Cheater Mei x Male reader x Kiana(Avocado 🥑🥑🥑)

(Kiana Kaslana)

(Mei Raiden)

{MCijam: Attention. I deeply apologize if I make Mei a bad character in this one-shot. This is from someone's request, his name is Elsword800. He is the one who requested the chapter, and please leave if you don't like a cheated story. This is not suitable for you, I'm worried you are not going after me, but go after the man that requested me. Remember, you have been warned to leave the story again if you hate a cheated story or your waifu be a bad girl in this story.

And this is my first one shot!

MC out~}


Y/n, the strongest Human ever lived. He is in X Rank Valkyrie which means he is unstoppable. This rank was only gained once he killed the Wave of Honkai beast by himself and killed a few Herrscher alone.

The strongest and the luckiest man ever because he is dating Raiden Mei, the Top tier Valkyrie, having the appearance beautiful making any woman jealous of Mei. But she is not the only one beautiful in the academy too, there are others like Kiana, Y/n best friend. There were more like them too, just go search google and type 'Beautiful anime girl'.

Right now Y/n is heading back to the academy after he finishes a mission killing a Honkai Beast with Kevin. Kevin is Y/n master but in a matter of time, Y/n defeats him. Kevin is so proud because manages to understand everything in a matter of seconds and can learn faster than other people can do.

Kevin: I see you manage to break the world record. . . again.

Y/n: I know. . . knowledge at dangerous.

Kevin: Yeah, you kill an Emperor class beast with books.

Y/n: Yup.

Kevin: You know the book you use is Theresa Manga?

Y/n: Yes, and I'm proud of it.

Kevin:. . . Wish you luck Y/n.

Y/n: Thanks, man. I don't need it.

Kevin: Whatever. So how was your relationship with Mei?

Y/n:. . . she is rarely spends time with me. Every time I want to ask her to go hang out, she is always busy.

Kevin: Hmm? What does she always do to make her busy every time?

Y/n: She says she has a mission given by Otto.

Otto: I never give anyone a mission besides you Y/n.

Y/n: Wow, since when have you been here?

Otto: I'm on this ship for the whole time.

Y/n: I just realized that.

Kevin: Me too.

Otto: Urgh.

Otto held his heart as he stared at them with a sad face.

Otto: I brought you guys here, and you guys don't even notice me? I even greet you two when you come inside the ships.

Kevin: Sorry I don't think I remember seeing you.

Y/n: Count me in.

Otto:. . . So about Mei you two are talking about, I never give her a mission at all. Since all of the missions that I should give to Valkyrie. . . you Y/n already finished it.

Y/n: Oh. . . so she lied?

Kevin: Probably.

Otto: Two days ago, I saw she always wears beautiful clothes before going outside the academy.

Kevin: I don't want to anger you Y/n, but I can assume she cheated on you.

Y/n:. . . Ok then.

Kevin and Otto look at Y/n with a confused look. Y/n raised an eyebrow at them before looking behind him to see a wall. Then he pointed at himself.

Y/n: Why do you guys look at me with that look?

Kevin: You are not mad, Y/n? Or even sad? Because she probably cheated on you.

Y/n: I'm mad. . . but hey, if we found out she cheated, I would just break up with her. Settle the problems.

Otto: You are an odd one Y/n, other people are always mad or sad, but you. . . like you don't care at all.

Y/n: *sigh* I dated her because she asked me out. I agree because I want to feel when dating someone.

Kevin: Oh. . . ok then. *someone calls him* Let me take this call.

Y/n: No need to ask us permission.

Kevin then goes to a nearby toilet and answers the call. Y/n and Otto look at the toilet Kevin goes to.

Otto: There are many alone places for him to talk, and he chose the toilet?

Y/n: Everyone has a choice. Especially Male.

Otto: Hey wanna prank Theresa?

Y/n: *stare at Otto*. . .

Otto: So?

Y/n: *chuckles*  You son of Simp I'm in.

Otto: Yes. First we wi-


Kiana can be seen walking around the academy as she skips Fu Hua's class without her knowing. Now she is heading toward Mei's room because she has been very busy lately as she can't attend the class.

