Chapter 5
[Third Person-POV]
Right now everyone in the place was surprised to feel the great power that Gohani was unleashing
Cell:Such power...but it won't be enough to get over my Perfect Form,I'm sorry for destroying your dreams,kiddo
Gohani:Just watch
Cell only gave a small smile and charge against Gohani,he tried to hit her but Gohani managed to dodge all of Cell's attacks
Piccolo:She...she can dodge better
Gohani kicked Cell on his chin and then kicked him in the face by pulling him back,Cell created a Destructoc Disc and threw it at Gohani but she managed to dodge it and charge against Cell by giving him another kick in the face
Cell:What a surprise,you are stronger than I thought
Gohani:...Please stop it...I don't want to fight you
Gohani:I don't want to kill anyone...not even a monster like you
Cell:...How dare you come against me just to waste my time?!?!?!
Piccolo:It seems that Cell was very upset that Gohani did not take the fight seriously
In that Cell look at others with a lot of fury
Cell:...Hehe tell me,are they all your friends and family?
Gohani:W-What are you talking about?
Cell:If you don't want to take this fight seriously...then let me show you what will happen if you make me angry
Cell landed on the floor of the ring,he opened the tip of his stinger and there came a total of seven creatures very similar to him
[No one noticed that in DBZ,Cell expelled seven Cell Jrs but Gohan kills eight?]
Vegeta:What are those things?
Cell:They are my children,they may be small but they have my same level of power...and so you know...they don't know when to stop,I want those guys to be tortured!!
Cell Jrs:Hehehehe!!!
All Cell Jrs laughed and charged against everyone
(Y/N):EVERYONE! shoot those bastards in the head,they are part Namekians,they can only die once their brain is destroyed!!
Everyone nodded and dodged the first attack of the Cell Jrs,they all started attacking them by firing beams that were heading towards their heads
Cell:DAMN IT! How did he know something like that?!
Gohani:Hehe it is better that you do not underestimate him,he may be the most strategic person I have ever met
Cell looked at (Y/N) who was dodging the attacks of two Cell Jr,he managed to shoot a beam from his fingers to the head of one of them killing him instantly
Cell:IGrr! I can't let someone like him alive
Gohani saw how Cell was about to shoot a Death Beam
Gohani:Don't you dare to do it!
Gohani tried to stop Cell but he dodged Gohani's attack by teleporting behind her
Cell shot the Death Beam towards (Y/N),he was very distracted fighting the Cell Jrs that failed to dodge the Death Beam that crossed his chest
Everyone watched as (Y/N) fell to the ground
Cell:And done,now that piece of trash won't bother me anymore
Everyone was totally surprised by what Cell had done,although a person had taken it worse
Tears began to fall down Gohani's cheeks,she clenched her fists with all her strength,she could see how Cell had reached the point of killing her crush because he thought he was better than him,how his friends and his father were being attacked by creatures that had the same intentions as their father,kill everyone who tries to be stronger than him
Gohani felt guilty that she could not avoid the death of her crush...and that made her feel angry...that all this could end with just killing Cell from the beginning,Gohani had reached her limit...which she was about to break
Cell covered himself,from the smokescreen that had originated around Gohani,he felt a great chill go through his entire body to feel how Gohani's power increased much more than before
Everyone turned,even the Cell Jrs to see Gohani in a new transformation that far exceeds the Perfect Form of Cell
Gohani began to take small steps towards Cell which began to go back with each step that Gohani took
Cell:T-This can't b-be h-happening...I-I'm f-feeling the r-real terror!
Gohani changed her gaze to the Cells Jr surrounding (Y/N)'s corpse,she moved at a great speed that even Cell could not see against the Cell Jrs,she decapitated and split the two Cell Jrs that were next to (Y/N)
She looked at (Y/N) for a few seconds causing a tear to fall on her cheek
Gohani:You will pay for this...
Gohani said in a serious tone and threw herself against the other Cell Jrs,she murdered every Cell Jr that was in the place surprising her friends and her father and terrifying Cell, she returned to the ring to face Cell
Gohani:I didn't want to do this...but you just crossed the line...I'll make you suffer for all the damage you've done...DID YOU HEAR ME CELL?!?!?!?!
Gohani shouted releasing a very aggressive energy that destroyed the entire ring where she and Cell were
Vegeta quickly went to where (Y/N) was,worried about the death of his little brother until he heard someone chewing
Vegeta watched as the hole (Y/N) had in his back was completely regenerating,as if Cell had never shot a Death Beam in his back
Vegeta watched surprised as (Y/N) rose from the ground
(Y/N):Ugh! what luck,between the lungs
Vegeta:Y-You...YOU IDIOT! What the hell did you do not to die?!
