Chapter 52 PART 1
"Love breaks into madness
and sometimes I can't control
the way you make me feel "
This past week has just been insane, from attending various interviews with Brock which I was sure I wasn't needed at but he insisted I attend everything with him.
From where he found out he would be main eventing UFC200 and not just be a random fight on the roster...
"Its unfortunate.. You know guys work hard. They go through training camps and they put lots of time in.... I've been in the entertainment business for a long time. The fight game, the show still goes on. Regardless where I'm at on the card the show's gonna happen. I'm just thankful that I got through training camp healthy and I'm here. Merry Christmas to Brock Lesnar!"
He laughed before walking off stage.
"You're so arrogant sometimes" I smiled, knowing even though he tried to play it off he couldn't be more happier.
"You love my arrogance and all so I doubt I will be stopping..." He smirked while I ran my hands down his blue sweater that made him look even more hot.
"You don't wear clothes like these at home.." I sighed as he pulled me close, not as close as usual though. The bump was preventing it, or well like I had told him when he complained, that our angel was joining in on our embrace.
"You don't find my trackpants and merch tee attractive Barbie? Cause I doubt these slide ons are attractive"
I glanced down and giggled at the UFC slide ons he got.
"You have nice toes for a Beast! " I hit his chest and he chuckled before leaning down and kissing me.
To his press interviews where I got the view of Brock in a suit. Which of course was rare but always a good sight. He had been complaining the entire time as I helped him slip on his jacket when he in fact didn't have to wear a suit as I saw the Hunt guy was dressed like Brock was on a usual day.
"Around what time did you start feeling better?"
"I think it was about day 49.." He rolled his eyes and I sighed as I felt sorry for the poor guy who had questioned him.
While I loved his eye rolling, simply because I loved annoying him. But being a stranger to him and getting that irritated look? I honestly wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
"I feel fucking awesome! I'm here why does it matter!" He laughed and I forgot about my sympathy for the guy while his smile melted my heart.
The fight would be tomorrow and they still had quite a few things to do before then. He simply had one more interview to do for the day then we could head back to the sanctuary of our hotel room. While tomorrow would be quite busy...
He had to have a final weigh in, get his photoshoots done and he was currently doing an interview, with a beautiful woman might I add. I had showed my claws when he was signing some posters yesterday and some of the female fighters were with him.
Of course Brock found it amusing that I was jealous for once but I knew they saw me as nothing compared to them, especially when I walked in with my heels and well just being me. I knew what people thought of me at first glance which was partially why I didn't want to accompany him. He had been holding my hand and had his attention on me the entire time but it couldn't take away the uncomfortable feeling I had..
I was uncomfortable around the WWE locker room these days so this would definitely not feel good. I felt like a trophy fiance, like I had with John while attending all his movie releases or whatever event he was invited to..
All he said was they're just shocked he is bringing someone along for these things. It was about 7pm and I had gone to get some dinner before coming to watch him.
"I feel great.. I feel like a kid again. Training camp went well" he nodded slowly.
"What do you think about stepping in with Mark Hunt?" She questioned as I folded my arms and patiently waited.
Don't get me wrong, I loved watching him but I was a mess these days..
With me being more nauseous I always ended up puking around meals and I wasn't sure why it only started off recently but I hated it as Brock had to put up with it. It felt like we were drifting from the couple we once were and I saw myself becoming not sexy, maybe it was my hormones but I wasn't feeling myself..
"I'm not afraid to get knocked out by Mark Hunt. I have gone over the scenarios several times in my head and its always the same outcome; with my hand raised." He shrugged making me smile at the thought of the match as I couldn't wait to watch him. He would win and conquer what was stolen from him due to the illness.
"So what does a day in the life of your training camp look like?"
"Ironically it was pretty simple. Our motto was keep it simple, keep it fun. We trained out in the woods on my farm so I could be close to my fiance instead of driving all the way out. And then we'd switch it up a bit. It was fun but there definitely were days where it wasn't but we got through it. Its pretty simple, my family comes first. I don't need to put it out there..."
