Dangerous Surroundings
Since the travel to the new mountain range would take a little while(and because Gupil and Furr didn't want the Wind to speed past the scenery), the two boys decided to talk about the weird feathers that perched on Gupil's head.
"So, how do you think that event occured?" Furr asked, and Gupil thought for a moment while keeping a strong arm around the wolf pup.
"Maybe I had touched them a long time ago, and it sort of.......saved some memories? But that wouldn't explain some of the memories that I saw...." Gupil responded, mumbling the last part to himself as Furr glanced around them at the scenery.
"Hmmmm..........then how would it save memories? Is it some special type of feather? And that doesn't help any of the other questions, such as "how you woke up in a cave with almost no memory of what caused you to get there" or "why you even have feathers on your head"!" Furr exclaimed, and Gupil turned away from his friend's gaze a little, remembering that he hadn't told Furr that there were more than just the feathers on his head that triggered memories.
Gupil huffed in exasperation and faced the sight ahead of him, before an idea popped into his head, and he rolled up the sleeved of his ragged clothes to reveal the long feathers that both covered and went out like a cape on his arms.
He made sure that his sleeves wouldn't roll down again, and basically t-posed, standing up and allowing the cold mountain air to hit his face to try to see how tight the feathers were latched onto his body, when he noticed that a feather suddenly dislodged from his left arm, and he caught the feather before it flew away with the passing wind.
Gupil was suprised that when he held the feather, he didn't experience any flashbacks of any sorts, except for a voice that threatened him through the feather.
"You'll know when you get here, that you'll regret your choice of ever coming to the Alpha Mountains." The voice said, and Gupil almost dropped the colored feather in suprise.
"What?" Gupil whispered to himself, earning the attention of the wolf in his arms as they looked up at the hybrid, and whined in concern for its friend.
"Don't worry, I'm fine. Just....confused, is all. Did you hear it too?" Gupil asked his companion, and the wolf pup looked at him with a confused expression, and repeatedly licked his chin.
Gupil sighed and continued to look ahead as he sub-conciously let go of the feather, and the wolf pup watched as the feather floated to the ground, softly whining in anticipation as the colored feather dissapeared from sight into the dense forest below.(Ooooooooo foreshadowing-)
Soon, after about 20 more minutes of floating on the Wind Spirit, the group had reached the edge of the mountains and had hopped off of the Spirit onto the ground, and Gupil let the wolf cub down as they started walking into the highly-elevated biome.
As the two boys chatted, they didn't notice the wolf's continuous tendancy to look behind the group of four and softly growl until a low 'thump!' could be heard from behind the group.
Gupil noticed and turned around in confusion, to see a cloaked human standing in a straight position a little ways away from them, and the Wind Spirit started protectively circling around the trio as the young wolf yelped in fear.
Gupil picked his partner back up into his arms and started walking faster, wanting to get as much distance between the stranger and the group as fear obviously radiated off of him, when suddenly, the stranger broke into a sprint and brought out a staff with a knife attached to the front end into a threatening position.
"Furr! Run!" Gupil called out, when the Wind Spirit sweeped them up into the air just as the stranger reached their previous position, and looked up at the 4 as a white mask with 4 slits in it seemingly glared at them as they zoomed away on the spirit.
"What in the world's name was that!?" Furr shouted, and Gupil simply shrugged as the wind brought them deeper into the mountainous range as the wolf pup sat up in Gupil's arms and lolled their small, pink tougue out of the side of their mouth.
Soon, the wind dropped them off onto a flat mountain side and circled around them before shooting off into the distance, specifically the direction they just came from.
Furr looked at Gupil with confusion-filled eyes, but the older simply shrugged and turned away, starting to walk along the rocky path as Furr jogged to catch up to his friend.
After a few more minutes of walking aimlessly, the wolf pup jumped down from Gupil's arms and growled at seemingly empty air, when the same person from earlier jumped down from nowhere and held the speared pole in their direction.
"Why are you here?" The being rasped, as if they hadn't talked in a while, and the two boys looked at each other, before Gupil picked the wolf pup back up into his arms and replied.
"I.....actually really don't know. My friend here, Furr, has always wanted to explore the world, and we spotted this mountain range and came to check it out." The lime-haired male replied, and the stranger stilled for a moment before shoving the sharp end of the spear-pole closer to them, ready to strike at any moment.
"So. Tourists then. This is no normal mountain range, and certainly not a place where children should be. Including you." The being declared, and relaxed their posture to where the wooden pole was tipped upwards and at an ease position.
"Come. I shall lead you away from here. Once I do, I do not want to see a single trace of you ever being here again, or else I shall spear all of your heads and put them out as a warning to others." The cloaked stranger said, and started walking in the direction that they were originally going, and Gupil and Furr, not wanting to get their heads speared, caught up with the being and walked behind them.
After about 20 more minutes, Furr decided to perk up and ask a question.
"Uh, Mister, why are YOU here?" The scraggy boy asked, and the stranger didn't answer for a moment, nor did they turn around.
"First off, it's Miss to you, and why I am here is not important right now." The cloaked being responded, and the group kept walking when Furr decided to ask another query.
"Well, it's after "right now", so why are you here?" Furr questioned, and the stranger sighed and shook their head before answering the curious boy's question.
"Persistent child. Fine. I am here to protect these mountains and its wildlife from those disgraces of a human being. You two are an exception because you got off the hook by being children, but if you were full grown, I wouldn't have wasted a moment to spear your insides and stick your bodies on a pole as a trophy." The adult answered, and silence filled the area again before Furr decided to ask a daring question.
"Well, since you're a human, doesn't that mean that you're also insulting yourself?" The brown-haired boy asked, and the stranger stopped in their tracks and spinned around, jutting out their spear so that it was right near Furr's neck.
"What I am has nothing to do with my statement. YOU are a human, but you aren't like one of those rich, prissy, city boys who think that they are entitled to everything. I disgust being part of such a failure of a race, but you two, may be able to turn this world around. I have not seen any type of humans as you two before, as one that would have the courage to speak up against their superiors, and one that has befriended a wolf cub and has..........colored feathers, on their arms, head, neck and back. I am thinking about this a different way now. You two might actually be useful for a little project that I'm working on. Come, follow me." The person said, and started walking in a different direction as the two boys exchanged glances and followed after the mysterious being.
"Also, since to maybe earn your trust more, I shall allow you to see who I am." The stranger said, and turned around the face them before raising a hand to the white mask on their face to reveal a feminine, dark-skinned face with floofy, curly hair, and amber eyes.
"My name is Binaril Arrow. I am the sworn protector of the Alpha Mountains and its wildlife. Kill one living being in this mountain range, plant, animal, or inbetween, and I shall decapitate your head from your body as painful as possible."
Aaaaaaannndddd, cut! I finally got some more motivation due to someone showing that they actually like this book, so thank you! I'll try to see if I can get anymore motivation to write the next part, so Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading, and Fox Out!
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