Chapter 3

[Third Person-POV]

Right now (Y/N) and Gohani were heading towards the outskirts of GingerTown,the place Bulma had said another Time machine had been found,on the way,Gohani was very embarrassed by what happened before

Gohani:I -I can't believe that (Y/N) was awake during my conversation with my mother...but he didn't even mention it/H-Hey (Y/N)...

(Y/N):Hmm? yeah?

Gohani:Did you hear it?

(Y/N):What thing?

Gohani:Did you hear the conversation with my mother?

(Y/N):...I have no idea what you're talking about

Gohani:Oh! e-ehm okay...t-that's good

The two continued on their way until they reached the place where the time machine was, both saw Trunks in the place

Trunks:Hey Gohani,hey Uncle

(Y/N):Hey brat


(Y/N):This is how I call Trunks from this timeline,don't take it badly,I always say it with love

Trunks:At least it's better to be called bastard


Trunks:Yeah...oh my mother is here too!

Everyone watched as Bulma arrived at the place on a ship,she left the ship

Bulma:Hey guys, sorry for the delay,Trunks couldn't sleep but now I'm here,I guess this is the time machine

Trunks:That's right,it's identical to mine,I investigated it outside before you arrived

Gohani:So let's investigate from the inside

Trunks flew over the time machine and pressed a button causing the time machine to open the gate

Gohani:Look,there's something inside here

Gohani got into the time machine and took something very strange out of there,she handed it to Bulma

Gohani:You know what it is?

Bulma:With my great intellect I can say...I don't have the slightest idea of what it is but it looks like an egg or a shell...or both

(Y/N):If that thing was open then something must have come out of there

Gohani:That's right and maybe that thing made that big hole in the gate of the time machine...Hmmm...if I had to make a deduction,what came out of that egg had to that direction

(Y/N):Then let's go there

Bulma:Are you not afraid that a disgusting and horrible monster appears?

(Y/N):Women,I worked with Frieza throughout my childhood,I've seen a lot of aliens,nothing can surprise me

Bulma:Did you have childhood?

(Y/N):That's right, that was my childhood and it still is...and I love it

Gohani:I don't know if I could stand something like that...hey,look,there seems to be something!

They all followed Gohani where she had said,they all found something much weirder


(Y/N):I don't know but this seems to be a shell

Gohani:From what I see...the shell is still fresh,that means that what came out of here has to be close


Bulma:M-Maybe we should leave before...

Everyone at that time heard a big explosion coming from GingerTown

(Y/N):Well,I think we now know where that thing is

Gohani:Wait,I feel Mr Piccolo's ki in that place

(Y/N):And also Kakarot's ki...and my brother'...and mine,Cooler's...King's Cold and what the hell is going on?!

Trunks:I don't know but it's not good,we have to go uncle

(Y/N):Okay,I'll go,Bulma you go to...

Everyone saw Bulma already on her ship

Bulma:Goodluck guys! byeeeee!!

Bulma said while leaving the place,(Y/N)/Gohani and Trunks flew towards GingerTown, everyone saw how the city was completely destroyed

Trunks:I can't believe that all this destruction was caused by that monster

(Y/N):About that monster,it seems that there is

They saw Piccolo face someone unknown,they landed next to Piccolo and could see better who he was facing

(Y/N):What the hell is this thing?

Piccolo:I will give you a summary,he is Cell,a Bio-Android created by Dr Gero that traveled in a time machine that had another Trunks from another timeline

Cell:Oh yeah,take away all the drama from my backstory,thanks!

Trunks:Your backstory will no longer be important once I destroy you! HAAAAA!!


Cell managed to blind everyone by making him escape from them

(Y/N):D-Damn it! my eyes again!

Trunks:H-He got away! we don't know what Cell can do

Piccolo:I do know,he mentioned that he is looking for 17 and 18,supposedly he gets a new Form once he absorbs the two androids,he calls it his Perfect Form...I will look for those androids

Gohani:But Mr Piccolo,they are very strong!

Piccolo:I know but now I'm stronger,I'll take care of trying to destroy the androids,you go to Kami's Lookout,the others are there so I don't think you can't find it

Piccolo flew off in search of the androids,the others flew to where Kami's lookout was,it took some time but the three managed to find the lookout,they landed in the Lookout calling everyone's attention

Vegeta:Oh you are here,what the hell happen?

Trunks:O-Oh w-well...y-you see...

(Y/N):Another android appeared

Vegeta:Another one?!

Trunks:This is the last one,I promise!...I hope so

Goku:Hey calm down,Trunks,everything will be fine,if those androids that you said are very strong then it is better that we train as quickly as possible and that is why I asked Mr Popo to let us use the Time Chamber to train

Mr Popo:Don't you dare to break my stuff and get the floor dirty,Maggot

Vegeta:And that's why I'll take care of those androids,Trunks,I need someone to train with so come with me

Trunks:M-Me? And why not Uncle (Y/N)?

