Chapter 7
[Third Person-POV]
Anounncer:And now it will be the final of this tournament, whoever completes this challenge will be able to fight the world champion,Hercule,I will explain the rules...
The announcer said while (Y/N)/Gohani/Krillin and Trunks were taken to the top of what appeared to be a temple
Anounncer:In this place different zones and environments were created depending on the place so that the fighters can arrive, they will choose a tunnel and will be teleported in a special machine and in that place they will fight against one of the Hercule dictates
Each one went up to one of the special machines that the announcer had said and they were taken to a specific place where each one was going to fight,the trip only lasted a few seconds,(Y/N) had reached a volcanic place,he got out of the machine
(Y/N):All right,what will be the stupid fighter that I will have to defeat? this will be fast
(Y/N) way looking everywhere until he felt someone's ki in front of him,he could see how a person appeared through the smoke
(Y/N):Do I have to fight a woman?...oh well,I don't mind hitting a woman
Zangya:That's fine,neither am I
Zangya charged against (Y/N) trying to hit him in the face but he dodged Zangya's attack and counterattacked giving her a punch in the face by pulling her back,she put her hand in the place where (Y/N) had hit her
Zangya:Auch! What the hell is wrong with you?!
(Y/N):I already told you that I don't mind fighting a woman, I know you're not one of those stupid followers of that guy named Hercule so I can kill you without problems
Zangya got up and charged again against (Y/N) but he dodged every attack Zangya tried to give him,(Y/N) caught Zangy's fist and punched her in the ribs and then kicked her in the stomach that pushed her back away from him falling on her back
(Y/N):So tell me,what the hell are you doing here?
Zangya glared at (Y/N),she looked to the side and quickly turned her gaze to (Y/N) and fired a burst of ki that blinded (Y/N) for several seconds which Zangya took to escape
(Y/N):Agh! bitch! my damn eyes!!
(Y/N) quickly went to where Zangya had headed,he reached what appeared to be an abandoned city
(Y/N):It seems that this is another place in the tournament...huh?
At that moment (Y/N) could feel a great level of power in the place
(Y/N):This is weird...this level of power is the same as Cell had.
(Y/N) looked everywhere until he realized how Krillin and Trunks were lying on the ground
(Y/N) flew to Trunks and Krillin,he landed in front of them
Krillin:(Y-Y/N)?...I-I thin-kk I-I'm fine-e
(Y/N):Who the hell asked you? Come on,Trunks,wake up!
???:I don't think that boy wakes up in a while
(Y/N) looked up to see how a person came out of the shadows
(Y/N):...Oh great! Another guy who thinks he is a space pirate,I already had enough with Turles, how lucky I was to kill him
In that Zangya and another person very similar to the guy from before landed at his side
(Y/N):Wow, it seems they are more
(Y/N) could see how the three landed behind him
Gohani:(Y/N),are you alright?
(Y/N):Yeah,I'm fine,what are those two Earthling doing here?
Yamcha:We were watching what was happening on TV so we came to help
Tien:Who are these guys?
Bojack:I guess it's time for the presentations,my name is Bojack,the two people next to me are part of my gang,Zangya and Bidou...but they are not the only ones
In that two more people appeared in the place,one wore a sword and was shirtless and the other was short with a turban around his head
(Y/N):And what are those two called? I'd like to know the name of the people I'm going to kill
Bojack:Gokua and Bujin,you're very stupid if you think you can beat me and my gang
(Y/N):Yeah,yeah I've heard that kind of thing before
Bidou:For you to know,Bojack has no rival in the entire galaxy
(Y/N):Again,I've heard that kind of thing before
Bidou:So let's see how long you can last in combat
Zangya and Bidou charged against (Y/N) at the same time,Bidou teleported behind (Y/N) while Zangya was attacking him from the front
(Y/N) nudged Bidou in the face while Zangya kneeled her stomach,he grabbed both from her hair and threw them through the buildings of the place
(Y/N):I'll take care of those two,you take care of the remaining ones
(Y/N) flew to where he had launched Bidou and Zangya,he could see both of them with very angry faces
(Y/N):You two are angry? well let me change that feeling HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan
Bidou:Even with that level of power you won't be able to beat us,Kiddo
(Y/N):Then come and show me otherwise
Bidou and Zangya fired a red energy ball against (Y/N),he dodged the balls of energy and charged against Bidou kicking him in his ribs,he then gave a double axe handle in the face throwing him against the ground,Zangya tried to kick (Y/N) but he caught her foot
(Y/N):Using the same trick will not help you
(Y/N) threw Zangya against one of the structures around him
(Y/N):You two are a waste of time...Eh?!
