Chapter 8

[Third Person-POV]

Right now,about seven years have passed since Cell and Bojack were defeated,after all that everything returned to peace,Trunks returns to his timeline to defeat the androids and protect his future,Gohani's younger brother,Goten was born and talking about Gohani,she was finally able to go to the school she wanted to go since she was a child,she had already finished her first year at Orange Star High School and now she was finishing her second year and despite taking her studies seriously she also faced the villains...well,rather criminals on Earth but she did it under the name of the "Great Saiyawoman" so that no one knew about her true identity

In addition to that she tried to convince (Y/N) to be the "Great Saiyaman" but clearly denied the idea flatly even though he was Gohani's boyfriend and he loved her very much he still held his Saiyan pride in high regard

But now it's time to talk about what is happening now...


Gohani could see the cloud that her father had given her when she was still a child,she got on Nimbus and flew in the direction of Satan City,rather to Orange Star High School

She arrived at her school in a few minutes,she landed in a place so no one could see her and quickly entered her school

Gohani:This second year has been very good for me,I can't believe I've made many friends while I have learned many things...I hope to learn a lot to be equal to him

Gohani thought as she entered her school,she went to her locker and took out her books for her classes,she took everything necessary and went to her class until she heard a very interesting conversation that a group of girls were having

Girl 1:Did you hear about bank robbery the other day?

Girl 2:Yeah,everyone is talking about it,it's normal when it comes to the Great Saiyawoman

Girl 3:Apparently she is becoming very popular with the boys

Girl 4:But at least she catches all those criminals,nobody knows how she does it but does a good job

Gohani smiled at this knowing that her presence as the Great Saiyawoman did not bother people,she was about to leave but another conversation arose

Girl 2:Have you seen that guy who appears outside of school from time to time?

Girl 4:That guy with black spandex and a weird thing around his chest?

Girl 2:Yeah that guy 

Girl 1:He is very cute and handsome,much more than all the guys together in the whole school

Girl 3:I think so,I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend,I'd like to invite him on a date,guys like that there are not too many

Gohani let out a small growl and walked quickly to her class

Gohani:"I hope he does not have a girlfriend" if I always go with him when classes end! does anyone know that I am his girlfriend?!...I better calm down,jealousy is not good

After several hours Gohani left her school and was about to go to a hidden place to call Nimbus until she saw (Y/N) with his arms crossed leaning against a wall outside the school,he now wore a new armor,one very different from Vegeta's

Gohani smiled and went to (Y/N) and quickly began to hug him

Gohani:Hehe hey babe~

(Y/N):Hey Gohani,are you done with this thing?

Gohani:It's called school and yes,I'm done,were you waiting for me all this time?

(Y/N):What are you surprised at? I almost always wait for you outside

Gohani:I know but it makes me happy how worried you are about me and that you also want to spend time with me

(Y/N):Yeah,whatever,let's go

Gohani nodded and began to walk beside (Y/N)

Gohani:You look good in that armor

(Y/N):Thank you,I asked Bulma to make me a new one,I didn't want to wear the same armor that Vegeta always wears

Gohani:Well,Bulma did a good job,you look great in that armor...very great~

(Y/N):What are you looking at?!

Gohani:N-NOTHING! n-nothing! I-I-I-I...I just momentarily remembered that I had some homework to do and didn't want to forget it hehe!

(Y/N):Hmmm...Hey I was thinking, if you want to train a little

Gohani:*Sigh*....I  don't know,I may have to study and as I said...I think I have some homework to do

(Y/N):Gohani you have put aside your training a lot,you have become very weak

Gohani:I know but there has been no threat on Earth for me to train

(Y/N):And you wait for a threat to appear to start training? look,I understand that you care more about your studies but that you also need to train a little so you can at least become SSJ 2

Gohani:I know and I understand but I never liked that training...but I'm also fighting,it also counts as training

(Y/N):*Sigh*...Gohani I...I love you but dressing like the "Great Saiyawoman" and fighting guys on the street is not a great training

Gohani:And why don't you discuss the same thing with Vegeta? not that he had said he was going to stop training once I defeated Bojack?

(Y/N):W-Wait,did you believe him?

Gohani:Well,he said it in a very serious way

(Y/N):Oh please! never trust what Vegeta says,two hours after saying that he returned to train in the Gravity Camera saying "I must overcome Kakarot and his brat"

Gohani:Hehe typical of Vegeta

(Y/N):Yeah but I'll stop bothering you with that,if you don't want to train then it's your decision

Gohani:Thank you but I promise you that at some point I will train with you again

(Y/N) nodded with a smile but just then an alarm began to sound and they both watched as two thieves left a jewelry store

Gohani:I-I'm sorry babe but I have to take care of this

(Y/N):*Sigh* do whatever you have to do

Gohani looked everywhere making sure there was no one around and she pressed a button she had on her watch,in a few seconds she was already dressed like The Great Saiyawoman

Gohani:I'm the vanquisher of all evil,the defender of justice!  The Great Saiyawoman!!

