My uncle is Tony Stark, okay cool? Who's Tony Stark?

Percy's P.O.V.

When I arrived at the police station they asked me some questions. If I had seen who killed them if they had any enemies if I had any relatives that I could live with which I don't, but they insisted in taking a DNA sample to check anyways.

I sat and gave Estelle her bottle and rocked her to sleep. I can't believe that my mom and Paul are gone. I don't know what we're going to do or where we're going to live.

"Hey kid. It turns out you have an uncle." said Officer Armani. "What? But my mom didn't have any siblings." I said. "Well, it turns out she was given away as a baby from her birth parents. Your uncle is Tony Stark, and he's going to adopt you and your sister." she said.

"Ok." Was all I could say. I can't believe I have an uncle. I hope he's better than my other uncles.

About ten minutes passed and a man dressed in an expensive-looking suit walked in. "Hi there are you Persephone Jackson?" He asked. "Yes I'm Persephone but please just call me Percy." I said quietly. "So you're my uncle?" I said skeptically.

"Yes I'm Tony, look I'm so sorry about your parents." he said. I didn't respond I couldn't I felt numb with pain.

"Well Mr. Stark if you could just sign these papers you can take them home." said officer Armani.

He signed the papers and we walked outside. "Here's my car." He said pointing at a 1968 Porsche. How rich is this guy?

We got in the car with our few belongings poor Estelle won't even remember our parents when she's older.

The car stopped and we got out at a huge building that said Avengers on it. We walked inside and I saw the elevator. No not an elevator after that place elevators had become a PTSD trigger, but I couldn't let Tony find out about that so I got in the elevator with Estelle.

Grabbing the railing with a death grip. We made it up and I rushed out the elevator.

I saw two women sitting on the couch one dressed in red, and one dressed in black, then there was a man with a bow in his hand? A robot? A blonde really buff guy, and a man with black/grey hair and glasses.

They all looked at me then Tony walked out and said "Everybody these are my nieces. Persephone Andromena Jackson, and Estelle Jackson-Blofis. Their parents we're just murdered... and I am their only living relative so I've adopted them, please make Perseph- I mean Percy feel welcome."

"Hi I'm Persephone, but you can just call me Percy." I mumble, "So what are your names?"

"You don't know who we are?" said Tony. "No." I said. Why would I know who they were? "You've never heard of the avengers?" asked the buff guy. "The who?" I replied. "Have you been living under a rock? We saved New York, and stopped Ultron, Hydra, and Thanos."

(A/N In this story these events all happened in the space of the pjo and hoo years while the Titan and Giant wars happened. So Percy doesn't know about them. Also nobody's dead everybody lives! Don't ask how they just do!)

"I've been pretty busy and out of the country so no I haven't," I said. They still looked surprised bu they introduced themselves. "I'm Natasha or the Black Widow." said the first woman. "I'm Wanda, the Scarlet Witch." said the second one.

"I'm Clint Hawkeye." said the bow and arrow guy. "I'm Vision." said the robot. "I'm Steve, Captain America." said the buff guy. "I'm Bruce the Hulk." said the one with glasses.

"My superhero name is Iron Man," said Tony.

"Okay. Nice to meet you all." I said. I was so tired and emotional that all I wanted to do was be alone.

Tony could see that I was about to break down so he said "Here I'll show you where you can stay until we get a better room for you and your sister."

I said, "Goodbye." to them and walked off down the hall to a bedroom. "You and your sister can stay here for tonight, then we can figure out better sleeping arrangements tomorrow," he explained.

"Thank you Tony." I said. "If you need anything at all you can come to see me my room is just down the hall my wife Pepper is away on a trip but she knows about you and your sister and you'll meet her in a few days. Goodnight Persephone I mean Percy," he said.

It was 11:00 pm and I was wrecked I put Estelle in a crib then I crashed onto the bed and for once I didn't dream.

Enjoy the new chapter, please vote and comment. Bye!

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