Dare me once more (Part 1)
I already posted this on Tumblr, but here is the story for those who prefer wattpad or don't have tumblr 🥰
This is my first try to include some more girls into one of my stories, because personally I think that only one lost girl AU's are getting boring. I do have my favourites out there but sometimes I lack a plot and I think including more girls could be a way to fill in more content. It also makes sense that the reader is less special as if in being "the chosen one".
Let me know what you think of this idea and if you are interested in a second Part❤
Summary: The lost girls live a peaceful life on Neverland along with the lost boys. They fear the second in command who constantly seems to observe them until one day Y/N has to kiss him during truth or dare. They both seem to like each other, but the constant hate from the girls towards him makes things complicated.
Warnings: None
Word count: 9.012
Part: (1/?)
There was not a single day passing, without the second in command throwing spiteful looks at Y/N and the other lost girls. His brows were always pressed together in a serious manner, those grey eyes popped out of his sharp face like blades, piercing through their bodies. Y/N felt his eyes burning on her skin from across the clearing as he leaned against a big tree, chewing on a toothpick. It felt unbearable to lock eyes and she quickly turned around, her hands grabbing the ropes in her hands so tightly, that her knuckles already turned white. The lost girl had one simple task,- building a net, but how could she just sit there and try to work while the second in command burned holes inside her back?
"How long?" Nick, a small frame of a boy, stepped closer to the girl, inspecting her unfinished work. The lost boy seemed skeptical, but otherwise she could not recall a single moment of joy spreading on his meager face before.
"Almost done." The girl gave back without even taking another look at him, already knowing that his face would only hold contempt.
'Pff.' He rolled his small eyes. "Hurry the fuck up."
"I am trying." She murmured as he walked away. With Nick gone, the girl dared to look back into Felix's direction again, just to notice that he had seated himself closer onto one of the logs around the firepit. His hands were occupied with twisting his knife, while he threw fleeting glances at her. Y/N could not shake the feeling off, that he was staring at her, whenever she looked away. There was no chance to catch him doing it, but the girl could feel his burning eyes on her skin until she was finished with the net. She roughly pushed it into Nick's arms when he returned and strutted off through the small, overgrown pathway through the trees, until she reached the small cottages of the girls. All the time she could not push the thought off, how Felix had observed her, not the first time he did that to one of the girls. Uphill, Wanda sat outside her cottage, hovering over a small fire pit to cook something in the pot above it. When she heard footsteps, the brown-haired girl's curls jumped into all directions, as she swiftly moved her head towards Y/N.
"Hey." Y/N waved her hand and gave the other girl a wide smile at the delicious smell. "What are you cooking?"
"Leek and Potato soup." She smiled. Then she nodded over to another cottage and added,"Rebecca is baking bread."
It was like a dream come true for Y/N. Her stomach had started to rumble an hour ago and she could not wait to dig in and discuss the plans for the day. June and Violet would return from collecting mushrooms soon, so Y/N decided to set the table, so that they all could start to eat on time. The trees would protect the small, wooden table from any annoying sunlight and the location gave them the perfect view downhill riverside down. Water was near and if the boy's would not share the meat, the Island still provided enough vegetables, mostly untouched by the vain boys.
"It smells so good." Y/N approached Rebecca in her cottage. The tall girl turned with a shy smile, before focusing on kneading the rest of the dough that was not baking yet. She did not need Y/N's help, so the girl gathered the spoons and bowls to bring them outside. When she walked behind the five rowed cottages, Violet almost gave her a heart attack.
"HEY THERE!" She yelled excitedly as she jumped around the corner. In her arms was a basket full of mushrooms and berries, almost in the same colour of her fiery hair.
"I have to tell Wanda where I found these mushrooms!" She danced with her long legs around Y/N and left with a wink, before approaching Wanda. June followed shortly after, carrying dried wood for the fire.
"How was your task?" She mocked as if she already knew that the boys were not nice, nor patient at all. Y/N let out an annoyed groan and rolled her eyes, enough to make the short, black haired girl laugh.
"Nick is a living hell." She complained and followed June to the table. Wanda gave the soup a last stir and when Rebecca came out of the cottage with freshly baked bread, the other girls took a seat at the table.
"This is so good." Violet moaned, her bowl almost empty before the soup even had the chance to cool down properly.
"What will we do later?" June asked with a grin that reached from ear to ear.
"I have to help Mike and Brandon to cook later." Wanda responded with a groan and let her head sink theatrically into her hands. They all knew that Pan seemed to pick the laziest boys of them all and that Brandon rather ate the ingredients instead of helping to prepare them.
