Untitled Part 4
Kirby:hi so before we began just wanted you to know I won't be use descriptions of characters anymore. It's annoying ok, ok.
Slenda:this is the last day your son shall remember you.
Slenda said as she and her proxys all leave. And your mother scared to attack as they'll have literally around their fingers.
time skip to the mansion
Slenda:I'll begin in them gym
She laid your body on the gym floor and use her Pcychokenisis to flood your memories. As she saw them she had begun to cry.
Slenda: Ann......do you have it
Ann:of course(she pulled out a syringe and aim it into your heart.(the flow of blood starts at the heart and then would most certainly reach all over your body getting rid of muscle memory. ) and begins injecting you with some chemical that was destroying your memories.) He's now a blank canvas ,so paint him as you see fit.
Slenda:Very well
she than began projecting false memories into your head at that moment Benny rushed in with a clock opened one of your eyes and rammed it in to your eye it hurt and you woke up Slenda was still giving you memories but you looked at Benny as she had hypnotized you. Saying in code she new and you new.
Benny:π¶÷ £•| [¶' ¶÷• }¶™|•(You are now our lover)(now normally ) and our servant to see through what ever we ask.(snap)
Y/n:(your eyes widened as you leaned back feeling like if you didn't you'd of fall in backwards any way. Looking up you saw one of your lovers and masters Slenda and realized that your head is in her lap and you blushed)he-hello lady Slenda
Slenda:{Benny what did you do}{nothing but make him a great guy who any girl would fall for.}{how you didn't say thing you only said he'd be our slave. Than something in code such i don't get.}{ See how where talking right now}{nnnnoooooo}{yyyyyyyeeeeepppp}
Slenda went to kill Benny but you knocked her out the way getting stabbed you self and you haven't fully recovered from........something, odd you can't seem to remember.
Y/n:(coughs up a dangerous amount of blood.)please don't fight.....please......dont(passed out)
as you fall towards the ground but Slenda catches you and rushed to Ann and explains the whole thing
Ann:What ever Benny did.Looks like Y/N is shy but protective. How'd she do it.
Slenda:woke him up and hypnotized.
Ann:what? That's stupid.
Slenda :Well in his state he didn't have much of a mental state to protect so he must of aloud her to do it.
You sat up ,you were bandaged and you where in Ann's clinic. You got out of bed, went to the kitchen and started cooking. It was 6:30 a.m. girls got up at 7:30 so you had an hour.
You cooked all there favorites in the most nutritious and flavorful ways possible.
You heard someone near the mansion and walk out side to intercept them and GET RID OF THEM.
???:damn where am I
Y/n:some where you shouldn't be and now that your here ima hafta help you free of this place
???: Derections? thanks man I real-
You stabbed him saying go head and die, after this is a mercy.
Y/n went home and saw the girls eating all of them wondering who cooked it all except master Benny.
Benny:(where are you)(she see you in the door smiling)hey girls the cook is at the door ~~~~
All of them looked at you and some thanked you some hugged you and others stay there enjoying the meal.
Y/n:only doing my job for the ladys i love( bowing and blushing, and went was out of the room)
every one except Benny was shocked at your statement . Slenda explains what Benny did and they all agreed that this was perfect.
Kake-gao: <So he listens to all of us and loves all of us?>
Benny:yep and that's not the changes I've made to his personality. I've had it where he's shy, cunnimg, hates being the center of attention, will do what we say if he's capable, a servant who devotes him self to us and would protect us in a heart beat....even from eachother.......(looks at slenda)and can't be scared.
Kake-gao:<I'm going to test what you've done with his combat abilities.>(this< will show when they speak another language.)
She found you on the gym punching a sand bag it seemed like decent punches then
You yelled out and blast through it with a solid punch. Kake-gao now felt no reason to test you and went back to the others to explain what she saw.
Slenda:he busted the punching bag....I'm made those where now one at th is mansion could do that.....not even me.
They saw you walk past the kitchen and saw the bandages on your arms, and your torso as you where in the words of Slenda's thoughts, quite fit~~~~~~then every one blushed as they realized you where shirtless. Every perv in the room got a nose bleed. Not noticing them in the kitchen you keeper going to your room and when you got there you grabbed a shirt, put it on and went towards the kitchen. And saw them
Y/n:hhhhmmm did the A/C go out, ill go check.
Kake-gao:<no no no it's fine(but your much finer ~~~~~) what do you say to a game of truth or dare everyone.>
All girls: ok/alright/I'm in.
They look towards you expectantly
Y/n:(sigh) ok I'll bite at the laid before me.
Kake-gao:<I'll go first, Jess truth or dare.>
Jess: Dare
Kake-gao:ke ke ke ke ke ke<I dare you to try and beat Y/n in one on one combat>
Jess & Y/n:WHAT!!
they looked at each other, stood up and walked towards the gym and Jess looked..................not nervous more concerned for you, that most likely means she'll hold back after all the dare is that she'd have to TRY to beat you. You two got on in sparring area and Jess lunged at you, you ducked and rolled to the side. Then stood up and tackled her as she went down instead of following her you dove over her. She got back up dumbfounded on how you not only at how you countered but also because you had such control over the situation that it was stupid. You than appear behind her(for those whose who don't your just moving that fast not teleporting)and kicked her towards the edge, not giving her a chance as she got back on her feet your punched her out of the ring. Then the two of you went back but before you continued the game .
Kake-gao:<So who won>
Jess:Y/N did, but your date was to "try" to beat him so I'm still in this. Any way Y/N, truth or dare
Y/n:considering what just happened i think it better for myself to choose truth.
Jess:(aaaawwwww my chance just missed. Don't think I didn't notice Y/n.) Where you trying not to hurt me in our fight, explaining why you tried to end it so quickly.
Y/N:yes that's true. Ann truth or dare?
Y/n: I dare you........to check the open area about a minute drone the mansion. You earlier asked where I was when I walked through the door. You'll see if you do the dare.
Ann:at first you had my attention now you've coupled it with curiosity, all right I'll play your little game.
She walked out side and when she or there she saw.......the bodie. When she got back she looked at you, her face says it all a mixture of confusion and pride as that wound had to have given a slow death.
Y/n:sorry lady Ann, but I didn't pick truth.
Ann: hmm Benny.truth or dare.
Ann:I dare you to ask the author to end the game
Benny:that's easy
[Kirby:Benny howd you get here in, my house, while everyone's asleep?
Benny:don't worry about it I just want you to end the truth or dare in the story ok GOD:Kirby
Kirby:okei and it's just Kirby, kirby blue.]
Benny: ok it's done and so is this chapter by every one.........freaking creeps.even i don't stare at other people and I come out you tv.
Y/n:lady Benny the cameras still rolling
Benny:Shit shit shit.
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