Kiana: "I wonder what Mei is doing, she has been busy lately, she even rarely spends time with Y/n."

Theresa: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Kiana then sees Y/n run away with Otto from Theresa's office. They run past her as they laugh. Kiana then hears a door being kicked as she looks to see Theresa that is wet with manga in her hand.


Theresa then runs after two of them while holding her Judah. Kiana just laughs her ass off as she continues to go to Mei's room.

After a minute of walking, she arrives at their dorm. Open it as she enters the dorm and goes toward Mei's room. But then she heard the sound of clapping. She widens her eyes as she slowly walks toward Mei's room before she opens it to peek. And what she found is unbelievable!
Kevin claps his hand alongside Y/n and Otto clapping their hand too.

Kevin: Why do we do this again?

Otto: To see how many claps we can do before 2 minutes.

Y/n: Yup.

Kiana: Hello?

Y/n and the other two stop what they are doing before looking at Kiana slowly. They stare at her as she is sweating and nervous because they stare.

Y/n: What do you think you are looking at?

Kiana: You guys. What else? So what did you three do here? Especially you Kevin.

Y/n: Me and Otto ran from Theresa after we dumped slimy things at her while she was reading a manga. Trust me she can't read manga that has slime on it.

Kevin: I have something to tell Y/n.

Kiana: Oook then. Did any of you see Mei? She has not attended class for a few days, and she does not invite me.

Otto: But doesn't she always come out from the dorm? Where will she go?

Kiana: Don't ask me, I don't know where she goes. Do you know Y/n? Since you know. . . you are her boyfriend?

Y/n: No. She rarely hangs out with me. She says she is always busy.

Kiana: Is that so? *sigh* This is odd, she is rarely busy.

Otto: True. I never give her a mission, since all missions Y/n already finish it first.

Y/n: Ehe

Otto: Do one more time 'Ehe' and you f#ck up

Y/n: I like to see you try old man.

Otto:. . . you should've thought of that earlier.

Y/n: What are you gonna do? Explain every detail why you simp for her?

Otto: I don't hesitate to tell the reason I simp HER Y/n.

Y/n: Please no, in 5 hours you explain, it can be explained by me in a few seconds.

Otto: Tell then. I bet you can't.

Y/n: You simp, but she falls in love with someone else. Then both of them die and you try to revive her at any cost. The end.

Otto: *shocked* Impossible!

Kevin: Stop guys, I want to tell you something important.

They stop bickering as their attention is now on Kevin. Kiana too listened to him.

Kevin: I received a call, and some of my men spot, Mei.

Kiana: That's good. Let's go meet her-

Kevin: Holding hands with another male.

Instantly the mood dropped except Y/n. The two of them don't believe Kevin's words. Kiana doesn't believe it because she knows Mei more than others, there is no way Mei will cheat someone.

Otto: You sure Kevin? If it is a joke please say yes, Y/n here.

Kiana: Yeah! There is no way Mei will cheat on Y/n.

Kevin: Yes, it is true, they can be seen dating in the city, buying clothes, and like what couples always do, make out.

Y/n closed his eyes as he shook his head. He has predicted this will happen, but doesn't confirm it because Mei is a cheerful and helpful girl, which makes his suspicion a little hard to believe.

Y/n: Don't know this will happen as I predicted.

Kevin: *shock* So you already know? Why don't tell any of us?

Y/n: I just don't think she cheated on me. So wanna go meet her and her new 'boyfriend'?

Otto: I don't think I should be with you when you two meet. It's your 'girlfriend ' after all. So you must face it yourself. But if you need help with something, count me in.

Kevin: Indeed, but don't worry, we look at you from far away, if something happens, I will step in myself. It is hard to believe Mei will do this.

Y/n: Fine. So you know where her location is right now?

Kevin nods his head before telling Y/n where Mei and her 'boyfriend' are dating right now. Otto already left to prepare something for Mei, while Kiana just sat in a chair while looking at Y/n with concerns.