"And Pan thinks I should train with the younger ones." Rebecca added. She scrunched up her face in a disgusted manner, making her emotions clear. So it was either just Y/N, June and Violet, or they had to wait for the other girls to fulfill their daily tasks, until they could plan something to do together. Suddenly the figure of a boy in the corner of her eyes caught Y/N's attention and she turned aside to recognize the second in command. Felix did not often use the path along the girl's cottages, but when he did, they would always wonder where he went off to. It was not as if the girls did not like the second in command, but his presence alone was enough for every of them to frown and stop mid sentence. Rebecca faced the ground to avoid eye contact, her blonde hair hung like a protective curtain over her pale face. June and Violet acted like they would silently chatter about something important and even Wanda kept her mouth shut, surprising Y/N the most. Sometimes the lost boy would just trespass, but the girl's reaction was always the same.
"Such a creep." Wanda huffed when Felix was out of sight, gaining her confidence back. He vanished inside the dark woods and the curiosity of what he did there burned unspoken inside Y/N. She glanced over to Rebecca, her eyes still glued onto the ground, muting everything around her.
"He's gone." Wanda touched her shoulder comfortingly. The blonde girl sighed in relief and lifted her head, then brought her slim fingers up to wipe the hair out of her face. She had this kind of face that would naturally look sad: the corner of her plump, pink lips were constantly pointed downwards and her blue eyes popped out of her pale face like glistening marbles, underlined purple, as if she had cried for days. She looked tired and exhausted even though she was thriving with energy and positive vibes.
"I wish he would just disappear." She whined and closed the gap between her and Wanda in comfort. The girls have been so close since the day Y/N came here. They instantly accepted her in their group as if they had their own little gang on this Island- under Pan's eye of course. The lost boys treated them differently but they treated them fair. There was a big area around the camp where they were allowed to go alone, every other place needed a boy as companionship. Despite some small tasks, the boys would leave them all alone, some liked to chatter and seemed to have interest in some friendship, others were completely distant. Felix was one of the boy's who kept their distance. His face was never alighted with a smile and he would not even greet anyone. The only thing he did was staring at the girls and maybe this was why he made them feel the most uncomfortable one to be around.
"When will you go?" Rebecca asked.
"Soon." Wanda gave back. And with "soon", she meant not a glimpse after finishing their own meal. The group split until they would all reunite later, so in the meantime, Y/N wandered through the forest uphill to watch over the river down the scarp. The air tasted sweet, as if the flowers were blooming on her tongue and a soft breeze ran through her hair. For a moment, the girl enjoyed the peace and closed her eyes as she made herself comfortable between the branches of a tree, before opening them again to read a book. No matter how beautiful the undisturbed time was, she did not last long. The second in command had spotted the lost girl in the crown of the tree as he strutted through the forest on his daily patrol and when his eyes had detected her, the boy did not hesitate. He started to climb up the tree and Y/N stopped every move as she watched with curiosity. When Felix reached her height, he climbed close past the girl and took a seat in front of her, straddling the branch. She gave him an unsure look, thinking of all the possibilities for his interest in her.
"What are you doing?" He asked as if he was not able to tell by himself. A small grin was plastered on his face.
"I am reading." Y/N eyed the pages back again, signaling that he was not wanted here.
"Why are you girls always into the boring stuff?" Felix complained.
Y/N rolled her eyes in a huff. "We aren't unnecessarily endangering our lives, is what you mean?"
Felix huffed back and glared at the girl from under his hood, his sharp features elegantly framed by his messy, ashen hair.
"I could take you on some adventures if you like?" Felix asked with a goofy grin. He was teasing her. Before Y/N could think about it, she let out a scoff and dropped the book onto her lap.
"No thanks." She turned her back on him to grab the next branch in order to get down and away from him, but was stopped by the second in command.
"Where do you think you're going?" Felix teased and placed his hands on each side of her head against the tree while moving his head closer. He was clearly playing with the girl, but somehow she could not help herself as her blood pressure rose and her whole body started to heaten up, giving her chills that run through her spine.
"You're so weird, Felix." Y/N chuckled and pushed his arm away, noticing that there was no force at all. The lost boy gave her a startled look, but before he could say anything, she was already on the ground.
"See you later, McDreamy."
Y/N decided to keep that encounter with the second in command a secret when she returned to the girl's cottages. They feared him enough and Wanda could really be exaggerating when something upset her. During the evening, she got awkwardly quiet and blended every conversation out, being too busy to think about what the tall boy wanted in the first place.
"Everything's alright?" Wanda poked the girl into her waist to get her attention. Y/N raised her head from the plate and nodded without hesitation.
"Just tired." She lied. "Thankfully I don't have any tasks for the day anymore."
The girl's seemed to be convinced of her words and continued their conversation. Now that Y/N had started to listen, she had realised that the topic was which boy on the island was cutest. Frankly, she did not think about that at all. For a second the face of the second in command popped up in her mind again, totally independent from the encounter that afternoon. He was a big, rough boy, too old to be a child and too young for a man. He looked like a young warrior from ancient people, wild and untamed, an unconstrained being of a cold nature. Y/N gave herself a moment to think about what Felix would possibly do during the day: hunting, patrolling, giving orders- what else? What did he like to do when he was all alone? He did not seem like the other boys and his interest was not about creating chaos. Yet, he was something himself, unexplored and full of mysteries.
