Chapter 2: Y/n's test with 999 and 053

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now the chapter after this one will be the reader having the first ever encounter with 682, also be prepared for seeing the reader being tickled by the friendly slime scp. now let the chapter begin.

3rd pov

As Dr. Evans as in the observation room of SCP 2060 aka Y/n while the said SCP was moving around the room by either on the ground, walls or ceiling. Dr. Evans was recording the behavior patterns of Y/n, but then the door opens to reveal two guards armed with guns.

guard1: Sir, the room for 053 is ready for testing with 2060.

Dr. Evans: Good, I want to see if SCP 2060 is resistant to 053's effects.

The two guards nod as they both get their weapons ready one gets to the door into Y/n's containment cell and opens it, the sounds of the door opening caught Y/n's attention which he hides in the shadows of his cell to pounce on one of the guards when whoever enters his cell. As one of the guards enter the room looking around for Y/n, but the said alien like creature silently drops down behind the guard ready to attack.

But before Y/n could even make a move to attack he was shot from behind by the second guard hitting him with tranq darts strong enough to make Y/n drop to the ground unconscious.

-small time skip-

In the room outside of SCP 053 containment cell is two guards with a small containment container big enough for Y/n. As the guards wait for Dr. Evans call to open up the door to let Y/n in, they look to the said doctor who nods and presses the button opening the door into 053's cell. Inside of the cell a little girl with brown hair wearing a yellow dress looking towards the door to see it open, but she sees only darkness and a faint sound of some thing breathing.

A/n: that's what she looks like and it's the best I could find. also not mine the credit for this art goes to it's owner who made it.

girl: Hello?

????: *hiss*

Hearing a sudden hiss like sound from the other side the little girl quickly hides behind her chair, she then see a large dark skinned creature with a domed shaped head.  The little girl looks on in awe seeing such a creature, but she accidently knocks down a cup that made a sound which catches the creature's attention.

The creature that was in the room of the little girl was SCP 2060 also known as Y/n, he sees the little girl hiding behind her chair, in stead of being hostile towards the little Y/n was rather confused on why a child this young is in a place like this. Y/n gets down on all fours just looking at the little girl in a curious matter tilting his head.

-meanwhile in the observation room of 053's cell-

Dr. Evans: Interesting...

scientist1: Yes, it is. Even if 053 is human 2060, but like 682 he doesn't seem to be agressive but more curious of 053.

Dr. Evans: Keep the test going. I want to see what happens next.

-back inside 053's cell-

As Y/n sits still looking at the girl known as 053 with curiosity while the said little girl slowly peeks out to see Y/n, working up the courage she slowly moving towards Y/n who sits still letting the girl make the first move. Once 053 was close enough she slowly puts her hand on Y/n's domed head, but once she made the sudden contact 053 quickly runs back to her hiding spot incase Y/n goes hostile and on a rampage. As Dr. Evans and another scientist looks on to see something happen, but Y/n remain the same not aggressive and attacking anything in his way.

Dr. Evans: Impressive. SCP 2060 is not showing any symptoms like any other test that we do with her.

This was even more surprising to 053 seeing Y/n still the same and not end up like other D-class and guards before Y/n. Then Y/n was the first to make his move this time slowly approaching 053 who doesn't move incase if Y/n attacks at sudden movements, once Y/n was close enough to 053 the said girl closes her eyes incase of a sudden attack. But instead she feels something rub against the top of her head, 053 opens her eyes to see that Y/n is rubbing his hand on top of her head.

053: Um, Hi?

Y/n then let's out a purr like sound and his body then turns from his species appearance to his human form to be able to speak more better than respond with screech, purrs and hisses.

Y/n: Hello, little one.

053: Hi. Um what are you? I don't think I have ever seen something like you before in this place?

Y/n: I am Y/n, it's the name I went go by and my species is known as Xenomorph.

053: I'm Bella, nice to meet you Mr. Y/n. But I wonder what SCP number are you?

Y/n: the number that these Humans gave me is SCP 2060. I want to ask you something.

Bella: sure! what is it?

Y/n: Have you ever encountered a SCP known as 682?

