Chapter Thirty-One

Brainy's plan was a risky one, they all knew it. One was that if one thing went wrong the entire plan would dissolve. Two was because it seemed to all of them that – even though he denied it – Brainy was certainly hiding something. Still the idea was closer than anything they had come up with so far. Brainy had given the satchel containing the way back home to Gutsy, pointing out they would be most at jeopardy with him. As they walked along with Patrick and Grace – Blue had a babysitter because they refused to bring a child to such a dangerous situation – Patrick lingered behind with Brainy.
"You're up to something," he said, almost accusatory. Brainy's expression turned panic before he shook his head. "Brainy...if you're planning something-"
"It won't have any impact on the rest of the plan," Brainy murmured, only half focusing on Patrick now. "It isn't important anyway." Brainy was lying though his teeth now: a mere few months ago that would have been true for him but now? He hoped for an alternative. Patrick was about to push the matter further but the bespeckled smurf hurried ahead to walk alongside Gutsy.

Brainy was tense – more so than usual – as Gutsy was the primary reason he didn't want the plan to fail. Gutsy, noticing the others unease, took Brainy's hand in his own.
"It'll be okay," he whispered reassuringly. Brainy managed a half smile: it would be okay, Maybe not for a while but eventually everything would be okay for those who mattered most. Brainy nearly spilled the whole plan then but he managed to hold it in. Forewarning would do Gutsy no good, it would only cause him to mess up the plan or try and talk Brainy out of his idea. "It will be okay, right?" Brainy nodded, not trusting himself to speak. Gutsy, like Patrick, wasn't convinced. "Brainy, if there was somethin' unsmurfy goin' on you would tell me, right?" he asked.
"More than likely," Brainy replied. "Almost definitely." He wasn't lying. If the plan had been any other he would tell them but this plan heavily relied on them being unaware until it was too late.

'I'm being cynical again...' His thoughts remained a heavy raincloud showering his determination. There was a chance, after all, that everything would be fine for him. That life would carry on the way it was meant to. That was what Brainy hoped for and was aiming for but his mind was lingering on the all-to-real, more-than-likely, outcome he was more than likely going to face before long.

They reached the theatre where Gargamel was performing, Grace and Patrick bribing a security guard at a side to let them in without a bag check. Step one was complete: the bad news was that was by far the easiest part of the plan. How they were going to get backstage – especially with Brainy no longer having his wand – was an enigma. Grouchy suggested simply bribing their way though before but those guards would get paid much more and be much more alert.
"How about starting a fire? They'd put it out before it hurt anyone because they would lose millions if this show was cancelled, right?" Brainy asked. There was a long silence. "Is that too much?"
"Just a little," Gutsy said, wryly. "It's worth a shot though..."
"Have you two lost it?!" Star asked, "We can't just start a fire from no whe-"
"I brought matches just in case," Brainy interrupted, expression rueful. There was another long silence. "Okay, normally I would never do it but these are hardly normal situations!"

That was a fair enough point that they silently, let unanimously, agreed to torch the place. They set it where the guards at the entrance would notice it: Brainy's gambit that they wouldn't cause an alarm was right and they were able to sneak into the winding passages of backstage. They found several storage cupboards, some staff who they convinced were interviewers and then a door with a star and Gargamel's name on it. Brainy got out of the bag. This was where things got dangerous, especially for Brainy.
"Good luck..." Brainy murmured, trying not to think of how this very well could be the last time he ever saw anysmurf.
"You too," Gutsy said. "And stay safe." Brainy barely managed to fake a smile because he knew he couldn't stay safe.
"You too," he managed before disappearing into a hiding place. He barely held back tears, fully aware this could be – and likely would be - the last time he ever would see him.

Within a few moments step three – distract Gargamel and Asriel – was underway, the others using the winding hallways to their advantage. As soon as they were out of site Brainy snuck into the room. As predicted Gargamel had left Brainy's wand on display as a show of his power. He grabbed it then went over to Papa, trying to get the bonds free.
"Brainy?" Papa murmured, incredulously. "Am I hallucinating because you're..." His voice trailed off.
"Not dead," Brainy said, getting them free. "Okay the others are distracting Ga-"

The door flew open and the two smurfs quickly hid on a shelf behind some dusty magazines. Gargamel was back – thankfully without any smurf prisoners. He grabbed a bottle containing some kind of purple liquid that contained a metallic sheen.
"This'll do it, once and for all!" Gargamel exclaimed, laughing manically. He left as quick as he came – Brainy and Papa exchanged panic looks. Whatever the potion was, it couldn't be good.
"I'm guessing you have a plan?" Papa asked, hopefully. Brainy nodded.
"This was step four and five..." he murmured. "Step six, get him right behind the stage." This stage – or moreso step seven – was Grace's idea and if it worked Gargamel would never get a position of standing in this world again.

