuckle at our little joke and flirting, I was about to walk ahead but I then see another Xenomorph lunged at me knocking me to the ground reading it's bladed tail.

Xenomorph: Good for me.~ I get to kill another human, but just from your Visor your looking cute.~

Y/n: Thanks for the compliment, but I'm taken.

Xenomorph: What the?!

The Xenomorph was shocked that I understood her and jumps back with a very confused look and sees Six with me.

Xenomorph: Sisterm is it just me or can you hear him understand what we're saying?

Six: Yes, it was a bit shocking but I was happy he could now that me and him had our... "fun."

Xenomorph: Oh~, so you and the human are a thing. Dang, but oh well. Anyways just a little heads up there's a group of the kind that use ours has sport for hunting.

Six: I see...

Y/n: So we're going up against Predators.

Six: That's not their true name of species, but yes we are. *to the Xenomorph* please let our sisters know that we have a Human ally and is my significant other.

Xenomorph: it will be done sister.

The Xenomorph then leaves to let her other Xenomorph sisters, while  and I walk through the door of the ruins to that lead us into a massive arena like area. The both of us see one "Predators" standing on a pillar and one spacecraft like vehicle that lands on the over view, it then opens up to reveal another one coming out and reading it's weapons.

Y/n: Well, I hope I got enough ammo to handle these guys.

Six: Don't worry Y/n, we got help from my sisters to help us.

Y/n: True. *readies his pulse rifle* You ready to kick some ass?

Six  nods to me as we go to fight the two alien hunters that went down into the arena, I jumped down from the overview while Six crawls down and chases one of the alien hunters. But I then see one of the other alien hunters taking aim with it's shoulder gun aimed at Six, I brought up my pulse rifle and fired at the hunter hitting my target. But in doing so I hit it's cloaking device revealing it's position, it turns to me and let out it's roar in anger for me shooting it the alien hunter then jumps down and runs to me. I fired more shots at the hunter, but my shots either hit part of it's armor or hitting in non vital points.

Once the alien hunter was close it knocks my rifle out of my hands, I then try to tackle it but the alien hunter was far more bigger and heavier than me, it then grabs my by the back of my armor and throws me into one of the pillars making me grunt in pain. But I shook it off and looks to see the alien hunter making it's way to me with it's wrist blades out, once it was close to me I sneakily take one of it's knives and quickly pulls out my shotgun shooting the alien hunter making it move back from the sudden force of my shotgun.

The alien hunter then growls at me and pulls out a small fire arm looking weapon from it's belt and points it at me.

A/n: I don't own this.

Just then it fired it's weapon I used my shotgun to block the hit which worked, but my shotgun was destroyed in the process. After the shot from the alien weapon the hunter was pounced on by a Xenomorph making the alien hunter drop it's weapon I got up and quickly grabbed the weapon. But once I did some alien symbols highlighted on the gun as if it was charging, I look up to see that the Xenomorph managed to knock the metal mask of the hunter but said alien hunter used it's superior strength to lift the Xenomorph and snapped it's spin on it's leg.

I run up to the hunter with my pistol in hand while the alien hunter turns back to me, but I had my pistol pointed at the hunter's face which gains a surprised look.

Y/n: Surprise you ugly mother fucker!

I then pulled the trigger shooting the alien hunter in the face killing it instantly and the body drops to the ground, I take a step back and take a breath but once I do I notice a small red symbol that has three dots making a pyramid or triangle. I look up to where the it was coming from the see a vaguely visible humanoid like shape, but I also see something on it's shoulder glow blue which hits me.

Y/n: Crap! The other hunter!

As luck was on my side I see Six lunges at the invisible hunter from behind making the two fall to the ground that I was on, once the two were on the ground Six attacks the hunter with her tail but the said alien hunter barely sidesteps making the bladed part of the tail leave a cut on the hunter's side. The Alien Hunter then grabs Six and lifts her in the air about to use it's wrist blades to kill her, but I heard the gun from the dead hunter I took it from and see that the symbols were complete. This gives me the idea that it was fully charged so I aimed it at the alien hunter about to kill Six, once I aimed the alien weapon it fires a powerful blue shot and hits the hunter in the shoulder.

the impact from the shot caused the arm of the hunter to be blown off and lets go of Six, who takes the chance to grab the alien hunter by it's shoulders and kill it with it's second mouth. Once Six killed the hunter she lets it go of the body making it fall to the ground and Six turns to me.

