Chapter 10
Today was the day the 25th world tournament was going to take place,everyone except Vegeta was waiting outside the tournament for Goku
(Y/N):Not that Kakarot and his family would be here?
Piccolo:Yes,but they wouldn't arrive together,Goku will come with someone else
Bulma:No wonder Goku is late,he always does the same...but it seems that others have just arrived
Everyone saw how the Goku's family arrived at the place,Gohani quickly ran to (Y/N) and began to hug him
(Y/N):H-Hey Gohani! w-what the hell happend to you?
Gohani:Nothing,it's just that I miss you too much
(Y/N):Tsk!...yeah whatever...why do you come dressed as the Great Saiyawoman?
Gohani:Is there a problem?
(Y/N):I-I...I just want nobody to recognize you,you don't wear your helmet,you only wear a scarf around your head and some simple sunglasses
Gohani:Awww don't worry,nobody will recognize me,I didn't know that you were worrying about someone knowing about my identity
(Y/N):Actually,I worry that people laugh at her but if she likes this then I have no problem
Chi-Chi:Where will Goku be? I hope I look good when he...
Everyone turned to see the person who had spoken
Goku:Hey guys!
Chi-Chi threw herself against Goku giving him a big hug
Chi-Chi:I missed you so much,Goku!!
Goku:H-Hehe I missed you too,Chi-Chi
Chi-Chi stopped hugging Goku,he could see how Goten was hiding behind his mother
Goku:Huh?...but who is that little boy?
Goku approached Goten and bent down to be at his height,Goten looked at Goku for a few seconds until he threw himself against him and began to hug him
Goku:Hahaha! You are a very lively child,it shows that you are my son
Everyone was watching the lovely moment
(Y/N):...Well,I think it's better to leave,this doesn't matter to me
(Y/N) was about to leave until Gohani realized this
Gohan:(Y/N)? where are you going?
(Y/N):This is not my business,it is your family and friends' business so I will go to look for Vegeta
Gohani:(Y/N) please,you are part of my family,you are my boyfriend
Gohani said with a big smile,(Y/N) started to blush and quickly looked away
(Y/N):T-Tsk! can't you leave a moment without embarrassing me?! I'll go where Vegeta is,have fun with your friends
Gohani:Okay,we'll see each other later!
(Y/N) nodded and walked to the place of the tournament,he signed up and entered the place where all the fighters were preparing
(Y/N):Everyone here is weak,this tournament will be nothing fun
(Y/N) kept walking around the place until he heard someone behind him calling
Videl:Hey (Y/N)!
(Y/N) turned to see Videl approaching him
(Y/N):Oh hey Videl
Videl:I thought you weren't coming
(Y/N):Well,I said I was coming because it seemed interesting,I want to see if I can win
Videl:So you came to the tournament to become the new champion?
(Y/N):No,that doesn't really interest me and besides that the champion is your father,so I'll leave him that job
Videl:Thanks for that
(Y/N):He took all the merit of my fight and Gohani's against Cell...and then he took Gohani's victory against Bojack!,it would be better for him to take advantage of all that fame he has won thanks to me and Gohani/I guess you're going to fight in this tournament
Videl:That's right,I hope to show how strong I have become thanks to you
(Y/N):Huh? but I only taught you to control the ki and to fly,I did not teach you to fight
Videl:But I think with that Ki thing I can win more easily
(Y/N):That won't make the fight easier for you,don't be confident in a fight,that's the first thing that will make you fall
Videl:O-Okay,I will consider your advice
(Y/N):Do it,even if I am young I am very experienced in combat,I just hope this tournament is worth my time
During the rest of the day,there were only bored and stupid fights,each fighter was weaker than the previous one,so I decided to retire since I did not see that this would be fun
(Y/N):I was hopeful about this tournament but it was very boring...even the Cell Games was more fun...and it wasn't even a tournament now that I realize
Kakarot:Hey (Y/N)!
I turned to see Kakarot approaching me
(Y/N):What do you want?
Kakarot:I just wanted to thank you
(Y/N):For what reason?