"What about you?" June stumped her in the flank and Y/N widened her eyes. What was the question? Which of the boys she liked?
"Well I-"
"Before you answer." Violet interrupted fiercely. "Only judge his look and not his behaviour!"
Well, that was something different. Felix looked quite good and he was still stuck in her thoughts, his words repeating themselves over and over again just like a loop, "I could take you on some adventures if you like?"
"I think he is kinda hot. I don't know what he is really like, but honestly I want to know him better."
"Okay, I did not expect that. But honestly I think Peter is a sexy god, too." Violet gave the other girl a confirming nod with a wide grin plastered on her face.
They asked about Peter?
Fuck, how glad Y/N was that she did not name the boy she was talking about and she did not feel like correcting her, no matter what impression she had left with her answer.
"I think he is a con boy." June said and caught all of Violet's attention with it.
"More for me." She said with a chuckle and twirled one of her red strands around her finger. The tall girl looked like a schoolgirl who would chew on a pencil, while dreaming of the boy she fancies.
"Nevermind!" Wanda slammed her hands onto the table and rose from her seat. "I shall make food before it's too dark."
The other girl's eyes glowed in excitement and also rose to their feet to help their friend, when June suddenly froze in place.
"What is it?" Y/N asked and when she followed the girl's eyes behind her, Felix had almost closed the distance from the pathway and the girl's cottages, directly walking towards them. Each girl waited for him in suspense to come to halt.
"I will take you on patrol." The grumpy boy said and stared at Y/N, giving her an uncomfortable feeling as if something twisted her guts. Only her? Why would Pan order that- or did Felix plan this all by himself?
"The others can wait here." Felix added in the moment she wanted to ask him about the others. It was as if he could read Y/N's mind. The other girls exchanged nervous glances, desperately wanting to say something, but were too scared to open their mouths. Y/N turned around and gave them a small nod, as if to say, "I am fine. Don't worry about me." But neither of them seemed to be convinced. Felix had instead of his club a porch, even though the sun was still shining bright. It could either mean they would cross dark paths, or that the adventure Y/N was about to go to seemed way longer than she expected. Not long after they walked uphill, her first assumption turned out to be correct. The trees got more narrow and their roots almost overgrown the jungle while the leaves blocked every sunlight.
"Just stick with me." Felix said in a reassuring voice. Y/N took this as an invitation and reached for his arm and clinked herself in, unaware of his reaction in the dark. How she wished that she could see his face for just a second. He did not say anything, nor did he fight back in any way.
"Is this one of your promised adventures?" Y/N joked and Felix let out an amused chuckle. It vibrated from deep within his chest. He led the way through the dark undergrowth, observing the surroundings with every step. There were only lost boys and girls living in neverland, so Y/N never really understood their precautions. Some pirates would roam the island from time to time, but Pan had lost boys watching them from the moment their boat was in sight. Why all the fuzz then? The jungle was dark, but with the intimidating second in command by her side, the lost girl felt brave enough to loosen her grip and explore some of the trees and bushes.
"Be careful." Felix warned as his eyes followed her every move.
"Or what?" She gave back curiously. "Will monsters attack me?"
When she turned around, Y/N's eyes were glowing.
"Piglets." Y/N squealed excited as she saw the small, short legged babes behind some small bushes.
"Boar piglets." Felix corrected her frightened and widened his eyes. "Fuck."
Felix pulled her away, before a huge boar shot out of the bushes to run over the girl with all his weight. She crashed to the ground and needed a moment to sort her thoughts. A moment that the second in command did not grant her, when he pulled her quickly onto her feet again and pushed her forward. He did not hesitate and swayed his torch to make a great hit that would dazzle the giant animal for a few seconds, enough time to follow Y/N and make an escape. The lost boy jumped to Y/N's side and pulled her arms around his neck, easily lifting the girl on his broad back as if she weighed nothing. His grip was a little too tight, but necessary for sprinting through the forest. The boar was not distracted for too long, now angry, chasing them both through the undergrowth.
"You're gonna hate me for this, close your eyes!" Felix panted as he turned a sharp left and ran straight towards through the narrow trees until the girl could see the edge of the forest, most definitely a cliff.
"What are you doing?" Y/N screeched and started to struggle only to have Felix grip tightened.
