
[Third Person-POV-Battle Of The Gods]

Right now some years had passed since what happened with Buu,not much had happened during that short time until now,today is the day where Bulma is celebrating her birthday on a cruise ship where she had invited all her friends and family,they were all there except for Goku

Gohani:Hmmm where will my father be?

(Y/N):Possibly he's training with that weird blue friend he has,at some point he'll remember Bulma's birthday and come here

Gohani:I suppose you are right,I am surprised that you have come and also Vegeta

(Y/N):You already know that Bulma wasn't going to stop yelling at us if we didn't come to her party,I wanted to get rid of severe damage to my ears

Videl:Hey guys, I'm back with the food

(Y/N) and Gohani saw Videl bringing two large planes full of food for both of them,she had changed her hair style again

(Y/N):Thanks babe but I could have brought the food

Videl:Oh don't worry about that...so...you know that?

(Y/N):Huh? what thing?

Videl:Huh?...well about...

(Y/N):Wait, I'm sorry for interrupting you but Buu is taking all the Pudding,now I'm back...

(Y/N) got up from the table and went to where Buu was

(Y/N):Hey Buu,give me some pudding

Majin Buu:Sure! 

Buu handed (Y/N) some pudding

Hercule:Can I have some pudding too?

Majin Buu:No! Pudding is for Buu!

Hercule:W-What? but you gave (Y/N) a pudding

Majin Buu:That's because (Y/N) is Buu's best friend

Hercule:But I am also your best friend,am I not?

Majin Buu:You are Buu's second best friend

Videl looked at everything from her seat and let out a small sigh and then looked at Gohani,Videl sat next to her and put her hand on Gohani's shoulder

Videl:You didn't tell him...did you?


Videl:Gohani,you have to tell (Y/N) what is going on, he is our husband,he will know sooner or later

Gohani:I am very nervous...I don't know how he is going to react...I don't know if he is going to...

Before Gohani could finish what he was about to say,Bulma appeared with two people by her side

Bulma:Hey guys! I want to introduce you to two new people who have just joined my party,Beerus and Whis

Beerus:Hello everyone a pleasure to meet you

Bulma:They are both friends of Vegeta, please treat them kindly

(Y/N):Friends of Vegeta?

(Y/N) said looking surprised at Beerus and Whis

(Y/N):Vegeta had never told me about Beerus or Whis...but for some reason...the two of them don't give me great confidence

(Y/N) kept the pudding that Buu had given him in his armor and kept his gaze on Beerus

(Y/N):Why the hell do I have the feeling that he has something to do with me?



After several minutes since Beerus had arrived at Bulma's party,everything had turned into chaos,Beerus began to release his fury once Majin Buu did not let him taste a bit of the pudding that he had,because Beerus had not tasted something like that in thousands of years and also due to Buu's insolence,this made Beerus angry and began to cause great chaos but he crossed the line once he slapped Bulma because she had slapped him before

Right now Vegeta charged against Beerus fighting with a power that managed to overcome the power of goku in Super Saiyan 3 that fought against Kid Buu and Super Buu

Vegeta:How dare you touch my wife? I'LL KILL YOU!!! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

As Vegeta fought Beerus,(Y/N) watched everything from the cruise doing nothing

Piccolo:What are you waiting for,(Y/N)?! Aren't you going to help Vegeta?!

(Y/N):And what else do you want me to do? I don't have enough power to face the god of destruction,I don't even have the power to scratch him....hmmm...

Piccolo:...S-So are you going to let the earth be destroyed? will you let Gohani and Videl die just because you know you're going to lose?! don't you have any ideas?! you've got brilliant ideas all this time and now you...

(Y/N):Shut the fuck up! what do you think I'm trying to do now?! this guy...is looking for the Super Saiyan...God...you already know what to do,go to that planet and ask the dragon about the Super Saiyan God,I will try to make some time for you...

Just at that moment,(Y/N) saw Vegeta fall back to the cruiser returning to his base form, everyone saw Beerus rise into the air

Beerus:I never thought that a planet full of such delicious food as this would have very insolent mortals,it pains me to have to destroy this planet but I never forgive someone who is insolent towards me,Whis! it's time to go....Whis?

Whis:Wait a moment,Lord Beerus,I am choosing what kind of food I will take back to the planet

Beerus:Tsk! Hurry up,I want to destroy this planet right now

Gohani:I won't let you destroy my world!!