He had mentioned me for the first time, well not me but now people knew Brock Lesnar had a fiance.
"How is a day in the life of Brock Lesnar with family?"
"I live on a farm. My kids live on a farm as well, ten minutes from me with their mom and we just like to keep their life simple. Its just country living, I want my kids to have a normal life as well as know what hard work is and that's what they do helping me around the farm. I have another one on the way and my fiance might argue with me but I don't want to spoil my kids too much." He briefly glanced over at me as I don't think he realized I had been there.
"What was your family's reaction when you said you were thinking about returning to the UFC?"
"I had a lot of support from everyone. At the end of the day I'm just happy that they are very supportive about it. Because I wouldn't want any of them being uncomfortable with the idea..."
"Now you are in WWE and have conquered both fields. How does one do that?"
"I just go out there and do things people don't think they can do. Not only that, God has gifted me with great looks and a helluva body. It helps.. "
"I think so too" she laughed.
"When you've got this going on...You know?"
"I'm an athlete and I have been able to put food on my family's table being an athlete. I'm fortunate"
"We are fortunate to have you back.."
I sighed as I heard her finish off the interview and Brock shook her hand before moving over to me.
"Wanna head out for dinner?" I shook my head and walked on as we got into the elevator and I hit our floor.
"What did I do now?" He questioned as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to his side.
"Besides flirt with her?" I glanced at him before moving away from him as we reached our floor.
"Yesterday you were mad at me making a spooning comment to that other woman, now you're mad at me for being cocky in an interview? Why the fuck would I flirt with someone when you're five feet away, watching me. " He sighed as he pushed open the hotel room door.
"I don't know, why would you?" I shrugged as I set my bag down and walked into the room. I stared into the mirror and felt him behind me.
"You know how I am Nicole" he frowned as he searched my eyes in the mirror.
"Yeah with me, not these women!" I snapped as I could tell he was amused while I was irritated.
"Nicole, I'm not fucking Nick. I won't fucking cheat on you and leave you running around at a fucking UFC event drunk off your ass alone.." He scoffed as he moved away from me.
"What?" I frowned as I didn't get what he meant. I couldn't even drink with the baby and.. Nick?
"Nothing. Look I'm sorry I did whatever baby, stop pouting" he sighed as I sat on the edge of the bed.
"Yeah I wonder what you would have done if I was in an interview with some guy and he was telling me he was God's gift to women while displaying his muscular arms at me" I narrowed my eyes at him before lying back and focusing on the ceiling as I felt him pull off my boots he had gotten me for my birthday once we got home last week.
"I'd kill him"
I stared blankly at him while he chuckled as I felt him trail his fingers back and forth above my waistband before pulling it.
"I'm trying to be mad at you Brock" I rolled my eyes trying not to moan as he kissed into my neck before slowly pulling down my pants.
He gazed down at me and smirked before settling between my legs and pinning my hands above my head with those blue eyes focused on me.
"Put my pants back on we have to go. And I am mad at you!" I pouted knowing I wasn't anymore and craving dinner once again.
I hated fighting with him especially because of another woman but I couldn't help it. I could be very territorial and Brock was mine, I didn't feel the need for the world to know due to him being private, hence no posting pictures, but them not knowing left me a bit insecure.
"Yeah I happen to know that look in those brown eyes of yours. I don't feel like fighting over a woman whose eye colour I can't even remember cause I was thinking about you the entire time. And we don't have to go, they can fucking wait" He leaned down and kissed me but leaned back as I hadn't returned it.
"Barbie..." He breath into my neck pushing his body against mine and clasping his fingers in mine.
"If you want me to release the Beast, you are currently holding my hands above my head so I can't" I snapped.
"Maybe its about time you use that smart mouth of yours" He smirked and I glanced away.
