Chapter 15

[Third Person-POV]

Super Buu:Who...Who the hell are you?!

Buu said extremely surprised to see the person in front of him

???:...Hmph! why would I have to tell my name to someone who would only last a few minutes before I killed him?

Super Buu:WHAT?!

(F/N):But I think it's better to tell you my name so that you remember it once you're in hell,my name is (F/N)...and I'll take care of making you suffer in the worst unimaginable way

Super Buu:Make me suffer? HAHAHAHAHA!! don't make me laugh,I will play with you...huh?

Buu could see how (F/N) had disappeared from the place,Buu raised his gaze slowly only to receive a punch in the face that threw him through several mountains but before Buu could get through one more mountain,(F/N) appeared above him and kicked him in the chest, throwing Buu to the ground

(F/N) flew at Buu and gave him a big stomp on his chest creating a crater under him and causing him to spit blood from his mouth

(F/N):Tell me what does it feel like to be humiliated by someone you can't defeat in all your life?


Buu created an explosion of ki around him causing (F/N) to back off,Buu quickly charged against (F/N) but he dodged the punch that Buu was going to give him

(F/N):How much more are you going to continue being pathetic?

(F/N) said seconds before punching Buu hard in the face but before he flew through the airs,(F/N) grabbed him from his antenna

(F/N):Why don't we take a little walk?

(F/N) said as he began to fly at high speed across the planet hitting Buu against mountains/ buildings/dragging him to the ground until they both reached West City,(F/N) threw Buu to the ground

Super Buu:W-We are in a city...great! that moron will not dare to do anything to me while...


Super Buu:CRAP!!

Buu quickly escaped from the Kamehameha of (F/N),he could see how the attack created a gigantic explosion in the place destroying much of the city

Super Buu:W-What the hell is wrong with you?! I thought that you wouldn't attack a city?!

(F/N):Hehe...tell me,who are you talking to? Kakarot or (Y/N)? Guess who wouldn't mind destroying a city?...and also...there are no humans in the world,so I can destroy everything I want and then use the Dragon Balls to rebuild let's continue with my fun

(F/N) said as he created a ki sword in his hand

Super Buu:Do you really think that you are going to beat me just by intimidating me? THEN THINK AGAIN!!

Buu screamed as charge against (F/N)

(F/N):Hmph! I will only need my legs for this

Super Buu:GRRR!! already fight seriously!!

(F/N):Do you really want that? then I will give you that pleasure! HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

(F/N) screamed turning into Super Saiyan 2,he kneeled Buu in the chest and then punched him in the face,(F/N) finished with a kick in the face of Buu throwing against a building,he created a very long ki sword in his hand which he used to cut Buu and the building behind him in half

(F/N) pointed two fingers towards Buu and fired a beam that hit Buu generating a very large explosion in the middle of the city


(F/N) descended and walked towards Buu who was standing in a deplorable state with a lot of smoke coming out of his entire body

(F/N):How much more will you make me wait? regenerate your body at once

Super Buu:...Hehehe

Buu regenerates his body at the same time as his clothes

Super Buu:I must say,you have been a good rival for the great Buu,in a long time I haven't gotten a fight like that

(F/N):...But not that you were just born an hour ago?

Super Buu:Whatever,as I was saying,you are a good rival for me,the warm-up may already be over for me

(F/N):...Really? I mean,I just beat you up and even I shouldn't be in Super Saiyan Base Form I can easily beat you

(F/N) said as he returned to his Base Form

(F/N):I guess I still have to make you suffer,let's see how much you can take another half hour,let's...

Super Buu:I'll beat you up myself!

Super Buu:...W-What?!

(F/N):You always have to have the last word,don't you?

Super Buu:Tsk!..well I UAGGHHH!!!


(F/N) threw Buu with great force towards a place far from the city reaching the same place as before,Buu quickly got up and pointed the palm of his hand against (F/N)


Buu launched the Big Bang Attack that directly hit (F/N) creating an explosion where he was

Super Buu:Let's see if you like that,Maggot!

