Chapter 12

[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N):U-Ugh! Ugh! Since when did I become the babysitter of all of you? Agh!

(Y/N) complained because he carried Goku/Vegeta/Trunks and Goten in his arms and shoulders

(Y/N):J-Just a-a little m-more!...damn it! why are they so heavy?!

(Y/N) ended up arriving at the Kami Lookout,once he landed there,he threw Goku/Vegeta/ Trunks and Goten to the floor

(Y/N):FUCK! why the hell nobody else helped me?!

(Y/N) sat on the edge of the Lookout until he saw how everyone arrived at the Lookout, those who could not fly arrived in a ship of Bulma,from that ship came Videl which ran to where (Y/N) was

Videl:(Y/N),are you alright? I saw what happened and I thought you OH MY GOD!!

(Y/N):W-What's going on? why do you scream like that?

In that Bulma and Chi-Chi also approached (Y/N),both were also very scared

(Y/N):What happens to you three?! seems you wouldn't have slept in a week

Chi-Chi:I would say two

Bulma gave (Y/N) a mirror so he could see how he looked

(Y/N):Holy crap! I really look very scary with these dark circles,is there any way to get this out of my face?

Piccolo:From what I could hear,Babidi controlled you thanks to your evil heart and your evil thoughts,as you still have an evil heart,think of something good or something that stops you from having evil thoughts


(Y/N) closed his eyes for a few seconds,his Majin brand and his dark circles disappeared

Videl:Hey that worked!

Piccolo:Wow,I thought that was not going to work at first

(Y/N):Well it worked

Videl:And what were you thinking to make that thing disappear from your face?

(Y/N):...I-It was nothing...I need to go

Videl:Wait,where are you going?!

Videl said watching (Y/N) prepare to fly out of Lookout

(Y/N):Where else? I'll go for Majin Buu

Bulma:You're crazy! I don't know who this Majin Buu is but if Goku or Vegeta could do something,what makes you think you can do something?! you will die if you are going to fight him

(Y/N):So it seems good to you to let a potential threat walk the Earth? appreciates that I am caring for all of you

(Y/N) flew out of the Lookout in search of Majin Buu

(Y/N):Where could that thing be?

(Y/N) flew for many minutes to a great pink glow in the distance followed by a great gust of wind

(Y/N):That must be Majin Buu

(Y/N) flew to where Majin Buu was just to find him building a house

(Y/N):...I may exaggerate about being a potential threat

(Y/N) landed in front of Majin Buu's house,he realized (Y/N)'s presence and jumped from the roof of his house until he was in front of him 

Majin Buu:Huh? Buu reminds you!

(Y/N):That's right...I was the person...

Majin Buu:You were the person who killed the person who was giving orders to Buu!

(Y/N):Eh? seems that he saw how it was I who killed Babidi/ehm yeah,I was the one who killed that little scum

Majin Buu:Haha! Buu thanks you,that person was very annoying for Buu

(Y/N):I-It's nothing...I guess/Maybe I should continue this way,if I don't make him angry then he won't hurt more people

Majin Buu:Here's a gift from Buu!

Majin Buu said handing (Y/N) a big rock

(Y/N):T-Thanks...and what do you want me to do with this?

Majin Buu pointed his antenna at the rock and turned it into a pile of candys

Majin Buu:Buu made candy for Buu's new friend

(Y/N):U-Uhm t-thanks! Buu!/great,now I befriended this thing...but hey,he is someone more powerful than the friends that Kakarot has...I guess that's a point for me

[Timeskip-Meanwhile in the Kami's Lookout]

Goku:Fuuuusion! HAAA!


Both yelled at the same time joining their fingers

Goku:And this is how fusion works

Right now in the Lookout,Goku,with the help of Piccolo they were teaching Goten and Trunks the fusion technique

Trunks:We two have to do that ridiculous dance?

Goku:That's right,once you do it right then you two will merge creating a single being

Goten:If so,then why didn't you merge with Piccolo?

Goku:The fusion will only work if two people are of the same or similar race,Piccolo is a Namekian so he is a completely different race from mine

Piccolo:You two must learn this technique,I think it's the only thing that can defeat Majin Buu

Goten:And why don't my father and Mr Vegeta merge? I think they could both defeat Majin Buu more easily

Vegeta:I will never merge with a clown like him!