"I told you, you would not like it!" Felix yelled and Y/N let out another ear-splitting scream when the lost boy's feet left the ground and he jumped over the edge of the cliff, down into the river underneath. The way down was short and they dropped like a heavy stone that splashed into the water. The moment they entered the surface, Y/N's chest slammed against Felix's shoulder, pressing her lungs so hard that all air escaped her chest. She instinctively gasped for air, causing her to swallow water and struggle to get free from the lost boy's grasp. Felix grabbed her under her arms and pulled her out of the water, his arms tightly around her until she coughed the liquid out of her lungs. He held her for a second before he let his body drop onto the grass. Y/N let herself fall back as well, finding herself lying on him. She took a look at her wrist that carried his painful handprint. Those would stay for a while and the other girls would surely recognize how she got the bruise and ask about it. When Felix saw what she was doing, he wrapped his big hand around the compared to his little wrist once more, in an attempt to hide the marks.
"Sorry", he said and lightly drew some invisible circles over the back of her hand.
"Don't tell the boys."He mumbled and jerked his hand away.
"What should I not tell?" Y/N asked and looked at her wrist once more.
"That I am nice to you." He whispered and Y/N responded with a heartwarming laughter, then muzzled her face back into his chest to tease another reaction out of him. He kept a deadpan face. It made the lost girl wonder how long Felix had lived on Neverland without another Person's touch, and if he liked what she did to him. Near the camp he would part their ways swiftly, so none of the guards could witness his act of kindness, pacing up without a last glance back, as if nothing happened. Inside the camp Y/N was desperately awaited by the other girls, who widened her eyes at the lost girl's soaking wet figure that followed the second in command not shortly after. When she came to halt, Y/N started to tremble as a puddle of water formed underneath her feet.
"What did he do?" Wanda bursted out in panic. She placed her hands on Y/N's shoulders while her eyes scanned the girl's body, before embracing her into her arms. Then Wanda threw a nauseous look over to the second in command that contained so much hate, that it spoke more than a thousand words. She grew to dislike him a lot in just a short time.
"I will end him myself, don't worry!" The brown haired girl had never been so furious and her eyes were glowing full hatred when she looked at Felix. It was not easy to tell her the truth and Y/N doubted that she would even believe it. It was not her fault though, because if it was Y/N, she would not believe a story like this as well.
"Actually-" By the moment the word had crossed her lips, Y/N could see how the lost girl's faces scrunched up into horrified grimaces. "-He saved me from breaking my neck today."
She felt as ashamed as she sounded, unsure if she had chosen the right words that did not seem to be too suspicious. Truth was, the lost girl was not sure if she had a valid reason to hate the second in command like the others did. For a moment it had felt like he could have been more... maybe even a friend? Or maybe even more than that- Y/N needed to snap out of it, before she made having these kinds of thoughts crossing her mind a habit. She could not let this happen. Wanda would be the first to notice and she would judge her for that because of the lack of understanding. Or maybe she would make a scene and everyone on this island would know- know what? Y/N caught herself having a fictional discussion in her head to defend her feelings for a grumpy boy she barely knew. It was embarrassing.
"You can't be serious." Rebecca chimed in, her voice was as intrigued as Wanda's.
"Let's not talk about him." Y/N started to shiver so the others let go and brought her a blanket.
"Sure. Let's forget the neanderthal." Wanda murmured and placed herself onto her seat again. And this was the first moment a nasty comment towards the second in command itched in Y/N's heart. He had saved her without hesitation and she was glad about it, maybe even a little bit startled. Did he not despise the girls or found pleasure in seeing one of them hurt? Apparently not. Quite the opposite. So why did the other girls still fear him so much after he proved that he seemed a decent guy? The next few days he was the topic of every conversation that included everything bothersome, no matter how minor it was. It seemed as if they seemed like an annoying venting when nothing else was to do. They had their own little rumours between the lost boys and their own accusations that created a wrong picture of the second in command. No girl really seemed to be interested in a real conversation with him either. Maybe they were still too scared of him. Understandable, Felix was not the most charming looking boy. His observing behaviour was also something that spoke against him. Nevertheless, he did not deserve trash talk behind his back from girls who barely knew him. The second in command obviously was more than a grumpy face. The bruise on Y/N's wrist meant nothing, it did not say anything about his personality. Now a few days later that it had turned deep violet, the girls would not stop talking about him. It got so bothersome after a while, that Y/N did not even put effort in showing that she was not participating in the gossip. The girls switched the topic and peacefully enjoyed a sunny afternoon, sunbathing under the sun without tasks. The soft breeze carried a nostalgic smell that relaxed Y/N from deep within her body, allowing her to calm down and slowly doze off. She woke up not long after, when one of the boys approached the girls to invite them over for a game.
"Do you want to join a game?" She opened her eyes to look at Nick who asked. "Ben suggested Truth or Dare."
The girls knew what was going to happen and when Y/N looked at them, their eyes were glowing. The excitement was easy to interpret, even without them constantly gossiping about the boys and which they thought was cutest. Felix! Y/N thought but would never dare to speak out loud, in fear of the girl's criticism. There was always something to complain about during the day, but if there was indeed nothing, they still had Felix. Y/N had realized for long now, that this went far beyond anything she assumed- they did not fear him, they simply did not like him. Y/N doubted if she wanted to join that stupid game, well aware for the reason Nick was asking. The boys only wanted them to join, so they could "spice" the game up for them. She felt a shudder run down at the thought alone. With a quick glance around, the lost girl scanned the faces that sat around the circle. To her surprise, she found Felix aside from the circle, but still sitting with them. It made her wonder if it was worth joining the game. She might have got the opportunity to have some of his secrets revealed, no matter how shallow they were.