(Y/N):Huh? I only put a Senzu Bean in my mouth before fighting,that Death Beam was about to kill me but I managed to chew the Senzu Bean before I could die
Vegeta:Son of a bitch! don't do that again...wait,did you do all this so that this brat released all her power?
(Y/N):No...I was really surprised to feel how Gohani's power increased more than before...she looks amazing in that transformation
(Y/N) rose from the ground to see how Gohani faced Cell,he raised his hand to fire another Death Beam against her but Gohani appeared in front of him and grabbed his hand and began to squeeze it with great force hurting Cell
Gohani:Don't think about making another move,piece of trash!
Gohani moved her hand back and then forward giving Cell a powerful punch in the stomach,he didn't scream in pain,he began to back away from Gohani,he started to grab his mouth and stomach
Cell:U-Ugh! U-Ugh! A-Agh!
Cell literally vomited 18 from his mouth
Krillin:Holy crap!...It's a girl
Krilli flew quickly towards 18 and took her in his arms,he flew off the battlefield
Everyone watched as Cell returned to his Second Form losing a lot of power
Gohani:...You've lost,Cell,if you couldn't beat me in your Perfect Form then you can't even beat me in that form
Cell:...You are right...I have lost...but you will also lose something!!
In that Cell's body began to increase in size
Yamcha:Is that a new form?
Tien:I doubt it is something like that
Cell:HAHAHAHAHA!! you should have killed me when you had the chance,Gohani,now my body will explode and I will take the Earth with me,I think it goes without saying that all of you will die and do not dare to touch me,with a simple attack I will explode
Gohani:N-No...NO! NO!
Gohani fell on her knees and started hitting the ground
Gohani:It can't be that I have condemned the whole Earth
Cell:Yes it is,in ten seconds I will explode and all of you will die!! and all the destruction of the Earth will be your fault,Gohani!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Trunks:So this is the end? there no escape?
Goku:...Actually there is...sorry for this,guys
(Y/N):K-Kakarot...What do you think to do?
Goku:...Hehe..take care of Gohani for me,(Y/N)
Goku put two fingers on his forehead and disappeared from the place
Goku appeared in front of Cell,he put his hand on the swollen stomach of Cell,it was fortunate that this action did not explode Cell
Goku:You did very well,Gohani,you exceeded my expectations,I'm really proud of you...but unfortunately...we can't go fishing as I promised...take care of your mother for me and tell her...I love her so much,bye Gohani...
The only thing that could be heard now was pure silence except for Gohani who was crying for the death of her father,Krillin tried to approach her to try to comfort her but (Y/N) was faster than him and stood beside her
Gohani started hugging (Y/N) and crying in her chest,(Y/N) tried to calm her down by gently stroking her hair
Gohani:I got my own father killed!...I only had one job...and I only made my father die because of me!
(Y/N):You are not to blame for this,Gohani
Gohani:Of course I have it!!...if I had been seriously against Cell then all this would have ended long before!...and my father would not have!...
Gohani stopped when she heard (Y/N) angry,possibly it was the second time she had seen him angry and the first time it was not something very nice
(Y/N):Enough of that,Gohani,your father sacrificed himself for you but not because you couldn't eliminate Cell,Kakarot sacrificed himself so that you would have the peaceful life that you want
(Y/N):He and I talked before coming here,he promised that this would be the last time you would have to fight...of course,if that you decided but Kakarot wanted you to have the peaceful life that you wanted so much...he sacrificed himself so that you and everyone else can live,so that we can live more peacefully
Gohani:D-Dad...thank you very much,(Y/N)
(Y/N):Huh? why?
Gohani:For realizing how wrong I was...I love you
Everyone was surprised to see how Gohani started kissing (Y/N),she put her arms around (Y/N)'s neck to deepen the kiss
Krillin:Wait!! they two are couples?! and since when?!
Piccolo:F-Fucking Time Chamber! I knew that when they left there with a smile on their face something had happened!!
The kiss lasted several seconds until they both separated
(Y/N):...Ugh! did you have to do it in front of everyone?!
Gohani:Hehe I'm sorry but I had to take this opportunity,you look very cute when you're angry
(Y/N):Yeah,whatever...let me help you get up
(Y/N) put Gohani's arm around his neck and helped her up,they both shared a smile... although that was ruined by the appearance of someone in the place it possible that he is here?
In that a beam passed by Gohani and (Y/N),unfortunately the beam hit Trunks in his chest killing him instantly,Trunks fell dead to the ground
Cell:Hehehe apparently I killed Trunks,it's a shame,that beam was aimed at you,(Y/N)
Cell:You were right about something about me,(Y/N),I have a regeneration similar to those of the Namekians...but only that,similar,the small mass that I have in my head remained intact during the explosion,which allowed me to regenerate my whole body,as you can see my Namekians cells have been genetically altered and also thanks to my Saiyans cells,I obtained an abysmal power increase,so much that I was able to obtain my Perfect Form without the need of 18...Goku's sacrifice was in vain,the only thing he did was make me stronger,even one of his techniques helped me get here
Vegeta:Y-You!...are going to pay for what you did to Trunks!!
