Chapter 2
A/n hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story no let the chapter begin!
Y/n's pov
we were back at the loading docks seeing all of Ken's men rounding up several dinosaurs, but I was hoping that Owen, Claire and Franklin are alright. but then I see one of Ken's men pointing his rifle at Blue which angered me.
Y/n: hey Hey! put your damn weapon down!
Zia: Yeah you have your gun pointed at her head!
me and Zia were trying to get out of the guards grip seeing Blue in a weaken state due to losing blood from the bullet wound from earlier. but then we all hear the sound of the volcano erupting seeing the lave spew out which everyone hurried to get to the boat not worrying about the equipment only the dinos and people. once on the boat me and Zia were put in the same car as Blue to make sure she stays alive.
Y/n: this isn't good.
Zia: I know.
we then start to hear the sounds of the Brachiosaurus bellowing in the distance trying to call for help. which was a sad sight to see as it was slowly being covered by the smoke of the Island as the doors closed making me close my eyes thinking only the worst to come. I then brought me focus back to Blue to treat her wound as best we can.
3rd pov
back at the Lockwood Estate Elis Mils was giving the man known as Gunner Eversol a little tour and talking about how he has 11 species of dinosaurs on the way for the auction.
Gunner: your going to weaponize the dinosaurs?
Elis: we've been using animals in combat for centuries. Horses, Elephants. the Soviets used disease bearing rats against the Germans at Stalingrad.
Gunner: yes, yes.
Elis: *activates a console* our geneticists have created a direct descendant of Henry Wu's masterpiece, *shows holographic image of the Indominous Rex* the animal that took down Jurassic World.
Gunner: Indominus rex.
Elis: her DNA, retrieved from the island *motions the bone sample* way before it's destruction, forms the architecture of a completely new creature. Every bone and muscle designed for hunting and killing. and thanks to Owen Grady's research, it follows human command. we call it...*shows the image of the new creature* the Indoraptor.
-back on the boat-
while Y/n and Zia were trying to help Blue who is struggling and rapidly huffing Owen, Claire and Franklin who managed to sneak on to the boat before it left the island slowly try to find Y/n and Zia. while the said two that are with Blue the boat shakes making Blue squawk loudly making Y/n try to calm her down while Zia puts pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding.
Y/n: shh, it's okay girl. just a little longer.
Owen then opened the car that the two were in making both Y/n and Zia glad to see friendly faces again.
Y/n: *quiet shout* Owen! thank god you are alive. what about Claire and Franklin?
Zia: oh, my god! you guys are alive! you-
Owen puts his fingers in front of his lips telling Zia to keep quiet while Claire gets in along with Owen and Franklin to see the state that Blue is in.
Owen: oh look what they've done to her.
Zia: who are these assholes?
Y/n: yeah I thought we were rescuing the dinosaurs.
Owen: animal traffickers. look how they're treating them. they're not gonna take'em to sanctuary, they're gonna sell them.
Zia: not Blue. they need her for something else.
Y/n: yeah and I don't think it's a good thing.
Claire: like what?
Zia: we don't know, but she's...
blue: *squawking*
Zia: she's hemorrhaging and I don't have instruments and they want us to keep her alive.
Blue: *panting*
Owen: hey shh...
Y/n: easy girl stay calm.
Blue starts to clam down thanks to both Owen and Y/n by rubbing their hands on her Zia motions Claire to where she was and puts Claire's hands on the wound making Blue squawk in pain, but quiet downs thanks to Owen and Y/n.
Zia: watch out. I can't take the bullet out without a transfusion from another animal. which one of you knows how to find a vein?
Claire: oh. I did a blood drive for the Red Cross.
Zia: great. okay Franklin, take over for Claire.
Franklin: no, no, no, no, no, no...
Zia: Franklin. Now.
Franklin reluctantly moves towards Claire's stop as the said woman moved her hands out of the way and Franklin making Blue let out another painful sound, but some of Blue's blood got onto Franklin's face.
Franklin: oh, my god. o, my god. is it in my mouth? did it get in my mouth?
Owen/Y/n: mm-mm/ Nope
Franklin: you sure?
Owen\Y/n: you're good/ your fine.
Zia: all of the animals should be sedated. look for any kind of tetanuran. their blood type should be close enough. look for a carnivores with two or three fingers. no more than three.
Y/n: yeah I think I know one, but you guys aren't going to like it.
Zia: I got to agree with Y/n.
both Owen and Claire got the idea thinking of the T-rex the two leave to get the blood while Y/n stays with Franklin and Zia to keep Blue calm.
-small timeskip brought to you by Owen and Claire trying to get the T-rex blood-
once Owen and Claire got back with the blood and began the transfusion as Zia begins on trying to get the bullet out. Y/n and Owen looks at Blue as she let out a tear then Zia was successful on getting the bullet out making everyone relieved. all the while at the Lockwood Estate a little girl was watching a Video of Owen and the Raptors finding it intriguing and small a small part of a younger Blue rubbing her head on Y/n.
Man: you sure she'll live?
