Chapter 4
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now as you guys know at this point I'm nearing the end of the movie, but not to worry I will have one or two bonus chapters one being a lemon before the real epilogue and a joke ending. I'll let you guys think what joke ending I'm going to do and we'll see what it is. now let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
as two Indoraptors were presented and growling upon seeing the large room of people, while the cage was being moved to the middle of the room, Owen, Claire and Maisie watch from another room.
Maisie: They made it. Mr. Mils and the other man.
Claire: *whisper to Maisie* What man?
Maisie: *points to Henry Wu* Him.
Gunner: Both designed by Mr. Henry Wu, with an intelligence quotient comparable to the velociraptor, biospecs include a heightened sense of smell, and trained to respond to a pulse-coded laser targeting system, enabling it to isolate and track prey in complex environments. Voila!
he gestures one of the armed guards that has a gun with a laser sight and aims it at one of the people who attended the auction.
Gunner: Now first the Laser sets the target.
the laser lands on a man in the auction, who looks down to see the red dot on his chest, but is frighten by the sounds of the two Indoraptors now staring at him. But the male Indoraptor is staring more intently at the man like he was food.
Gunner: And once locked on, the acoustic signal triggers the attack.
once the man with the gun get's the signal from Gunner he presses the red button on the side of his gun, which makes an electronic squealing making both Indortaptors let out a vicious screech. the male indorraptor then tries to attack the man that the laser sight was on, but the cages bars prevented the raptor from reaching the man.
Gunner: *chuckles* These animals are relentless. Now, modifications are still being made...
he looks at Elis who mouths to Gunner "that the female raptor is paried with Y/n." Which Gunner nods and returns his eyes to the buyers of the auction.
Gunner: And I've been told that the female has been paired with *motions to Y/n* Mr. Y/n L/n to see who human and Indoraptor can be done.
man: $20 millions!
this caused some chatter and murmurs within the crowd and caught both Gunner and Elis off guard that someone would offer money for either raptor.
Gunner: No, th-these a-are prototypes. Uh, not for sale.
man2: 21 for the female and trainer!
Gunner: Well... they are still a... a prototype, but...
man3: 22 millions for the male!
this caused some shouts from the audience as each member raised the offer one higher than the other. this gets Y/n on edge thinking that he would be sold off with the Indoraptors, but he wasn't the only one Owen and Claire were watching the whole thing. Gunner then looks to Elis who then nods to him to sell the male.
man4: 24 for the male!
Gunner: $24 million dollars.
man2: $25 millions!
Gunner: Do I hear 26?
in the room that Owen, Claire and Maisie were watching from seeing the new hybrid dinos and the biding.
Owen: That thing can't leave this building.
Claire: Which one male or female?
Owen: What?
Claire: If it's true about Y/n being able to do what you do with Blue.
Owen: Well... um, will cross that bridge later.
Owen then leaves to head towards the auction, while Henry with Y/n walk up to Elis who was watching and racking up money.
Henry: What are you doing? Neither of these animals are for sale and I need more info of Y/n being able to make a bond like how Owen and his raptors.
Y/n: and I'm a fricken human.
Elis: If you want to create an addict, you have to give them a taste.
Henry: but they are prototype.
Elis: Look, these prototypes are worth $28 million dollars right now.
Y/n: Is that all you think about is money?
Elis: Relax you two. I'm only selling the male so that Henry can do what he wants between you *points to Y/n* and the female Indoraptor. We'll make some more.
Henry: So will they.
Y/n: He's got a point.
meanwhile Owen was in another room wiring a power box trying to find a way into the room that the auction was happening, in doing this he opens the Elevator door. but he turns his attention to the other end of the hall to see the same dinosaur the helped him and Claire break out of their cell. Owen then turns to the elevator then back at the headbutting dinosaur with a smirk cooking up and idea.
Owen Hey, buddy. You thinking, what I'm thinking?
Y/n's pov
as I was with Henry Wu watching the bid, as the guy doing the bids going to sell the male Indoraptor to one of these people, but I heard a faint "ding" sound. So I glanced at where the sound was coming from to see the walls behind a guard open up to reveal a secret elevator, but inside the elevator had a dinosaur that just loves to ram things with it's hard head. once the dino turns around it charges the guard knocking him into the crowd causing the people to panic with the dino running around the room. but to my luck I see Owen dropping down from the top of the elevator, but I also saw two guard aiming their guns at the dino, but Owen goes for the one in front of him while I went for the one closest to me and the cage of the female Indoraptor.
once I got got close to the guard I move the gun away making it aim at the ceiling and heard two sets of guns being fired. I wrestled with the guard trying to get the gun out of the guard's hand, but the guard pushes me into the female Indoraptor's cage and start hearing the said dino screech at the guard. I then kneed the guard in the gut and managed to switch our positions making him being pushed into the cage and getting the gun out of the guard's hands, but what surprised me was that the guard pulled out a side arm and point it at me. But the female Indoraptor stabbed her claw into the guard's shoulder making him drop his pistol it then run up and kneed the guard in the face knocking him out.
