Chapter 24

Evey had asked Ford twice if she could drive, but he refused to let her get behind the wheel. Unaware of her history of speeding tickets, he thought that she would be incapable of keeping up with the other trucks.

Evey crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned back in the seat. She was staring out the window at the abandoned cars and the odd dead body lying on the ground. The truck was silent. Evey had always crafted playlists for road trips. Now, she was forced into silence with her family's screams ringing in her ears.

The twins had fallen asleep an hour ago. Evey would turn and look into the backseat to ensure that they were alright. She noticed that Ford was sneaking glances in the rearview mirror to look at the kids.

The radio would crackle before one of the soldiers' voices would speak. Johnson would give them directions as his truck was leading their pack.

The radio crackled and then there was a string of curse words. Evey's heart pounded as she pushed herself up in her seat. Her hand hovered over the gun on her thigh. Was there a group of hungry Infected?

The road leading to the bridge was blocked by a wall of abandoned cars. They crashed into each other and the cars were a mess of crumpled metal and shattered windows. Beyond that, there was a semi-truck that was tipped over. The truck was jack-knifed across the bridge, blocking their path to the other side.

Johnson got out of his truck, and Harrington and Gomez followed. Ford turned off the truck and looked at Evey.

"Stay here," he said.

He got out of the truck and rushed toward the others. Fiona and Anjo climbed out of Johnson's truck. Fiona looked at the scene before heading over to Ford's truck. Evey opened her door and stepped out.

"Can you keep an eye on Joey and Josie?" Evey asked Fiona. "They're asleep."

"Of course," she said.

Evey hurried over to where the soldiers had gone. They were on the opposite side of the wreck of cars. Evey climbed over the cars and was careful not to cut herself on any of the broken glass. She cringed when she saw a dead body slumped against the steering wheel of one of the cars.

The soldiers were all staring at the semi-truck. The glass crunched under Evey's feet as she landed back on the ground. Ford looked over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. Johnson, Harrington, and Gomez were unphased as Evey joined them.

"You don't listen," Ford said. "The kids?"

"Fiona is with them," Evey said.

Gomez let out a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. He shook his head as he swore.

"I told you this was pointless," he said. "We've been on the road for less than a day and we're already stuck."

"We just need to get to the other side of this truck," Evey said.

Gomez pointed his finger at Evey.

"This is all your fault," he said.

"Me?" she asked. "I am not the one who flipped over this truck."

"But you-" he started.

"Shut the fuck up," Ford snapped. "Leave her alone."

Evey put her hand on Ford's arm. He was tense and she looked down to see his hands were balled into fists.

"We can climb over this truck and take a car on the other side," Evey said. "We have to keep heading to Toronto."

"It's not a bad idea," Harrington said. "I know I was running low on gas anyways."

"Let's go," Johnson said. "We'll find enough cars to drive the group. Harrington, stay with the civilians."

Ford uncurled his fingers out of a fist and stretched his sore knuckles. Gomez swore as he walked toward the semi, and Evey took a step forward. Ford snatched her wrist and yanked her back. She thought to get out of his grip, but he pulled her closer. Johnson followed Gomez. Johnson glanced back smirking at Ford and Evey.

"Go to the kids," Ford said.

"No," she said. "They're sleeping and Fiona is with them."

"Just do what I say."

"What? I'm not your subordinate."

Ford scowled. Evey stepped back as she pulled her arm, but Ford did not let go. She stumbled as Ford pulled her into his chest. She placed her hand on his hard chest to stop herself from falling forward.

"Listen for once," he said. "It's not safe."

"What?" She raised a brow. "Because there may be Infected people on the other side? I think I have proved that I can handle myself. I have a gun and a knife."

"Hey, Lovebirds!" Johnson called out. Evey looked behind her to see Gomez climbing over the front of the truck. Johnson was on the ground with his back to the truck. "Let's get moving before it gets dark."