"How about you go find that wo.." He cut me off as he pushed his tongue past my lips and kissed me before grinding his body against mine, allowing me to feel the Beast.
I pushed my body up against his and bit his tongue hard which caused him to glare down at me. I used his surprise to push him over so that I was on top which made him chuckle..
"Baby, you know I like you in a different position.." He smirked.
"Well you won't be able to do that position once I get bigger, so how about you learn to let go of your control issues Beast" I smiled and he lift my hands and sat up before wrapping his arms around me.
"Nicole, just let me fuck you. " He whispered into my lips before tipping me over making me giggle and forget how we ended up here.
"Isn't there something against having sex before a big match?"
I teased knowing he was more than ready to have his way with me.
"I fucked you at Summerslam and I fucking knocked Randy out and knocked you up so.."
"You're so annoying you know that!" I laughed before kissing him.
He chuckled a bit more but it soon disappeared as his hand trailed up my inner thigh before slowly rubbing over me.
I pushed my body against his hand and moaned into his lips wanting him inside of me which of course he did soon after.
"Now why would I want anyone else when you feel so good Barbie?" He whispered before biting into my neck and moving faster.
"I can't wait for this fight to be over so I can lock you away Beast" I sighed as I traced over his tattoo on his shoulders before staring into his eyes.
"I thought I was the one doing that?"
"After this fight I'm going to have to bring these claws out so they know you are mine. They probably don't even know who your fiance is.." I mumbled as I let my finger nails move back and forth over his shoulders before wrapping my hands around his neck.
"They'll know after the fight that I'm yours baby!" He frowned before winking.
"What, are you planning on going down on one knee for me in the middle of the octagon?" I blurted out.
"That's a bit much Barbie" He cocked his eyebrow, moving down my body before resting his chin on my small bump.
"You never went down though." I pinched his cheek as I frowned as I hadn't thought about it before but he hadn't..
"If you want me to I will, just not in the middle of the octagon" he glanced down and I laughed.
"Brock!" I rolled my eyes at his sexual innuendo..
He chuckled, "I'm sorry I didn't go down on one knee.."
"Its okay.." I mumbled as I felt myself drifting. "You might be just a guy but you're a Beast and you happen to do things your own way which I love.."
He kissed the bump before moving next to me.
"And I love you. Every other woman doesn't exist to me. You're the only one on my mind Nicole. Don't forget that baby.. "
"And then you just swing it like that remember?" I nodded.
"Okay, I think that's enough recapping guys" I sighed as we had been at it for the past four hours, going over everything.
"You sure?"
"Yeah" I responded.
"So I see you managed to land yourself another diva?"
I heard one of the trainers and glanced at him.
"Woman." I corrected him, I didn't care what they called the other ones at WWE but I knew he was referring to Nicole.
"Either way man. Look I have learnt from three divorces that when you do decide to go down that path again, to not pick the same woman you were married to is all I'm saying. You're asking for another divorce"
I didn't know why he all of a sudden felt the need to say anything to me which made me frown a bit.
"Sam..." I heard one of the other trainer's stop him but it was too late.
I stood up and walked over to him and heard silence fill the room that had been quite rowdy.
"You better be fucking lucky you didn't say that while my fiance was here or you'd be laying in a fucking pool of blood. Maybe I didn't make myself clear when I hired your ass, you're here to train with these guys and me. Not to fucking bring up my personal life, if I even hear a reference to her or the fucking word diva again. Not only will I fire you, I will beat the piss out of you, you motherfucker!" I saw his jaw clenching but he didn't do anything as I glared at him.
I moved away and headed over to my locker to get my phone. I didn't need fuckers making my mood shitty when I would be fighting tonight.
"Get them all out of here. I don't need any of them here until before the fight." I told my head coach and he nodded as I sat down to check my messages.
I knew people would have shit to say once they realized that Nicole and I were in fact together and with my interview yesterday saying that I had a fiance and a baby on the way I basically announced it all unintentionally.