"We'll get you somewhere safe then I'll go help the others," Brainy said.
"But I should help," Papa argued.
"You're too drained..." Brainy pointed out. "Besides. If something goes wrong then it is probably a good idea for someone to know so they can do something..." Papa hesitated for a long moment, wanting to help. "Really Papa. If you get hurt or...Well, this will all be for nothing," Papa, taking note of Brainy's pleading expression and knowing he was right, agreed. Brainy's relief was palpable and after making sure Papa was in a safe location he hurried off to make sure Gargamel spotted him.

It took a few moments and he only managed to find them amongst the winding passages from the blasts of Gargamel's wand. They had slowly been leading the deranged wizard to the area directly behind the stage. Brainy caught up with the others just in time: Star and Handy had been backed into a corner by both Asriel and Gargamel. Gargamel's wand glowed blue as he prepared a spell that would rendered the two helpless at best, dead at worst. Brainy, with no hesitation, made a powerful shield that didn't only block the attack but sent a lot of it back towards Gargamel. The wizard was knocked backwards into the wall but quickly recovered, sending a blast randomly. His glare locked on Brainy and momentarily confusion flooded his features.
"You?! You're supposed to be dead!" he yelled, sending another blast that Brainy deflected.
"Looks like you're not so apt at murder after all," Brainy mused, tone almost taunting the wizard. "Maybe you should stick to kidnapping and being a coward for your method of achieving power."
"Going after you vile blue rats isn't cowardly!" Gargamel yelled, his attacks becoming more crazed. "I will drain every ounce of all of your essence if I want to!"

Brainy half-smiled.
"So you admit that you are the one doing things people would see as wrong?" Brainy asked voice almost conversational. "That you have lied and are the one who always goes against us?"
"Obviously!" Gargamel yelled, anger distorting his features. "Why are you even asking."
"I just wanted your audience to hear," Brainy said. Gargamel's gaze landed on the cameras and phone Grace and Patrick had trained on him. He finally registered the echo.
"Everything you just said was streamed to the screens around the place..." Patrick said.
"And I did a live stream to YouTube," Grace added. The booing grew louder and with startling realization Gargamel realised any standing he had in this world was gone. His remainder of his sanity snapped as he sent the largest blast he could manage. Brainy managed to block the others from getting hurt.

The fight continued – the others reluctantly left so they didn't get used as hostages which Brainy had recommended – and step seven was complete. That wasn't the only reason he wanted them to leave though. He knew if they were around, especially Papa and Gutsy, The fight continued. Brainy's joints burned and it hurt to breathe. He was dizzy but he couldn't stop now. It would be a death sentence for everyone if it wasn't or worse. Now Gargamel truly would have no reason to not drain every ounce of essence from everyone immediately. Brainy concentrated, deflecting one of Gargamel's more vicious attacks, Brainy sent an attack at Gargamel, sending his wand flying.

Brainy concentrated, the wand emitted more blue energy surrounded Gargamel. Green energy seemed to leave Gargamel and as the two colours meshed together they also seemed to fade away all together. Nausea twisted Brainy's innards and his vision blurred. His heart was trying to beat out of his chest and it felt like his breaths were catching in his chest. Everything blurred and he resisted the urge to not stop even though he was burning inside and out. The green eventually faded away all together and Gargamel reached for his wand. He tried to send a blast at Brainy – his wand was still full – but nothing happened. Brainy could barely react. Could he breathe? He didn't know. Was the ceiling the floor or the other way round? He didn't know, he couldn't feel anything anymore. At least he knew it had been successful in making sure Gargamel would have no magic ever again...

His legs gave out beneath him and everything blurred even further. His breathing was becoming more painful and his head carried on splitting apart. Ironic, he mused. He finally had something to live for – he wanted to lice – but he simply couldn't stay awake. He closed his eyes to try and dissolve the dizziness and slowly everything faded away all together. 

The End!...

No not really..

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