After a while, Kevin leaves the room while preparing something for Mei. Y/n just stare at the door that Kevin used to leave earlier.

Kiana: Are you sure you want to meet her? W-what happens if she insults you? Isn't that gonna hurt your heart?

Y/n: Don't worry Kiana. . . if she hurts my heart, I have many friends to spend time with so I can fix my broken heart, especially you.

Kiana: *blush* Eh?

Y/n: See you later! I have a bitch to take care of!

Y/n then open the window before jumping out. Kiana's brain takes time to process what just happened. She snaps out of it before she looks where Y/n jumps. She just sighs while closing her eyes.

Kiana: Y/n baka.

(Timeskip different place)

In a city, we can see Mei clinging to someone's arm whole, happily rubbing her face to the man's cheeks. They just finished eating a buffet from the restaurant.

Damas: *smile* So how was the food?

Mei: *smile* Delicious~

Damas: So where do you want to go next?

Mei: *think* Hmmm. . . wherever you go~

Damas: How about your academy? I heard that this place is fun.

Mei: *sweat* U-um no the academy is closed right now. You know. . . holiday?

Damas: Holiday? Today is Tuesday, and no events are happening this week.

Mei: W-well, my academy got a holiday because of the government.

Damas:. . . if you say so then. How about buying some hot dogs? There is one on sale right now.

Mei: *smile* It is? Where?

Damas: *point at certain direction* Right over there.

Mei looked in the direction her 'boyfriend' pointed to, her eyes landing at the hot dog shop. Her eyes widened because she saw someone she was very familiar with. This person is always there when she is in trouble, they are even so loyal toward her even though she is cheating.

It Y/n selling some hot dogs. He right now gives some hot dog with mustard sauce on top of it to random citizens. Damas then walked toward the shop while dragging Mei's hand. Mei seeing this pulls back her arm away from Damas grasp. Damas stops and looks at Mei with a confused look?

Damas: *raised eyebrow* You don't want a hot dog?

Mei: *sweat* YES! I want it, but I'm tired of walking right now.

Damas: We just walk for 2 minutes. Aren't you a Valkyries? I'm sure walking for 2 minutes isn't tiring for you.

Mei: *nervous* W-well yesterday I was fighting some Honkai beats, that's why I'm tired right now.

Damas: Yesterday you slept in my house. You don't go anywhere.

Mei: J. . . Just go buy the Hot Dog!!

Damas: Ok ok, geez, no need to be mad at me if you are bad at lying.

Damas walks toward the Hot Dog shop to order a Hot Dog for himself and Mei. Mei brings out his phone and calls Y/n. In the shop, Y/n sees his phone rigged with Mei's name displayed on the phone, he then answers the call.

Y/n(P): Yes?

Mei(P): Y/n! This is your girlfriend Mei!

Y/n(P): Oh. . . "What is she planning right now?" So what do you want?

Mei(P): Can you take me? I right now [tell the location], this is an emergency.

Y/n(P): Sorry, but I'm busy right now. I will tell any of my friends that I am free to take you. Okay?

Mei(P): No! I want you! Not your friend!

Y/n(P): I'm very busy right now.

Mei(P): Please~

Y/n(P): I refuse. Don't worry I will call Kiana to take you. Y/n out~ * hangs up*

Mei: "Better pray so Damas don't tell my name to Y/n as his girlfriend."

Back to Damas that is laughing his ass off while mock Y/n. Y/n just smiled don't care style at him while preparing two hot dogs for Damas.

Damas: Series? Do you enter female toilets for real?

Y/n: Yeah idiot. I don't know if they color to tell male and female. I chose blue, and it's female, like hell I know.

Damas: For real? What kind of toilet is that?

Y/n: I don't know, but I'm sure I don't want to visit that building again.

Damas: I respect you, man. Name Damas by the way.

Y/n: Y/n. You can call me Y/n.

Damas: Y/n, nice name. So why are you selling this hot dog? I haven't seen your face in this city for 5 years.

Y/n: I ran out of money. . . so I'm selling some hot dogs! Who doesn't want it?

