Final Chapter

[Third Person-POV]

Porunga:Your wish has been granted

Piccolo:All humans on Earth have already been resurrected?

Supreme Kai:Y-Yes! if everything goes according to (Y/N)'s plan then Goku can create a great Spirit Bomb that will destroy Kid Buu

Elder Kai:Easier said than done

Trunks:What do you mean,Old Man?

Goten:Yeah! my dad could defeat that Kid Buu!

Elder Kai:Goku can create a Spirit Bomb,yes,but for that to happen,mortals must accept giving energy to Goku

Piccolo:I don't think humans are so dumb that they don't give their energy to Goku but for now the others should be fighting Kid Buu

Trunks:Yeah my father and uncle should be beating up that kid Buu!

[Meanwhile with others]


(Y/N) screamed in pain when Kid Buu punched him in the stomach and then threw him to the ground,(Y/N) quickly fell to his feet and charged against Kid Buu trying to punch him in the face but he used his antenna to grab the wrist of (Y/N)

Kid Buu:Hehe! Uagh!! 

Vegeta appeared next to Kid Buu giving him a double axe handle in the face causing him to release (Y/N)'s wrist, Kid Buu quickly started shooting a bunch of pink ki balls at them

Gohani:Leave them alone!! MASENKO!!!

Gohani appeared behind Kid Buu shooting a Masenko that directly hit him generating an explosion,Gohani could see how now there were only small pieces of Kid Buu

Gohani:Apparently I...W-WHAT ?!

Vegeta:Oh for fuck sake! Didn't you have another idea to make this worse?!


(Y/N):...Hey! Vegeta! the fight is against Kid Buu,not against my girlfriend,focus on him!

Vegeta:...Tsk! whatever

All the Kid Buu rushed to fight (Y/N)/Gohani and Vegeta,Goku was watching everything from afar while he kept gathering energy

Goku:C-Come on,why is no one helping us? I just need a little more energy!

Goku could see how everyone was being beaten by the various Kid Buu that were in the place but a large group of them was only hitting (Y/N)

All the Kid Buu ended up throwing Gohani against a mountain and Vegeta on the ground,all the Kid Buu rejoined creating a single Kid Buu who charged against (Y/N) again kicking him in the stomach that made him spit blood from my mouth

(Y/N):UAGHH!! just have resentment that my fusion beat you up


Kid Buu was about to hurt (Y/N) until a burst of ki hit him throwing him against a mountain, (Y/N) turned to see that Majin Buu had saved him


Majin Buu:Nobody...MESSES WITH BUU'S FRIENDS!!! 

Majin Buu yelled throwing a bunch of ki balls at Kid Buu

Kid Buu:GRRRR!!! AHAAAA!!! 

Kid Buu created a ki explosion around him destroying all the ki balls of Majin Buu,Kid Buu and Majin Buu charged at the same time and both started to fight,(Y/N) gripped his stomach trying to hold back the pain until he realized that the Spirit Bomb that Goku was creating was too small

(Y/N):W-What the heck? why is that Spirit Bomb so small?! It won't be enough to defeat Kid Buu!

King Kai:No one on Earth is giving energy to Goku

(Y/N):E-eh? are you that blue cockroach?

King Kai:My name is King Kai!

(Y/N):Do you really think I care about your stupid name now? worthless shit! Tell me what you mean that nobody on Earth is giving energy to Kakarot?!

King Kai:Is what I said,no one is willing to help Goku

(Y/N):Those damn cretins,do they want to die again?!

King Kai:You have to convince the humans to give their energy to Goku

(Y/N):...I'm not going to do that,if those morons don't want to help then it's their problem,the only thing that matters to me now is protecting my family and friends

(Y/N) said watching as Kid Buu was beating Majin Buu,(Y/N) became Super Saiyan 3 and charged against Kid Buu with a powerful punch to his stomach causing Kid Buu to spit out a large amount of saliva from his mouth

Kid Buu:Grrr!! HIAA!!


(Y/N) cried out in pain when Kid Buu bit him on the arm



(Y/N):Do you like some of your own medicine?! Tsk! desperate moments,desperate measures

(Y/N) grabbed Kid Buu from his antenna and threw him against a rock but Kid Buu fell on his feet on the stone and then threw a ball of energy at (Y/N),Vegeta quickly appeared in front of him


Vegeta's attack was powerful enough to knock Kid Buu's energy ball back,(Y/N) became Super Saiyan due to the great wear of energy he was suffering

Gohani:Damn it! everyone is without power,at this point we will be strong enough to fight Kid Buu

King Kai:Gohani! are you there?!

Gohani:Eh? king Kai?!

King Kai:Yes,it's me,I need you to tell your family,friends and humans to give energy to Goku, the idiot of (Y/N) did not listen to me at all

Gohani:HEY! don't call my (Y/N) an idiot!

King Kai:E-Eh!...S-Sorry...b-but you need to do it now!! I will make everyone on Earth listen to you right now

Gohani:Okay...okay....people of Earth,please,I need you to give us your energy,raise your hands to the air!