Six: Thanks for the save.

Y/n: No problem.

But then we both hear another roar coming from way above us as we turn to the source to see what it was.

3rd pov

As the two looked up they see another Yaujta hunter come out from a ledge above the human and Xenomorph duo and readies it's wrist blades.

Then the hunter leaps off of the ledge and into the arena while Y/n retrieves his pulse rifle and aims it at his surroundings incase he sees the hunter, while Six moves around Y/n in a protective manner. Y/n then sees a shimmer of a invisible outline which Y/n took aims and fired his pulse rifle hitting his target and making the camouflage deactivated revealing the hunter, Six then charges at the hunter with her claws inflicting damage to the hunter.

The Yautja hunter then pushes Six back and was about to attack her, but Y/n then Y/n fired more shots at the hunter making it take some steps back and giving Six the time to move away, Y/n then takes cover behind one of pillars taking out the empty clip in his pulse rifle. Once Y/n reloaded his pulse rifle he dodges a sudden shot from the hunter and Y/n shot back at the hunter with his gun hitting it, but the said hunter leaps off the pillar and makes it's way to Y/n with it's wrist blades out.

Y/n kept shooting the hunter until he emptied the clip while the hunter got close and swings one of it's wrist blades at him, but Y/n dodges the attack and shoots the hunter with his pistol which doesn't do much against the hunter. The hunter then retracts one of it's wrist blades and punches Y/n into a pillar and grabs him by the throat and was about to use it's other wrist blade to kill Y/n, but Six tackles the hunter making it let go of Y/n and attacks the hunter with her claws.

Then the hunter throws Six to the side as the said female Xenomorph quickly regains her balance and attacks the hunter with her tail, but it dodges and punches Six to the ground and the hunter was making it's way to Six. While Y/n gets up and brings out the knife of the previous Yautja hunter he took it from.

A/n: I don't own this.

Once the Yautja hunter was about to end Six with it's wrist blades Y/n comes up from behind it and stabs it in the side of the torso in doing so makes it roar in pain, the hunter then roughly shoves Y/n off of it taking the Yautja dagger with him. But the hunter leaves itself open enough for Six to impale the hunter with her tail in it's center torso, Six then removes her tail while the hunter roars in pain and falls to the ground.

Y/n then puts the dagger away and helps Six up as the said female Xenomorph then climbs onto the wounded hunter still clinging on to life, she then removes the mask of the hunter as it sees a facehugger nearing it's face. Being too weak to do any thing the facehugger jumps on to the hunter's face wrapping it's tail around the neck, once it was done Six let's out a victorious screech.

Y/n's pov

After the fight with the alien hunters me and Six head back to the the facility to find a way off the planet to find us a new home, but we then see the place with large smoke coming from inside but that wasn't what shocked me Six then shirked in pain and falls to the ground.

Y/n: Six! What's wrong?

Six: The... The Queen.... She's dying.

I then grabbed her hand in hope to help her, but then we both heard an explosion that came form inside the building meaning one thing that, the Queen died in that explosion I was trying to figure out how to help Six. But I then see three androids making their way to us, I stand and point me Pulse rifle at them but one was quick enough to shoot my weapon out of my hand and shoots another shot in my leg making me fall to the ground.

Once the three combat androids were close on hovers over Six aiming it's weapons at Six while the other two aims their at me.

combat android1: Xenomorph target acquired.

Y/n: Leave her alone!

combat android2: *hits Y/n with the butt of the gun* Silence!

combat android3: Human male target acquired.

Voice: {No, don't kill them. These two are an old friend. Secure the Specimen and Mercenary Y/n L/n for off world transportation.}

The next thing I knew I get knocked out by one of the two androids that hit me with the butt of the gun.

3rd pov

As two ships leave the planet one carrying Y/n and the other Specimen Six the two ships were heading for a much bigger one that held more people, but the two ships landed in two different hangers. Once the one that held Y/n landed the androids took Y/n into a cell to get info out of him, while the one that landed in a separate hanger but inside the hanger showed signs of struggle and bodies on the ground meaning Six escaped.

deep within the ship's hidden under structure shows Six in a new appearance with the end of her head in the shape of a crown, but the most noticeable about her is that her belly was slightly larger than before.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments on what will in the next chapter and I'll catch you guys in the next one.   

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