Chapter 2
[Third Person-POV]
Right now Goku and the androids landed in a rocky area away from any city
Goku:Alright,here we can fight everything you want
Dr.Gero:I think you're getting ahead of the facts,I won't be the one to fight,that task will be done by my greatest creation,The Android 19
Android 19 stood in front of Goku ready to fight,in that Piccolo and Gohani landed in place
Goku:Don't go near,Gohani,these guys are very dangerous,let your father fight for now
Dr.Gero:You should not worry so much about your family,Son Goku,after our fight and that you are eliminated,the next in our goal will be to eliminate your family and friends
Goku:Don't you dare to mess with my friends...and especially don't mess...with my family!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Goku was quickly surrounded in a golden aura becoming Super Saiyan
Dr.Gero:E-Eh?! what the hell is that?!
Piccolo:What's going on? Didn't you spy on all the fights Goku had throughout his life?
Dr.Gero:Well...yeah,all except Namek,I didn't think it was very important to get information about that fight
Goku:Then it's better to show you what the Super Saiyan can do! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Goku charge against Android 19 punching him in the face by throwing him against a rock wall,Goku kicked him making the android go through the rock wall
Piccolo:Do you really think it was not important to get information from Namek?
Dr Gero:...Oh crap! 19! kill Son Goku as fast as you can!
Android 19 came out of the rocks
Android 19:Affirmative,initiating kill Son Goku protocol...protocol initiated
Android 19 charge at full speed against Goku punching him in the face that pushed him back,Goku quickly created a Kamehameha in his hands and fired it against the android 19,the android pointed his hand against Goku's Kamehameha absorbing all his energy
Goku:Huh?! he can absorb energy
Dr Gero:Hehe! updating the operating system before going out to unleash the chaos has been a good idea,kill him,19!
Android 19 charge against Goku but before he could attack the android,he disappeared from Goku's view
Goku:Wh-What?! A-AGH!!
Goku could feel how Android 19 grabbed his neck and began to absorb all his energy,Goku tried to hit 19 but he had no strength to fight,he returned to his Base Form
Gohani:DADDY!! Mr Piccolo,we have to help my father!
At that moment,Vegeta arrived at the place punching 19 in the face throwing him against a mountain
The android had released Goku causing him to fall to the ground very weak,Vegeta and (Y/N) landed next to Goku
(Y/N):Looks like you got too distracted,Kakarot,I thought you wouldn't be so stupid in this fight
Goku:I-I thought I had w-won hehe
Vegeta:You were lucky that we arrived just in time
Dr Gero:C-Crap! I didn't know that these two were still on Earth,these two are royalty or something like that,they are clearly stronger than Son Goku...I have no choice but to release the others...19,quick,eliminate Son Goku!!
19 left the mountain and fired a large sphere of energy against Goku/Vegeta and (Y/N),he pointed his finger at the energy sphere and fired a beam towards the sphere,exploding it
Vegeta:I'll take care of this scrap,get Kakarot out of here,he's not useful anymore
(Y/N):As you say,take this,Namekian
Goku:T-Thank you,(Y/N)
(Y/N):It's nothing,come on,Vegeta,destroy that thing,the old man from before seems to escape
Vegeta:This will be ea...
Vegeta stopped when Android 19 punched him in the face,Vegeta was still for a few seconds until he became Super Saiyan and with his fist pierced the stomach of the android
Vegeta:I don't like it when they don't let me finish
Vegeta:Ugh! grow up!
Vegeta took the arm of the android and ripped it off completely,19 began to back off
Vegeta:What's going on? not that the machines could not feel the...FEAR?!?!
Vegeta charged against 19 and punched him in the face by beheading him
Vegeta:Second head on the ground by Vegeta! Big Bang Attack!!
Vegeta shot a Big Bang Attack against the head and body of the android destroying it
(Y/N):All right,now we only have to kill the old man,I'll take care of him...where is the Earthtlings?
Krillin:Here we are
(Y/N) saw Krillin/Yamcha/Tien and Chiatzou landing on the spot
(Y/N):Good,give those beams to Kakarot
Vegeta:And give me two,right now
Krillin:Why should I give you a Senzu Bean?
Vegeta:Because if you don't do it,you will be the third head to fall to the ground!
Krillin:O-Okay,c-calm down,of course I'll give you a Senzu Bean
Krillin threw two Senzu Beans Vegeta,he ate one recovering the little energy he lost during his fight while the other gave it to (Y/N)
Vegeta:Take that,that won't make me worry much about you
(Y/N):I can take care of myself,Vegeta,let's go for that old man
(Y/N) and Vegeta started flying around the place trying to find Dr Gero while he was running as fast as possible to get to his laboratory
Dr Gero:Damn it! I underestimated too much the power of Vegeta and (Y/N),it was fortunate that I took the opportunity that they were both distracted to escape
Dr Gero thought as he ran to a nearby forest,he jumped between some rocks until he reached a mountain that had a large metal door inside
Dr Gero:Hehe I doubt they can find me,my laboratory is totally...