I then look to see people being flung around by the dino that headbutt things, I then turn to see Owen who just finished another guard, but I see another guard pulling the lever to make the cages reverse. I aimed the gun at the guards shooting them while Owen makes his way to the lever and knocking down the guard near the lever and pulled it back, he then ripped the cords out of the lever preventing it to be used. we then proceeded to leave the room as I glanced back at the female Indoraptor which meets with my eyes, but I didn't stare for too long and followed Owen.
Owen: So, I'm guessing you saw those things?
Y/n: "Saw?" I did more than saw.
Owen: What?
Y/n: Well, Henry Wu wanted me to see if I could form a connection. Like how Blue was always playful towards me.
Owen: And? How did it go?
Y/n: Well... it reacted kinda similar to how Blue usually reacts around me. It even purred when I rubbed my hand on it's head.
Owen: Good enough for me.
3rd pov
back in the room that the auction happened, but it was empty of people with only the two Indoraptors, but then Ken Wheatley enters the room looking for Elis.
Ken: Mils! Mils, where are you?! I want my bonus!
as Ken walks in he sees the two cages that the two Indoraptors are in, while the two raptors see Ken they both started to snarl and growl at Ken in threat postures.
Ken: Holy cow. What are you two? I didn't see either of you two on the island.
Indoraptors: *snarling sounds*
Ken then grabs his rifle from his bag and takes aim at the male raptor and fires two tranq darts into the male Indoraptor's neck, making it screech from the impact and still standing.
Ken: Oh, you're a tough guy.
Ken was about to fire another shot, but then sees the male Indoraptor starts to slowed it's movements, then falls down sleeping from the tranq darts. Ken then makes his way to the cage and opens the door of the cage, once it was open he cautiously enters the cage keeping his rifle aimed at the sleeping Indoraptor. when Ken hears the soft breathing convincing Ken that the raptor was in deep sleep, he make his way towards the snout of the raptor.
Ken: Look at you. You and the other one are some kind of hot rod *lightly pushes the head with his foot* with really pretty teeth. *pulls out pliers* This will make a perfect centerpiece of my necklace.
he then goes for one of the larger teeth to pull on, but not noticing that the tail was moving, which Ken looks behind him as the tail quickly lowers back down before Ken could see. once Ken wasn't looking the male Indoraptor opens it's eyes and glanced at the human next to him, but then closes it's eyes to pretend to sleep once Ken looked back at the raptor. the female Indoraptor was watching this and knows what her male counterpart is planning, once Ken shrugs off his cautiousness and tries to pull off the teeth again. but this time the male Indoraptor lifts it's tale again and Ken then looks to see it moving, this gives the male raptor to enact it's plan and takes a bit of Ken's arm making the said human yell in pain.
the Indoraptor then stands back up lifting Ken with his arm in the raptor's mouth, the male then severs the arm but fully closing it's mouth dropping Ken to the cage's floor, once on the ground Ken crawls backwards while the Indoraptor swallowed his arm. the Indoraptor then draws his attention to Ken who is pressing his back against the bars of the cage, once the male lowered his head to the same level as Ken. then the male Indoraptor presses the end of his snout to Ken and sniffs him, while Ken slowly places his hand on the raptor's snout yet still scared out of his life, but the Indoraptor then let's out a screech like roar while Ken screams and starts taking bites out of Ken slowly killing him.
as this happens Gunner is watching this happen from his hiding spot, he then tries to stay silent as possible and heads to the elevator while the the male Indoraptor eats Ken. once Gunner enters the elevator he turns to see three other people hiding and one places his pointer finger in front of his lips telling him to stay quiet. Gunner then moves the woman that was in the elevator with him and two others to access the button for other floors, but once the woman turned around seeing the male Indoraptor eating which makes her scream. the scream draws the male Indoraptor's attention and growls, while Gunner presses button codes to make the elevator move the male Indoraptor then leaves it's cage through the unlocked door that Ken used to enter the cage.
once the male Indoraptor is out of it's cage it runs towards the elevator, while the female Indoraptor was screeching at the male, but they didn't make it. as the male Indoraptor was getting close to the elevator, but they closed on the raptor before it could enter the elevator. Gunner turns to face the other three in the elevator laughing, but outside of the elevator the male Indoraptor swings it's tail which hits the panel to the elevator, in doing this opens the elevator doors. the raptor then lets out a hiss like sound, which Gunner heard and slowly turns around to see the male Indoraptor looking right back at him.
male Indoraptor: *screech like roar*
people in the elevator: *screaming*
to be continued
A/n: and done, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. also I'm getting close to the ending of this story and like I said I'm going to a lemon and one or two bonus chapters and the epilogue. also you guys can guess what the one or two bonus chapters are or what the idea I'm going to do and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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