08. Abilities
When the young couple stepped foot into the room where Uncle Ben's reception was being held. All eyes turned to them. Becca could feel the love as she looked over at her family. Her mother, uncle and aunt were with May. The teenager nudged her boyfriend as she lead them to their family.
Mary smiled and wrapped her arms around her daughter, kissing her forehead as Steve rubbed her shoulder comfortingly. Natasha's warm gaze was what she gave to her niece in comfort. The famous spy was never one for affection in public places. But behind closed doors, Natasha Romanoff was someone who put her heart into everything she did. She loved with her whole heart. And Becca was the recipient of most of that affection.
"Did you two say see you later to Uncle Ben?" May asked her nephew and Becca.
Peter nodded, "We did. We also talked about our own things.." he trailed off slowly, causing all four of the adults to look at each other. Mary, May and Natasha quickly caught on to what the young teenager was implying. But the poor uncle, Steve was still trying to figure out what the boy meant.
"I'm confused." Steve said, causing the women to laugh at him. "No seriously, what did he mean?" Mary laughs, pulling her brother down to her height to whisper what he meant into his ear. Steve's blue eyes widen, looking at the boy.
Peter smiles softly, rubbing the back of his neck as his aunt presses her lips against the side of his head, "I needed to take the leap of faith." He mutters. The Rogers siblings snap their heads up to look at each other. Their eyes wide in realization.
Mary and Steve knew those words as if the woman had said them only yesterday. They knew instantly that the teenagers had seen Peggy. And she had given them the advice that pushed them to getting together.
"You went to see her?" Mary asks softly to her daughter. The young girl nods in confirmation.
"We did. I haven't seen her since i was five." Becca says, remembering the last time she saw her godmother as a child. Those were the happy memories Becca had clung to while she was in the Red Room for over seventy years.
"I'm sure you gave her quite the surprise." Steve comments, smiling as he wraps her arm around his niece. His eyes glancing every so often at the boy who now was involved with his precious niece.
"I did. I missed her so much." Becca mumbles, leaning into her uncle's touch that she had sorely missed since moving in with the Parker family. They would talk over the phone, never they haven't seen each other in person in a while. Too long for either party.
"What she tell you? She always has advice for me when i pay a visit to her." He asks his niece curiously. The two of them pulling away from the small group, sitting down at a small table. The two getting a chance to reconnect.
"I needed advice because i was struggling with Benji.. i didn't know what was going on with us, me specifically." Becca starts, her uncle raises his eyebrow and gives her a look. She shakes her head, "Nothing like that. I had feelings for him and i didn't know what to do about them. On one hand i wanted to tell him, on the other i didn't want him to reject me and cause that to ruin out friendship." She explains, looking up at her uncle, "I knew Peggy would know what to say. She always did when i was younger." She adds.
Steve nods, glancing over and seeing Peter watching them. Steve could hear his heartbeat. The steady, unwavering beating of the boy's pulse. He could see how protective he was over Becca. It made the old solider smile, knowing his niece was protected and safe if they ever came into any danger.
"So what did she tell you?" Steve asked.
"That i needed to tell Benji, despite being scared of the possible rejection. To take the leap of faith." Becca answered, smiling softly.
Steve smiles, nodding. "Your Ma told me she had said something similar to her when we were training at Camp Lehigh." He said with a smirk playing on his lips. "So what did you do? You and the Parker boy seem closer."
Becca blushes, nodding slowly. "I- I was grieving.. hard." She says. She wants to tell her Uncle, her mother. Anyone who would listen to her about what she did. Who made her do it. But she couldn't. Sinclair had commanded her to never tell anyone. But Peter wasn't bound to it. He could tell them. But would he. "Benji came in to our room. He didn't want me to blame myself for what happened. He told me that he loved me so much that he couldn't hate me." She said, tears forming in her blue eyes as she looked up at her uncle.
"Hey, what aren't you telling me, B? You know you can tell me anything." Steve says, trying to reassure her as best he can.
"Except, that i can't tell you." Becca says, "I'm forbidden to. But Benji isn't."
Steve hesitates, nodding slowly. He looks over at the boy, waving him over to where him and his niece are. The boy cautiously walks over to them. He stands behind Becca, his hands on her shoulders. "Sir?" Peter questions.
Becca looks up, smiling weakly, "Tell him." She muttered quietly.
Peter's eyes widen, his eyes darting around the room before they land on the super solider before him. "About Sinclair?" He asked quietly. The nod she gives him is the only confirmation he needs. "Doctor Adam Sinclair is Hydra incarnate." Peter stated lowly, making sure no one else but the three enhanced people could hear. "He is the son of Arnim Zola."