I guess Nicole and Rena were alike in some ways but Nicole was more of everything I needed.
Yeah she was a lot to handle with her mood swings which her pregnancy has made worse from what I have had to deal with in the last couple weeks but I didn't mind.
Nicole had a fire in her that I liked. The bitch in her made me love her and even though I had to try and control my anger with how she was acting lately as I knew she couldn't help it or well I guess I hoped she couldn't.
She wasn't Rena, she was Nicole, my Barbie and divorce would definitely not be happening...
NICOLE 💗: "Are you done yet? I miss you. Having lunch on my own was depressing"
I frowned as I thought Brie would have been with her by now.
I sat back and set my phone down.
I wasn't exactly pissed because of what the fucker said, I was upset because he thought he had the right to say something.
I had made sure to keep Nicole by my side for the entire week simply because despite WWE being in town as well, they had their own thing and I wanted her to feel as included as possible.
She had wanted to stay in Dean's place instead of here with me because she figured I would be too busy to give her the time of day. So I dragged her along to everything, which only turned out to be a mistake at times due to her mood swings. Well mostly when there were other women involved, I hardly ever thought of what I said, I was always cocky either way. But of course she saw it differently, the only other time I had been in a situation with her pissed at me over a woman was Flair.
I found it amusing but her face told me that pissed her off more.
"Brocky..." I heard her breaking my thoughts and I stood up and she smiled as soon as she saw me.
I pulled her into a hug as she clung onto me and I felt her hands move underneath my tee and trace over my lower back which she always did.
"This shirt is so tight" she whispered as she stared at it.
"What? Want another around?" I smirked as I had made sure she didn't leave the bed without me being inside her this morning.
"No, I think I have had enough Beast for one day. What time is the weigh in?" She asked smiling as she focused on me.
"About thirty minutes... Which ain't long enough unless I make it rough and quick" I whispered with amusement filling my voice as I bent down and kissed into her neck.
She laughed, "Brock! I am not sleeping with you" she shoved against my chest and I moved back and laid down.
"Its comfortable here Barbie. It ain't like you're going to be on your back anyway. I will let you have control baby" I winked as I placed my hands behind my head.
She smiled and stood over me.
"Can I just have some time with you where we aren't sleeping together or doing an interview with... Please.." She walked and sat down next to me and I sighed as I laid on my side.
"What's wrong?" I questioned, feeling like I had been asking it ten times a day lately.
"Nothing. I just to need to fucking sleep. I'm exhausted." She shrugged as she stared away from me.
"Fine, then go sleep and I'll wake you up when I return from my fight"
She turned to me, "don't do that"
"I don't need you being a bitch today. I have enough to deal with it being fight day okay?" I glared as yes I had been trying to understand her but with the fucking kid questioning me I just wanted her to make my mood better before everything else kicked in.
But it was clear that everyone would be pissing me off.
"Okay Brock." She kissed my cheek before getting up and moving towards the door.
I sighed as the last thing I needed was her even more upset with me, "Nico.."
"Brock you need to change, Hunt just headed out, you guys are up soon" I saw one of the crew members.
"Yeah!" I slipped on my shoes and took off my t-shirt before grabbing my jacket and slipping it on.
"Come on" I extended my hand but she didn't take it.
"I'm sorry, don't fucking be like this with me now." I sighed and simply walked on with her following behind as I heard Hunt's name being called and knew I would be getting called soon.
I glanced at her as she hugged herself and focused ahead. I knew she had mood swings but I didn't know what exactly was bothering her or how exactly she was feeling. Me seducing her cheered her up but didn't solve anything I guess...
"And his opponent Broooooock Lesnaaaaaaaaaar"
I turned and waited until she reached me and kissed her forehead, "I love you"
I waited for her to respond and she sighed and glanced behind me.
"I love you too Beast, you need to go!" She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss with a small smile and I moved towards the action.