Vegan protest: We do!

Damas: Ehhh! Go away!

The vegan protesters then go away while shouting protesters quote.

Y/n: Geez~ Why did they protest? I know it's about meat, but why do they need to take it so seriously? Just mind their own business.

Damas: I don't know. One day they threw cabbage at my window.

Y/n: And what did you do?

Damas: I kill them with cops helping me

Y/n:. . . welcome to the club Damas.

Damas: Yeah!

They then laugh together as a best friend should do. Y/n see Mei from far away try not to stand out so he can see. She forgot Y/n is the strongest Valkyrie, he already knew Mei and Damas will come here so he borrowed a Hot Dog shop for a while.

Y/n: So did you order it for yourself? Don't worry, I have eaten 5 hot dogs too. And trust me I eat it for free.

Damas: It is? Damn. Well for your question, the other one is for my girlfriend.

Y/n: Oh. . . so what is her name?

Damas: Mei Raiden. Cool name right?

Y/n: So is this Mei person over there?

Y/n point ag Mei while she is not looking. Damas followed his hand and his eye landed on Mei.

Damas: Yes! You have a sharp eye and good luck! I'm impressed that you can guess which girlfriend is mine.

Y/n: Hahaha, of course. "She is my girlfriend bro. But I'm sure not anymore." Here, your Hot dog. It's $5.

Damas: Wow, so cheap, unlike some restaurants. 1KG meat for $30. *hand the money* here.

Y/n: That scam right there. And thanks. So how do you meet her if you don't mind what I'm asking?

Damas: Hmm, dating app I think? Yes, I'm sure I will meet her on a dating app.

Y/n: Ooooo~ So did she ever tell you about her last relationship?

Damas: Nope. This is her first time dating. Well, I gotta go now, see you later buddy.

Y/n: Sure sure. Hope we meet again in the future. "So he and I are the victims"

Damas takes the Hot Dog and goes to Mei before giving her the Hot Dog. Mei then dragged his father away from the Hot Dog shop. Y/n looks at them until he grabs a certain amount of money and gives it to the shop owners.

Y/n: This is $10K. Thank you for your cooperation.

Shop owners: Thank man! I really need it to cure my daughter.

Y/n: You are welcome.

Y/n then teleport on top of the building. There is Otto, Kevin, and Kiana. Y/n then ask them a question.

Y/n: Where Fu Hua? and Himeko? Plus Theresa?

Otto: Fu Hua is teaching.

Y/n: Himeko?

Kevin: Drunk at home.

Y/n: Theresa?

Kiana: She's still mad at you and Otto.

Y/n: Oh. . . so we. . . still, go with plan A.

Kiana: Plan A? We only have one plan.

Y/n: Just go along with it.


Mei and Damas can be seen online while waiting to buy a ticket for a movie. But when they want to buy the tickets, Mei sees the one that sells tickets is Otto. Seeing this she dragged Damas out of the building making Damas frustrated.

Damas: *mad* Why?! We waited for 2minuteste for the tickets only for you to drag us out?! Do you have a problem with the movies?

Mei: *nervous* W-well I don't feel like watching movies today. How about going inside a Mall and shopping?

Damas: Urgh, fine.

Mei: "Tch! Why is Otto selling a movie ticket?! He is not poor!!"

They then go inside a mall to buy something like what couples always do. But Mei then meets something she wouldn't believe in her whole life. Even Honkai Impact 3 lovers don't believe what Mei sees.

Kevin is wearing clown makeup while doing a joke while making a balloon. His jokes are very lame but it makes many people laugh while clutching their stomachs.

Kevin: Did you know men are stronger than women? Wanna bet you all?

Then a buff woman comes to Kevin staring at him with killing intent.

Bug woman: I bet 50 dollars I can beat your ass, you ugly clown man.

Kevin: You have chosen death.

Kevin then makes a sword from a balloon before jumping toward the buff woman. Other people who see this just laugh alongside Damas. Mei, the only person who doesn't laugh. She then grabbed Damas hand and went somewhere far from Kevin that got beat up by Buff woman.

