The Partner of the Bard (Venti x Male reader) (part 2)
(A/N): If you're an old reader of mine, surely the time it took me to actually write must have not come as a surprise, but for any new readers I do apologise, it is usually very hard for me to motivate myself to write a new chapter. (ifk if the artwork was showcased on here before, but art by me)
(Y/N's POV)
I groggily woke up, my eyes fluttering softly at the light peeking in. The burning sensation in my stomach and head soon hit me, damn I was hungover, yet my memories were quite intact. Or so I thought.
Venti: *soft mumble noises*
My eyes slightly widen as they adjust to the harsh light and the presence of a second person in my bed took me by surprise. This second person was of course venti, memories of the latest events rushed through my mind as I remembered the conversation about how he was a boy.
I took a good look at his face, he was drooling like a puppy. A single thought was eating away at me, how could a man be so adorable? I had never thought of myself as gay before, so why was the sight of this man enough to make me blush?
my movement seemed to notify a certain bard as they stirred awake, they took a lot less time to realise my presence.
Venti: (Y-Y/N)?
I simply nodded confirming that he wasn't dreaming or seeing things.
Venti: W-Why are u in my bed?
(Y/N): Well....this is my bed....
He quickly searched around the room to realise I was right, this really wasn't his room.
A blush spread around his cheeks yet his smugness remained unbroken.
Venti: Lecher~
My eyes widened.
(Y/N): HUH!?
We both winced at my loud voice as we had both forgotten about the hangover we were dealing with.
(Y/N): I didn't do anything to you. Plus I didn't even know you were a man since yesterday, I wouldn't do something like that to a man.
I crossed my arms trying to put on a strong front to not admit my honest feelings, but seeing how his face contorted into a sadder expression, my facade quickly came undone.
(Y/N): B-But you'd be...*whisper* an exception...
Venti's eyes widened, I didn't know if I should be happy or not that he heard it.
Venti: Hey (Y/N) you have something you wanna tell me?
I blushed knowing that I had a lot to say, it was true that I always thought he was cute and I loved spending time with him above anything. But I couldn't bring myself to say the words, how did the protagonists in the books Xinqui recommended to me back in Liyue do this?
(Y/N): Venti I uh...I don't want this to hurt our friendship and this might be too quick, but I...might look at you as more than just a friend. Even after learning your gender, my feelings didn't change, I like you too much to care about your gender.
Venti blushed and for a second his smug demeanour disappeared, what was left instead was pure joy.
Venti: Why did you not say so before?!
(Y/N): I-It was NOT easy to say you know!
He chuckled in a sly manner.
Venti: So you like me hm? You love me hm? Bet you want to have your hands all over me? Bet you wanna kiss me?
He kept teasing relentlessly, but I had to say that was a part of him that I had fallen for as well. His lighthearted smug behaviour was charming. But today was the day I would take revenge.
(Y/N): I do, and I take your questions as permission.
Venti blushed.
Venti: P-Permission? Permission for wh-
I pulled him in for a kiss, the soft bed creaked under us as I leaned in, that was the last sound heard before our lips connected, his lips were smooth and soft, I would've felt self-conscious about my chapped and rough lips if his breath didn't absolutely stink of wine.
His body tensed at first as his eyes widened, I was afraid of his reactions but soon his eyes closed and he melted into the kiss, his hand making its way to my chest and using me as support so that he could deepen the kiss.
Of course, I followed his passionate response with passion of my own. After around a minute of not wanting to separate, a moment that we both wanted to last an eternity, the need for air became too much for me as I separated.
His eyes were looking at me, a rosy blush complimenting them.
Venti: S-So you're serious about your emotions?
I nodded without breaking eye contact.
A smile crawled up his face as he pounced on my chest hugging me.
Venti: Yes yes yes! A billion times yes, I love you too, and I did for a long time, you enticed me with your personality, and the way you'd always compliment me so sincerely intoxicated me and made me develop a sense of belonging by your side, I'm glad these feelings finally get to bloom.
I was taken aback by his outburst of emotions, but it warmed my heart to see my feelings were not one-sided and that they would be taken seriously just as I took his feelings.
Venti: This calls for a celebration! Let's go for a drink!
He tried to get up but I pulled him back down.
(Y/N): We already drank so much yesterday, no drinking for you for a good while!