At that time a great explosion occurred in the middle of the city
(Y/N):W-What happend?...Crap! How do I think of leaving Gohani with two weak Earthling?!
(Y/N) quickly flew to where the explosion had occurred until he saw Piccolo helping Gohani and Vegeta protecting Trunks
(Y/N):It seems that I worry too much
(Y/N) watched as Piccolo started fighting Bojack,Piccolo tried to hit Bojack but he dodged Piccolo's attack and kneeled him in his stomach and then punch him in the face,Piccolo counterattacked by kicking Bojack in the face that pushed him back,Piccolo tried to hit Bojack but he dodged Piccolo's attack and shot a ball of energy at him
Piccolo deflected Bojack's energy ball with his hand but he did not realize that Bojack was now behind him with an energy ball in the palms of his hands,he shot the ball of energy against Piccolo hitting him and throwing it against a building,Piccolo quickly began to fall to the ground
Gohani:MR PICCOLO!!!
At that moment Bojack appeared in front of him with another ball of energy in his hand but he was stopped by (Y/N) kicking him in the stomach that threw him into the sky,(Y/N) caught Piccolo in his arms and took him to a safe place,Gohani appeared at his side
Gohani:He's fine?
(Y/N):Yeah he's fine...I didn't know that guy was very strong
(Y/N) said watching as Bojack was fighting Vegeta,Trunks was at his side helping him but both were being attacked at the same time by Bojack's gang
Gohani:I will not allow him to continue causing all this chaos! HAAAAAAAA!!!
Gohani become Super Saiyan and charge against Bojack
(Y/N):Nooo! Gohani!
(Y/N) tried to help Gohani but he saw how Trunks had been defeated by Gokua and Bujin,(Y/N) went for Trunks and took him in his arms
(Y/N) fell to the ground along with Trunks,he can see how he had a large cut on his back that was leaking blood from there,(Y/N) looked at them and charged very furiously until he stopped in mid-air
(Y/N):A-Agh!!! what happens to me? why can't I move?!
(Y/N) could see how Zangya and Bujin had their hands pointed towards him
(Y/N):Damn it! I didn't think before I fought, I could never realize that they could paralyze me...GAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!
(Y/N) released his energy trying to break free but he could see how it was useless
Bidou:Whatever you do you will not be able to free yourself from the Energy Bonds
(Y/N):I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance
Gokua:But you didn't, you're going to look like your friends...but it's going to be worse
(Y/N) screamed in pain when Bidou and Gokua began hitting him all over his body leaving him very hurt,Bidou took a last blow to (Y/N) in his stomach making him spit blood from his mouth
(Y/N) looked around seeing Trunks lying on the ground unconscious,Vegeta unconscious embedded in a building,Yamcha/Tien/Piccolo and Krillin lying on the buildings...and then Gohani
(Y/N) saw how Bojack was giving Gohani a hug with all his might with the clear intention of breaking her bones but especially her spine
(Y/N) tried to use everything he had to free himself but because of how hurt he was it was useless to do something,he still watched as Bojack kept making Gohani suffer
(Y/N):....My girlfriend...NEED MY HELP!!! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan 2 destroying the Energy Bonds,he charged against Bidou by grabbing him from his head and giving him a strong knee in his face destroying his skull by killing him instantly
(Y/N) moved at full speed against Bujin and with his own hand decapitated him by dropping his head and body to the ground,(Y/N) turned to see Gokua and Zangya with a face of complete fury
Gokua unsheathed his sword and charged against (Y/N),he stopped Gokua's sword with his hand,he took Gokua's sword and used it to pierce his heart by killing him,(Y/N) looked at Zangya who was very scared
He disappeared and appeared in front of Zangya with the palm of his hand in front of her and shoot a massive burst of ki disintegrating Zangya
Finally (Y/N) charged against Bojack punching him in the face causing him to release Gohani,(Y/N) took Gohani in his arms before she fell to the ground
(Y/N):I-It's time f-for you t-to take c-care of this
He put Gohani on the floor and put his hands on her giving her last energies,Gohani opened her eyes just to see how (Y/N) fell on his back
Bojack:But what an annoying boy but he will end up like the others
Gohani:...Don't you dare make fun of him
Bojack:Hehehe I think you're right...we don't have to make fun of those who are going to die HahahaAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!