I turned the corner and ran up the steps before stripping off my jacket and discarding it onto the floor and climbing the scale.
"Official weight 265.5 for the former champion"
I did a couple poses and flexed before moving for a stare down. I then headed to my head coach and retrieved my jacket as I heard Joe Rogan question Hunt.
"When you heard your opponent was Brock Lesnar what did you think?"
"I thought he was retired. No shit, I actually thought he was retired or something. But imma punch his face in"
I didn't bother giving any reaction as I slipped on my jacket.
"Goodluck to you Sir, see you tomorrow night."
I saw him head over to me and smiled as I finished slipping my jacket on.
"Brock Lesnar! How are you feeling?"
"Well I'm excited..."
"Its cool to have you back Sir! Brock Lesnar everybody!"
I gave a small wave before heading off the stage.
"Where's Nicole?" I frowned at one of my coaches as they were standing together.
"Didn't say.. She just took off" he shrugged and I began walking with my main one following.
"Look man I ain't going to meddle in your personal life. But I don't think its a good idea having her here if she is going to be a distraction."
I heard him as I glanced around not sure where exactly Nicole went to as my phone was in my locker room.
"What?" I frowned.
"That punk said one thing about her not even her and you were up on your feet. You just delayed your entrance because she looked upset. I get that you are in love and I'm all for it, been awhile since I have seen you that way. But you have been walking around with her all week, if Hunt is a smartass he will mention her before the fight kicks off and have you pissed and sloppy because you won't be thinking of strategy."
I sighed as while the other guy pissed me off...
I knew he wasn't trying to be smart with me but just trying to prepare me as he always did.
With Rena in the past she would merely be in the hotel all week or heading out on her own and once the fight came she would be in the crowd. That's as close as she got to it all and of course now with Nicole it was mostly the opposite.
"My reputation is being put out there so I will think about what I'm doing. And well if he happens to say some shit I won't be sloppy, I'll fucking kill him." I shrugged as I wiped my face with a towel.
"Look Brock, we have been working for months on this. I know you want to walk out with her at your side, you have never done that with Rena. Its.." He began but I didn't want to hear the rest cause then I would be pissed and I reached my limit for the fucking day.
"I don't give a fuck, she's walking out by my side and that's final." I stated.
"Bu.." He began and I stopped and looked over at him.
"If you have a problem with it don't go out there with me, as simple as that"
I shrugged before I pushed open the door to where I would be shooting.
My eyes fell on Nicole who was sitting on a chair texting someone I guess and I walked over to her.
"Figured I would wait for you here." She mumbled.
I sighed as I stripped down my pants and my jacket and set my gloves in her lap.
She stood up knowing she had to slip it on for me, "where's your wrestling shorts?"
"This is my wrestling shorts.." I answered as I stared down at her.
"Of course it is.. There, all done.." She smiled giving me a brief kiss and I gripped her waist, pulling her to me.
"Nicole, what is going on?" I whispered as I searched her eyes.
"Nothing Brock, they're calling for you" I glanced over at the crew and kissed her forehead before heading to do my shoot.
I did several poses while she watched with a small smile.
I took a break and then walked over to her, as soon as I did she stood up and swung her bag over her shoulder.
"I have to go, Brie and I are going to get ready. I'm sure you won't want me backstage to deal with, so I will see you from the crowd" I felt my jaw clench as she walked away.
"I tweeted out my support, he is my man so of course I believe he will win and Brie does too, right Brie?" I smiled as I glanced over at my sister.
We were currently on the sort of red carpet with about half hour before Brock's match, well the main event.
"Well we have a joint account so I guess that tweet is from both of us." Brie smiled.
"So you two are engaged?"
"Yes we are. Brock didn't reveal it Nikki Bella style but yes we are engaged. He is amazing and I love him. He has me in his corner so that's another reason he will win" I shrugged before walking on as we posed and answered several more questions.