Goku:N-None of your energy will go to waste,please,if you don't then Earth will be in danger again!

[Meanwhile on Kami's Lookout]

Gohani:Please do it,two warriors are fighting Majin Buu,its power is much greater than that of Cell or Bojack

Chi-Chi:That's Gohani's voice! did you hear that?

Gohani:The two people who are fighting is someone very special to me and next to him is his older brother,they are both trying to save Earth but it is not enough



Goku:Please,nothing will happen to you,you will only get a little tired,it's like you would have done a long walk,please help us! raise your hands and give us your energy!

Chi-Chi:That's the voice of my Goku! quick,do what he said and raise your hands!

Everyone who was present at the Lookout raised their hands in the sky

[On an island in the middle of the sea]

Android 17:Wow,it's been a long time since I've heard those voices

???:I would have preferred not to listen to Son Goku again

Android 17:Come on,16,forget about killing Goku,is not the only thing you have to do in life and also he died once,is that not enough for you?

Android 16:Hmmm...I guess so

Android 17:Then give your energy to him after all (Y/N) is there and since we owe him a favor for helping us against the hunters,this is our way of paying it

Android 16:...I will only do this for him and for Gohani and also for the birds of the Earth

Android 17:Whatever you say,friend

[Meanwhile on Namek]

Goten:That is the voice of Gohani and my father!

Trunks:And my father and uncle are fighting Kid Buu,come on,Goten,we must help them by giving our energies


Goten and Trunks raised their hands to the sky just like all the Namekians

Piccolo:Hmph! I have to stop questioning (Y/N)'s ideas,most of them have taken us out of a lot of trouble

Piccolo raised his hand giving his energy to Goku's Spirit Bomb

[Meanwhile with others]

Gohani:D-Dad! is working! the Spirit Bomb is getting bigger!

Goku:Yeah but it's not enough to kill Kid Buu...w-what's wrong? no more energy is coming

King Kai:The people...the people of Earth are refusing to give their energy!

Goku:Come on,give me your energy,don't you care about the Earth?...You are all morons!

At that time,Hercule was able to hear all the bullshit that humans were saying

(Y/N):What happens to that Spirit Bomb? Why is nobody giving more energy?! UAgh!!

(Y/N) cried out in pain when Kid Buu punched him in the face and then grabbed his ankle and threw him against some stones,at that moment Hercule had enough

Hercule:GRRRRR!! It's enough! all of you! why the hell you guys don't cooperate?! help Hercule, your champion,giving your energy so that I can defeat Majin Buu!!


Everyone in the place could hear the humans screaming on behalf of Hercule and seeing how a large amount of energy was directed to the Spirit Bomb increasing in size

Gohani:He did it,people are giving their energy!!

Goku:Perfect, I just need a little more to create a Spirit Bomb powerful enough to eliminate Kid Buu

(Y/N) came out of the rocks but he fell back to the ground,he could see all the energy that Goku was receiving

(Y/N):O-Oh great! again Hercule is taking the merit of this doesn't matter anymore,I would hate for a bunch of stupid humans to shout my name...ugh!

(Y/N) closed his eyes watching all the energy go to the Spirit Bomb

(Y/N):...I can't...I can't stop fighting...Vegeta is fighting alone against that thing...I only need a few seconds...

At that moment,in which Kid Buu was about to launch an energy ball at Vegeta who was lying on the ground,he realized the Spirit Bomb that Goku was creating

Kid Buu:Eeehh? Hoooh! ho ho ho! haaaa!

Kid Buu began to create a large ball of energy which he launched towards Goku


Gohani got in the middle receiving the full impact of the energy ball,she fell to the ground very hurt


Kid Buu:Hoooooh! Uho uho ho ho ho! haaaa!!

Kid Buu re-created another ball of energy

Gohani:D-Dad,d-don't waste any more time,l-launch the S-Spirit B-Bomb!

Goku:B-But...I can not...

What prevented Goku from launching the Spirit Bomb at Kid Buu was that Vegeta was lying on the ground next to him

Goku:I-I can't waste any more time...sorry Vege...

Goku was surprised to see how (Y/N) kicked Vegeta out of the way and grabbed Kid Buu from behind, leaving him completely immobile

(Y/N):What are you waiting for,Kakarot?! THROW IT NOW!!!

Goku:(Y-Y/N)...if I do then you too will die too!

(Y/N):...That doesn't interest me...I prefer that all of you survive and that I die...I do not do this to become the hero...I do this for all of you...DO IT NOW! KAKAROT!! THROW IT!! DAMN IT!!!

Goku:(Y/N)...I always knew...that were a good person...I always knew that I should never listen to the bad things that others talk about you and Vegeta...(Y/N)...You Really Are A Hero!...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Goku launched the Spirit Bomb towards Kid Buu and (Y/N)

(Y/N):...If I don't survive this...I just want you to hear something Buu...

Kid Buu turned to see (Y/N)

Kid Buu:GRRRR!!!!

