"From the core of my body
to the marrow of my aching bones.
I love you and I am grateful
for who you are "
"What does it say?" I heard Brock outside the door and I felt my heart sinking as I patiently waited.
"I.. I don't know yet" I whispered as I glanced at the time.
"Baby just let me in. If you're not I'm sorry for calling you fat, which I didn't might I add. If you are I want to find out with you please?"
I sighed and opened the door but closed it behind me and he frowned.
"What if I am and then?" I whispered.
"If you are and then how will you feel cause right now you don't seem excited at the thought?" He searched my eyes while I wasn't sure how to respond as I wasn't exactly sure about how I felt.
"I don't want to get excited because what if I'm not or what if I am? We never spoke about this so I'm afraid Brock. Do you want kids with me?" I whispered not being able to speak louder as I was still in shock as this was the last thing I thought. I thought I had the fucking flu..
He frowned, "of course I fucking want kids with you. Why wouldn't I?"
"You've never..." I began but he sighed and walked away from me and sat on the edge of the bed.
"I haven't said anything because I don't want to plan. Isn't that what you said? You planned your life with these guys before me. And life didn't turn out the way you wanted it to? So that's why when we first began dating I didn't say I want marriage and kids because I want what you want baby. I have had marriage and I have two boys.. I knew you wanted those things before me and while I wanted them with you for a long time I wasn't going to make you feel forced to give them to me if you didn't see me fit to be the husband or father of your kids. If you're pregnant I am fucking happy baby, if not then if you want my beast babies I won't mind us going to bed right now and spending the rest of the week fucking to get them" he shrugged with a very serious expression while I giggled a bit and walked over to him.
"Why do you always have to end off your amazing Brocky moments with something not sweet?" I rolled my eyes despite smiling like a proud fiance at his words.
"Fucking you ain't sweet? " He asked genuinely surprised and I knew then the thought of me carrying our baby excited him.
"Because I happen to think its pretty sweet. I mean haven't you compared how happy I am after being inside you to a kid who stole candy?"
"You're something else Brock Lesnar" I whispered as I traced my fingers over his cheeks and he smirked before standing up.
"As long as that something belongs to you. Now let's go check if we got ourselves a little Italian Mexican American growing inside you"
He opened the door and held my hand but stood against the wall as I picked it the tissue that held the test up.
"And Mrs Lesnar are we expecting a Fearless little Lesnar?" I heard the amusement in his voice and turned with a frown as I felt my eyes glistening.
"Its okay we can..." He began..
I laughed as I guess my reaction had been ambiguous but while I couldn't stop whispering before, now I was speechless as I simply nodded.
"Yes?" He pushed himself off the wall and I nodded again.
He immediately lift me into his arms and spun me around with a huge smile that I was always happy to see.
"Are you serious right now?" I laughed as I saw Brock walk out onto the porch before awwwwing as the boys appeared behind him wearing the football outfits we had gotten them for their birthday . It was the first we had seen them since they were stuck with the flu..
"Everyone's dressing up , figured I should give it a go as well" he smirked and I felt my heart pounding as I stared into his eyes before hearing Duke and I threw the ball to him .
"How does that still fit you?" I laughed as we walked further onto the grass.
"Is Coco saying that I'm out of shape?" He raised his eyebrow as the boys tossed the football I had gotten them months before, back and forth between them.
I was happy that he had been lazy since finding out about the baby so that he had a good beard going on.
"No! I'm saying you're in great shape and much bigger than you were, what ? Ten years ago?" I questioned as I couldn't really remember when he dabbled into football.
"About that time. For someone who didn't like me back then you sure know a lot about what I did"
"There is such a thing as internet Brock!" I rolled my eyes with a smile.
"Stalking me on the internet then ?"
"It isn't stalking if you're my fi..." I cut myself off as I realized we hadn't told anyone yet.
I had hoped for everyone to come over this weekend but with it being Clash of Champions tomorrow that wasn't possible, so the announcement would have to wait.
He simply chuckled before his eyes went over to the boys.
"So whose going to be with daddy and whose going to be with Coco?" he asked while I had to keep my eyes from being glued on my hot Beast.
"Coco!" Both of them shouted out which caused him to roll his eyes and I stuck my tongue out playfully at him as they hugged me.
"Stick that at me one more time and I can find something for you to do with it Barbie"
"Gross!" I scrunched up my face and he laughed out clearly trying to mess with me.
"Turk. Duke. We'll play two games okay? So we can switch. Soooooo how about we toss a coin to see who gets to be on Team Coco first ?" They nodded.
"I guess I have to go and get the coin?" Brock raised his eyebrow.
"If you love me as much as you say you do" I smiled sweetly and he grumbled while I laughed.
"So are you guys excited for Halloween next month?" I asked as we waited for him to come back.
"I'm going to be my daddy! " Turk shouted out.