Beerus watched as Gohani charged against him but he caught Gohani's fist with his hand

Beerus:Hmmmm...you have a certain resemblance to that Saiyan with whom I fought

Gohani:M-My father? Son Goku?

Beerus:Yeah I think that was his name...so he was your father,apparently insolence is something that Saiyans inherit!

Beerus punched Gohani hard in the stomach,throwing her back to the cruiser,before she could hit the ground,(Y/N) caught her in his arms

(Y/N):You didn't have to do that Gohani,your....

Whis:Huh...Lord Beerus! what you did was horrible,didn't you realize that there were two lives?

(Y/N):T-Two lives?

Before (Y/N) could say anything,he saw Gohani clutch her stomach tight and start crying,at that moment,(Y/N) understood what was happening


(Y/N) instantly became Super Saiyan 3 but his energy was extremely more aggressive than before,everyone fell back due to the strong expansive wave that (Y/N) had originated around him

(Y/N):I'll give you a beating that you will never forget!!! DAMN GOD OF DESTRUCTION !!!!!

(Y/N) charged at full speed against Beerus by punching him hard in the stomach,Beerus spat saliva from his mouth but he quickly countered by punching (Y/N) hard in the face,he didn't even move from his place,(Y/N) was right now in blind fury

(Y/N) grabbed Beerus's arm and threw him into the sky with all his might,(Y/N) flew up to him to knee his stomach and elbow his neck,throwing him into the sea,but before Beerus could fall into the water,he stopped inches from the sea

Beerus:Those were very powerful attacks ... apparently you can be the Super Saiyan God

(Y/N):I think you are misinterpreting this,this is not power,this is the fury of a Super Saiyan!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

(Y/N) released so much energy that all the clouds around him vanished

Piccolo:I can't believe it,(Y/N) has completely surpassed the previous power that he had of the Super Saiyan 3

Vegeta:B-But that won't be e-enough...Beerus is just playing w-with him...


(Y/N) tried to give Beerus a double axe handle but he blocked (Y/N)'s attack and then kicked him in the stomach,throwing him into the sky

(Y/N):GRRRRR!!!! let's see if you survive this!!! FINAAAAAAAAAAL!!

Yamcha:The power that (Y/N) is releasing is abysmal!...That is enough to completely destroy the Earth!

Piccolo:He...he is not so dumb to launch an attack of that great power


Everyone watched as (Y/N) fired at Beerus the Final Flash but he put his fingers in front of the Final Flash and he created a Cataclysm Orb that eliminated (Y/N)'s attack

He was paralyzed to see how his most powerful attack had been eliminated as if it were nothing,Beerus disappeared and appeared in front of (Y/N) to punch him hard in the guts causing him to return to his base form and spit blood from his mouth

Beerus:That was a good fight...but very boring at the same time

Beerus ended up kicking (Y/N) by throwing him back to the cruise but he stopped when he felt like someone had caught him in his arms

(Y/N):Y-You took your time,k-Kakarot

Goku:Sorry,I had to pay a quick visit to Namek,thanks for contacting King Kai to tell me your plan,Porunga gave me a lot of information about the Super Saiyan God

Beerus:You are that Saiyan again,what do you want?

Goku:I think I already know...how to get the Super Saiyan God

Beerus:Oh! So will you bring the Super Saiyan God here?

Goku:No,I will use the Super Saiyan God transformation

And as Goku had said,he did the ritual making him get the transformation of the Super Saiyan God to fight Beerus,it was a spectacular battle that even made the universe tremble but at the end of everything,Beerus was still more stronger than Goku

Beerus:That was a great battle, I haven't fought that way in a long time,I guess I'll leave this planet alone...for a while,I had a desire to taste that pudding but I guess that won't happen again

(Y/N):Pudding?...You mean this?

Beerus watched (Y/N) take out the pudding Majin Buu had given him earlier

Beerus:YEAH THAT'S!!!...I mean that's what I wanted to taste

(Y/N):So take it,I have already lost my appetite

(Y/N) threw the pudding at Beerus,he caught it

Beerus:Hmmm...Thank you very much...I can see that you are also the son of King Vegeta but I have never seen you before

(Y/N):Yeah,I was born after the destruction of my planet,that is the reason why we have never seen each other before

Beerus:I see...Whis,it's time to go

Whis:Okay my Lord...oh and by the way,you are Gohani,right?

Gohani:Huh? Y-Yeah

Whis:...You do not have to worry,your baby is completely fine...it even surprises me,it did not suffer any damage from the attack of Lord Beerus...apparently you are going to have a very powerful baby!