Vegeta shouted from outside the place where Trunks and Goten was learning the fusion

Goku:Hehe,as you can see,you two are the only ones who can defeat Majin Buu

Piccolo:Hey and what about Gohani? she could also defeat Majin Buu

Goku:I was thinking about that but I don't want to involve her in this again,I promised her she wouldn't fight again if she wanted to

Piccolo:Sorry Goku but I think you have to leave your fatherly instinct aside,the Earth is in grave danger thanks to Majin Buu,nobody knows what he can do

Goku:...Tsk! I have broken many promises to Gohani...wait, where...

King Kai:Hey Goku!

Goku:Huh? Is something wrong,King Kai?

King Kai:Your minutes on Earth...are about to end

Goku:WHAT?! but it was 24 hours!

King Kai:But due to the misuse you made of your energy during your fight against Vegeta your time on Earth was shortened,that's why I mentioned that you do not fight with all your power

Goku:...*Sigh* I guess it's time for me to leave

Goten:You...go? are you leaving now?!

Goku gave Goten a smile and took him in his arms,Goten hugged his father with tears falling down his cheeks

Goten:I don't want you to go!...I want you to stay here!

Goku:I don't want to leave either...but I think the Earth is better without least I had the pleasure of meeting my son


Goku watched as Chi-Chi threw herself against him and began to hug him

Chi-Chi:It's not true,tell me you're not going to leave again!

Goku:I'm very sorry,Chi-Chi,but my time on Earth is over,my place is no longer here,it is in the Other World...but don't worry,I will always be next to you,I will never leave you

Goku gave his family one last hug,he ended up saying goodbye to his family and friends and prepared to teleport back to the Other World until he remembered something

Goku:Wait! he can know where Gohani is!

Goku used the Instant Transmission leaving the Lookout

[In The Other World]

King Kai:Here you are Goku,I thought...what is he doing here?!

King Kai shouted watching as Goku had teleported to his planet along with (Y/N)

Goku:I'm sorry King Kai,I only come for a few minutes or seconds,are you sure she's with the Supreme Kai?

(Y/N):That's right,I told Gohani to go with that Supreme Kai,but I had told you that I was taking care of Majin Buu!

Goku:Don't worry about him,Goten and Trunks will take care of Majin Buu and also your friend, Hercule will take care of Majin Buu for the moment

(Y/N):He is not my...Agh! forget it!

Goku:...I found her!

Goku again used the Instant Transmission to teleport to a strange place

(Y/N):What the hell is this place?

Goku:I don't know,here it should supposedly be...

Gohani:(Y/N)!! DAAAAD!!

(Y/N) and Goku turned to see how Gohani was about to attack them with a great sword,Goku managed to dodge Gohani's attack while,although (Y/N) managed to dodge the attack,his armor was severely damaged by the sword


Gohani threw the sword into the air, the Supreme Kai saw how the sword was going to fall to the ground, he tried to catch it but due to how heavy the sword was...

Supreme Kai:AAAHH!!

 The Supreme Kai fell to the ground along with the sword

(Y/N):Tsk! What the hell,Gohani? you destroyed my armor

Gohani:I-I'm sorry,you and my father appeared suddenly and I couldn't stop,the Z Sword is very heavy

(Y/N):It's okay,no problem

Gohani helped (Y/N) get off the ground

(Y/N):This armor is already broken,it won't help me in fighting

Gohani blushed to see how (Y/N) took off his armor,what he was wearing now was his spandex that did not leave much to the imagination

Gohani bit her lower lip while looking at (Y/N)'s body while he adjusted his gloves,but she was looking more closely at the private part of (Y/N)

Gohani:God,how can I ask (Y/N) to take me from behind and take my virginity without sounding too desperate?

Supreme Kai:O-Okay! everyone! think about Jesus really hard right now!!

The Supreme Kai shouted while trying to lift the Z Sword

Goku:Why do we have to think about Piccolo so hard?

Gohani:Hmmm~ hard~

 Supreme Kai:Gohani is time to return to your training! Agh!

The Supreme Kai fell back to the ground when he tried to lift the Z Sword

Gohani:Eh?...Oh! sorry!

Gohani went with the Supreme Kai and took the Z Sword with much difficulty

Kibito:Supreme Kai are you okay?! how do you feel?!