"What? You're going to give Suplexes?" I questioned with a smirk knowing Brock would love hearing that .
He nodded, "We are training like daddy!"
"You aaaaaaaare?" I asked and widened my eyes as they nodded with big smiles.
"I began wrestling when I was five so they're doing the same" I heard him before he threw the coin my way.
"Brock!" I rolled my eyes as it fell past me and the boys tried finding it while he shook his head and walked over to me.
"Just because you're pregnant doesn't mean you should go losing your catching skills" he whispered lowly into my neck as he wrapped his one arm around me.
"Fudge you Beast"
"I will fudge you tonight!"
I pushed against his chest and shook my head as I heard Duke declare he had found it.
"Heads or tails?"
"Touch down!!!!" I screamed out as I raised my hands up as Duke and I claimed victory.
"There's still another game baby.." I heard Brock and shrugged.
"Can't you just let me celebrate my victory? Baby?" I raised my eyebrow and he licked his lips before raising up his hands in surrender.
"The only loser here today will be daddy, right guys?"
"Daddy is a loser! Daddy is a loser!" They chanted while I smiled.
"We'll see" he narrowed his eyes at them and I quickly covered their eyes with my hands while they giggled.
"What are you doing?" I frowned.
"Taking off this, I don't need it." He smiled as he stood shirtless.
"Are you that desperate that you're trying to distract me?"
"Well you have got that part down ain't you?" His eyes trailed my body.
I shook my head ignoring it as I took Turk's hand and led him to our side.
"Come on Turk!" I screamed as he ran to touch down .
"Get him Duke!" I heard Brock.
Duke soon tagged Turk and got the ball and threw it to Brock before we could get him.
"Daddy's too fast" Turk pouted as Brock took off.
"Not for Coco"
"Come and get me!" He smirked as he walked further back past the clearing.
I rolled my eyes as I ran after him as he disappeared between the trees.
"Get him Coco!" I heard Turk's voice .
"She can't get daddy!"
"Yes she can!"
I heard them arguing in the distance as I was surrounded by trees but wasn't sure where Brock was.
I caught my breath as I continued looking around until I squealed as I felt his arm wrap around me before he turned me around and gently pushed me up against a tree.
"The boys are waiting" I giggled as he had me trapped.
"They're probably wrestling each other. I'm here to make a deal" he smirked as the playfulness filled those blue eyes.
"Mmmm and what is this deal fiance?" I whispered as my hands held his lower back.
"This football for some working of that tongue" he smirked.
"You know I don't..."
He cut me off as he pushed his tongue past my lips as my giggles filled the kiss due to the surprise. I pulled on his back and pushed myself against him as I kissed him slowly and deeply.
I was pregnant with the Beast's baby and I was honestly overjoyed. There was a part of me reminding me what wouldn't be happening due to that but I tried pushing it as far back as I could. Brock was filled with joy and had spent the entire week with me, choosing to train in the gym with me instead. I suspected it was more to babysit me so that I went easy in the gym.
But I honestly didn't care, I loved having him close.
I wasn't sure how far along I was as it could either be since Brock's birthday which was two months ago or Summerslam when he took me against my will or anytime since he proposed as we hadn't stopped since then.
I was concerned as I had begun taking the pill again after I took off my brace up until finding out. I hadn't told Brock as I didn't want him to be as concerned as I currently was.
I prayed once we attended our appointment it would all be okay..
I broke the kiss, I didn't want the boys coming to look for us despite wanting Brock real bad. I kissed his lips a few more times, giggling with the last one, before he pulled back and gave me the ball.
I kissed him one more time before taking off and hearing Turk cheer as I came running with the ball.
"Where's Du.." I began but was cut off as I felt his body collide with mine as I had been jogging up and I fell down.
While Duke was a light weight his football gear and me not even expecting the tackle due to us tagging caused a pain to shoot through my arm. Before I sat up..
"Coco I'm sorry I didn't..." I heard him before his voice was overshadowed.
"I'm sorry daddy" I heard him whisper.
"Bro..." I began but he cut me off.
I felt him help me up but shrugged him off as they entered the house.
"Why'd you shout at them like that?" I glared stretching my arm not showing the pain .
"You got hurt. And he should've.."
"So your six year old son intentionally tried to hurt me?" I asked softly despite his loud voice.
"We were tagging, he knows he wasn't supposed to.."
"Stop shouting at me!" I walked up to the house.
I heard him curse behind me but ignored it as I walked into the lounge where Duke sat crying while Turk rolled the ball back and forth.
"Come here sweetie, I know you didn't mean it" I whispered as I hugged him and sat down pulling him onto my lap as Turk sat next to me.
I heard Brock enter as the kitchen door closed and he soon stood in front of me.
He crouched down and I saw his jaw clench before he sighed, " I'm sorry I shouted at you guys okay. But in life you have to follow rules and I told you guys no tackling Coco.."