Damas: Mei! What has got in your mind? That is a good show right there! I bet the buff woman will win without sweating.

Mei: The show isn't interesting at all.

Damas: That for you. Now, where do you wanna go this time?

Mei: Eat at a restaurant right there?

Damas: *sigh* Fine. Let's go.

They go to the restaurant and sit down before ordering food. Mei sighs while thinking whether the people she met earlier are a coincidence or not.

Mei: "Why are they everywhere I go? It must be a coincidence. . . after this what? Kiana as a waitress?"

Kiana: What can I help you with?


Damas: I want some [random food] and [random drink].

Kiana: Ok~ So what about you- heh where she goes?

Damas: I'm sure she sits opposite me. Well just go first, I will call you if she comes back.

Kiana not before she went to the kitchen and gave the order. She looks at Damas before she looks in the direction Mei runs. She smirks before continuing to take other people's orders.

In the restroom, we can see Mei scratching her head while still thinking of a way to go out without notice by Kiana. If Kiana finds out she cheated on Y/n, she will be killed by Kiana because Kiana wants to confess to Y/n but Mei confesses first.

Mei: Tch! Why are they everywhere I go with Damas? Okay Mei. . . you can do this. . .  I will just say Damas is my childhood friend. It is not that hard. Right?

Mei then went out of the restroom and went to sit earlier. But what she saw made her widen her eyes. Damas can be seen talking with Y/n.

Mei: "Why is he here?! Why can't he leave me and Damas alone?"

Mei then walks fast passing both of them without making them notice her. She then walked to her dorm in the academy to rest her mind leaving Damas with Y/n.

Mei: I will break up with Y/n tomorrow. Keeping a secret is too bothersome.


Mei can be seen walking in morning, clinging to Damas happily. Damas doesn't because she left him eating alone that yesterday, luckily Y/n there accompanying him eating the food Damas ordered.

Mei: What's wrong sweetheart?

Damas: Just mad at you. You left me at the restaurant alone yesterday?! Where are you going?!

Mei: W-well I had a headache yesterday. Sorry if I'm not telling you. How can I make it for you?

Damas: Well. . . I want to bre-

Y/n: Mei?

Damas and Mei look in front of them as Y/n look at Mei with widened eyes.

Y/n: *raised eyebrow* Why are you clinging to Damas? What is your relationship with him?

Mei:. . . He is my boyfriend.

Y/n: Then what about us?

Mei: We broke up. I don't find any interest in you. Plus I date you only for Popularity.

Y/n: Oh. . . ok then.

Y/n answers like that make Mei frustrated.

Mei: Hey! Aren't you supposed to be sad?

Y/n: Nah, I don't think I should be sad. Catch this. *throw Uno reverse card at Mei*

Mei caught this before she raised an eyebrow and scoffed at Y/n.

Mei: Reverse card? What will you do?

Y/n: Oh not me. But him. *point at Damas*

Mei looked at Damas, he looked at Mei for a moment before saying something that shattered Mei's heart.

Damas: Do you still remember you will do anything to make up for me, right? Well, I want to break up with you.

Mei's pupil shrinks before she has her head and asks Damas. This is not supposed to turn out after she broke up with Y/n.

Mei: I must mishear right?

Damas: No. I want to break up with you. Yesterday when I'm eating, Y/n accompany me, he told me everything about you, and your relationship with him. Sorry but I don't want to date someone that cheated on their lover. I'm a pure weebs.

Mei: No! This isn't happening!

Damas: Yes it is. Goodbye Mei.

Damas walks away leaving Mei staring At the ground with Y/n in front of her staring pity at her.

"She cries. . . It's not dramatic, it's not raining. Where is the rain when some sad drama happened?"

Y/n sigh before turning away but go stopped by Mei. Mei looked at him with a teary eye. Y/n raised eyebrows at her and felt a little amused watching her in this state.

Mei: *cry* I'm so sorry for what I told you earlier! I don't mean what I said earlier! Please take me back!

Y/n: No. I don't want to be near you.