(F/N):It wasn't bad...

Super Buu:...U-Uh...

Buu felt a great chill run down his spine

(F/N):But let's see what you think about this,Maggot~

(F/N) released energy from his fingers throwing Buu through the air and falling on some rocks,(F/N) walked up to him and grabbed him from his head lifting him off the ground

(F/N):Do you really think it is time to continue being arrogant?

Super Buu:GRRR!! HAAAAAAA!!!!

Buu fired a large ki blast directly at (F/N) but his ki blast did absolutely nothing to him

(F/N):*Sigh* Well...I have no hope with you either,it's my turn

Buu saw how (F/N)'s hand began to shine with great intensity,(F/N) fired a massive size ki blast directly into Buu's face,he along with everything that was around was destroyed, now the only thing that was there was a lot of rocks and rubble

(F/N) did that feel?

(F/N) said looking at the state in which Buu had been after receiving that great ki blast

Super Buu:H-HOW DARE YOU!!

Buu regenerated his whole body,you could see that he was very angry


Well...rather he was extremely angry


Buu pointed both hands in front of him,a pink orb began to create and several rays began to come out of that orb,(F/N) looked at everything with an emotionless gaze


Buu fired a massive blast of concentrated ki at (F/N)

(F/N):....Hmph! I can do that too,you know...FINAL KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!!!


Buu's Big Bang Kamehameha was completely eliminated by (F/N)'s Final Kamehameha,his attack hit Buu causing him to receive very severe damage,Buu tried to regenerate but he was already very tired

Super Buu:*Pant* Y-YOU!!...O-Oh god...

Buu was totally petrified when he saw (F/N) standing in front of him with the palm of his hand pointing towards him


(F/N) fired a powerful beam that pushed Buu out to sea while he was being destroyed by the same beam,before Buu could enter the depths of the sea,(F/N) created a ki sword that pierced Buu's chest,he lifted Buu into the air,pulling him out of the sea

(F/N):Do you still think you can play against me?

Super Buu:I'm sick of you already! I'm the strongest,the most powerful in the whole galaxy!!!

(F/N):Seriously? because apparently you are having trouble with possibly the most powerful person in the entire universe


(F/N):Do you want to do something else? I can still continue demonstrating that I am the strongest being in this entire universe,come on,you're just making a fool of yourself


Buu could feel his mouth being pierced by (F/N)'s ki sword,this caused his antenna to be cut too

(F/N):Shut up! stop repeating the same old thing to try to sound intimidating,you're just a useless and pathetic being,the only thing you did to get that power was to absorb the two strongest people that were at the time

Super Buu:A-At the time?

(F/N):Oh please! Gohani and Vegeta were powerful but not as powerful as (Y/N) and Kakarot, mind and power together amount to an extremely powerful being,something you will never achieve

Super Buu:...I see now...It's perfect!

Buu said seeing how his antenna was just below (F/N)

(F/N):What the hell are you looking at? I think you should be looking at me since after all I will be the last thing you will see before you are destroyed

Buu tried in every possible way not to draw (F/N)'s attention to where his antenna was, which worked,the antenna jumped towards (F/N) and expanded,surrounding him completely.


Super Buu:HAHAHAHA! now you are completely mine!!


The pink mass ended up surrounding (F/N) and absorbing him,the pink mass launched towards Buu joining him

Super Buu:Hehe...hehe....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I DID IT!! you were a big stupid! do you see what happens to you for showing off what you are not?

Buu shouted celebrating his victory but what he didn't know is that this was all part of (F/N)'s plan

[Inside Buu]

(F/N):Asshole,did he really think he could absorb me?