Kakarot:For taking care of Gohani during these seven years I was in the Other World
(Y/N):It's the promise that I made to you so I don't owe you anything anymore
Kakarot:Hehe and I also like Gohani to have a boyfriend like you
(Y/N):Why? I even thought it weird that your scary wife accepted me as Gohani's boyfriend
Kakarot:Because I could see how you protect Gohani even when you don't do it on purpose, when we were in Namek, you were very kind to Gohani while with the others you were very aggressive,you even almost killed Krillin once you saw him again
(Y/N):He almost decapitated my brother so I have my reasons for being aggressive with him
Kakarot:I guess you're right...I'm still surprised that Krillin has married Android 18
(Y/N):It doesn't surprise me too much
Kakarot:Of course,I guess you saw how they fell in love during these seven years
(Y/N):No! I'm surprised that Android 18 has married someone very out of her league! even 17 agrees with me with that
Kakarot:Yeah but Krillin looks like a good husband,I think they both make a good you and Gohani
Kakarot:And I remember that you destroyed Nappa's spine when he tried to crush Gohani
Kakarot:Oh! and I remember that moment when you saved her when Bojack was about to break her spine...well King Kai had mentioned that after I had won him 5 rounds in a row of a card game but I was impressed that you cared a lot about Gohani at that time and also...
(Y/N):I know! I got it! I got the point at that moment I didn't realize that I had a crush in Gohani,I'm very dense with those things! okay?!
Kakarot:Hehe okay okay,don't get mad,come on,Gohani may be waiting for you
(Y/N):Okay I think you're making fun of me right now!
I could see how Kakarot noticed something in front of us,I could see what he was looking at
???:Hi, you must be Goku
Kakarot:Yeah,that's my name,who are you two?
???:I am one of the tournament participants,I was able to reach the preliminaries and I wish I could get the chance to fight you,I would like to know how strong you are but I am sure that I could not win against you...I would like to shake your hand
Kakarot shakes hands with that very rare looking dwarf
???:I already realized...that you own a pure soul,it was a pleasure to meet you
The dwarf guy walked away along with the tall guy from us
(Y/N):What weirder guys,do you know them?
Kakarot:No,I've never seen them in my life
(Y/N):How strange,you always have the weirdest friends...oh well...I guess they don't look like a threat,I'll go to another pl...
At that moment I could see how a lot of people passed by us,in that some paramedics were pushing a nursing table with Videl lying on the table,it looked like she was very hurt
Hercule:Don't worry,Videl,everything will be fine,hurry to take her to the infirmary!! NOW!!
The paramedics rushed and took Videl to the infirmary
Kakarot:Wait...she's the daughter of Hercule,she was fighting a guy named Spopovich...she is your friend?
(Y/N) said Spopovich,right?
(Y/N):Great,I haven't killed anyone in a long time
Kakarot:(Y/N),don't do it
Kakarot said putting his hand on my shoulder
(Y/N):I'ma do it!
Kakarot:Why don't you go with Videl? I think you better be with her...then you can do what you want with Spopovich
(Y/N):...Tsk! alright! but this will be the last time you stop me from making someone suffer,you stopped me with Frieza but now you won't do anything
I said while removing Kakarot's hand from my shoulder,I walked to where they had taken Videl,I entered the room where she was,she was wrapped in bandages
Videl:...I'm sorry...I didn't take your advice,I fought being very confident and they beat me up
(Y/N):...Do not say that,you are still a beginner,then you will do well,if you continue training then you will be a good martial artist or whatever they call it here...but I'm sure you gave everything you had in that fight
Videl:That's right,I tried to show how strong I had become...but the guy I fought had a superhuman strength
(Y/N):I least you're fine, worried me
Videl:Did...did you worry about me?
(Y/N):I guess,during the several weeks I was training you...I don't know,I think I feel more attached to if I wanted to protect you from everything like...oh crap
At that moment I realized that during all those weeks I was training Videl...I fell in love with her just as I was in love with Gohani
(Y/N):U-Uh! e-ehm! I think I should go,I have many things to...