Krillin:Hey guys! I found Dr Gero!
Dr Gero:SHIT!!
Dr Gero quickly entered the laboratory while everyone gathered at the place where the great metal door was
Gohani:So,what can we do now?
(Y/N):Not that you were the smartest of this whole group,let's destroy that android
(Y/N) pointed his hand against the metal door until someone yelled at him
Trunks:No! wait!
Everyone saw Trunks land on the spot
Vegeta:what do you want now?
Trunks:Where is Goku? You still can't fight the androids without him
Piccolo:Yamcha took him home,apparently that android suck him dry,Goku was not even able to stand
Vegeta:And besides we don't need Kakarot,I'm here and I'm going to take care of those androids that you fear so much
Trunks:NO! VEGE!!...
Vegeta shot a ball of ki against the metal door destroying it,everyone saw Dr. Gero's head lying on the ground
Vegeta:Haha! You see,I didn't even have to get my hands dirty against this android
Krillin:I-I think w-we have to w-worry about t-the people in front of us!
???:It seems we have more visits,let me clean the place
The black-haired boy pointed his finger at the head of Dr Gero and shot a beam that destroyed his head
???:Hey 17,come to see this
Android 17 was with the blond-haired girl,they both looked at a capsule with a number 16 on it
Android 17:It seems that the old man had another android,why don't we take him out,18?
Android 18:Meh why not
Trunks:I won't let them release another android! BURNIG ATTACK!!
Krillin:WAIT! WE ARE STILL!!!....
Trunks shot a Burning Attack completely destroying Dr Gero's lab,luckily everyone was fine
(Y/N):I'll give you some good advice,next time let me know when you will launch an attack
Trunks:But you weren't going to do anything? I couldn't let those androids cause chaos
(Y/N):Well,your plan went wrong,look down there
Everyone saw how the androids stood without any scratch,even the capsule had not been damaged
Trunks:You got to be kidding me!
Android 18:Well, let's open this toy
Android 18 opened the capsule hatch,from there came another android of great stature, orange hair and with green and black clothes
Android 17:Wow, you're really a tall bastard, what's your name?
Android 16:My designated name is Android 16, my main goal is to kill Son Goku
Android 18:Can you do anything else besides that?
Android 16:Negative
Android 17:Then we will teach you to do some things while we are going to kill Son Goku,first, learn to drive
Android 18:That's just a dumb excuse for you to drive a car
The three androids flew out of place
Vegeta:Tsk! How dare they ignore the prince of all Saiyans?!
Vegeta was about to go after them until Trunks got in the middle
Trunks:You can't fight them, they are very strong
Vegeta:No one is stronger than Vegeta!
Trunks:You can't go, you're still not as strong as Go...
Trunks received a strong punch in his stomach from Vegeta,he flew off in the direction of where the androids had headed
(Y/N):I should have warned,never mention Kakarot when it refers to power
(Y/N) flew to where Vegeta was headed,the others followed him until they saw 17 and 16 in a highway,they landed in front of them
(Y/N):Huh? Where is Veg...
Everyone watched as Vegeta crashed to the ground
Android 18:Well,it seems you can't fight with one arm anymore
Trunks became Super Saiyan and charged against 18,she just raised her arm to block Trunks attack,in that 17 appeared behind him and punched him in the head throwing him against the ground
Krillin:Oh crap! quick,we need a plan...
Piccolo and Tien charged against the two androids but 17 kicked Piccolo in the face by throwing him against some stones while 18 began to hang Tien and then kick him in the back throwing him against the ground
Krillin:Oh my god! shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick!
(Y/N):That happens when you don't have a plan
Gohani:W-Won't you attack them?
(Y/N):Of course not,one against two is certain death,tell that to Frieza
In that android 17 and 18 landed in front of them
Android 17:Are you going to fight or not?
Krillin:E-Ehm...I-I do not think so
Android 18:Good, because this was already getting very boring
17 and 18 began to move away
Both androids turned to stare at Krillin
Krillin:E-EH?!...can you please don't kill people and unleash a terrible chaos
Android 17:And why wouldn't we do it even if that sounds like a very good idea?
(Y/N):Your main objective is to kill Kakarot,isn't it? why you better come back when Kakarot is much stronger? if you come back when Kakarot is strong enough to fight then it may not be so boring to kill him
Krillin:Y-Yeah that!...wait
Gohani:M-My dad?!
(Y/N):Trust me Gohani,you trusted me once in Namek isn't it? and you could see that I didn't fool you
Gohani:Y-Yeah...b-but my dad...
(Y/N):He'll be fine,I I said,come back when Kakarot can fight again,I'm sure you won't be disappointed
Android 16:Hmm...I do not think that...
Android 17:No no he's got a point,think about it, kill Son Goku with all his power, don't you think it would be more satisfying?
Android 16:My goal is to kill Son Goku right now, but it's okay, I'll wait
Android 18:Okay we will see each other again
Android 18 appeared in front of Krillin and kissed him on the cheek
Android 18:Goodbye~
With that the three androids left the place
Krillin:What...what just happened?