THIS 😍😍😍😍
"So how is Brock feeling?" Brie asked as we entered the arena. I shrugged as I was mad at him and since I left him at the shoot a few hours before I hadn't actually spoken to him..
"Please don't tell me you guys are fighting right now" She groaned as we walked down the hall.
"Whose fighting?" I rolled my eyes as I heard Dean and saw Paige, Renee and Alberto.
"We aren't... I guess I am.." I shrugged as I didn't really know what was going on.
She raised her eyebrow while all of them patiently waited.
"Its just this entire week I haven't felt needed you know? He just drags me along to all these things and its like I'm back with John being dragged to events and then he drops me and has to do business again." I blurted out.
"We will go get some drinks before the match. Go find your man and tell him we say good luck!" Paige kissed my cheek before heading down with Alberto as while Alberto was okay she knew I wouldn't really want him hearing about Brock and I.
"Does he tell you what to wear?" Renee questioned.
"Does he have to have a plus one to all these interviews and appearances?" I glanced over at Dean, not sure where they were heading with their questions.
"No" I sighed.
"Maybe he just wants the one person he loves to be close to him all the time here. His family isn't here, not his kids. You're his fiance and you are here and he wants you with him all day. I don't understand how that's making you mad, the Nicole I know would love it. " Brie cut them off before they could say anything.
"I don't know either. I'm just feeling irritated, I'm sick all the time. I thought this pregnancy was going easy and its like now I just want to be mad at him and I know how much this day means to him" I shrugged as she handed me a tissue as I felt my emotions consuming me.
"Then there are all these women. They aren't fake wrestlers, they have so much in common with him and they're talking about shit I don't know. Whether its other fighters or interviewers, I just feel so fucking out of place."
"Nicole, its Brock's night and he won't be happy if you aren't . So suck it up and go downstairs, wish him luck and we will wait in the crowd for you okay?"
I nodded feeling like a fucking idiot but I saw Dean not following them and I raised my eyebrow at my lunatic brother.
"Okay first thing, you are engaged, all grown up now sis so I expect this to be the last time I have to embark my wisdom onto you and.."
I knew I was in for some advice from my lunatic. I hadn't heard it in awhile so I was definitely grateful for him being with me..
"I don't think that's the right wo..."
"Hey, this ain't an English lesson. Besides, we would both fail that shit! Anyway as I was saying, you're going to give birth next year and probably have a wedding soon after. Point is, tell Brock how you are feeling, while I love hearing all the details. Remember what happened with all the complaining to Brie about John? I love your sister but she doesn't need to know some shit and I know Brock would be annoyed if he heard you speaking to everyone but him"
He definitely was right. Brock and I had promised several times
to keep everything between us. While I unintentionally always bended that particular rule.
"So I am supposed to tell the man I love, that I hate him?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Yeah. That's how you guys fell in love ain't it?" He frowned.
"I guess..."
"Look you're pregnant, you have all these hormones and shit going on. They said you often end up hating people closest to you because you're going through all these feelings and changes" he shrugged and I stared blankly at him.
"Have you forgotten I am an uncle to little Jojo? Roman used to tell me how Galina would throw him with all the toys in the nursery because he bought the wrong food she was craving or was it wrong baby clothes?... I don't know. Anyway its like that bridezilla shit but like momzilla" he shrugged.
"Somehow you always have a way of making sense you know?" I laughed and he moved over to me and hugged me.
"Well that's why you're my sister, you're the only woman who gets me as much as Renee does. And well she definitely can't be my sister" he laughed and I pushed him away.
"Ew!" I shook my head.
"Just go to your Beast and give him a quickie" He did a grinding motion which made me laugh.
"I can't even sit in this dress, the only place it isn't as tight is around my bump" I rolled my eyes as I didn't want to feel restricted.
"Suffer for beauty or is it cry for beauty?" He frowned.
"I'll see you soon Dean" I laughed as I kissed his cheek before heading to the locker room to suck up my pride and try and process Dean's words...
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