Vegeta:You are dead!!
Vegeta began to launch a barrage of ki balls against Cell,each of the ki balls hit on Cell creating an explosion in place,once the smoke dissipated,Vegeta could see how Cell had no scratch
Vegeta:T-This...can not be happening...
Cell gave an arrogant smile before teleporting in front of Vegeta
Cell:Hmph! Pathetic excuse of Prince Saiyan
Cell gave Vegeta a powerful punch in the stomach causing him to spit a large amount of blood from his mouth,Cell grabbed Vegeta from the neck and began to hang him
Cell:Now as there is no one else who can overcome my power ... it is better that I start with killing the weaklings
(Y/N):L-Let him go...
Cell looked at (Y/N) which he had was clenching his fists with all his strength seems that there are more people who want to give me orders
(Y/N):I said...LET HIM GO!!!
Cell:Hehe I think it will not happen
Vegeta began to scream in pain when Cell began to squeeze his neck,Vegeta's scream became more muted each time Cell squeezed Vegeta's neck more...but he stopped when he felt like a ki was starting to rise,almost at the same level as Gohani...even more
(Y/N) began to be surrounded by a much more aggressive golden aura,his hair bristled much more than before,Cell could see the big mistake he had made,the second biggest mistake of his short life
Cell:W-What I have UAAAGGHHH!!!
Cell could not dodge the punch of (Y/N) that he received in his gut,Cell vomited a large amount of blood from his mouth and released Vegeta
While Cell was suffering from the punch (Y/N) had given him,he looked at him,he was scared to see (Y/N)'s emotionless face
(Y/N):Right now you are going to face your worst nightmare
(Y/N) grabbed Cell from his head and surrounded himself with a very aggressive golden aura,he started flying at high speed hitting Cell against several mountains,after that (Y/N) came down and this time dragged Cell's face to the ground,until he threw him on the ground
(Y/N) got on Cell and started hitting him in the face without stopping,you could see how (Y/N)'s knuckles filled with Cell's blood
(Y/N):No one hurts my family!!
(Y/N)'s blows were so strong that he caused some parts of Cell's body to be destroyed and also made his face start to bleed a lot
(Y/N) fired a burst of ki directly at Cell creating an explosion around them,(Y/N) came out unscathed from the explosion...but Cell was now in a deplorable state,he was lying on the ground breathing heavily,(Y/N) looked at Cell...or rather what was left of Cell
(Y/N):It would be better if I told you one thing,when I fought Frieza in Namek...Kakarot stopped me at all times that I tried to torture and make Frieza suffer...but nobody is here to stop me
(Y/N) pointed his hand against Cell and created a ki ball in the palm of his hand but before he managed to throw it against Cell,Gohani landed behind (Y/N) deconcentrating him for a few seconds
Gohani:(Y/N) WATCH!...
Due to the strong kick that (Y/N) gave Cell in his chin he was throwing a great distance between them
Cell:D-Damn it!...DAMN IT! You two will die just like everyone on Earth!!
Cell said while charging a Kamehameha with all his power
(Y/N):Gohani,it's time,if you still blame yourself for your father's death then this is the time to avenge him
Gohani:Yeah...Yeah! you right!
(Y/N):But you won't be alone in this, this piece of shit killed my nephew and almost killed my older brother, I'll take care of destroying him too...It's time to use the strongest technique I could ever create...FINAL!!
(Y/N) and Gohani fired a combined attack while Cell fired a Kamehameha with all his power,both attacks collided creating a shock wave that destroyed everything that was close
Cell:I can't lose,I'm Cell!! I will use all my power in this HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Cell shouted trying to push back the combined attack of Gohani and (Y/N)
(Y/N):Let's end this at once,Gohani!
Gohani:Let's eliminate until the last cell of his body!
Cell could see how the combined attack destroyed his Kamehameha,Cell had a clear view of how the combined attack of Gohani and (Y/N) was heading towards him
Cell:...Well this stinks AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cell was completely disintegrated without leaving any trace of him so he could not regenerate,the combined attack ended up disappearing once it came out of the Earth's atomosphere
(Y/N) and Gohani returned to their base form but Gohani almost fell to the ground but was caught by (Y/N)
(Y/N):It seems you tried too hard
Gohani:It's my first time using this power,I don't get too used to it
(Y/N):For now,rest,I think you deserve it
Gohani nodded,she looked at the sky and could see the image of her father smiling at her
Gohani:T-Thank you...D-Dad...
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