"Sure." Y/N answered and spoke for all the girls. They already grinned wide from ear to ear, exchanging fleeting glances with each other and exchanging gossip. The moment they approached the group, the girls were confronted with the immense stares of a handful of older lost boys. They exchanged dirty grins and made some grimaces, not assaulting enough to feel threatened though. Y/N felt Felix's eyes burning on her. He sat on a log and looked up to her from under his hood. With another glance through the circle Y/N doubted if joining the game was the right decision. She wondered what it would hold for her and why she even agreed. Sitting next to Wanda and a tall, skinny boy to her left, the lost girl waited for the start.
"You can choose truth or dare, if you don't want to comply, you have to leave the game immediately and go somewhere else." So they would get banned and had to go so far that they could not listen. No harsh rule, but still punishing enough for those who were interested in the answers or actions of the others. Y/N watched Wanda exchange some fleeting glances with Nick and for a second she truly felt disgusted. If the brown haired girl would not keep twirling her locks around her fingers and chewing on her upper lip, her reddened cheeks still would betray her and lay her true emotions open.
"Ladies first." Ben, a lost boy grinned with crooked teeth and gave the girl a wink before handing her the empty bottle. Wanda placed it onto the ground and gave it a spin, her eyes burning on the glass full hope that it would land on her crush. Even if it would land on Nick, Y/N still wondered how brave her friend was to even think about asking him for a kiss. As soon as the bottle came to halt, the light in the lost girl's eyes faded until it was all gone. It landed on the boy to Y/N's left, tall and unwashed with dirt still hanging underneath his nails. Miles.
"Dare." He shot out, his eyebrows wiggling. Wanda rolled her eyes and thought for a second before she responded, "Get a slap from every boy in this round."
Miles groaned angry as he complied full agony. He already seemed to dislike this game, unlike the other boys who seemed to enjoy their time. Wanda desperately hoped that the next bottle would not straight up come back to her, giving the boy a chance for a quick revenge. It landed on another boy, Paul. He, as well, seemed to be very eager to take the dare.
"I take you to lick Nick's feet!" He got tasked. The next rounds of tasks seemed to be gross or violent, whenever a boy had his turn. The girls on the other hand mostly chose "truth". No wonder after watching so much nonsense. The next time the bottle pointed at Rebecca.
"Truth", the shy girl answered without looking at the boy.
"Do you like a boy on this island?" He asked and gave her a dirty grin while wiggling his eyebrows.
"Be honest!"
"It's the truth!" She protested with widened eyes.
"How boring." The boy snorted out. "Not that I like you anyways."
Thats words hurt that blonde girl more than this stupid boy could ever imagine, nevertheless how attracted she was to someone. The other boys seemed to fix their interest on the other girls from that point and would hope to land their spin onto one of them. With five girls and ten boys it was not that easy to manage. Most of their attempts were left empty handed and if they would land on some of them, they would always choose truth.
"This is getting boring!" Marc, a short boy with a neat face complained. "Let's make a rule that you have to choose truth and dare alternately."
"Yeah that's only fair! I let Ian punch me!" Another boy chimed in and gathered most of the other's on their side. Marc spun the bottle and suddenly it landed on Y/N. Her first time, so truth was still an option for her.
"Truth." She smiled innocently and chuckled at his anger. The lost boy thought for a moment what he could ask. "What should a boy do to make you like him?" He sounded so curious, but really? Was this the best he could think of? Y/N fought against the urge to look over to Felix and reveal that she had some interest in him while she thought about a response that would not lead towards him.
"He shouldn't be a reckless, cold asshole that hurts others for no reason like you." She barked out and cockiky raised one eyebrow. Dennis burst out into laughter. Some of the boys joined him and woke some anger inside the girl. How bad she hoped that the bottle would land onto him next time. Y/N grabbed the bottle and gave it a swirl. Her eyes were glued onto the glass as she impatiently waited for the bottle to come to halt. When she finally stopped, her body was burning in excitement and she lifted her gaze from the green glas to lock them with Dennis again. His grin disappeared when he saw her dirty grin. He was out of options when he revealed to Rebecca's question that he was still wetting his bed at night.
"I dare you to kiss Bobby."
Bobby was a fat, unwashed lost boy, constantly sweaty and covered in food stains, or dirt from his trips through the woods. His teeth were rotten to the core, face oily and sticky. He was perfect for Dennis. The lost boy gave her an agonized look before raising to his feet and walking over to the other boy who looked at him with the same amount of disgust on his face.