Gohani shouted her speech while doing her typical pose

(Y/N) wasn't as bad as the Ginyu Force poses...I think

Gohani said goodbye to (Y/N) and quickly went to where the thieves had headed

(Y/N):Well,I guess I'll have to look for something better to do

What they both didn't know is that someone had seen everything

???:So she is the Great Saiyawoman

The person said surprised,she changed her gaze to (Y/N)

???:W-Wow,t-that guy is really cute...wait! he can tell me how she is so strong

The person came out of hiding and walked towards (Y/N) but he flew away in the direction of West City,the person was surprised by what she had seen

???:H-HE CAN FLY?!...that sounds awesome...but who is that guy...Hmmmm...

The person left the place


It was another day,right now (Y/N) was flying over Satan City looking for something to do

(Y/N):There is nothing to do,I trained enough,Gohani is at home studying and Vegeta is training Trunks,I'm so bored!

(Y/N) crossed his arms as he flew until he heard an alarm in the city,he could tell that a group of thieves had robbed a store

(Y/N):Hmm...this is Gohani's thing...D'ah,screw it,at least this can take my boredom off a bit

(Y/N) went to where the thieves were,he could tell how a black-haired girl with Pigtails was facing three thieves

???:Still want more?

Thief 3:We ain't done yet! say goodbye little girl!

One of the thieves charged against the girl but she punched the thief in his chin and then kicked his face throwing the thief to the ground unconscious

(Y/N):She knows how to fight well enough to be an Earthling but I can't say much either,those three slags are extremely weak

(Y/N) could see how one of the thieves pointed his gun at the girl,the thief shot at the girl but (Y/N) got in the middle and caught the bullet with his hand

Thief 1:W-What?! h-how...

(Y/N):Hey,I'll be fast,drop those bags of money and I won't get my hands dirty with you

Thief 1:Huh?...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!  apparently we have a another comedian

Thief 2:That seems but why don't you get out of the way before something bad happens to you and that girl

(Y/N)! HAHAHAHA! you really make me laugh HAHAHAHA!,seriously,you leave those bags on the floor,this being a hero is boring me more than I thought

Thief 1:Ugh! You wanted it!

The thief took the rifle he had on his back and began firing at (Y/N)


Thief 1:W-WHAT?!?

(Y/N):Did you think that a weapon as primitive as that would hurt me?

The two thieves were surprised by what (Y/N) had done,both thieves tried to escape but (Y/N) fired two bullets with his hand that he had caught before against the two thieves, both thieves were hit by the two bullets in his head causing them both to fall to the ground unconscious

(Y/N):Well...That was more boring than I thought,being that superhero thing is so dumb...I better go...


(Y/N):What's going on? A man fell into the UAGHH !!

(Y/N) received a kick in his chest causing him to be pushed into an alley,he held his chest from the pain he felt and could see that it was the girl from before that had hit him only that now,(Y/N) could see the appearance of the girl better

(Y/N):U-Ugh! What the hell was that? I saved you and the only thing you give me is a kick while I was distracted!!

???:I-I'm sorry but I couldn't let you do that trick again

(Y/N):Trick? what trick?!

???:Flying thing,how did you do that?!

(Y/N) know,I think you should introduce yourself before you want something from me

Videl:U-Uhm...My name is Videl,now I would like to know how you do that?!

(Y/N):Tsk! what an annoying girl...although I must say that she is very cute and when she gets angry...hmmm she looks very...stop!!...your girlfriend is Gohani do not let your Saiyan blood dominate you! Look,I would tell you how I can fly but I just remembered that...I don't care much so I will leave here,flying,bye

(Y/N) said as he walked away from Videl

Videl:Huh?...Hey,you can not do that! teach me how to fly!!

(Y/N):Hahahaha!...oh! wait you're serious,let me laugh even harder HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Videl:D-Damn it!...I will tell everyone about Gohani's secret!!

(Y/N) stopped laughing and looked at Videl

(Y/N):W-What are you talking about?

Videl:I know that Gohani is the Great Saiyawoman,if you don't show me how you do that,then I'll tell everyone about her secret

(Y/N):You're blackmailing me?

Videl:I-I just want to know how you do that

(Y/N):Ugh!...yeah,why not? I have nothing to do,follow me

(Y/N) started flying until he realized something,he quickly returned to Videl which was with her arms crossed,she looked very angry

Videl:Are you making fun of me?

(Y/N):No,only that I've always been with people who can fly,grab me

Videl put her arms around (Y/N)'s neck,he started flying making Videl scared

(Y/N):What happens? you are scared?

Videl:Of course I'm scare! I had never flown before!

