Chapter 6
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story hope you guys enjoy it. now let the chapter begin.
3rd pov
Y/n with Inda the female Indoraptor in front of the male Indoraptor, the two Indoraptors growled at each other while Y/n as his gun aimed at the large raptor. then the male Indoraptor makes the first move charging at the human and female Indoraptor duo, while the Indar charged as well making both large raptors collide with one another clawing and trying to bite the other's neck. but then the Inda got the upper hand and bites down in the male Indoraptor's neck knocking it down into a wall, but the male Indoraptor thrashed around and clawed Inda on side of her head making her lose her grip on the male's neck.
this gives the male Indoraptor the opportunity and kicks the Inda off of it and sending Inda into another exhibit across the room.
Y/n: Inda!
acting quickly Y/n aims his rifle at the male Indoraptor firing off a few shots at the large raptor to at least do some form of damage.
A/n: do let me know if bullets can actually hurt the Indoraptor and other carnivore dinosaur cause I've watched the other Jurassic films people who have fired at the dinosaurs they either seem to miss or doesn't show that it effects them.
once the shots hit the male Indoraptor it's attention shifts to Y/n firing off the shots, the male Indoraptor then roars at Y/n and charges at him, Y/n on the other hand he was about to fire another shot, but the rifle makes a clicking sound meaning the clip of the rifle was empty.
Y/n: Ah, crap!
having no spare clip for the rifle and seeing the male Indoraptor drawing near him, Y/n positions the empty rifle in front of him stopping the large male raptor's jaws from getting close to him, while having the gun in the mouth of the male Indoraptor Y/n dodges the large raptor's claws from doing any serious damage to him. the male Indoraptor then lifts up it's head getting Y/n off the ground and tossed him to the other end to the room by letting go of the rifle in it's mouth.
once Y/n hits the pedestal that held one of the the dinosaur bones on display, he uses it for temporary cover and pulls out his high caliber hand gun to use on the male Indoraptor. but the said large turns it's attention to Maisie, who was running up the stairs making the large raptor chase after her. Y/n gets up and fires his handgun at the large dino, but he misses his shots as the large raptor continues it's chase.
Y/n: Crap!
-with Maisie-
Maisie was running up the stairs screaming as the male Indoraptor gives chase after her, but luckily for Maisie the male Indoraptor was slowed down by the shots from Y/n's rifle and that it kept hitting walls. once Maisie reached the top floor she runs through the door, just as the male Indoraptor was close, but it then gets stuck in the door way, this gives Maisie a chance to get some distance from her and the large raptor. but the male Indoraptor managed to break through the door way allowing it to enter the same hallway as Maisie.
but Maisie then reached the dumbwaiter and climbed inside it, while the male Indoraptor was closing in on Maisie while the said girl was trying to close the dumbwaiter door, but the door slams shut on the male Indoraptor making it hit the wall. the large raptor tries to claw it's way into the wall, but it was unsuccessful and lets out a screech, it then turns to the window next to it.
Y/n's pov
as the male Indoraptor was upstairs I holstered my gun and run to Owen and Claire to help them out of the pile of props on them, once they were off Owen goes to Claire and puts a rag over her leg that had been stabbed by male Indoraptor's claw.
Owen: Hey. You're okay. Put pressure on it. Don't look at it. Look at me. Look at me.
Claire: You have to find her.
Owen: I can't leave you here.
Claire then pulled him into a kiss practically forgetting I was here, but I wasn't the only one in the awkward third wheel, cause Inda calmly walks up to me and sees them kiss then looks at me with a confused look. I just shrug, but then the moment of Owen and Claire ends and they turn to see Inda which makes Claire freak out.
Y/n: Woah! Easy she's with me.
Owen: Are you sure?
before I could answer Inda nudges her head on my shoulder which I rub my hand on her head making her purr from the contact. I then look over to Owen with a face that says "believe me now?"
Owen: Okay, I believe you.
Y/n: Good. Now let's take down the male.
I pull out my gun while Owen gets the gun on the ground and we went to go find Maisie with Inda behind us.
-timeskip to both Y/n and Owen finding Maisie's room-
as we reached the room Owen breaks down the door and aims the gun at the male Indoraptor as I got next to him aiming my gun at the same target.
Owen: Maisie! Stay down!
we Owen then fires his gun making the raptor flinch from the impact of the gun and pushing it back, the Indoraptor then looks like it was going to go down but it was getting back up shaking off the shots that Owen fired. Owen was going to fire his gun again, but it ran out of ammo which I fired my gun at the Indoraptor making it flinch and stumble back from the impact.
Y/n: Owen get Maisie out of here! Inda attack!
Owen goes to Maisie as I move away from the door and give Inda a chance to attack the male Indoraptor making the two attack fight again. the male Indoraptor then roughly shoves Inda aside, I then shoot my gun at the male raptor making it flinch and turns to me I backed up a bit towards the wall. I tried to fire another shot, but I ended up with an empty clip but I was luckily saved by Blue who charges at the male Indoraptor and limbs on it's back taking bite, but the male Indoraptor grabs Blue by it's mouth and tosses her off it and Inda attacks the male by surprise and gets in front of Blue.