Whis:Yes,well it's time to go Lord Beerus

Whis and Beerus left Earth leaving everyone surprised with the news

Goku:W-Wait,that means I will be...

(Y/N):Get out of the way!

(Y/N) scream pushing Goku against a wall

(Y/N):Are you saying...that I'm going to...

Gohani:Y-Yes...you are going to be a father,(Y/N)


(Y/N) took Gohani in his arms and started hugging her

(Y/N):You don't know how happy I feel...

(Y/N) stopped when she saw how everyone was looking at them,she quickly put Gohani on the ground

(Y/N):I mean...I am very happy that we will have a very strong Saiyan in our family

Gohani:Hehe I didn't know how you were going to react but now that I see it, I can see that you are going to be a great father

(Y/N):*Sigh* I promise I will be the best father there is

[Fukkatsu No F]

Gohani:MR PICCOLO!!!

Gohani could see how Piccolo,had stood in front of her to receive the full impact of a Death Beam,he fell to the ground very hurt

Frieza:Apparently old habits never change,don't they?

Right now it was the moment that planet Earth was being threatened by no one but the emperor of the universe,Frieza,he had revived to take revenge on a specific person

Gohani got up from the ground to see Piccolo

Gohani:Mr Piccolo...

Piccolo:...N-Ngh!..Gohani...we can't do this alone...u-unleash your p-power...i-increase it as much as you can so that they c-come here

Gohani:Y-Yes...I will,Mr Piccolo,please don't die...

Piccolo:Don't worry, this isn't going to kill me...it just hurts like hell...do it now before Frieza thinks about murdering us all

Frieza:That doesn't sound like a bad idea to me


Gohani became Super Saiyan and began to release all the energy that she had

Frieza:Oh my Apparently I have not made you suffer too much,if you still release such an amount of power then you will end up killing yourself...I would like to see that 

Frieza said looking at Gohani with a sadistic look until in front of her Goku appeared along with Vegeta and (Y/N)

Gohani:F-Finally,you arrive...

Gohani was about to fall passed out to the ground until Goku caught her

Goku:Sorry for the delay,Gohani,the training with Whis was longer than expected

Frieza:But finally you guys are here,especially you...(Y/N)

Frieza said with a lot of disgust in his voice,(Y/N) saw how Gohani had many wounds all over her body because of Frieza,he turned to see Frieza with an emotionless look but anyone who was there knew that he had a great anger inside him

(Y/N):I would have loved that you had continued to suffer in hell

Frieza:And you don't know how I suffered because of you!! you don't know how I will enjoy destroying you with my own hands with my new evolution!!

(Y/N):Yeah...I can see that you have become much stronger than before

Frieza:A long training on a planet that made me push myself to the limit is all I need to achieve this great power

(Y/N):Well,then that means that I won't have to hold back to fight you,I have also become stronger and since you dared to hurt my wife,you better prepare to be disintegrated a second time

Frieza:Oh! now I see,I never thought that you would ever find someone who could bear your stupid attitude but well,the universe is full of crazy people,it's time to start with my revenge and this time,I will use all my power from the beginning! prepare to be destroyed,(Y/N)!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone in the place covered their eyes to see how Frieza was surrounded by a golden glow, the intensity that the glow released was such that it destroyed the place where Frieza was standing,the golden glow disappeared showing Frieza in his new evolution

Frieza:Hahahaha!! so,what do you think about my new evolution,(Y/N)? this Golden is much better than your stupid Super Saiyan's golden

(Y/N):Yeah...I have to admit that the Golden fit on you...but just so you know,it is much better... the color...Blue!...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A large blue aure surrounded (Y/N) as a strong blast wave was released,Frieza could see (Y/N) walking towards him in his new transformation

(Y/N):This is the Super Saiyan Blue,the strongest transformation I can get so far

Frieza:Impressive, very impressive,(Y/N),I did not expect less from you,I will be honest with you, from all your family,possibly you would have been the best soldier I have ever had,it is a pity that I have to destroy you right now,I can't stand people who dare betray me!

(Y/N):Hmph! get ready,Frieza,possibly this fight is at the same level that we had in Namek

Frieza:I hope so,I will try not to destroy you so fast...but I promise nothing

Vegeta saw everything from afar with a smile on his face,he saw how the fight started between (Y/N) and Frieza

Vegita:...Hehe...He is the True Pride of the Saiyan Race

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