(Y/N):Well,you better get used to it now let me find a perfect place to teach the basics of flying

While (Y/N) looked at a place to train Videl,she was still clinging to him,she began to blush as she felt (Y/N)'s muscles through his armor

Videl:How much has he trained? it seems he has trained more than me and my father together

(Y/N):Look,that place seems perfect for training

(Y/N) descended to a plain with several trees nearby

(Y/N):We're here,you can let go of me...are you still scared?

(Y/N) saw how Videl was still holding him but not because she was still scared

Videl:Hmmm fell so good~

(Y/N):HEY! are you there?!

Videl:E-Eh y-yeah!

Videl let (Y/N) go,he sat on the floor,Videl did the same sitting in front of him

(Y/N):Very well,first of all,flying is not very easy,of course,if you do not crash into a mountain first but you will learn not to do it very often,the first thing you have to know is to learn to control the ki

Videl:What is that about ki?

(Y/N)'s something like this

(Y/N) created a ki ball in his hand

(Y/N):This is the ki,it is something the internal energy that each person has,of course,first you have to unlock your ki to start controlling it

Videl:And how do I unlock this "ki"?

(Y/N):Training but you must have a special training for that,not just any training works

Videl:And when did you manage to control your ki?

(Y/N):Hmmm....I think I was about two years old

Videl:W-WHAT?!?! But how could you get something like that at such a young age?!

(Y/N):As I told you,training

Videl:You started training from two years of age?

(Y/N):A little earlier but in a nutshell...yes

Videl:Wow,it's amazing that you can do something like that

Videl said as she approached to see more closely the Ki Ball

(Y/N):Be careful,it may not look dangerous but this can disintegrate you in a few seconds

Videl:Can that thing really do that?

(Y/N):Yeah,of course,if you are very powerful then the power of your ki will also be affected but let's start so you can get the ki,first...huh?

(Y/N) could see how Gohani had reached the place where they were,she landed behind (Y/N)

Gohani:Hey (Y/N)!

(Y/N):Hey Gohani,what are you doing here? I thought you were studying

Gohani:I was doing that until I heard how two thieves were defeated by a person who stopped several bullets with his hand and how there is no other person in the world who can do that,I came here to...

Gohani stopped when she saw Videl


Videl:Hey Gohani

Gohani:Ehm,hi,what are you doing here?

(Y/N):She saw me as I stopped the thieves so she asked me to help her train,mainly she wants to know how to fly so we are here for that

Gohani thought about that,her boyfriend alone with a pretty girl,in a place with no one around

Gohani:T-That s-sounds...a-amazing...b-but...

Gohani approached (Y/N) and began to hug his arm,Gohani put (Y/N)'s arm between her breasts

Gohani:I thought you wanted to train with me,(Y/N)

Gohani said in a soft voice making (Y/N) blush

(Y/N):Well...yeah,but you said you wanted to continue studying so I didn't want to bother you

Gohani:No problem in that,in a week the world tournament will begin and my mother let me train as much as I want,so now I can train with you again!

(Y/N):Okay,if that is what you want but I don't think it's appropriate that you train with your school uniform

Gohani:No problem in that,don't leave here,I'll go find Mr Piccolo!

Gohani quickly flew out of the place to look for Piccolo

Videl:She can also fly?!

(Y/N):Not that you've seen the Great Saiyawoman before?

[With Gohani]

Gohani:Mr Piccolo...Mr Piccolo...Mr Piccolo...there he is!

Gohani saw Piccolo on a mountain meditating,she landed beside him

Gohani:Hey Mr Piccolo,sorry for bothering you but...

Piccolo:You need new clothes to train, don't you?

Gohani:Y-Yes,How did you...

Piccolo:I can hear many distant sounds,my ears are much more sensitive than yours,so what kind of training clothes do you want?

Gohani:Oh yeah! hmmm...I want the same clothes I wore when I was a little girl

Piccolo:U-Uh?...E-Ehmm okay,if what you want is to impress (Y/N) in some way then I'm not going to judge you for that

Piccolo pointed his finger at Gohani changing her uniform for an armor...very similar to the one her mother wore when she was still a little girl,the same one she wore when she trained with Piccolo the first time


Gohani quickly covered her breasts and femininity

Piccolo:You said the clothes you wore when you were a little girl,you didn't specify at what age

Gohani:When I was about eleven years old!

Piccolo sighed and changed Gohani's clothes to a similar Gi she wore when she faced Cell

Gohani:Thank you,Mr Piccolo...although (Y/N) may like to see me with that armor~

Piccolo:Ehmm Gohani,I think (Y/N) is waiting for you to train  

Gohani:Oh right! bye Mr Piccolo!

Gohani flew out of the place to return to where (Y/N) was

Piccolo:*Sigh* The love...I will never understand that crap

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