(F/N) said as he released the ki shield that surrounded him

(F/N):Apparently I entered the exact place

He said while looking at all his friends and Majin Buu placed in cocoons that were connected to Buu's body

(F/N):It's time for this jerk to learn his place in this life

(F/N) took the cocoon which was holding Majin Buu,he was about to tear the cocoon out until he heard someone's voice behind him

Super Buu:If I were you,I wouldn't do that

(F/N):Well take a good look at what I'm about to do

(F/N) started pulling Majin Buu's cocoon causing Buu's entire body to start shaking

Super Buu:A-AAAGGHHH!!! I told you to leave that alone!!

Buu put his hands on the ground and a pink mass began to absorb (F/N) from his legs

Super Buu:Now I will make sure that you really are part of me,what are you going to do now?


(F/N) created a ki sword in his hand and spun around him cutting the ligaments that connected the cocoons to Buu's body


Buu started screaming in agony,while he did that,(F/N) took all the cocoons and started looking for a way out until he saw one of the holes that Buu had in his body

(F/N):That's the only way out I have now

(F/N) was about to leave Majin Buu's body until a jet of steam hit him causing (F/N) to release the cocoon that held Majin Buu,he escaped through one of those holes

(F/N):Fuck I lost Majin Buu!...Huh?

(F/N) saw how Buu was being surrounded by steam coming out of his holes,once the smoke started to dissipate,(F/N) saw a new Majin at the place

(F/N):A new Majin? this looks like a kid


Kid Buu released a great scream that was heard around the entire planet destroying mountains,collapsing buildings and creating great waves until he stopped when he was kicked in the face,before he could fly through the air,(F/N) grabbed him from his antenna and hit him on the ground

(F/N):I'm sick of you all

(F/N) said with a look so cold that it would rival Frieza's own,(F/N) picked up Kid Buu and kneeled him in the face


(F/N) ended up stamping Kid Buu against the ground but there his suffering did not end,(F/N) began to fly all over the place hitting Kid Buu against the ground,against the rocks and against the mountains,finally (F/N) launched Kid Buu into the air,he looked very hurt

(F/N):Are you going to fight or are you going to continue being my training doll and if so...

(F/N) became Super Saiyan 3 causing great pressure to surround the place,Kid Buu,an evil being who only thinks of destroying everything and creating chaos in the places where he goes,for the first time is feeling terror,so much so that he tried to escape from (F/N) but he appeared in front of Kid Buu to knee him in the face

(F/N):Who said you could go? your suffering is not over yet!

Out of desperation Kid Buu started fighting (F/N),he was no longer fighting to destroy (F/N),he was fighting to survive (F/N)...which was completely useless

Kid Buu:A-Agh!!

Kid Buu cried out in pain as he was grabbed from his antenna

(F/N):I know that you are difficult to eliminate with one of my attacks...but I know the exact place where you can be's time to burn the trash

(F/N) said looking towards the sun...just then,the merger ended causing (Y/N) and Goku to separate

(Y/N):W-WHAT?! W-What the fuck happen?!

Goku:I don't know,the fusion was supposed to be eternal!


Kid Buu shouted extremely angry,he raised his hand in the air creating a large ball of energy

(Y/N):F-Fuck!....Kakarot,quick! take the others!

Goku nodded,he took Piccolo and Gohani in his arms while (Y/N) took Trunks/Goten and Vegeta in his arms and shoulders

Goku:Huh?...Wait for me,(Y/N)!

(Y/N) could see how Goku used Instant Transmission to disappear from the place,just at that moment,Kid Buu released the ball of energy

(Y/N):D-Damn it! I have no energy to fight...if I could...I would have already smashed you to pieces!!

(Y/N) said watching the ball of energy go towards him,at that precise moment the Supreme Kai appeared in front of him,he put his hand on (Y/N)'s chest and they both teleported off Earth back to the Sacred World Of The Supreme Kai

(Y/N) saw how Kibito had saved Goku from being destroyed along with Earth but (Y/N) was more surprised to see Dende and Hercule alive

(Y/N):How come those two morons are still alive?!