Mei: *cry* I hope we can fix our relationship like we used to do! Please forgive me!

Y/n: You want forgiveness? Get religion.

Mei: *cry* I beg you to forgive me but this wh- *get a kick in the face*

She fall to the ground while rubbing her cheeks. She look to see who kick her, and it Kiana.

Mei: Kiana?

Kiana: He doesn't want to forgive you right? Just accept the fate. He does everything for you but you turned your back on him. You are not my friend anymore Mei. You're just a parasite.

Mei: *cry* No! This isn't happening!

Kiana: Yes it is. Just accept it bitch.

Mei: Hey Y/n! You still love me right?

Y/n: No.

Mei: Lie!

Kiana: *sigh* Why should he lie? After all, he already knew you cheated on him a yesterday. Who wants to love a cheater? The retard one.

Mei: Y-you! You must have told him right?!

Mei then bring out her katana and dash toward Kiana ready to thrust in her neck. She thrust her Katana at Kiana making her widen her eyes because of how fast is Mei and she doesn't have time to react. She managed to look at Y/n a little as she smiled while looking at Y/n.

She closed her eyes as she waited for the pain she would receive. But only a gust of wind can she feel as she heard a cough from Mei. She feels something wrap around her body as it pulls her closer to something warm.

She slowly open her eyes to witness Y/n hand inside where Mei's heart belongs. Then he pulls out his hand that is holding Mei's heart, instantly killing her in front of Kiana. She widened her eyes as she just witnessed someone die in front of her by the heart being pulled out. Mei's body then falls to the ground as blood begins to come out. Y/n look at the Mei body before looking at Kiana.

Y/n: You okay Kiana?

Kiana doesn't respond as she just stares at Mei's body then Mei's Heart that is still moving slowly. Y/n see this he threw away the heart in the trash bin.

Y/n: Tuna.

Kiana: *snap out* Yes Y/n?!

Y/n: Let's go.

Kiana: What about Mei's body?

Y/n: Kevin will clean it.

Kiana: But what happened if someone -

Kevin: Don't worry, I already take care of it.

Kiana jumped a little because he suddenly appeared. She looks at Mei's body only to see nothing, the blood even gets cleaned up. It was too fast, probably 2 seconds.

Kiana: Eh?

Kevin: Eh?

Y/n: Huh?

Kevin: Huh?

Kiana: Huh?

Y/n: Stop. Let's just go home. I'm too tired to do anything. Just say Mei got killed by me. Settle the investigation that will be investigated by some police I think?

He then teleports to his room leaving Kiana and Kevin. Kevin looks at Kiana and nods his head before he teleports to his place. Kiana takes a deep breath before she heads toward the Academy.

(Timeskip Y/n room)

Y/n is laying on the bed while his eye is locked into his phone. He right now is deleting all pictures of Mei and him have taken together except when Mei and Him take a picture together with each other.

"Now I don't have a girlfriend. . . should I find another one? It is kind of the same as in high school. Where someone will have me because of my popularity. Don't know Mei is that kind of girl. It's Saturday, should rest my mind for a while"

He closed his eyes to rest only for someone to knock on his door. He opens his eyes and goes toward the door with a groan before opening it.

Kiana is standing there while staring Y/n in the face with a smile on her face. She smiles like nothing happened this morning.

Kiana: Can I come in?

Y/n: Tell me the reason why I should key you in?

Kiana: Because we are best friends?

Y/n:. . . please don't steal my console. Again.

Kiana: Sure!

Kiana enters his room before jumping towards the bed. Y/n just laying beside her and trying to rest as he has many things running in his mind. None of them talk until Kiana asks Y/n.

Kiana: So what are you gonna do now?

Y/n: Nothing.

Kiana: Bruh. Other than nothing?

Y/n: Spend time with you all.

Kiana: Oh. . . hey Y/n. Am I annoying to you?

Y/n: 👁️ 👄 👁️

Kiana: Don't Make that face!

Y/n: Who are you? Kiana never asked this question before!

Kiana hit Y/n in the arm making him laugh while she pouted at him.