Vegeta:Because he is too cunning to fight,you don't know when (Y/N) can attack you or not and I'm tired of that

Goku:Hehe that's true,it is our fight against Frieza,he was able to leave without any scratch and besides that Frieza was desperate to try to harm (Y/N)

(Y/N):In spite of other Saiyans,I first analyze my enemy and then attack him with everything I have,so it was easy to defeat Frieza,I only had to dodge all his attacks while he was 100% so that after a while he got tired and couldn't fight anymore

Trunks:My uncle is awesome...but despite being a great strategist in the fighting...why did he die in my timeline? it shows that he and Gohani could have defeated the androids very easily

Vegeta:All right,stop wasting time,come on Trunks,you also need to be stronger!


Vegeta and Trunks entered Time Chamber while the others waited outside

Goku:After them we will enter to train, Gohani,if your mother agrees with that

Chi-Chi:*Sigh* I guess there is no other option,without planet there are no studies...besides I think it will be a good activity father and daughter

Goku:Thanks Chi-Chi!

Yamcha:And who are you going to train with,(Y/N)?

(Y/N):I'll do it for myself,I always train alone so I won't have many problems

Krillin:I guess we can calm down for now but where is Piccolo?

(Y/N):He went in search of the androids,he plans to destroy them by himself before Cell finds them

Goku:That Cell looks like a very powerful enemy...It is fortunate that Bulma is building a control to deactivate androids


Goku:That's right,Bulma called us a few seconds ago,she said she went to check Dr Gero's laboratory that had been destroyed,apparently he had an underground laboratory,she took some plans or something and took them to Capsule Corp

(Y/N):That underground laboratory...we will have to destroy it after this,maybe it's where Cell is, after all it is an invention of Dr Gero

Goku:You're right,well I think it's time to wait


Everyone waited for several hours until everyone watched as Trunks and Vegeta left the Time Chamber

(Y/N):It was time for you two to get out of there,I can feel like you two have already become stronger

Vegeta:Did you have any doubt about me? now I can destroy Cell and the androids without much difficulty,I even got bored of doing it

(Y/N):That place seems like a good place to train,I would like to try it...huh?

Everyone watched as a ship arrived at the Lookout,from there came Bulma with little Trunks in her arms

Bulma:Hey guys!

Goku:Hey Bulma,what are you doing here?

Bulma:I knew you were training here so I brought you something so you can train better

Bulma took a capsule from her pocket and threw it on the floor,from there came a large box that Bulma opened revealing several armor equal to those of Vegeta and (Y/N)

Bulma:These armors will help you train much better,they are completely comfortable

Goku/Gohani and Trunks put on their armor while Vegeta changed his own

Goku:It's true,these things are really comfortable

Chi-Chi:Hehe I've never seen you in armor before,Goku

Goku:It's the first time I wear armor,come on,Gohani,we better hurry to train


Goku and Gohani entered the Time Chamber while the others waited outside

Vegeta:Tsk! I will not stay here to wait as Kakarot and his brat get stronger,I will destroy those androids by myself

Vegeta flew out of the Lookout in search of the androids


Bulma:Vegeta never thinks twice about the things he will do

(Y/N):He may be heading to where Piccolo is,after all a few moments ago we could feel his power level increase,he may have already found the androids

Trunks:Then I have to go and help him

Trunks quickly flew off in the direction Vegeta had headed

Bulma:Wait Trunks!!...damn it,I couldn't give him the control

Krillin:You mean the control to disable the androids?

Bulma:That's right,unfortunately you need to be about ten meters from the androids for the control to work...You can do it,Krillin!

Krillin:M-Me?! b-but...

(Y/N):Don't you want to see that blonde girl from before?

Krillin:...Okay,I will do it

(Y/N):I'll go with you,I'll see how that Cell fights

Krillin:Great! you can protect me!

(Y/N):No,I won't do it,let's go

(Y/N) flew out of the Lookout

Krillin:Sometimes I hate his way of being so direct...I don't understand why he hates me too much?

Yamcha:Don't you almost kill Vegeta?

Krillin:W-Well...I guess he is right there

Krillin flew out of the Lookout following (Y/N),it took both of them several minutes to get there but once they arrived they saw how Vegeta was fighting Cell but now he had a very different appearance

Krillin:Is that cell?

(Y/N):I think so,he had to have absorbed 17 or 18,let's quickly look for the remaining android

Krillin nodded,they both separated to look for the androids

While (Y/N) looked everywhere for the androids,Krillin had already found 18 and 16 hiding from Cell and Vegeta

Krillin:Come on,Krillin,press the damn button,if you don't do it then everyone you love will die including her...oh that made it harder to decide!

While Krillin was having the internal conflict of his life,(Y/N) was still looking for 18 and 16

(Y/N):If I were an android where would I hide?...this doesn't help,where the hell are they?!?!...huh?

In that (Y/N) saw how Cell rose in the air



While (Y/N) was recovering from blindness,he could feel Cell's ki rising abysmally

(Y/N):I knew I shouldn't leave the bald man with the control...oh shit

(Y/N) could see Cell in his Perfect Form


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