Every murderer has a past
(A/N): So I have been wanting the figure of female Jason for 6 months now and after founding other fanfictions I decided to join the fun too)
(Y/N's POV)
When I was a kid I had a friend called jaylene people might have called her a freak but I liked her deep within my heart and I really enjoyed my time with her so it was only natural that I was sad when I learned that she had to go to a summer camp but that wasn't even the real punch. I learned about her death after some time and I felt rage and unbelievable amount of hatred against humans they called her a freak while they were monsters so I guess it was time that I had to do something about it, I had to lessen the monster by hunting them...
(Y/N's mind):So that is how I came to this point huh?
I asked myself while laying on a dead family. I killed this family because they were the lowest type of scums who thinked of them self as the king and the queen of the world so they abused people and treated them as slaves.
*knock* *knock* *knock*
Police: Ma am I got an call saying that there was screams coming from this room.
Great the police was here to protect this family while I don't even remember about them doing anything for Jaylene.
(Y/N's mind): my time here is up.
I got up and jumped out of the window landing on a balcony I took one last look to the dead family and the face of terror they had. I wonder what kinda sad or scared face she had before she got killed. I continued my escape by jumping one balcony to another. I was out of sight so I stopped when I saw a group of teenager's talking.
(Y/N's mind): I wonder what are they talking about.
I shouldn't probably dive in to their conversation but my curiosity got the better of me.
(Y/N's mind):Well let's find out.
I jumped down and walked towards them.
(Y/N): What are you guys talking about?
???: Why do you want to know?
(Y/N): Am I not allowed to get curious?
???: Yes you shouldn't be.
(Y/N): What makes you think that I will give a fuck.
???: This!
The asshole of a man that was infront of me tried to punch me but I just ended evading the punch and giving my own respond by punching him out cold.
I looked to the others and saw their shocked face's
???2: O-o-okay w-we will t-tell y-y-you p-p-please don't h-hurt u-us.
(Y/N): That's better.
I got back to my relaxed face so they seemed relaxed too.
???2: We were talking about Camp Crystal Lake the one with the killer rumor going around.
A killer huh?
(Y/N): I am interested can you tell me some more about it.
???2: The rumor's say that there was a girl with a Hockey mask going around murdering people who steps into the camp.
(Y/N's mind): The camp she was killed on maybe I will pay a visit to this girl and show her to not disturb Jaylenne's peaceful rest by killing people.
(Y/N): Okay thanks.
I walked away without looking back only thing I had in mind was the fact there was a girl roaming around and killing the people who visits the lake.
(time skip to the next day)
I decided to take a long way to the camp with my camping tool's. I was already infront of the Lake all I had to do was get ready and start stealing her kills that should make her angry enough to show herself. I was determined so I started walking toward of the building where a group of horny campers just started unpacking. I wore my mask and I got ready for some action.
(Jaylene's POV)
I killed some of the campers with my machete and I realized something for the first time I always see naked people having sex but I haven't felt aroused for once. I let out a sigh.
Jaylene: I wonder what (Y/N) would think of me. A cold blooded killer who doesn't even feel aroused.
I shake my head.
Jaylene: No! I don't feel aroused because my heart belongs to (Y/N), I am sure if it was (Y/N) infront of me I would have felt aroused.
Then I started to blush as I imagined my childhood crush naked getting ready to have sex with me.
Jaylene: W-what am I thinking? if I think like this I will have no differences between them and me.
Jaylene's mind:What was that?
I got out of the cabin to search where the voice came from and when I opened the door I saw a man covered in blood his mask was broken so I could see his beautiful (E/C) eyes similar to the ones (Y/N) had...
???: You must be the killer of this Lake I heard so much about right?
I nodded.
???: Good, so can you please leave the fuck out?
Wait what did he just say.
Jaylene: I don't know who you are but you have no right to kick me out since this place is special to me.
???: Well too bad this place is very important to me too.
The man dashed at me and slashed at me with a machete similar to mine.
Jaylene: I see that you have quite the taste when it comes to weapons.
???: I am flattered but we have a job to finish.
He slashed at me but I was barely able to defend my self against his attacks but the same thing goes for him since I could see his eyes twitching. After we kept on dueling for a while but in the end we both got exhausted and we needed a breather.
???: I will take my leave for today but that just means I will be stealing you'r kills for a while.
He started walking off but before he could exit the building his mask fell off revealing his one (E/C) eye and one red eye similar to his... (Y/N)'s eyes.
(A/N): I know this was a little short but I think that this was the perfect spot to finish the chapter so thanks for reading the first chapter of my new book and like I always add this chapter had 1098 words in it see you guys and possibly gals later.
Katakuriu out...
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