Goku:D-Damn it...I still don't have the energy to fight

Elder Kai:You two merged in a deplorable state,it is normal that you still do not have A-Agh!!

Elder Kai yelled when (Y/N) grabbed him by the collar of his clothes and hit him against a tree

(Y/N):You told Kakarot that this merger was permanent! why the hell did you lie about it?! damn scum!!

Elder Kai:I did not know that the fusion was not eternal in mortals! I only know from experience that the fusion was eternal!! please do not kill me!!

(Y/N):Tsk! You were just as useless as your friends

(Y/N) released Elder Kai

(Y/N):...Kakarot,you know Kid Buu is coming here,right?

Goku:Y-Yes...after seeing how angry he was,he wanted to kill us first

(Y/N):...Dende,do you think you can go to Namek?

Dende:Well...nope,I don't have an ability to go to Namek

Supreme Kai:I can take him to that planet but what do you want us to go there for?

(Y/N):Dende,ask the Namekians to use the Dragon Balls and make a wish that the Earth returns to normal and also revive all the people on Earth,all except the villains


(Y/N):Good...Kakarot,the two of us are the only ones who can still fight Kid Buu,the others are still unconscious...and Kid Buu is already here

Everyone watched as Kid Buu teleported in front of them

Kid Buu:Hehehehe!


(Y/N):Quick!! get out of here...NOW!! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

(Y/N) screamed as he transformed into Super Saiyan 3 and charged at Kid Buu by punching him in the face hard enough to launch him into the air

Kid Buu was throwing very far until Goku appeared in front of him and elbowed him in the face throwing him to the ground

Goku:(Y/N),what is your idea of all this?

(Y/N):I need the Earth to be returned so that you can gather energy,use the Spirit Bomb...the same one that you threw at me and the one that you tried to use to try to kill Frieza

Goku:O-Okay but it will take a while for all people to come back to life

(Y/N):Then we will have to fight against UAAAAGGHHH!!!

(Y/N):Why the hell did we talk for a long time?! Uagh!

Kid Buu hit (Y/N) against a mountain,Goku became Super Saiyan and tried to punch Buu but he dodged the punch and countered by elbowing Goku in the back by throwing him against a mountain

Kid Buu charged against (Y/N) trying to punch him but he blocked Kid Buu's attack,but he didn't stop there, Kid Buu put his hand on (Y/N)'s chest and fired a huge ki blast that launched (Y/N) into the air

Kid Buu teleported in front of him and gave him a double axe handle on his head throwing him to the ground creating a large crater under him

Kid Buu:Ha ha ha Haaaaaah!

Kid Buu left (Y/N) and charged against Goku,he dodged Buu's attack and kicked him in the stomach and then punched him in the face,knocking him back



Kid Buu extended his arm grabbing Goku from the neck,Kid Buu started hitting Goku against the rocks and the ground

Kid Buu:Uho! uho uho uho ho ho ho ho!!


Kid Buu:Heh!

Goku concentrated as much as he could to charge a Kamehameha and shoot it directly at Kid Buu,the attack hit him causing him to release Goku,he could see how Kid Buu regenerated the part of his body that had been disintegrated



Kid Buu released a gigantic roar that destroyed everything around him, Goku had to cover his ears to avoid being deaf, during that little second that Goku was distracted,Kid Buu teleported in front of him with a ki ball in his hand

Kid Buu:HIAAAAAA!!! Huh?!

Before Kid Buu could shoot the ki ball at Goku,(Y/N) appeared to cut Kid Buu's arm with his ki sword,he kicked Kid Buu in the face by throwing him against a mountain

(Y/N):Kakarot,what the hell is wrong with you? Why aren't you creating that Spirit Bomb yet?!