Supreme Kai:I-I think it was the first time that I had to use my lungs to breathe

Goku:So what kind of training are they doing in this place?

Goku said watching Kibito help the Supreme Kai get up from the ground

Supreme Kai:We thought it would be a good idea for Gohani to train with the Z Sword

Kibito:The Z sword has a legendary power,it is said that anyone who uses it will get amazing powers and become the most powerful warrior

(Y/N):It seems to me a normal and ordinary sword

Kibito:Hmph! A mortal like you wouldn't understand the power of the Z Sword

(Y/N):I would not be surprised if that sword could not do anything,but keep up with your fantasy,I could see that you two suck as gods


Supreme Kai:Calm down Kibito,it's not time to fight,our goal is to defeat Majin Buu

Kibito:But Supreme Kai,this mortal has been bothering us since the first time he has seen us

Supreme Kai:We have given him many reasons for him to be upset with us,just try to calm you down,look how calm I am

Supreme Kai:You see? I'm very calm,now let's continue with the training

Goku:I would like to help Gohani train with the Z Sword

Supreme Kai:That would be perfect,we were about to try the edge of the Z Sword

(Y/N):You can train,I will lie on this tree

Goku:Very,what would be perfect to test the edge of that sword?

Supreme Kai:I think I have something perfect that we could use

The Supreme Kai raised his hand in the air and he began to create a large cube

Supreme Kai:Catch it!

The Supreme Kai threw the big cube towards Goku,he caught it with his hands but it could be seen how Goku had made it difficult for him to take it in his hands

Goku:Wow! it's very heavy...and it's also very strongest,I feel like I can't even break it

Supreme Kai:In that you are right,that material is called Katchin,it is the strongest metal in the universe,almost nothing can break it

Goku:So it's perfect to try it with the Z Sword,are you ready Gohani?!

Gohani:Yes,throw it at me,Dad,I'll cut it with the Z Sword!

Goku nodded and threw the Katchin cube against Gohani,she tried to cut it with the Z Sword but once it came into contact with the Katchin cube,the sword broke in half

Supreme Kai:T-THE Z-Z SWORD!!

Kibito:I-It is not possible! the Z Sword should be unbreakable!!

(Y/N):Yeah I loved the moment the legendary sword broke in you're going to refute that it wasn't normal and ordinary sword?

Goku:So...everything that made that sword was a lie?

???:Not at all,that is not the only way to release the potential

Everyone turned to see where that voice came from

(Y/N):Uuuuhhh...who and where did that old man come from?

Supreme Kai:I don't know...excuse me but who are you?

Elder Kai:Hehe you can call me Elder Kai,I am the Supreme Kai of many generations


Elder Kai:That's right and I came from that sword

Goku:...Wait,how did you get inside a sword?

Elder Kai:I wasn't inside the sword,I was sealed in that sword

Supreme Kai:And who was it that sealed you inside that sword?

Elder Kai:E-Ehm...we better forget that

Gohani:Excuse me,you said "that is not the only way to release the potential"

Elder Kai:Huh?...Oh! That's right,I heard you wanted to unleash that young lady's potential

Supreme Kai:That's right! can you do something like that?

Elder Kai:Yes,I can do that but for what reason do you need me to release her potential?

(Y/N):There is a pink guy on Earth who if he gets angry he could destroy the Earth so Gohani may be the only one who can control him if something happens

Elder Kai:Hmmmm....It's okay,I'll do it

Supreme Kai:Thank you very much,Elder Kai

Elder Kai:It's nothing,I need you to put yourself in that place

Elder Kai told Gohani pointing to a totally flat place with no tree nearby,Gohani went there and sat on the floor,Elder Kai began doing a strange dance around Gohani for a few minutes until he sat in front of her and pointed both hands at her

Elder Kai:I hope you didn't drink anything,this ritual lasts about 24 hours

Gohani:...WHAT?!?! And if something happens to Earth while we are still doing the ritual?!

Goku:Don't worry,Gohani,the Supreme Kai will show us everything that happens on Earth through a crystal ball

(Y/N):Well,I guess this will take a long time,wake me up when something interesting happens

(Y/N) began taking a nap while Goku/Supreme Kai and Kibito watched everything that happened on Earth

(Y/N):...I hope nothing happens to Videl while I'm here

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