Bella: Oh, easy! I have at first I was terrified of her due to my ability to make others more aggressive towards me and if they try to attack me they die.

Y/n: I see. But I don't feel as such.

Bella: Well, I'm glad cause I got another person to talk too!

Y/n chuckles at her enthusiasm as the two talk amongst themselves Dr. Evans was writing down watching the two from the observation room, but he was surprised that Y/n was interacting with Bella who is considered Human with abnormal abilities. After he was finished writing down the test report of Y/n and Bella, he decides to move on with the next test.

Dr. Evans: *to Y/n* Alright SCP 2060, it's time to move on to your next test.

Y/n: *growls at Dr. Evans* And why would I just do as you ask?

Dr. Evans: Please don't be brash. I would much rather have more cooperative with me.

Y/n let out another angered growl and readied his tail and turn back into his normal xenomorph form, but he was stopped when he felt a hand grabbed his hand. Y/n looks down to see Bella grabbed it and looks at him with a pleading look to not attack them, Y/n sighed and lowered his tail as to not be violent in front of Bella.

Y/n: Fine, I'll cooperate.

Dr. Evans: that's what I like to hear.

The door opens for Y/n to be out, the said alien in human form stands up and rubs Bella's head bidding a "see ya later" to her.  As Y/n makes his way to the door he wraps his tail around his waist like a belt, but once he was out of the cell there were two guards on both sides of him armed. this confused Y/n as to why the guards were near him, but his attention was shifted towards Dr. Evans walks to Y/n being in front of him.

Y/n: Why are they *points to the guards next to him* here?

Dr. Evans: Simple. It's just to make sure that you don't go killing staff members of this facility. *notices Y/n's wrapped up tail* Why do you have your tail wrapped around your waist?

Y/n: If you had a tail, you would want to keep it from being stepped on by others.

Dr. Evans: Ah, I see. Well then follow me to your last test of the day.

-time skip brought to you by Chibi Y/n in his human form lifting Chibi Bella with his tail wrapped around her making her feel like she's flying-

Y/n's pov

After a couple of minutes of walking to my next "test" but during the walk I notice that some of the staff members did look at me some were terrified, others shocked to see me walking through the halls, but most of the female staff members were busy staring at my body mostly my exposed torso. Luckily we managed to get to another cell which means another SCP is in there, but I noticed that the security is a lot more lighter than the one with Bella.

Y/n: Why is this particular cell more lighter than the last one?

Dr. Evans: That's Simple. As you can see every SCP we have here are given object class to Safe, Euclid and Keter. The reason why this one is in lighter containment is due that the object class is Safe.

Y/n: I see...

Dr. Evans: Now. *opens the door to let Y/n inside* Please step inside, so that we can begin the test.

I sighed and just did as he says, I walked into the cell to see that the room was fairly normal room size. I then look down at the floor to see....

Y/n: What the hell?

What I saw was a small orange slime like creature with small black eyes, it was eating some kind of food but all in all it was honestly quite cute looking.

Y/n: What are you?

The slime like creature then looks towards my way and started jumping excitedly making what I could assume happy gurgle noises. Once it got close to me and hugs my leg, at first there was nothing happening but then I started to feel like something starting to tickle me which I tried to resist from laughing. But it was all for nothing cause the tickling was too much that I was laughing like no tomorrow.

Y/n: *laughs* Oh dear god! *laughs* What. *laughs* Is this. *laughs* Thing?!

Dr. Evans: *through the P.A* {That SCP 2060. Is the facility's most safest SCP we have. Meet SCP 999 or as some of the staff members call him the tickle monster. As you can see 999 has the ability to tickle those who either to be depressed or tend to have violent ways towards something and make them feel happy.}

Y/n: I see *laughs* the name suits it well! *laughs*

After sometime I manage to get control of my laughter, but I feel even more better and not angered or feel the need to attack and kill anyone in my way. But the effects from laughing so tired to even do anything, so I fell down to the ground passed out sleeping.

Dr. Evans: { Uh... can someone go and get SCP 2060 back to his cell?}

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments. Also I will be doing the next chapter where the reader will meet 682 herself so be prepared when the two come and may fight with one another and I will catch you guys in the next one.

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