Kiana: Geez~ This is serious. Am I annoying to you?

Y/n: Yes you are very annoying. Always bring trouble. Always make trouble, always make me handle the trouble. You even near make world war, you lucky I right there to prevent it from happening.

Kiana's heart was aching as she heard that word come out from Y/n mouth. But his next words make her blush.

Y/n: It is a past, now you, a mature woman, can think what is good and bad. You even get +A plus in math. . . by using my tips.

Kiana: You say 'Focus on exams'.

Y/n: I don't say 'Focus on seeing other people's papers.'

Kiana: Heheh-

She then felt someone hug her from the back. It Y/n as he hugs her waiting to not let her go.

Y/n: Even though you are annoying, you are the first friends I ever made. You even became my best friend after a few days. I feel very grateful when I meet you. Even though you are kinda. . . strict towards everyone, but now you inspect first before judging them. Thank you for staying by my side until the end.

Kiana: *blush* W-sell it's nothing. What used to be called a friend but can't help their friend in trouble?

Y/n: *Chuckles* Yeah. . .

Kiana turned around facing Y/n as she looked deep into his eyes. Y/n seeing this just raised eyebrow without him noticing their face is inches away. One movement and they will meet.

Kiana: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Kiana: I love you.

Y/n: Wh-

(Avocado 🥑 🥑 🥑 scene +18!!!!)

Y/n can't finish his word as Kiana moves her head and collides her lips with his. She then closed her eyes and wrapped her around Y/n's neck to pull his head deeper.

Y/n widened his eye but closed his eye and wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her body closed. He lifted her butt and put it on his lap as their lips still connected.

Both their heads move slowly as they kiss deeper. Y/n lick Kiana's lower lips closing for a permission, she feels this opens her mouth as their battles for dominance. Their tongues twirl each other as their saliva mixes with each other.

Y/n wins the tongues battle as he explores her mouth and claims the territory. Kiana moans by Y/n exploring her mouth as she venkoy it every second.

After a while, both of them pull away as their tongues have a saliva still connected.

Y/n: *pant* *pant*

Kiana: *pant* *pant*

They smash their lips to each other again. Y/n let Kiana win the battle of dominance as she explores every single mouth spot.

Y/n drag his hand slowly from the waist to the stomach, then breast. He then grasps it making Kiana widen her eye and try to pull away but Y/n put his other hand behind her head and press into his head so Kiana can't pull away.

Kiana struggles but nothing she can do except continue kissing him. Y/n ruffles her breast making her moan in the kiss. He then slowly enters her shirt from below and opens her bra clips.

After opening it, she throws the bra off easily and pulls the shirt up showing her full naked breast. He pulls away from the kids as he sucks on them.

Kiana: *moan* Ahhh~

His other hand in Kiana's head moved below her waist and into the middle of her crotch. He unbuttoned her pants before shoveling his hand and rubbing her clit as Kiana noticed this look down only to get a kiss from Y/n again.

Y/n rubs her clit outside the panties as Kiana moans loudly even though in a  kiss. He moves his finger faster as Kiana moans loudly as a wet sensation can be felt on Y/n's hand. He pulled his hand out to see some sticky thing in his finger.

He smirks before she pushes Kiana as she falls into bed before he pulls her shirt and pants off as her naked body except there are still her panties covering her wet crotch area.

He then pulls her panties down showing her full clean clit as Y/n licks his lips before moving his head into it and licking it. Kiana covers her mouth so she can't let out a moan.

He put his tongues inside it before he moved it around. Kiana felt the best pleasure she ever had than masturbating. She put her legs behind Y/n's head and pushed his head deeper.

Kiana: I'm cumming!!!!

She cum as her juice hits Y/n in the face. He pulls away from her clit before he wipes his face with his towel. He looks at Kiana who is blushing mess while looking at Y/n with lust in her eye.

She then moves to Y/n to kiss him before pulling his shirt and pants away leaving him in his underwear.

Kiana: My turn~

She pulls his pants down revealing a massive and long rod. She stares at this with a hungry eye before stroking it up and down. Y/n groans when Kiana stroking his rod making her smirk before licking the tips of his rod.