Goku:It is that,I feel that the Earth was rebuilt again but there are no humans in that place

(Y/N):Damn it! I don't have much strength to fight and I don't have any Senzu Bean

(Y/N) and Goku watched as Kid Buu got in front of them,he did the same pose as (Y/N) does to shoot a Final Flash but then put his hands next to him

Goku:H-He...he learned some moves from (F/N)!

(Y/N):Don't stare and annihilate this bastard!!

(Y/N) fired a Final Flash while Goku fired a Kamehameha,Kid Buu fired the Final Kamehameha against the combined attack of both,the two attacks began to struggle

Kid Buu:Haah! Ahh! Ahahahaha!!

Kid Buu started releasing much more energy causing his attack to start pushing back the combined attack of (Y/N) and Goku

Goku:H-He is beating us! u-unleash more power,(Y/N),don't stop!!

(Y/N):D-Do not tell me what to do!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

They both became Super Saiyan 3 to try and push back Kid Buu's attack but all they did was Kid Buu's attack start to slow down

Goku:I can't take it anymore,all my energies are running out!

(Y/N):Don't you dare give up,Kakarot!! fight for this! damn it! fight for your stupid planet!!

Goku:I-I try b-but!...huh?!

Both saw how their attack began to become more powerful


Kid Buu was quickly swallowed up by the attack of (Y/N) and Goku resulting in a gigantic explosion being created on the site,both returned to their base form and turned to see the two people who had helped him



Gohani:You two don't think I'm going to let you guys do all the work,I promise I would beat Buu and that's what I will do!

Vegeta:Hmph! I will only take revenge on Buu for having absorbed me,not for anything else!!

Goku:Thanks for helping us with that,Kid Buu still remains even more powerful than before... wait...I feel...I feel the energy of the people on Earth! Dende should have already made the wish!

(Y/N):So what the fuck are you waiting for? make the damn Spirit Bomb!!

Goku nodded and raised his hands in the air

Goku:It will take a long time to create a Spirit Bomb powerful enough to kill Kid Buu

Vegeta:Tsk! then our job will be to keep you alive long enough

Gohani:G-Guys! sorry for interrupting but apparently Kid Buu found Hercule!

Everyone watched as Kid Buu was approaching Hercule menacingly do not come close or you will prove the great strength of H-Hercule!!

(Y/N):It has to be a joke,is it that this guy always likes to get into dangerous things?

Hercule:Come on hit me if you can~


Hercule:AAAAAHHHHH!!! it wasn't for you to take it so literally!!

Kid Buu:HAHAHAHAHA!! huh?!

Hercule:I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! you know,I'm at that age when I do mischief!

Goku:Hercule is dodging Kid Buu's attacks!

(Y/N):But it won't be for long

(Y/N) quickly flew over to where Kid Buu was and kicked him in the face,causing him to back away from Hercule

Hercule:Huh? (Y-Y/N)!! what a pleasure to see you again,you don't know how happy I am to see you!

(Y/N):You just stay behind me,if you don't then Kid Buu will kill you

Hercule looked at Kid Buu for a few seconds to see how he had a very sinister face,Hercule quickly hid behind (Y/N) but before he could do anything,Kid Buu started clutching his head once he saw (Y/N) and Hercule together

Hercule:W-What is he going to do now?

Gohani and Vegeta landed next to (Y/N) to try to fight Kid Buu but at that moment Kid Buu spat something out of his mouth that then exploded in a pink smoke,out of that smoke came Majin Buu

(Y/N)/Hercule:Majin Buu!

Gohani:...I-I see,as Majin Buu had generated a good relationship with (Y/N) and Hercule,that prevented Kid Buu from attacking both at the same time

Vegeta:...Did you make friends with that weird thing?

(Y/N):S-Shut up,now that Kid Buu has let Majin Buu go from his body,he has nothing to stop him from trying to annihilate us

Gohani:My father is already gathering energy from Earth,we just have to give him a long time until he makes a Spirit Bomb powerful enough to kill Kid Buu

(Y/N):O-Okay!...these will be a long five minutes

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