(Y/N):A girl just kissed you,end of story,heal others now
Krillin:Oh! right!
Krillin went with the others and gave a Senzu Bean to each one,once everyone was healed, Vegeta flew out of the place without saying a word
(Y/N):Leave your father alone,Trunks,when he gets like this,he don't talk to anyone until you tell him something interesting
Trunks:I know but...wait,how do you know that...
(Y/N):Purple hair,Super Saiyan,throw you to fight an android to try to protect him knowing that it could kill you,do you want me to give you more arguments?
Trunks:N-No...sorry for hiding it
(Y/N):It's not my problem so I don't care
Piccolo:I hope you have a solution for your parental problems, I have to go
Piccolo flew out of the place
(Y/N):Well,it seems that none of you know what communication is,hey Gohani
(Y/N):Is your father in your house? because I think it's better to tell him that some androids want to kill him
Gohani:Oh yes! my father is in my house
(Y/N):Well,I will go with you to look for Kakarot,Trunks you try to spend a moment father and son with Vegeta,even if he does not want it and if you two want they can come with us
Tien:Wait a moment who told you that you were the leader?
(Y/N):By the time I realized that you are all pathetic working as a team
Tien:...Yeah,you have a point but I'll go to Kamehouse for the moment,you go for Goku
Tien flew in the direction of Kame House and Trunks in the direction of where Vegeta had gone while the others flew in the direction of Goku's house,the three arrived in a short time
Gohani:Here we are,this is my house
Gohani knocked on the door of her house,the door opened revealing her mother
Chi-Chi quickly began to hug Gohani
Gohani:M-Mom! y-you're e-embarrassing me
Chi-Chi:Gohani,why do you say...
Chi-Chi was able to realize the presence of (Y/N) and Krillin,she approached Gohani and began to whisper in her ear
Chi-Chu:Uh...I hope your crush is that handsome boy and not...
Gohani:O-Of course it's him,mom
(Y/N):I'm sorry but we have no time to lose, out of my way
(Y/N) said pushing Chi-Chi out of his way
Chi-Chi:Hey! Do not your parents teach you manners?!
(Y/N):My parents are dead so no,where is Kakarot?
Chi-Chi:Ehm he is in that room,he recovered a few minutes ago
(Y/N) opened the door where Goku was,he saw him putting on his shoes,by his side was Yamcha
Goku:Eh? (Y/N)? What are you doing here?
(Y/N):Long story
Krillin:Story where a pretty girl kissed me!
(Y/N):Whatever,Kakarot,you need to get out of here,some androids are coming here to kill you
Yamcha:But I thought you had taken care of them
Krillin:Yeah but then three more androids appeared so now we are a much more serious problem
(Y/N):Is that why I was wondering if you know a place where we can become strong in a short time? those androids can change their mind at any time
Goku:Hmmm....Yes! I know a place,it's in the Kami Lookout...but it's very difficult to get there
Yamcha:I have a ship that Bulma gave me,we can use it to go to that place
Goku:Good idea,Yamcha,let's go before it's too late
They all left the house,Yamcha took a capsule from his pocket and threw it to the ground, showing the ship he had mentioned before
Goku:Good,you better come with us,Chi-Chi,I don't want those androids to harm you
Chi-Chi:Okay,thankfully I prepared some food before
Everyone got on Yamcha's ship,he lit the ship and headed to the place where the Lookout was
During the ride,Gohani was reading a book that her mother had brought for her but she was getting distracted looking at (Y/N) who was sleeping
Chi-Chi:Gohani,try to concentrate,I know that you like that boy but your studies are equally important
Gohani:I'm sorry,I will do my best
Chi-Chi:Hmmm...why is he dressed like Vegeta?
Gohani:(Y/N) is Vegeta's younger brother,he almost always follows in his footsteps,maybe that's why he dresses like Vegeta
Chi-Chi:Hmph! I just hope he is a better influence than Vegeta
Goku:Huh? hey it seems that Bulma is calling us
Goku answered Bulma's call
Goku:Hey Bulma,what's going on?
Bulma:Hey Goku,I wanted to know if (Y/N) is there
Goku:Yes,he is here
Bulma:Good,I need you to tell him to go to a place near GingerTown,Trunks and I go to that place
Goku:What happens in that place?
Bulma:Apparently some farmers find a time machine very similar to Trunks's and that is why I need (Y/N) there...I don't want to find those androids
Goku:Okay, I'll tell him,hey (Y/N)...
(Y/N):I already heard her,I wasn't asleep I was just meditating
At that moment Gohani's face turned completely red
(Y/N):Tsk! I'm not a person who really likes to investigate things...hey Gohani,do you want to come?
(Y/N):Yeah,you like this kind of thing
Gohani:I-I don't know...
Chi-Chi:*Sigh* okay,go but after that you have to study cellular biology
Gohani:Okay,thanks mom!
(Y/N) opened the ship's gate and both flew in the direction of GingerTown
Chi-Chi:Aww my little girl is having her first crush!
Krillin:I think you should worry about who she is falling in love with
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