Gohani had charged against Bojack at full speed against him and gave him a strong punch that pierced his stomach,Bojack backed up clinging to the place where Gohani's fist had pierced him
Bojack:D-DAmn! GIRL!!
Bojack released all his energy creating a shock wave around him,Gohani just stayed there with a serious look watching as Bojack released all his power
Gohani:Is that all your power?...let me show you mine...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Bojack was pushed due to the great shock wave that Gohani had generated by releasing her energy,Bojack could see how Gohani had become Super Saiyan 2,he started to get scared because of the great power that Gohani was releasing,he quickly created two balls of energy in both his hands
Bojack:I won't let a stupid girl beat me seems that you already know that you are going to die...let me do this fast for you piece of garbage
Bojack:Tsk! DIEEEEE!!
Bojack threw the two energy balls against Gohani which got together creating a great energy ball,Gohani just watched as the energy ball was heading towards her
Gohani fired a powerful Kamehameha against Bojack's attack destroying it and causing the energy wave to go towards him,Bojack did not have time to react and was quickly engulfed by Gohani's Kamehameha
The Kamehameha was shot out of Earth's atmosphere disintegrating Bojack,leaving no trace of him,Gohani returned to her base form and fell on her knees breathing heavily's all over...again...
Gohani collapsed on the floor after saying those words,a few small steps were heard near her,it was (Y/N) who was next to Gohani holding his arm in pain
(Y/N):I guess it was your moment of glory ...
(Y/N) took a Senzu Bean out of his pocket,the last Senzu Bean he had left because he had used them for Trunks/Vegeta and Piccolo
(Y/N):Hehe those fools of the tournament didn't know how to check me well...I wasn't going to need them until now...*Sigh* I guess there is no other way to do it
(Y/N) put the Senzu Bean in his mouth and took Gohani in his arms,he kissed Gohani making him pass the Senzu Bean to her mouth making her wounds disappear
(Y/N) was about to stop kissing Gohani until she put her left arm around (Y/N)'s neck and her right hand on (Y/N)'s head causing him not to escape the is not something that (Y/N) would like to stop doing but a great friend interrupted them
Piccolo:Enough!! stop with that!!
They both separated from the kiss and one person was really very upset
Gohani:Mr Piccolo,why the hell are you meddling in this?
Gohani:I'm eleven years old and I'm not that same shy girl from before, it doesn't bother me to kiss my boyfriend but you have no right to shout at us just for kissing us!!
Piccolo:W-Well y-y-you see...
(Y/N) was watching everything from afar,covering his mouth to prevent Gohani and Piccolo from realizing this
(Y/N):Hehehe this is very fun to watch
[In The Other World]
Goku:Hmmm...Do you have
Goku said very confused seeing his cards
King Kai:Well...let me see
King Kai saw his cards,his entire deck was full of only seven
King Kai:Hmm...nop
Goku:Ugh! I don't understand this about poker
King Kai:We are not playing poker
Goku:Whatever,you don't have something easier?
King Kai:I think so,Bubbles! bring the cards UNO
Bubbles quickly went to look for the cards at King Kai's house
Goku:By the way,how are Gohani/(Y/N) and the others?
King Kai:...Well,I don't know what happened but Gohani is arguing with Piccolo,(Y/N) is watching everything with Trunks and Vegeta,they are both laughing less Vegeta
Goku:So the tournament should have been awesome! let's see how that game of UNO is
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