"I want to see a real kiss." Y/N laughed. "Not a quick smooch!"
Both boys scrunched up their faces as they pointed out their lips and pressed them a few seconds against each other. The second they broke apart, both made some disgusted noises as they brushed their sleeves over their mouths in order to clean it. This gave the other ones enough to burst out in laughter, cleverly enjoying that scene in front of them. Dennis on the other hand did not seem to be that excited. He was so eager to reach for the bottle and spin it, hoping to return the favor. There was something glistening in his eyes, a burning rage that screamed for some sort of revenge. Play the game, get the consequences. When the bottle stopped, Y/N felt her heartbeat pace up real quick. This time she pointed at the second in command. All the time she had focused so much onto the game, that she stopped paying attention and almost forgot him. Felix had both options open but Dennis would never dare to use him for his revenge, right? She locked eyes with the grinning, small frame of a boy, before glancing over to Felix as she waited for him to let an answer cross his lips.
"Dare." He said in a rough tone.
"I dare you to kiss Y/N." Dennis bursted out without thinking.
Wrong. He really dared him. The lost girl froze in place, just like the other lost boys and girls that could not believe what they heard. Dennis was dead, that was for sure. If not now, then later. Why would he pick from all the boys Felix for a kiss? Y/N saw how Wanda was whispering something into June's ear and she could not tell why it was bothering her. No one dared Felix to do something like this, or they would end up beaten up. Felix sure had his reputation so Y/N was not even surprised that he would use him for his ultimate revenge.
"If this is all you need." The tall blonde boy gave back in a surprisingly calm voice before he rose to his feet and stepped closer to stop in front of Y/N. She had to bend her neck to look into his eyes from her sitting position, wondering if he expected her to stand up. Even then she would not be able to reach his face. Instead, Felix bent down onto one leg and brought his big hand to her cheek, pulling the girl towards him before he pressed his warm lips against hers.
Felix POV
That he was nervous was an understatement. Nevertheless, Felix put on a deadpan face and slowly raised to his feet. He felt as if he hurried too quickly over to Y/N, too eager, as if he was showing his excitement. It was a big lie to claim otherwise, since day one he had kept an eye on her. She had something unique that simply drew him in and he could not explain his attraction. Whenever he saw her he felt like wanting to approach her, but with the other girls it was like guarding dogs by her side. When Felix came to stop in front of her, he felt like a giant. He had to bend down onto one knee, saving her from the effort of standing up, before he gently cupped her cheek with his palm. As excited as he was, the boy swiftly pulled her face to his and stole a quick kiss from her lips. Just for a second, not to make it suspicious, even though he felt like never wanting to stop. His hood would hide the view from most boys and the chubby girl to Y/N's side was not bothering him at all. When he pulled away and opened his eyes again, Felix found the lost girl staring at him with her mouth still agape. The cheers and whistles of the lost boys kept going on until Felix was back onto his own seat. If the second in command were honest with himself, he had to admit that he definitely enjoyed the opportunity, yet it did not satisfy him in the slightest way, well knowing that this kiss could mean nothing for Y/N under these circumstances.
Readers POV
She was quite convinced that the kiss did not mean anything to Felix, but to Y/N the kiss meant the world. The glimpse second of his tender lips being pressed against hers did not last long enough. Despite all of the shouting and whistling from the lost boys, the girl enjoyed this moment and wished it did not have to happen under these circumstances. Wanda besides her, on the other hand, was glaring at the second in command before she burned holes into Y/N.
"That's not funny!" She yelled at Dennis and jumped to her feet. "We're not your sexy entertainment for the night!" The girl was so furious out of a sudden and gave the other girl's a small nod before they would also stand up. "Y/N, let's go."
That the lost girl was confused about that sudden outburst was an understatement. Did she dislike the second in command so much that she does not even want him to kiss her? What if Y/N liked him or the kiss? Would it make Y/N a bad or weird person? Maybe Wanda feared his presence and knew it would only increase if her friend spent time with him. The chubby girl pulled her up and Y/N complied to leave the game. She did not even glance back once, in fear that her true feelings would be too obvious.
"Sooo..." Wanda started while walking away. "How disgusting was it?"
That caught Felix's attention immediately, his eyes shooting discreetly into the girl's direction. The question came out of the blue and Y/N was not even mentally prepared for this.
"What do you mean?" She gave back and shortly turned around to see Felix was staring at her, the lost boys as well.
"What do you mean with 'what do you mean'?" June chimed in with widened eyes. "It's Felix we're talking about!"
"I would cry if I had to kiss that Neanderthal!" Wanda whined.
"Can we at least wait until he can't hear us?" Y/N whispered and pressed her brows together, imagining how it must feel for him to be left like this. He could still hear her and the lost girl felt cornered into saying something that was not even the truth. The girls really made it hard to be honest, but at least they accepted her wish.