"Coco's stronger than us" Duke sniffed and I gentle rubbed his back.
"It was an accident, I didn't realize he was there" I stared at Brock who glanced at me before pulling Duke into his arms as he stood up.
"Come on. Lesnar boys don't cry. " Duke nodded as he sniffed while I stood up and walked into the kitchen.
"Let's get you guys cleaned up and take your nap before your mom gets mad at me as well. Then we'll go out for some ice-cream okay?" I heard him and soon heard his heavy footsteps as he made his way to their room I guessed.
I knew he had just been in daddy mode reprimanding the kids for doing something wrong but I wasn't looking forward to being strict on them. I hated seeing the boys cry and it always seemed to be Duke. The first time he had gotten hurt due to me chasing him and he fell and now this. It took awhile for him to warm up to me and I didn't want Brock shouting at him because of me to cause him to distance himself.
I made my way up the staircase and into our room as I ran the shower and walked in. I knew there would be a slight bruise on my arm but I had gotten much worse in the ring so I would live. I closed my eyes and let the hot water run over me as I got lost in the feeling of the water running over my body...
I wasn't sure how long I got lost in random thoughts when I felt his arms around me and I rested my head back against his chest with my eyes still closed. He kissed my cheek before simply standing with me as well. I turned and kissed his chest before moving out of the shower leaving him as I had been in there way too long.
I had slipped on a tee while standing in my new closet, he had surprised me with in the week, trying to figure out what to wear. It had taken me awhile to pack all my things in here but of course they weren't all of my things. Having the big closet space reminded me of all my things I didn't have, that I had forgotten that I didn't have...
"Brock what the hell happened to our room? " I frowned as I came up to our room after we had been in the gym.
The wall had been hit down while the other room was now cleared out.
I heard him chuckle before feeling his arms wrap around me from behind.
"I meant to do it while you spent some time with your sister on the road but of course I called you back so I ruined my own fucking surprise. I guess its good cause I would be fucking bad at making it look right"
"Making what look right?" I was still confused.
"I have noticed how you spend so much time rummaging through draws with your things scattered everywhere due to the small cupboard. I have wanted to do this since you moved in. But I didn't want to do it while you were mostly in bed with your back.."
"Scared the guys would be checking out your woman?"
He shook his head, " I know how much you hate the neck injury and how weak it made you feel. Didn't need other people seeing it" he shrugged.
I nodded as I kissed his cheek before staring at the empty space.
"I have a lot of things but this is a bit much Brock"
He chuckled, "there's one good thing about me waiting. Now I know we have a baby on the way so I'll be making this room bigger. We can get a crib in the corner , I mean the baby will have a room. Its just for the first year so you don't have to walk all the way. Then we'll build a wall up half that room for your own space. Have your clothes and a space for you to do your make-up and shit" he shrugged.
I turned in his arms and simply hugged him, "you're ... I have officially lost words for you" I whispered as he kissed my forehead.
"Have to keep my fiance happy, if I want a happy life right?" I laughed as I rolled my eyes and kissed him.
"See? Now I couldn't have done this shit with this place" I heard him and laughed a bit.
"You act like I did, Rena happens to be a good decorator" I whispered as I pulled out a few items before setting them down on the cabinet and turning to him.
"I'm okay, and yes it did hurt a bit. But it was my fault. I should have been watching out for him, he is a kid Brock. That whole strict daddy mode was unnecessary"
"I know" he sighed as he moved over to me and wrapped his arms around me. "I told you I'm just a guy. I was scared. Right now you're still slowly recovering from your neck injury and you are pregnant, I just saw you down and groaning. I didn't... I didn't mean to raise my voice like that at them or you baby"
I traced my fingers over his beard. "I didn't really think of that. I saw him upset, I don't want him hating me because I made daddy be mean to him"
He smirked at my words, "he will never hate Coco, it doesn't matter how many times daddy is mean. The ice-cream will cheer them up. But what will cheer you up?"
"I'm already cheered up. I think you're good to screw up for a few more times "
"Is that so?" He smirked.
"Yes" I smiled as he lift me onto the cabinet.
"You have made me the happiest woman in a span of almost a year. I won't stop being a bitch so expect some anger tantrums but you'll be forgiven" I whispered as his arms pulled me close.
"Maybe I like you being mad at me though? That look in your eyes. I mean I fucking hate it cause you probably hate me in the moment but I like it cause its that look I fell in love with. The fearless look"
"Can you stop?" I almost nagged.
"My hormones might make me a bitch but they also make me weak and I don't want to cry right now" I whispered and he immediately kissed me.
"You're killing the Beast Nicole." He said seriously.
"That's good though, cause I'm the exception right?" I whispered into his lips as I leaned my forehead against his.
"You're everything..."
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