In the middle of some type of overgrown Forest, which seems to be very far and away from public, we see four young and colorful female, in the middle of walking through and pass by said thick and big area filled with so much trees, the one in front and with a map, seemingly the leader, was a 15 year old who wore a gothic red riding hood style of clothing with silver eyes, was named Ruby Rose, the one behind her, who seems to be nagging her about something, was a 17 or 18 year old who seems to be some type of proper and maybe rich lady, judging by her quality of her white blue dress and equipment, she was Weiss Schnee, nexts to her, who just seems to be simply done with life and could care less about anything, was a 18 or 19 year old who wore basic black and white clothing with a cute bow on her head, was Blake Belladonna, and then finally, last but not least, we see the last member of this four members team in the back, who was also around 18 or 19 year old who wears slightly revealing clothing, had lovely and long black hair and seems to be the one who holds everyone supplies, judging by the very large backpack she holds on her back, this was Yang Xiao Long, and if you put them together, you get 'Team RWBY', Huntresses in training who would become the next generation of Heroes, fighting crime and helping the trouble, they were truly remarkable, though some might ask 'Why Are They In The Middle Of The Forest Instead Helping People?', um, well...
"Just Admit It, We're Lost!"
Weiss yells at her Team Leader with such anger, no doubt being very unhappy with their situation
"I Am Not, I, uh, I'm Just Learning To Read The Map!"
Ruby yells back at her Partner and tries to defend herself, which didn't help her case in any way
"That Makes You Look Even More Like A Dolt, YOU DOLT!"
Weiss screams at the Gothic Red Riding Hood with pure rage
Ruby glares and butt heads with the Ice Queen, who didn't appreciate or liked being yelling at, though before the two could continue their argument, they were interrupted by their third member talking to them
"While I do like listening to you both argue and all that, I must ask you both to shut up and start looking for a place to set up camp."
Blake wore a very annoyed expression and glared at the two arguing, who quickly shut up and listened, no doubt wanting to anger someone who rarely gets angry... Unless it's about racism inequality
"Yeah, I have to agree with the Grumpy Kitty Cat, it's gonna be dark soon, which would be bad if we get caught by a group of Grimm, so finding a place to stay at, at least until our Scrolls are done charging in our portable charger, would be nice."
Yang couldn't help but agree with the one who wore a Bow, as she pulls out a water bottle and take a few considerate gulp and saves the rest the for later, both the Silver and Blue Eyes nod their heads and decided to do just that and stop their argument, for now at least, with that said and done, they ignore the map and just focused on a few places to set up camp, which wasn't really easy, since they were in a Forest with nothing but trees, which was a option, though they would save that idea, only until if they couldn't find a more safer or better place, like a cave or old house, though in their situation, it was become more and more unlikely...
"Oh! We can set up camp over there!~"
Luckily for the entire Team RWBY, not only did they finally make it out of the forest and into a more open area, but they also found a very large and abandoned & broken factory building, which was covered in rust, dust, and plant life
"About time you did something right today."
Weiss crossed her arms and let out a huff, no doubt still not happy that they had to not only get lost, but resort into finding an abandoned area to set up camp in
Ruby looked at her Partner with a pout, both Yellow and Black girls ignore the two and started to walk up and towards the old buildings, who quickly follow and catch up with them, not really wanting to be left behind
"Wow... What is this place?..."
When the four entered the large establishment, Yang couldn't help but be intrigued but the amount of very old stuff that was inside, it was like going through the past or into a different time
"Judging by looks alone and what's inside, I would have to guess and say some type of 'Weapons Factory', I think?"
Blake kneels down and picks up a broken Gatling Gun barrel, that was in a pile with other broken weapon parts, she was a bit interested since it was a weapon that was so old and unknown to her, yet also so similar
Ruby suddenly look around the entire inside of the building, stars and wonder filled her eyes, she couldn't help but be excited to not only be at place of the many first Weapons of history, but maybe she could also be at that could have new and unique firearm's never seen before in forever
"I would recommend calming down and not doing anything crazy, especially in a place that's not only old, but most likely dangerous and unstable."
Weiss grabbed the end of her Team Leader's Hoodie, which stopped her before she got a chance to run around and explore in a old and broken area, which made the Silver Eyes pout sadly, but understood the situation they were now in, after a while, after walking and taking a detour around the area, to both find a place to rest, and maybe do a little sightseeing, the entire Team RWBY soon ended up in the biggest and largest room in the entire Factory
"Oh my..."
What all of Team RWBY were witnessing and reacting to, was a very large machine, maybe the size of a 2 or 3 floor house, laying on the floor and seems to be dead, in a sense, unmoving, not working, no longer turned on, and the only sense of life would be some plants growing on its body, and having light shine on the large device, thanks to the large hole in the ceiling
"Yelp, this has to be one of the coolest things I've seen all day, maybe in my entire life."
Ruby was the first one to speak up, quickly taking out a camera and taking a picture of the dead machine
"Very old and outdated machinery, but I must give credit to one who created this, which must have been a big achievement in their time of life."
Weiss had to admit that she admired seeing this, of course it's broken and old now, but seeing anyone accomplished such a thing was kind of inspiring, letting her know that the past did and succeed in many things, despite the time age they were all in
"The first ever robotics technology was invented around 400 or 500 years ago, but something tells me that this, 'MACHINE', is older than that."