"Scared to hurt his feelings?" June laughed quietly as they were walking the path back to the girl's huts. Y/N snorted out and rolled her eyes. She really did not want to discuss this any further but caught herself repeating that memory inside her head all over again. She liked it a lot.
"You should really stay away from him." Wanda warned and Y/N decided to give it a night to sleep over. Maybe the brown haired girl was right, since she had been living on Neverland the longest. The lost girl confirmed with a small nod and went straight to her own hut to change into a nightgown. The sun just went down, making sure that the other girls would go to sleep too, when Y/N heard a heavy knock on the door. With curiosity spread all over her face she rose from the bed and walked towards it, guessing which of the other girls it could be. She wrapped her hand around the door handle and slowly opened the door, just to face the giant second in command in front of her.
"Felix..." She choked out. "What do you-... Er, come in."
He slowly entered the small hut and closed the door behind him. His eyes were glistening from under his hood as he looked down onto the girl. She locked eyes with him for a moment that felt like an eternity, staring at him like a deer that caught in a headlight, desperately waiting for him to speak. Without any effort, the tall boy grabbed the girl by her hips and lifted her up to sit on the table beside the door. Y/N took a deep breath, not doubting that lifting her up alone made her feel somewhat special. She looked up from her new position, his hands were placed on the wood and with his lean torso he stood just a few inches away from her.
"When she told you to leave, you should have stayed." Felix's voice was merely a whisper that escaped his lips along with a short breath, but those words had enough power to rush through the lost girl's head over and over again.
"If you don't want the boys to chatter, we should avoid the girls gossiping first." She remarked with a brief smile, well knowing that he had waited for them to go to sleep. It took her a moment to relax while having the most ruthless second in command that close. With a closer look she came to realise that he did not look that threatened at all. The scar illuminated his jagged jaw and Y/N never knew what Felix thought when he looked at her from under his curtain of shaggy, ashen hair.
Felix did not answer. He pushed himself away from the table and took a step back, gave her a last glance- from the bottom to the top-, before he headed out of the door. Y/N followed his every movement with her eyes as if she was still waiting for something else to happen. The second in command did not return and when the girl had finally convinced herself to believe so, she let out a slow, relieved breath. She still felt the thrill rushing through her bones and she wondered if it was a good idea to get close to Pan's best man or if she should listen to the other girls. One thing was sure: it was not just that Y/N enjoyed the thrill of being with Felix, but the more time she spent with them, the more human he got. Everything that seemed to matter from now on, was why Felix had visited her just to exchange merely two sentences.
The following day the girls met up after a long day inside the boy's camp. Y/N and June were nicely asked by some of the boys to make a great stew and after the younger ones nearly begged them, it was hard for them to refuse. The other girls would accompany them, since there was nothing else to do anyways they said, but Y/N knew better. She was aware of each girl's crushes and she knew that Rebbecca had lied during the game and that she was desperately in love with Pan, but would never admit to it because Violet also liked him.
"He stares at us again." Wanda huffed as she hovered over the pot she slowly filled with peeled potatoes. The girl almost cut her finger and Y/N tried to figure out if the reason was her anger or the immense speed she used to peel the lumps in- or maybe she peeled them so fast because she was angry.
"Try to ignore it." Y/N gave back. She kept her focus onto the cutting board and tried her best to ignore the frown on her friend's face, when she reached out to drop the chopped carrots into the pot.
"Do you think he looks at all of us, or only at one of us?" Rebecca asked curiously and turned around to face him in the most obvious way. Y/N could hear her own breath hitch at that question and immediately searched the girl's faces for a reaction, to reassure herself that she was unheard. They were all chattering too much to notice, yet the lost girl felt nervous. She was sure that Felix had only eyes for her and that it gave her for a strange reason a warm feeling inside her guts. At least no one came on the idea that Y/N could be the center of his attention. Maybe the girl just hoped for it. She liked Felix. She liked him a lot and for God's sake was it really that bad? As Y/N listened to Wanda talking him bad in front of the other girl's, her heart sank deep down inside the bottom of her body. She desperately wanted to talk about her confusing emotions, but feared to receive only judgement. There was no other boy in this camp that caught her attention and no matter how much she tried not to take Wanda's stabbing words to heart, she never managed to exclude them when she thought about him. The last two encounters she had with him in secret, had to stay a secret.
At the table Y/N felt the second in command's eyes burning on her skin from across the table. He did not have to sit near to her and she did not have to look, to tell that he would always stare. At this point Y/N thought about how obvious it must be, or if she simply started to overthink. Wanda, always by her side, exchanged fleeting glances with Nick during the whole time she ate. After a while it turned out to be quite annoying to watch: how she bit her lips and twirled her locks around her finger. Everyone knew who she was interested in and when Y/N really thought about it, she did not understand why. There was nothing really striking about Nick, besides that he often acted like an asshole. Wanda was in no position to judge the girl for liking Felix. Little did she know. After the dinner the lost ones split up into different groups, so the girls decided to head back. With the second in command constantly staring at her and the show Wanda made, it was quite a relief to escape from there and get a little break. Y/N planned inside her head to read her favourite book and maybe gather some berries later before she would get ready to sleep. As she headed downhill towards the river, Violet joined her.
