Chapter 1
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story now I've looked back at the the comment's in the last one so Blue and the female Indoraptor will team up against the male one so with that settled let the chapter begin.
3rd pov
as the next day sets in Y/n grabbed his things he's pack for the trip back to the Island. he left early to the meeting point where Claire told him to be at once he got there he waited for Claire and anyone else joining them. after awhile Claire's car with two other people coming out of the car and grabbing their stuff.
Y/n: hey Claire
Claire: hello Y/n I see your here early.
Y/n: well for something as serious as this I can't just take my sweet time.
woman: relax your more likely to die riding on a horse than on a plane.
man: no I'm not cause I won't get on a horse. my chances are zero.
woman: planes are the safest way to travel.
Claire: Y/n I like you to meet Franklin Webb and Zia Rodriguez they will be coming with us to the island
Franklin: nice to meet you man
Y/n: like wise Franklin
Zia: sup names Zia you used to work on the island?
Y/n: nice to meet you too and yes I worked with another guy with the Raptors when they were young.
Zia: nice.
as Zia and Franklin go on about the plane Claire get's in the plane as Y/n helps the other two with loading the bags on the plane. as Claire was in her seat someone from behind gets up softly groaning catching Claire by surprise and making her look back to see that it's Owen.
Claire: Owen!
Y/n: *enters the plane* alright we're almos- wait Owen?
Owen: didn't think you were gonna ever show up. nice to see you too Y/n.
Y/n: likewise I'm guessing your here to help and look for Blue?
Owen: yup that's right.
Y/n: nice let's just hope she doesn't try to sneak up on me like last time at the park.
Claire: wait what?
Owen: oh one time Y/n was having his lunch break he was facing away from the raptor cage about to eat his sandwich and Blue tapped on his shoulder making him look that way.
Y/n: then she take my sandwich right out of my hand my poor sandwich!
this gets some laughs from Owen and Claire once Franklin and Zia got their stuff in and seated in the plane they take off to the Island where the dinosaurs reside in.
timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n about to eat his sandwich but get's tricked by Cibi Blue taking his sandwich
after a lengthy plane ride the group looks out the windows to see the island along with the smoking volcano ready to erupt any minute. the plane then lands in a air field as Claire get's out of the plane a man in a hat calls her the man wore a hat and sun glasses with some other men behind him.
man: Ken Wheatley. welcome back.
Claire: quite the operation you've got going here
Ken: Mr. Lockwood takes his humanitarian efforts very seriously. where's the uh raptor wranglers?
as he said that Owen and Y/n got out of the plane and walked up to Wheatley to introduce themselves.
Owen: animal behaviorist. Owen Grady.
Y/n: and I'm more of a assistant than a wrangler. names Y/n L/n.
Ken: hey Owen, Y/n Ken Wheatley.
Owen: and you are... Great Whale Hunter?
Ken: *chuckles* I guess. I'm the expedition facilitator.
Franklin: Oh god! it's hot.
Y/n: *looks at the volcano* you think that's bad?
Owen: it's about to get a whole lot hotter.
Y/n's pov
right now we are all in an armored vehicle heading towards into the park while Franklin was putting on bug spray. not a good idea cause dinosaurs have strong natural smell then he asked the most stupidest question ever.
Franklin: so the T-rex would be dead by no right?
Zia: no, it's impossible to know the max lifespan of a clone in a completely different environment. take a caveman that would have lived 20 years, feed him prime meals, give him health care, he's gonna live...five times as long.
Franklin: sooo, she be dead by now. Right?
then we felt the armored cars start to move again heading towards where the road leads to the park. which I could guess the buildings would have the wild life taken some of the buildings.
-timeskip at the park-
once we get to the park we see the ruins of the park and remember the place used to be filled with people. then remembered the breakout of the Indominus rex and everything going to hell with almost every dinosaur running around every where.
Ken: bad memoires?
Owen: some were good.
Y/n: agreed.
then the car comes to a stop along with the sound of something booming in the distance which caught all of our attention.
Franklin: what was that?
we stayed quiet as another booming sound was heard along making our car shake a little while me, Claire and Owen know it's the sound of a large dinosaur. but we don't know which one it is yet.
Franklin: was it a T-rex?
as we wait in the armored car Zia then runs out of the car with Ken following her which me, Claire and Owen get out of the car too. but once we do we then see the sight of a brachiosaurus wondering around the ruins eating the trees nearby which is a beautiful sight to see. we then got back into the armored car heading towards a bunker that has the tracking system to find Blue. once we got there Franklin manage to power up and find Blue now me, Owen, Zia and Ken in an armored car heading towards Blue's current location.