Ford let go of Evey before charging toward the truck. Evey looked behind her to see Anjo and Fiona talking by Ford's truck. Evey followed behind Ford. Gomez climbed over the front of the semi. Ford looked over his shoulder, knowing Evey would be too stubborn to go back.

Evey grabbed the tire of the semi and pulled herself up. She struggled to pull herself up over the front of the truck. Her arms shook and her teeth dug into her lip. Ford grabbed her thighs and helped lift herself over the truck. Evey's legs wobbled as she climbed back down to the road.

Cars crashed into one another on the other side of the truck. Bodies with chunks of missing flesh were lying on the road. Cars were tipped and some were flipped upside down. Johnson climbed over the cars. Ford's fingers dragged across Evey's back as he walked past her and toward the cars.

Evey stepped over the bodies before she climbed over the crashed cars. It was eerily quiet, and Evey held her breath in anticipation to hear screeching. The only sound was the soldiers' boots over the shattered glass.

Johnson opened the door to a car and climbed in. The key was still in the ignition. He tried to start it, but the battery was dead. The car had been abandoned when someone fled for their life. Ford tried another car, but the battery was also dead. Evey walked between the cars and looked for one that had the key in the ignition. Gomez banged his fist on the roof of a car.

"This is pointless!" he shouted. "None of these people would have turned their car off before fleeing. It's fucking useless."

"Maybe one of them works," Evey said. She walked toward another car that was not smashed and could potentially be driveable. "We just need to find a couple."

"And then what?" Gomez asked. "We keep searching for cars until we make it to Toronto? We'll keep running out of gas."

"Gas stations should work," Ford said.

"Okay, and then? Roads will continue to be blocked and our cars won't get by."

Johnson sighed and stepped out of the undrivable car. He looked over at the semi for a minute before looking back at the cars.

"We go on foot," he said.

"Excuse me?!" Gomez shouted. His voice rang through the silent air. "You can't be serious!"

"You are right, Gomez," Johnson said. "Cars won't get us too far."

"You're fucking crazy. How are we supposed to run away if they attack?"

"We have plenty of weapons. They aren't superhuman. We would be able to kill them."

Gomez kicked a crumpled car. He shook his head as he looked around. His hands were on his hips.

"Let's get the others," Johnson told Ford.

He nodded. Evey turned to follow, but he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Wait here," he said. "I'll get the kids."

"Okay," she said.

Her arms were still sore and she did not know how she would get herself and one of the twins past the truck.

Johnson and Ford climbed over the truck. Gomez stayed on the other side. He was swearing and pounding his fists into the cars. Evey watched him as he threw a temper tantrum.

Gomez looked over at Evey and his brows were furrowed. He stormed toward her and Evey straightened her posture. She refused to back down to him.

"I hope you are happy when we all get eaten alive," he said. "Everyone is going to die and it is going to be all your fault."

"We were going to die if we stayed behind," Evey said. "At least this way, there is a chance."

"I understand why Ford is listening to you," he said. "You are sucking his cock so he is going to do whatever you say. I don't know why Johnson is following your stupid plans. You're not whoring yourself out to him."

"Do you always talk to women like this?"

Gomez's nostrils flared and his face was growing red. Evey crossed her arms over her chest and leaned her head to the side.

"You're a fucking bitch," Gomez said. "I hope you blame yourself when those little kids you pretend to love so much die."

Evey was going to retaliate, but glass crunched. She looked behind her to see Anjo walking toward them. His eyes were wide as he took in the scene. Johnson climbed over the truck with Josie on his back. Her arms were wrapped around his neck. The rest of the civilians climbed to the other side. The last to come over were Ford and Joey. He was clinging to Ford as he was on Ford's back.

Evey's chest ached when she looked at the smiling twins.

Were they going to die because of her?

Johnson led the way as everyone climbed over the line of crashed cars and finally got off the blocked bridge.

Evey's hand stayed over her gun as they walked down the silent road. Gomez and Ford glared at each other.

How long would it take to get to Toronto and who was going to make it there alive?

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