"Wanda has been behaving so savage recently." She dropped after a while without looking at the other girl, but it was clear where this would lead to- gossip.
"I bet she wants to impress Nick in some way." Y/N gave back and rolled her eyes.
"She acts stupid if you ask me." Violet snorted out. But Wanda was not asking for anyone's opinion. She was hot tempered and short fused and it was all fun and games as long as she scolded one of the boys for misbehaving. Felix did misbehave in her eyes in some way, but Y/N doubted that it was just the kiss. There had to be more behind her anger towards the lost boy, otherwise she would not have lost her patience that fast during a game. She hoped to kiss Nick as well, so why was she like that and stopped playing? Franky, Y/N did not care and stopped wasting another second to think about it. She would not ask and neither would Violet,- even though she had a curious nature after all and barely could resist asking offensive questions. The tall girl was one of the get-used-to-me girls and it took Y/N a while to understand her intentions at first. Violet stopped at that point and kept her mouth shut as she gathered some berries and walked along with Y/N back home. The other girl's were already sitting outside of the huts around a bonfire and Y/N heard a theatrically groan from the red headed girl when she heard Wanda talk about Nick. She annoyed everyone with her constant stories about him, but no one ever dared to tell her that it was enough. Not shortly after the sun went down and a cold breeze swept over the island, the girls went inside of Wanda's hut to warm themselves up. The chubby girl served tea and Rebecca brought one of her baked cookies from the day before. Both liked to cook a lot and Y/N really enjoyed gathering the ingredients. Gardening was June's favourite task and she was really good at it. If the girls would hunt more often, they would have more meat to use, but the free life on Neverland was too captivating that wasting their time was no opinion. Pan and Nick would also offer them meat as soon as one of the girls batted their eyelids. Y/N bit into one cookie and almost choked on it when Wanda started to rant about some lost boys again. Not again. It was always the same routine and Y/N mentally prepared for her to bash about Felix again. To her surprise he was left unmentioned. Instead she found some new targets for the night, giving Y/N at least some sort of relief. Fortunately, Wanda did not see him last night when he came to Y/N. The conversation went on about how they would like to spend time with some lost ones and what they would do as their girlfriends to gossip again. Y/N took a peak outside of the window to face the pale moon at its peak. She was not really sleepy, but tired of talking to any of them as long as she did not feel like she could talk freely. Not that Wanda talked bad about him alone, Rebecca and June joined wherever they could. The lost girl rose from her place at the table and lied how much she wanted to go to bed, excusing herself to leave mid a heated conversation. Y/N closed the door and when she turned around, it cost her every piece of self control not to scream. Felix stood in front of her, as if he just appeared out of nowhere. His lips carried a warm smile and he let out an amused chuckle when he watched her show of jumping back, almost falling onto the floor but managing to find the balance by waving her hands furiously around.
"Felix." His name was nothing more than a relieved breath in the soft breeze. Enough to give him goosebumps.
"What are you doing here?" Y/N whispered confused, then took a nervous look back, fearing that one of the girls would surprise them any second. Why did it feel like being caught in the act?
"I wanted to see you." Felix said in such a calm voice, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. How could he just say that and expect the lost girl not to get nervous and embarrassing, pink cheeks? But he was also dumb and naive, that he thought he could just walk by.
"You can't just come here!" She whispered and pushed him away from the cottage. "What if someone sees you?"
"I thought you were alone in your hut." He whispered back, still grinning mockingly as if he would not take the girl's caution seriously.
"What do you want?" She finally dared to ask him, trusting in the girl's to stay inside the hut.
"Sorry for kissing you." He bursted out with a deadpan face. Y/N shrunk a little. His words were stabbing in her heart.
"It was just a game." She gave back quietly and avoided his burning gaze. The second in command would not act that kind towards a boy, so why should he be nice now?
"Did you come all this way just to apologise?" She raised one eyebrow questioning upwards. Then a wide grin grew on her face. "I thought lost boys would never apologise?"
He laughed from deep within his chest. "My offer to take you on adventures still stands."
"You're quite an adventure yourself." She gave back fast and he laughed once more, showing her a white palette of perfectly rowed teeth. There was something about the rasping sound of his voice that gave the girl butterflies and goosebumps at the same time. How could someone's laugh sound so hot?
"Is that a yes?" He teased and poked his index finger against her hand, as if he gestured that he wanted to take her somewhere else. For a moment she thought about what could go wrong. There was nothing really striking against it and Y/N was tired of listening to Wanda. This was her chance to talk to him all alone. The girl felt her heartbeat pace up and she blinked nervously as she shook her head up and down.
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