In that Videl held me in place putting her hands on my shoulders,she got up from the bed and pushed me against the wall
(Y/N):W-What the hell?! Not that you had been beaten?!
Videl:I took one of those green beans that you had in your pocket
I put my hand in my pocket and I could tell that the Senzu Bean that I had had disappeared
(Y/N):Tsk! It seems you didn't forget what Senzu Beans do since that one time I used it for are in love with me,cutie?~
(Y/N):L-Look,I'm sorry,maybe I create romantic feelings towards you without even knowing it but my girlfriend is Gohani and...
Videl:She already knows
(Y/N):Yeah she alredy...what?
Videl:She is not so dense,(Y/N),she knew that I was being attracted to you...during those weeks that I had training with you I fell in love with you for how you were with me, it is not necessary to say that you are the most handsome guy I have seen in my whole life...even Gohani told me that you liked girls with short hair
(Y/N):I fucking knew it!!
Videl:And I do not regret that,that face you made when you saw me with a new hairtstyle was very cute, I had never seen you like that...but I will stop talking about it, as you know, Gohani recommended me to cut my hair but she also told me something else
(Y/N):What thing?
Videl:That we can share you,we both love you for who you are
(Y/N):...A prick?
Videl:Of course not,sorry for saying that about you,you're much better than that,Gohani told me wonderful things about you...but I would like to take a first step
(Y/N):W-What do you...
I could feel how Videl put her hand on my member
(Y/N):I never thought you were that kind of girl
Videl:I'm a little kinky
Videl:Uh? *MOAN*
Videl gave a great moan when I grabbed her butt and one of her breasts and started licking her neck but after a few seconds I stopped
(Y/N):You don't know how I really am...but I won't do anything until Gohani agrees with this
[Third Person-POV]
Before Videl could do anything else,she received a kiss on her lips from (Y/N),she quickly melted into the kiss by putting her arms around (Y/N)'s neck while standing on tiptoe
The kiss lasted for many seconds until they both separated from the kiss,Videl had a big blush through her cheeks
(Y/N):I will not deny that you are beautiful and cute like Gohani but as I said before, I will not do anything until she agrees
(Y/N) left the room leaving Videl very surprised
Videl:Well...He is a gentleman~
Meanwhile with (Y/N),he was walking back to the tournament
(Y/N):Fuck! I forgot that after Videl,Gohani was going to fight,I think I'm trying too hard to be a good boyfriend
In that a great golden glow came out of the tournament ring
(Y/N):Is it that everything happens when I am not there?! this is already frustrating me too much!
(Y/N) ran to where the glow had originated only to see how two guys had Gohani immobilized, one of them was using a strange machine to extract Gohani's energy
(Y/N):Kakarot,what are you waiting for?! are you not going to do something?!
Goku:I-It is necessary that they take the energy of Gohani
(Y/N):What the hell do you mean by that?!
???:We must not intrude,it is necessary that they extract energy from her
(Y/N) turned to see the guy from before
(Y/N):You are that same guy from before
Supreme Kai:I am the Supreme Kai and I need those two people there to extract the energy of Gohani to take us to a place where there is a threat to the universe which we need to stop
(Y/N):Okay...but I'll tell you just one thing,Whatever-Kai,if something happens to'll be next on the list
Supreme Kai:There is no need to resort to threats, everything is planned,Spopovich and Yamu will take us where we want to go
(Y/N):That was not a threat
Spopovich and Yamu ended up absorbing enough energy from Gohani to then escape from the tournament,(Y/N) flew at full speed behind them,while he flew behind Spopovich and Yamu,Gohani watched as a Senzu Bean fell in front of her
Gohani:...Hehe he still cares a lot about me
Gohani ate Senzu Bean recovering all her energies,In that,Supreme Kai's assistant,Kibito approached Gohani
Kibito:You feel good? do you want me to heal you?
Gohani:It is not necessary,I feel better
Goku:Gohani,come quickly before something happens to (Y/N)!