Blake narrow her eyes and started noticing how everything was so, new yet old, but what on what she was seeing now and what she saw earlier, as a bookworm who read many books, including history, yet nothing comes into mind on what she witness so far on what was made and done in the past
"What do you think this machine was made for?"
Was all Yang had to ask, as she put her hands on her hips, while being less enthusiastic compared to her team on what they were seeing, she was still interested and curious on the piece of junk before her, though her questions did catch the other girl's attention, and made them start thinking, 'What Was It Made For?', it was such a interesting thought, as many ideas filled their heads as they start thinking about the many answers and possibilities this could have
"Hmmm..... Where should we set up camp?"
In the end though, no matter how fascinating everything was, they still had to think about themselves and their survival, which includes finding a place to rest, like Weiss just said
"I would suggest a place that's high up, less risk for a Grimm to attack us while we sleep."
Blake made her suggestion, as she looks away from the old technology and glanced more higher up, trying to find a spot they could rest at
"Alright then, me and Blake will go find our resting spot, while you two search around the area, just to make sure everything is safe, ok?"
Once Yang made her suggestion, everyone was in a agreement on what they need to do and what needs to be done, and with that, everyone begin to split up to do what they agreed on, er, well, almost everyone, a certain Silver Eyes was the only one who did not ignore the interesting piece of technology that lay before her
'What was it made for?...'
Ruby curiosity and wonder were too high to ignore, and so without hesitation, she jumped down and walked up to the Machine
'It's definitely important, that's for sure...'
When Ruby got close enough, she wasted no time to get a good look at it and what check out it's more details
'It's too big for doing anything small...'
Ruby took a moment to realize how big the machine was compared to her own small body
'Not to mention it has strange tools and equipment attached to its body...'
Ruby also looked and noticed the many tools and equipment on its body, like saws, drills, and other stuff
'Was it a building robot? Was this thing responsible for building all the weapons in this Factory?'
Ruby rubs her chin and tap on her lips, she felt like she was close to a answer, very close, but she doesn't know what else to think or how else to find a way to answer a question that wouldn't leave her head, which was really bugging her and getting her frustrated, though before she could either pull on her hair in annoyance, or just give up and help her Team set up camp, she then felt something on her, which made snap out of her thoughts and looked down
"Huh, what's this?"
Ruby noticed and saw a small round shape item, that was on the ground, covered in dust and had a strange symbol on it, she was curious enough to pick it up, clean it up a bit, and take a closer look at it
"Is this a button?..."
Ruby scratches her head with one hand, while using her other hand to turn and bring it closer to her face, to get a closer look on it's details and such, though when she did, she noticed three bumps on its back, which made her confused at first, but soon she quickly figure out it's purpose as she realized that it matches three holes on the body of the machine
"I wonder..."
Ruby got close to the machine, more specifically the three holes on its body, and once she figures out how it should be put on, she, well, puts it on, which fits in and locks on, like it was meant to put there
"... Is that it?... Huh."
Ruby crossed her arms and wore a slightly disappointed expression, as she looked at the machine, which did nothing after putting the 'Talisman' into it
"Ruby! We found a spot and we're now making dinner, get up here before we start without you!"
The Hoodie Girl looks away from the machine, just barely missing a certain green glow and a poor unfortunately nearby lizard, as she then looks up to Weiss, Blake, and Yang, who seems to be waiting for her
"Ugh... Ok, I'm coming up..."
Ruby sighs in slight defeat, for not being able to figure out or understand the old piece of technology behind her, but she decided in the to move on and ignore it for now, as she fully turns away from it and walked up to her teammates, now beginning to wonder if she still have any cookies leftovers to eat
Out of nowhere, Yang, Weiss and Blake suddenly had freaked out and shocked expression, as they begin to yell and warn their Leader about something
"What? What are you on about now?"
Ruby tilts her head in confusion, looking behind herself to see what her teammates were scared about, though when she did, her Silver Eyes met someone bigger, redder, and much more scarier eye
I decided to use RWBY, since their whole thing involves Souls and such, I'm thinking it should take place around end of V.1 and beginning of V.2~
(Any ideas or advice you wish to share with me?~)
/All Of Creati Weapons & Abilities\
1. Claws/Hands: Not only is it used to grab things, but can dig, handle small objects, sewing stuff, and drill/screw in small/mid size items.
2. Torch: This is used to fuse or melt down metal, while burning everything else.
3. Saws: Can cut through nearly anything, like wood, rocks and metal.
4. Electro Shock: It's mostly used to charge up or start up old machine.
5. Power Drill: Can dig, make large holes or screw in large objects.
6. Hammer: Used to hammer in something, make something flat, or bend metals.
7. Mixer/Hose: has a container that can store liquids, or anything similar, to mix/stir, then either injects threw a needle or spray it out.
8. Down/Uploader: Can be used to download, upload, and hack/reprogram.
9. Super Genius: She's so smart that she can create mechanical life out of anything.
10. Soul Absorbing/The Talisman: While the Talisman can keep her awake/alive, she needs more souls to keep her body moving and on, Grimm keeps her on for a Hour at best, animals keep her body on for a whole day, a humanoid soul keeps her on for a month, immortals keep her alive forever.
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