After licking it, she takes the whole shaft in her mouth slowly until it reaches her throat. She then moves her head up and down as she gives him a blowjob. Y/n head falls back as the pleasure of Blowjob given by Kiana can't be imagined by him.

After a few minutes of giving a blow job, Kiana felt Y/n rod twitching inside her mouth signaling him at his end.

Y/n: K-kiana I am m-

Kiana: *muffled* Jhust Chum inshide!

Y/n grab her head and pull her deep into his rod as he cum inside her throat. She gagged a little before she pulled away from the Y/n rod as some seed fell from her mouth and some of the Y/n rod.

She uses her mouth to collect every single seed and swallow it. She then takes the Y/n rod again and cleans it with her mouth, after cleaning it, she opens her mouth showing she swallows all of it.

This action makes Y/n hard a sin as his rod stands up glory in his crotch surprising Kiana.

Kiana: *smirk* Someone still hard~

Y/n: Who doesn't?

Both of them laugh before laying down on her back and ready for Y/n to insert his rod inside her. Y/n moves his rod into her clit ready to insert it. He slowly inserted it until he hit a barrier. Her hymen.

Y/n: If it hurts, tell me. Okay?

Kiana: Okay.

Y/n slowly moves forward until his rod is fully inside her as blood can be seen flowing from her clit.

Y/n: There is blood, Are you sur-

Kiana: It's alright. Just give me time to adjust to your size.

Y/n nods his head as they stay in that position for a minute. After a while, Kiana nodded her head and signaled Y/n to move. Y/n slowly moves as Kiana feels pain but she feels more pleasure from Y/n thrusting his rod in and out.

Kiana: *moan* Faster.

Y/n nods as he moves a little faster as the sound of clapping can be heard a little in the room. Kiana bit her lips as she kissed Y/n on the lips. She pulls away as she stares at Y/n's eye and says a word.

Kiana: *moan* Fas- *moan* Faster! F*ck me as deep as you can!

Y/n then fasting his thrusting as a skin clapping can be heard across the room loudly. Kiana's tongue is out as she looks at Y/n in the eye lovely. Y/n suck her tongue that is hanging out from her mouth as Kiana doesn't react because she is lost in pleasure.

Y/n then feels his end will come and Kiana feels her end is coming.

Y/n: I'm ne-

Kiana:*moan* Inside me!! I want it inside me!!

Y/n moved faster than before as Kiana's head fell into the back as her eye rolled back into her skull and her tongues hanging out from Y/n fast thrusting. Then Y/n thrusting deep inside her as he releases his seed inside her, along with Kiana as she Cummings on Y/n rod.

Both of them now panting as they stare at each other's eyes. Kiana cupped his face before kissing him.

Kiana: I love you Y/n.

Y/n: Me too Kiana, me too.

Kiana: Wanna go round 2?

Y/n: Let's bet who will pass out first~

After that, they continue having sex until night. Many positions have their use. . . just search on internet sex position if you want to know that much.

(Timeskip night)

Y/n and Kiana lying on the bed with Kiana on top of him while hugging him. Their bodies are covered by blankets to protect them from the cold.

Kiana: That was the best pleasure I ever feel~

Y/n: Me too Kiana. Me too.

Kiana: So Y/n. . . are we lovers now?

Y/n: Of course.

Kiana: You know. . . you cum inside me many times. What happened if I'm pregnant?

Y/n: You are the one that wants it. Don't worry, I will take responsibility.

Kiana: *smile* Thank Y/n. Good night.

She then kissed Y/n in the cheeks before snuggled into his neck. Y/n put his hand on her shoulder and pulled her closer to his body. He then kisses Kiana on the forehead.

Y/n: Have a sweet dream, Kiana.

The end

So guys. . . is this one shot? I think it's like a chapter of a book right now. So how was it? Good? I bet it's normal or trash because of my Grammar.

And Elsword800, you must expect Lemon 🍋 but it was this! Avocado 🥑!!

MC out~

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