He pouted in a manner that could only be described as adorable, it made me want to squish his cheeks...oh wait I can.
I grabbed his cheek giving it a squish, Venti was surprised by this action but his pout soon became a smile as he enjoyed the feeling of my caress on his face.
Venti: Maybe you're right, maybe staying in bed is not so bad after all.
He nuzzled my hand enjoying the sensation.
(Y/N): So Venti...are we....lovers now?
He smiled cheekily.
Venti: Absolutely~
I smiled at that response, that was so like him.
I snaked my arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me and laid back down. We cuddled like that for a couple of hours more, an indescribable happiness present in both our chests.
A couple of weeks had passed since our confession, and surprisingly our bond seemed to only grow stronger, I was the happiest I could imagine myself being.
The sound of the lyre resonated through the street as Venti played the lyre for everyone to hear. Everyone stared at him in awe, as they should, he was incredible. And a sense of pride filled my heart knowing that I was dating him. Man, I'm so lucky.
Soon his performance came to an end, he bowed and jumped off, once he got away from the crowd he smiled as he saw me waiting for him, his walk became running as he jumped into my arms.
Venti: Hehe~ Did you enjoy the show?
(Y/N): You know I could never get enough even if I tried.
Venti: Hope you aren't trying! *pout*
(Y/N): Oh trust me I enjoy being here with every part of my being.
He smiled and I gave him a quick peck causing him to laugh. We enjoyed dating like this a lot, just him and me, we went on adventures, drank wine, and gave each other lots of affection, it was everything we could ask for.
And after a long tiresome day, we'd go home together, I never learnt where he stayed previously, but he began living with me once we began dating.
*Scene change*
We arrived home after travelling the whole day, we hunted a huge cryo regisvine today, it was hard to do since neither of us have a fire vision. So we were more tired than usual, we walked inside the door, and knowing he wanted to take a shower before I did, I called dibs.
(Y/N): I'll shower first!
Venti: Wha- HEY! Thats unfair!
But I had already rushed in.
I turned on the water and filled in the bathtub. My toes made contact with the warm water and I felt my muscles relax, after a cold fight, the water felt heavenly.
(Y/N): Phew this feels great~
I was relaxing in the tub when I heard the door creak open, my heart gently stopped as I saw Venti walk in with a towel.
(Y/N): V-Venti!?
Venti was blushing but kept getting closer.
Venti: Scoot, I wanna get in...
I did as he said and he calmly lowered himself into the water with a sigh.
It was cramped so both of our legs were touching each other. I was a lot more stressed than him as I didn't have a towel like he did, I had to use my hands to hide my privates.
I looked up at Venti and saw him staring at me intensely.
(Y/N): H-Hey stop looking at me like that! You're heating up the water.
Venti realised what he was doing and averted his gaze, I had never seen him this brave before...and definitely not this revealed. I took this chance to stare at him as well as I saw how the towel hid his privates but not much more, it was cute how he used the towel to hide his chest too like a woman even when he wasn't, I guess he's aware of how feminine he looks. His shoulders were pale and smooth, his hair was wet yet somehow kept its volume, and his
Venti: L-Look at whose talking, you're staring a whole lot aren't you?!
(Y/N): N-No...
I quickly averted my gaze too and we sat there awkwardly.
Venti: Y-You can look more you know...You're my boyfriend.
I gulped as I brought my gaze back onto him and saw him blushing a heavy red color.
Venti: N-No, it's not that you c-can look...I w-want you to look.
(Warning! Lewd descriptions, only proceed if very gay, no lemon yet)
I blushed intensely as he reached up to his towel and lowered the top part of his towel revealing his pink nipples. They managed to be so feminine even tho he was a man, a part of me wanted to tease him about it but words weren't forming in my throat. All I could do was stare.
It must've been from how intensely I was staring at him but his nipples slowly hardened.
Venti: Y-You're gonna burn a hole through me if u keep looking at me like that...
I acknowledged what he was saying but I couldn't possibly move my eyes away.
(Y/N): S-Sorry...
He nodded as if he was telling me it was fine. yet his blush soon deepened as he stared at me. at first, I was confused by what was going on, but I soon realised my hands were no longer covering my member due to...unexpected growth.
(Y/N): Oh shoot! S-Sorry you had to see that!
I tried covering it while failing miserably.