Owen: we're not gonna get any closer to her in this thing. we should stop here.
Ken: hold up!
the car stops we then get out of the car to proceed on foot to Blue. Owen told Claire that me and him would go on ahead alone while having Claire as our eyes incase Blue runs. as me and Owen proceed on a head we look around our surroundings since we know that velociraptors tend to ambush their prey. we then look down at the ground to see raptor tracks Owen kneels down examining them to see if their fresh or not.
Owen: *in the walkie talkie* Wheatley I'm on a fresh sign. wait for our signal.
we then moved slowly following the tracks into a clearing with an old car flipped over on it's top. as we move slowly to the car then seeing the bushes near the car start to move Owen move closer as I keep my distance since Owen knows what to do. once he gets closer to the car a couple of small dinos jump out of the car making me chuckle a bit.
Y/n: those little guys will jump at you when you least expect it.
Owen: tell me about it.
we jump from the sudden sound of a raptor making us look to see Blue jumping on the flipped car. her attention was then on us as she then started hissing at us but Owen started to do his thing with Blue trying to calm her down.
Owen: hey girl. you miss us?
Blue: *squawks then hops off the car*
Owen: easy, hey!
Blue: *hisses while inching forward to Owen*
Owen: hey.
Blue: *stops in place and chitters*
Owen: I brought you something. *pulls out a piece of meat*
Blue: *hissing*
Owen: here you go. that's right.
he tosses the piece of meat to Blue expecting to catch it and eat it. but she doesn't do that then give a low growl sound.
Y/n: well that didn't go as planned.
Blue: *looks over Y/n then tilts her head*
Owen: okay.
Blue: * screeches then starts to circle Owen*
Owen: hey.
Blue: *huffs and hisses keeping her attention to Owen*
Owen: you know me. *presses the clicker* eyes on me.
Blue: *sniffs then huffs slowly moving towards Owen*
as I see both Owen and Blue inch to one another as Blue was beginning to recognize Owen. but the moment was ruin when a dart was shot making her flail around as her tail tripped Owen. I went in front of her putting my hands up trying to calm her down from the sudden shot.
Y/n: whoa, whoa! easy girl it's okay easy. it's me.
Blue: *slowly starts to calm down and hisses at Y/n*
Y/n: *calm tone* easy girl easy I'm not going to harm you. remember me? remember you ate my sandwich?
Blue: * squawks then starts to sniff Y/n's hand*
Owen: *looks at the armed men* I told you to wait our signal!
I look around us to see the armed men along with Ken and Zia coming out as the armed men point their guns at Blue as she hisses at them. as I then try to keep her calm as Owen tries to have Ken's men back.
Owen: *quietly* back your men right up now.
as me and Owen were trying to keep Blue calm I look over to see one of Ken's men aiming at Blue. I was going to tell him to lower his weapon but Blue jumps on the man biting his face off then Ken shoot another tranq dart at Blue hitting her. I then see the man pulling out his pistol aiming it at Blue Ken told him not to shoot I rushed to take the gun away from him. but he fired making Blue screeched out in pain and fall to the ground I go to Blue's side to check on her.
Owen: Wheatley, you son of a bitch!
I look up to see Ken shot Owen with another tranq dart in his chest and fall to the ground Zia goes to check on him I pulled out my pistol and aimed it at Ken. in which his men aimed at me which gets a growl sound from Blue.
Y/n: Ken what the hell is going on here!
Zia: *picks up Owen's gun* you shoot either of us you...and that animal dies.
Ken: I think we have the drop on you sweetheart.
Zia: she's losing blood and if I don't treat her....she'll never make it back to camp.
Ken: *motion his men to lower their weapons along with him* how about this? that animal dies I shoot you both. you two are gonna take care of her *looks at Y/n* especially you son. let's move out!
as Ken and his men then to load up Blue in the truck me and Zia do what we can to keep Blue alive. at first Blue was hostile to Zia even in her weak condition but relaxed a bit when I was near her. as we head towards the ship the Island then began to break apart with lava slowly spewing out everywhere as this was happening I was worried about for Owen's, Claire's and Franklin's safety.
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of this story now I know what should I do when Y/n is trying to keep Blue alive with Zia and what should Blue do when seeing the reader again after the outbreak of the indominus rex in her weaken state p;ease let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys later
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