(Y/N):I hope that you someone have great potential and such a potential should not be wasted...fighting against you was something quite gratifying,I have not done that in seven long years...hehehe...I am sure that Kakarot will be waiting for you...bye

(Y/N) and Kid Buu saw how the Spirit Bomb was getting closer to the two of them,Kid Buu tried every possible way to escape but it was useless,he and (Y/N) were swallowed by the Spirit Bomb


The screams were silenced once a gigantic explosion was created in the place,everyone saw how the Spirit Bomb flew to space,little by little the Spirit Bomb disappeared


Goku descended landing on the ground,Gohani stood next to him and began to hug him,she started crying in her father's chest


Goku started stroking Gohani's hair to try to comfort her

Goku:I'm sorry...I'm so sorry,Gohani,I never wanted this to end like this...but (Y/N) sacrificed himself...for all of us

Gohani:I know...and for things like's because I love him...*Sob*

Not far from there,Vegeta was on a mountain watching the great crater that the Spirit Bomb had left,several tears began to fall down his cheeks

Vegeta:Damn stupid...why did you have to sacrifice yourself?...what kind of older brother am I who can't even save his own younger brother!!...

Vegeta scream clenching his fists tightly,under the mountain was Hercule next to Majin Buu who was unconscious on the ground,Hercule was drying the tears that fell down his cheeks

Hercule:T-The champion could not save the most important people for his daughter...damn it,what will I say to Videl now?!

Vegeta came down from the mountain and approached Goku and Gohani


Vegeta:Shut up...can Dragon Balls resurrect (Y/N)?

Goku:Y-Yes...but remember that we had already used it to revive the people who had died during the tournament...we will have to wait a year to revive (Y/N)...


Goku:I really am so sorry,Vegeta

Vegeta:I already told you to shut up,Kakarot...this was not your fault...(Y/N) sacrificed himself for all of us...

Everyone was silent...


*Cough*  *Cough*


Goku:N-NO WAY!!


Everyone was surprised to see how (Y/N) came out of the crater that the Spirit Bomb had left

(Y/N):*Cough* I'm back *Cough* bitches! 


Gohani ran towards (Y/N),pulling him out of the crater and then starting to hug him tightly

(Y/N):I-It is the second time that I survive death

Goku:(Y/N)! b-b-b-b-but how?! I-I...

(Y/N):Is it that you don't remember your own techniques? the Spirit Bomb only hurts people with evil hearts

Goku:...hehehe...I don't know how happy I am that you are alive

Goku approached (Y/N) giving him a hug,he quickly got Goku off him

(Y/N):Don't overdo it either,Kakarot!

Vegeta:You're a fucking moron!! why do you always try to make me look like the worst brother in the world?! I thought that you really had died this time!...I thought that I couldn't have saved you...

(Y/N):Who said you are the worst brother in the world? you saved my life the time we were in Namek,you taught me many things,Vegeta,you raised me since I was a child,since I was little I wanted to be as strong as you,for me,you are the best brother that will exist in the entire universe

Vegeta:...T-Tsk! whatever!

Vegeta said turning his head looking away,he was trying to hide the smile he had on his face

(Y/N):Heheh....Hmm?...Majin Buu!

Vegeta:Huh? W-WHAT?!

(Y/N) saw Hercule along with Majin Buu 

Hercule:(Y/N)?....(Y/N)!!! are you alive! I didn't know what I was going to say to Videl when I thought you were dead but how good you are alive,please help me bring Buu back to Earth

Vegeta:What the hell are you talking about? that thing deserves to die now!

Vegeta said while pointing his hand at Majin Buu but before he could do anything,(Y/N) stood in the middle

(Y/N):Don't you dare hurt him,Vegeta

Vegeta:W-What?! did you lose your mind?! this thing almost killed us all

(Y/N):No,Super Buu and Kid Buu almost killed us all,they are both responsible for what happened,Majin Buu never knew that would happen and also,if it wasn't for him then I would have died this time,he saved me from Kid Buu...I could tell that you were the best brother in the universe...but that doesn't mean that I am not against you in some things Vegeta

Vegeta:...Okay,keep that thing but whatever happens to that thing is your responsibility


Hercule:Thank you very much,(Y/N),you do not know how much I appreciate it,since I learned from you I knew that you were a good boyfriend for my daughter

(Y/N):Yeah...and by the way,Kakarot...maybe in a few years you will have a new pupil which you are going to train

Goku:A new pupil?...I think I know what you mean

(Y/N):Great now back to Earth,I have done many things for all of you in no time and I am tired...and I think my nerves are already starting to detect pain all over my body

Goku:Sure thing! everyone hold on to me,we will return to Earth at this moment!

Goku put his fingers on his forehead,(Y/N) put his hand on Goku's right shoulder while Vegeta put his hand on his left shoulder,Hercule grabbed Goku's hand while he had a hold on Majin Buu,Gohani hugged tightly to (Y/N)

(Y/N):Hmm I think you're being very loving,it's not the first time that I almost died

Gohani:I know but I'm not being loving just because you almost died again

(Y/N):Huh? then why?

Gohani:I think you deserve a reward for saving us all from Kid Buu,I think I'm ready for you and I think Videl is too

(Y/N):...What the hell are you...


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