Venti: N-No it's fine...I'm glad looking at me made you feel that way. And...I'm the same.
He slowly stood up in the bath and completely dropped the towel revealing his naked body to me. His thighs were ample yet thick, they jiggled slightly with his every move, his dick wasn't too small, but it was certainly around average and it was standing proud and tall, clearly turned on by the situation. His balls were not very big either, but when you brought it all together, he was beyond pretty. Perhaps the prettiest thing I had ever laid eyes on.
Encouraged by his brazen display, I also stood up and removed my hands from my dick, stopping hiding it. as the bathroom was cramped, we were pretty close to each other. He seemed almost intoxicated by the whole situation, his eyes weren't moving away from me and my eyes weren't moving away from him.
Venti slowly came closer to me, closing the distance, our dicks were next to one another and you could see the clear size difference. His defeat in size clearly turned him on as his dick twitched, causing it to rub against mine slightly.
Venti moaned slightly as it rubbed against me causing both our eyes to widen.
Venti: I uh, I...
I pulled him in for a kiss, not being able to hold back much longer, our naked bodies rubbed against each other, yet that didn't matter, the Venti in front of me was one I had not seen before, and it was so adorable that I could eat him up.
Venti was moaning into the kiss as he felt our bodies rub each other.
(Ok lewd ended, pack it up bois)
However, that did not last for a long period of time as I felt his knees give out causing me to catch him before he fell.
(Y/N): Venti! Are you ok?
Venti nodded.
Venti: I just feel...lightheaded.
The heat must've affected him.
I picked his barely conscious self up and brought him to the bed, I dressed him up in underwear and did the same to myself. I laid next to him and cuddled up to him, giving him a single peck. We fell asleep.
*The next morning*
I awoke next to Venti and saw he had also awoken, he looked rather...sad.
(Y/N): Venti? What's wrong?
Venti realised I woke up and sighed.
Venti: Sorry for ruining the mood yesterday.
(Y/N): Oh darling that's not an issue, we will have other moments.
He smiled at being called darling, yet his smile turned into a frown.
Venti: But that's not all.
I looked at him confused.
(Y/N): What else?
Venti: I'm...not who you think I am (Y/N)... I've been hiding things from you.
My heart felt a pinch of pain but I continued listening.
Venti: We are...not the same. I'm not a human (Y/N), this identity, Venti, it's not who I really am.
(Y/N): W-What do you mean?
Venti: I will tell you this because I care about you, and if we're going to take things further, I want you to know the real me. I am...I am Barbatos. The wind archon, the vision I've been using is fake. I apologise for tricking you (Y/N).
I was shocked at this revelation, and he could realise my disbelief so he removed his vision and created a small vortex in his palm, showcasing his powers as an archon.
(Y/N): are not mortal?
He shook his head. This was all too much for me to handle, but my priority was somewhere else. He looked sad. And I wanted to cheer him up.
I gently held his hand.
(Y/N): I don't care about our differences, I don't care that you lied to me, all I care about is that you're still the person I fell in love with. I love Venti, and I love Barbatos, I love you. And nothing can change that. I'll be by your side till the end of my mortal life, so I hope you'll do the same.
He looked at me with tears welling up in his eyes and smiled at me.
Venti: I love you (Y/N), thanks for being my boyfriend.
(Y/N): I love you too Venti, or Barbatos, whichever you prefer.
Venti: I prefer Venti to keep my identity hidden, but you can call me anything you want.
I chuckled and pulled him in for a hug.
Venti: This is nice, I feel like a load got off my shoulders.
(Y/N): You truly are a dummy for thinking I'd judge you for it.
Venti: Oh shush.
His face contorted to the cheeky smile I fell for.
Venti: Want to drink wine to celebrate?
(Y/N): *sigh* By the archons you never change, do you?
Venti: As the archon in question, nope~
I smiled.
(Y/N): Dress up, we'll drink all the wine you want.
He laughed and instantly got up.
And like that, we opened a new page in our relationship, I became the lover of a bard, an archon and the person I love the most.
(A/N): That's it for this chapter! Thank you for reading, if there is enough interest I will make a part 3 with more lovey-dovey moments and a lemon! If not, then I will move on to the next femboy! Sorry for taking so long once again, and I hope that the next chapter will come a lot faster. Never forget! Femboys for life!!!
Katakuriu out...
Word count: 2625
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