Chapter Eight

The grey slowly spread, leaving an icy feeling across his skin. It started at the tips of his fingers and slowly went to his knuckles then hands. The more it spread, the more the more the fog crossed his mind. It was worrying how quickly memories turned vague. What was the name of the place they went to through the portal? That was an adventure with...The names of the humans had escaped him too. The forgetting part was a lot more prominent than he had expected and despite how much he wanted to forget there was the occasional memory he wanted to hold onto. A time he was riding, practicing for races he would never actually do given he avoided company and managed to top even Hefty's speed. Gone. A time he had managed to perfect a potion before even Papa had and for a short time he didn't feel like a failure. Erased. A time Gutsy spent time with him and for once things were calm and safe. Deleted.

As the grey continued to spread the memories of more important things joined the catalogue of things that were shut away from his thoughts. The location of the village, the smurf formula, everysmurf else. However he was pretty sure it was worth it because he was also rapidly losing the bad, painful memories. He couldn't remember being thrown out of the village on a regular basis, the dangerous way he first handled his emotions when they fell apart, Papa starting to see him how everysmurf else did. He sniffled slightly, and then angrily wiped the tears away. Now wasn't the time to be scared. And he didn't know why he was sad, this was what he wanted. He thought so at least.

The grey finally reached his chest, covering the area above the heart. His emotions cut out like scissors slicing a ribbon and the memories closed like a snare. A white ribbon cut across his vision and he collapsed to the ground, eyes closing.

A while passed before a pair of dark blue eyes snapped open, being stirred by the raindrops pattering onto the unconscious figure. They stretched, rubbing their head, pushing themselves off the ground. Where were they? They glanced around, staring at the towering trees and ripping the leaf he was sat on slightly. A forest? Definitely a forest. Why was he here? What was going on? He frowned slightly and stood up, walking to the water and sat with his legs crossed. He stared at his reflection, trying to figure out who and what he was. He had a name – Brainy- and knowledge of how things worked and things he must have learnt but personal memories were nonexistent. His complexion was a stony grey and he was definitely small. What was with the weird hat? He liked it but wasn't sure why. The white clothes had streaks of dirt on the knees so he figured he must have been outside a while.

There was the mystery of his memories not existing but he didn't really care. There wasn't much to care about in his opinion and he didn't feel motivation to investigate. There was a satchel to his side and when he looked through it there were spare clothes and glasses. He tried taking off the ones he was already wearing and everything instantly blurred. Okay then, he definitely needed them. Brainy knew his name but given this place was clearly isolated he didn't exactly see the point on knowing that. Then again he was already getting a like for knowledge given knowing something was definitely calming somewhat.

Okay, shelter. He gathered he already that that given the excessive amount of trees. One of them was bound to have a hollow part small enough for him to sleep. There was obviously a water supply. If he had been the one who packed the satchel, and he assumed so given there were the glasses in there, then why wasn't there food? Maybe there was a food supply nearby? He figured there had to be but he didn't really care. Caring was something absent from his memories so he wasn't really sure how to do it and didn't particularly see the point of it. If he had no memory of it then what was the point of acquiring the ability to care now?

He frowned, noticing some varying vegetables growing. So this location did seem like a good one to stay. At least for now. Although he assumed something as small as he was would probably have enemies or predators so maybe setting up some traps was a good idea. He had no idea how he knew how to make traps but the knowledge was there but he wasn't complaining.

That took hours and in the process he ended up scratching his leg enough to draw blood on his leg, ripping the knee of his trousers slightly. The sharp pang of pain instantly got his attention but even then he was nonchalant. He used the clean water to clean it and made a leaf bandage but then carried on working. Pain seemed strangely familiar, the only thing that seemed to make sense since he had come to. He didn't think walking on the injury was a brilliant idea but the trap...well maybe he could ruin something else's day. A strangely appealing idea.

He eventually got into a hollow as it began to get dark again and decided that sleep was probably a good idea. Whatever he had been doing before he came to was clearly exhausting given his eyes would barely stay open and focus was getting harder every few minutes. Each time his eyes closed they stayed shut for longer. He curled into a small ball, yawning, and used the satchel as a pillow to finally sleep.


A week passed, each day very much the same. He wished for something to do and he also had a strange yearning for a book but that wasn't exactly practical. Why did he want one anyway and if he liked them so much why wasn't there one nearby?

It was on the seventh day that something was finally different. There were voices. One voice, actually, but they sounded like they were addressing someone. He quickly scaled the tree and sat on a branch so it would be harder for whoever it was would be less likely to see him but he would be able to see them.
"Yes, I know the tracks are Smurf sized, Asriel," the voice said, getting more audible as they approached the area. What in existence is a Smurf? "And no, you can't have them! It was my idea to follow the tracks." There was a sharp meow sound. A cat? At least he knew what a cat was. He also knew cats tended to attack smaller could often climb trees. Uh oh.

Whoever it was being loud finally came into his vision. They were huge compared to him and dressed in long black robes with a pair of red shoes. Their sparse hair was also black and they were carrying a wand shaped like a dragon with blue smoke coming out of it. Something about him unnerved Brainy but he was pretty curious so he backed up behind the leaves more but still peaked over them. Whoever they were was with someone who looked similar to him. Similar height. Also grey. Maybe she, whoever she was, knew what they were. But there was the risk of being eaten by the cat or whoever she was with not being good given his instincts were still saying to run.
"Father, look!" she said. "This fire only recently went out and it looks like the size I would make. They must still be around here somewhere."
"Very good, Star," the (he settled on wizard given the wand) said. He looked down and gulped slightly. The cat was staring right at him, he had been found. It meowed loudly, drawing the other two's attention to him.
"Finally, a Smurf," the tall one said. He aimed the wand at Brainy who instantly pulled the vine to trigger the trap that tightened around the wizard's legs and made him fall to the ground. Unfortunately when he had made the traps he hadn't taken magic into account...

The wand was used to get rid of the trap then a blue energy wrapped around him. It lowered him so the two were meeting eye to eye and his arms were trapped to his sides.
"Strange, you're definitely the insufferable glasses one," the wizard mused. "But why are you grey?"
"How am I supposed to know?" Brainy retorted. "And do you know me?" An unsettling smile crossed the wizard's features and the blue energy lowered him to a lower branch.
"Yes, but last time we met you were blue and being controlled by an evil wizard named Papa Smurf," the wizard replied. Finally, an explanation! "Do you remember him?" Brainy shook his head. "They must have really done a number on you. How about you come home with us and we'll explain everything?" Brainy hesitated but figuring he may not get this opportunity again, he nodded. 

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