Blue gets back up and jumps at the male Indoraptor helping Inda fight the large male raptor, I reloaded my bun and Owen runs onto the bed protecting Maisie while I try to get a good shot at the male Indoraptor. the male Indoraptor knocks Inda to the ground and shakes off Blue, then the male Indoraptor tries to reach for Owen and Maisie, but I knock it back from the force of my gun and giving Blue to climb back on the male Indoraptor's back attacking it.
the male Indoraptor was struggling to get Blue off of it, but all it did was knocking it's self down allowing Blue to get on top of it, but the male kicks Blue off me, Owen and Maisie went to the room's balcony to get outside, I then saw the male trying to reach one of us to take a bit which I aimed my gun, but Inda attacks the male Indoraptor from behind shifting it's attention. as the two fight Maisie was climbing on the side of the balcony with Owen.
Maisie: Come on! I know a way on the other side.
I turn back to see Blue jumping at the male Indoraptor joining the fight, I then follow the two to avoid getting in the cross fire of a dinosaur fight, we climbed on the side of the mansion to follow where Maisie was going while also hearing the struggle of the fight. as both Owen and Maisie passed a window, but that window broke revealing both Blue and the male Indoraptor this surprises Maisie and Owen making her slide down the roof, but Owen went after her to make sure she isn't hurt.
I follow after them getting on more stable ground to run on, but I also heard the sound of glass breaking looking back to see Inda, Blue and the male Indoraptor out of the mansion and on the same roof as we're on.
Owen: This way!
we run up a large glass window, but I heard the male Indoraptor following behind me. luckily I got in the glass window with Owen and Maisie running to the other end, but all that was there was a steep drop, we then turn to face the male Indoraptor also on the large glass window on all fours. when it places one of its claws on the glass it's weight breaks the glass, it faces us and screeches at us and Maisie slips from the glass window, but luckily Owen grabs her and uses his free hand to grab part of a statue. I would help Owen, but if I turn my back to the male Indoraptor it could take the chance to attack me, but I then see Claire tapping a gun on the metal ladder.
Claire: Hey!
she managed to get the male Indoraptor's attention enough for me to help up Owen and Maisie back on the large glass window. the Male Indoraptor was making it's way back to Claire as she turned on the targeting laser, I holstered my gun and get my kukri out and nod to her. Claire aims the laser at me making the male Indoraptor look at me, once I hear Claire press the button making a electronic sound making the male Indoraptor roar at me and pounce at me, while I run towards it. I slide under the male Indoraptor and used my Kukri slashed it across the side of it's face and one of it's legs.
once I slide down on the side of the large glass window, I saw the male Indoraptor trying to climb back up I managed to get back on the large glass window on the opposite side, but I also saw the male Indoraptor climbed back up and turns to me with a growl for the scar on it's face.
Y/n: Looks like I pissed you off.
I slowly made my hand go for my gun, but the thunder flashes showing Blue climbing on part of the mansion behind the male Indoraptor, Blue then lets out a shrike that got the male Indoraptor's attention and Blue pounces on the larger raptor making both of them fall into the hole that lands onto a skull of a triceratops. I look down to see the male Indoraptor landing on the skull getting impaled by the horns while blue let's out a screech.
3rd pov
as the elevator opens Franklin and Zia walk out to see the dead male Indoraptor which surprises them to see the dead creature.
Zia: what the hell?
Owen: Hey!
Franklin: Hey! You good?
Y/n: Yeah, but where the hell you two been?
Franklin: Around.
Zia: Hey we got a problem downstairs. I need you to come see this.
-in the lab-
in the lab underneath the mansion smoke from the explosion that happen when Blue was released was spreading around the room, reaching some of the dinosaurs still locked in cages while the group enters the observation room seeing this through the cameras and hearing the howling sounds of various dinosaurs.
Claire: They're all dying.
Zia: The blast damaged the ventilation system. We did everything we could.
Claire: I can open the gates from here.
Owen: Claire. Be careful. We're not on an island anymore.
Y/n: He's got a point.
Claire then opens the gates releasing the dinosaurs from their cages as they each get out one by one, but all that leaves is one door that would lead them out in the wild and into the open world. Claire looks at the button and goes to press it, but hesitates on doing so.
Owen: Claire. You press that button, there is no going back.
Claire: We can't let them die.
there was high tension with an unsettling silence, but Claire then chooses not to press the button and looks towards the dinosaurs with Owen seeing them howling wanting to get out, but then the door begins to open up. everyone turns to see Maisie who pressed the button to release the dinosaurs.
Maisie: I had to. They're alive, like me.
to be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't worry Inda the female Indoraptor is not dead, but ended up in another part of the mansion. now please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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