Gohani nodded and she flew along with Kibito where (Y/N) was headed,Goku/Vegeta and the Supreme Kai also went to where (Y/N) had headed
Vegeta:So,are you going to tell us at once what we are facing?
Supreme Kai:I guess at this point there is no way to hide it,Spopovich and Yamu work for a pretty dangerous wizard,his name is Babidi
Goku:A wizard,is he really powerful?
Supreme Kai:If we talk about his power level then no but his magical techniques are the most dangerous there are,of course,he is the only wizard that I have knowledge that exists besides his father
Gohani:And what does he intend to do with the energy he stole from me?
Kibito:He plans to revive a very dangerous evil being called Majin Buu
Supreme Kai:If Babidi manages to do that then possibly this galaxy and the universe is in danger
Goku:I see...hey! it seems like that's what we're looking for!
Goku said seeing what appeared to be a spaceship in the middle of the desert
Vegeta:Hmmm and apparently (Y/N) got ahead with the fun
Everyone saw how (Y/N) had Spopovich grabbed from his neck while with his other hand he created a ki sword that pierced Spopovich's chest
Spopovich:W-Wait...A-Agh! h-have mercy!
(Y/N):Mercy? Do you really say that when you saw what I did to your friend?
(Y/N) said referring to how he decapitated Yamu with his ki sword
(Y/N):Ever since I heard your stupid name and what you did to that girl in the tournament, I knew I should make you suffer as long as possible but I shouldn't waste my time with you
(Y/N) cut Spopovich in half causing the lower part of his body to fall to the ground,(Y/N) threw Spopovich's upper body into the air and destroyed it with a ball of ki
Vegeta:Since when can you create ki swords?
(Y/N) watched as Vegeta and the others landed behind him
(Y/N):I wanted to improvise my use of the ki,I managed to make the ki stay in my hand and then I gave it a shape of a sword
Goku:That's so cool!
(Y/N):Thanks but now let's continue with whatever is inside of that
???:What do you think about this, Mr Babidi? Do you think it's enough to wake Majin Buu?
Babidi:Of course not,Dabura,there is still a lot of energy to wake up Majin Buu, Spopovich and Yamu did not get enough energy
Dabura:Is there any other way to wake up Majin Buu?
Babidi:Hmmm...I think I have an idea, these people who entered my ship are already approaching me but I could tell that one of them has a bit of evil in his heart
Dabura:Are you going to control one of them?
Babidi:That's right and then he will fight against the others,I think that will be enough to generate enough energy for Majin Buu
Babidi said as he looked through a crystal ball at the others,he put his hands around the crystal ball and began to recite a spell
[With The Others]
Goku:And now where do we have to go?
Supreme Kai:I don't know,for some reason I can't feel Babidi's energy
Kibito:He may be changing the appearance of this place making us walk in circles
Gohani:Maybe we have to...huh?
Almost everyone watched as Vegeta started to grab his head and started screaming in pain
Gohani:Vegeta...what happens to you?
Supreme Kai:As I supposed
Goku:Supreme Kai,what happens to Vegeta?
Kibito:It's Babidi,he's trying to control Vegeta! due to the evil he has in his heart
Gohani:Can he control anyone who has an evil heart?
Supreme Kai:Y-Yes,Vegeta,you have to put your mind blank,you must resist Babidi's control!
Vegeta released a wave of energy becoming Super Saiyan 2 but something was very different from ordinary Super Saiyan 2
[With Babidi]
Babidi:Perfect, now we just have to...W-WHAT IS THIS POWER ?!
Babidi shouted as the crystal ball exploded,a great earthquake originated around the Earth,lightning began to fall from the clouds and the waves of the sea became incredibly aggressive
Dabura:M-Mr Babidi, this power may destroy the ship before Majin Buu awakens!
Babidi:I-I need to get them out of here!!
Babidi teleports everyone outside the ship taking them to the tournament ring,everyone in the tournament was terrifying while Goku/Kibito/Supreme Kai/Gohani and even Vegeta himself was surprised...while terrified
(Y/N):What's going on? Did you never see the great power of Saiyan royalty?
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