Elis: if it dies we have the blood samples.
man: no. no, no. that's not good enough.
the girl hides behind a board to see Elis Mills and another man coming into the lab discussing about Blue.
man: the raptor is a behavioral specimen. we need her in good health.
Elis: I didn't shoot the damn thing. what do you want me to do, huh?
man: you don't have the faintest comprehension of what I'm doing here.
the man walks up to Elis to reveal to be Henry Wu the man who worked at Jurassic Park then later Jurassic world now working with Elis Mils.
Henry: do you understand the complexity of creating an entirely new life-form?
Elis: uh, no, but I understand the complexity of paying for it okay?!
Henry: all of your money will have been wasted if I don't get Blue here in good health. also the man name Y/n L/n.
Elis: why him?
Henry: if you had watched the video then you can see the way Blue interacts with him. if he can do the same thing with your new creation then you have a better chance in controlling them. to get the next iteration under control, it needs to form a familial bond with a closely-related genetic link.
Elis: English Henry.
Henry: it needs a mother!
the two men walk around while the little girl tries her best not to be seen by them as she also let out a light gasp from hearing Henry say that.
Henry: Blue's DNA will be part of the next Indoraptor's makeup. unlike the two you already have. so it will be genetically coded to recognize her authority and assume her traits. Empathy, obedience everything the two prototypes you have now is missing.
Elis: okay so how long is this going to take?
Henry: *scoffs* it's not a sprint, Mr. Mills it's a marathon.
Elis: a marathon sounds expensive.
the two men walk towards the stairs where the little girl is hiding making her go down the stairs as to not be seen by them and proceeds to walk backwards into a hallway with a two cages at the end.
Elis: besides, time is running out and so is my patience, Henry.
Henry: you have to understand, this is all uncharted territory. a wolf, genetically, is barely distinguishable from a bulldog, but within that gray art.
Elis: *groans* spare me the poetry Henry. can you do it?
as the girl slowly walks back towards one of the cages that is obscured by darkness a claw is slowly reaching out towards the little girl. while the girl steps over the red line that she did not see the claw was reaching to harm the girl, but before it could the second cage roars at the one the girl is in front of making her turn to that one to see it looking at the cage as she then turns to face the cage behind her. to see at looks like a raptor roar right at her scaring the girl making her run out of the hallway running into Elis.
Elis: hey! hey! Maisie!
he then turns to the hall way hearing the two creatures growl at one another then brings his focus back to the girl known as Maisie.
Maisie: what is that? what is it?
Elis then takes her out of the lab and outs her in her room and locks the door and tells a woman to keep Maisie in there and keep it locked. she tells him that Benjamin Lockwood wishes to see him.
Y/n's pov
after what seem liked hours everyone was a sleep I woke up to see Owen who was just waking up same as me to hear the ship's horn ringing out. but I do see that Claire is sleeping on his shoulder.
Y/n: you hear that?
Owen: yeah....
Y/n: *smirks* you look comfortable.
Owen: huh?
he looks down to see Claire sleeping on him with her hand under the top part of his shirt feeling his chest. then looks back at me with a smirk.
Owen: I wouldn't talk if I were you.
I gave a confused look, but then start to feel my hands that are on something hard yet smooth skin. which I look down to see gray and blue colors then slowly to meet with Blue's eyes as she was giving me a playful look that was her was of saying "comfortable?". but then the sounds of Ken's men outside can be heard more which was enough to wake up Claire.
Claire: where here.
Franklin: *sits up* where?
Ken: *from outside* get in your truck and let's go.
Owen, Claire and Franklin got up quick to move out of the way as to not be seen by Ken who opens the small door to look inside.
Ken: you got a heartbeat?
Zia: yeah. do you?
Ken: I need blood samples.
Y/n: we're not here to help you reset the food chain, so...take your own damn samples.
Ken: oh before we arrive Y/n your going to be need.
Y/n: for what?
Ken: you'll know when we get there.
he then closes the door we then motion Owen, Claire and Franklin to move to the back of the truck so that they could sneak in, but we heard that Franklin was seen by another of Ken's men luckily Zia came to the rescue.
Zia: we need an extra pair of hands so that Y/n could keep Blue calm. he volunteered.
man: you deck crew?
Franklin: aye, aye.
man: we're loading out follow me.
Franklin: uh, does that mean we're leaving the ship right now?
man: that is what "loading out" means. now get moving. come on follow me.
we see Franklin follow the man which is going to be a problem when trying to stick together we then start to hear the truck start up. Zia wakes up Blue with a light pointed at her eye who shrieks at Zia, but I calmed her down as she leans into my touch.
Y/n: easy girl. she's only trying to help.
Zia: she really likes you.
Y/n: yeah especially when she took my sandwich.
Blue: *Squawking laugh like sounds*
Zia: that sounds funny *laughs lightly*
Y/n: *smiles* yeah, yeah very funny.
to be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think. also we're getting close to the two indoraptors stay tune for that also I made the female that the reader will meet soon a bit protective to Maisie when it comes to the male indoraptor please let me know what you guys think about that and I'll catch you guys later.
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