Steve's eyes widen as he grips the table. His knuckles turn white as this information Peter had just told him sinks in. He thought that after the Avengers had taken down the last of the bases that Hydra was finally gone. But the worst of them still stood. He had no idea that Zola had had a son.
"How do you know this? And why couldn't Becca tell me."
"Because Sinclair has a power that none of us have seen before. With his words he can control anyone to do his bidding." Peter informs the man before him. "He came to our apartment, threatened us and manipulated Becca into knocking me out. All with his words. She had no free will. He took her to OsCorp. He made her kill Uncle Ben." Peter finishes. His jaw clenched with anger as his grip tightened on Becca's shoulders. Reliving the events that only happened a week ago were not something he wanted to do. But he knew that Steve deserved to know. He could possibly help even.
Steve's eyes widen, his own blue eyes finding those of his niece's. Steve knew Becca was like her father in more ways than one. But he never wanted her to experience mind control as Bucky had. "Why you, B?" Steve manages to ask.
Becca hesitates, her own hand reaching up to hold onto Peter's. To ease his anger as best she could. "Because he said i could be better than Papa, if i hadn't thrown it all away when i escaped the night he shot Fury and I shot Mama. He said i could be the world's greatest assassin. That with the training i had received, i could take down nations and countries in a single night and nobody would notice until it was too late."
"He just wants to use her." Peter pipes in, looking down at her head, seeing the braid she had done before the left. Enmeshed with her curls lied the crystal black widow that he had given her. A symbol meant to showcase her dark past didn't dictate her future.
Steve nodded, his elbows resting on the table as he thought. "We can't go at this like i did before. That attention would just drive him off." He said, "Do either of you know where he is?"
"No.. Neither of us have seen or heard anything about him since that night." Becca answered truthfully to her uncle.
"Then we'll have to lure him out."
"We?" Peter and Becca asked simultaneously.
Steve nods, "Becca's the one with the abilities here. She can handle her own, i've seen it. But you'll need help. And i can give it."
Peter hesitated, he realized that Steve didn't know about Peter's powers. He and Becca had talked about keeping his hero life and identity a secret. Becca's family didn't have that luck of keeping their home life and hero life separately. Tony had literally held a press conference and told the world he was Iron Man. Steve was America's beacon of hope during the second world war, everyone knew that Steve Rogers was Captain America. Peter wanted to keep his two lives separate. He didn't want his hero life invading his home life and putting those he loves in danger.
Becca looks at her uncle, "I want you to help. But on the sidelines if that's okay." She tells him. "I'm the one Sinclair wants. I should be the one to take him down."
Steve nods, leaning back in his chair, "Very well." He said with small smirk on his face, he loved seeing his niece come into her own as a person. Since he found her on the rooftop of his and Mary's apartment in DC, she had grown so much. Finding herself. He was so proud of his niece.
"You're not being bait, Fia." Peter interjects. "That's too dangerous."
Becca sighs, "You'll be with me. I have an idea." She stated.
Peter and Becca sat across from each other, smiling widely. They were celebrating becoming a couple by having their first official date. Becca had told Tony when she called him to ask about an upgrade in her combat suit, and he hooked them up at one of the finer restaurants in Queens unbeknownst to the both of them. Happy had arrived with two packages in the back seat. Formal clothing for the both of them. A new suit for Peter and a dress for Becca.
Their fingers played with each others absentmindedly as they looked out over the skyline. Overlooking Queens, the city Becca had grown to call her home. It had been two weeks since Peter and Becca became official, and the same two weeks since the funeral. They wanted their first date to signify the start of their relationship. They wanted Ben's funeral to be strictly that. He deserved more than that, but they wanted to give him that.
"It's a pretty night." Peter mentions as he brings Becca's knuckles up to his lips, kissing them slowly as he watched her heart rate spike. He loved getting those reactions out of her. Surprising her with subtle but meaningful gestures of his affection. He still was unsure about a lot of things in his life, but his love for the girl across from him was not one of them.
Becca nods in agreement after she calms her heart down, "The stars are so pretty out right now." She mumbled. The two had never been in such a fancy restaurant before. They didn't know how to act around each other while in this new atmosphere.
"It's not as cold as it has been either." Peter added. The awkwardness was something he tried to get rid of but was failing miserably at. He hadn't felt this awkward around Becca since he first met her almost six months ago.
During the two weeks since the funeral, the two had gone out together to try and help their city. Stopping robberies was their norm, but Peter had caught a bus once and someone had caught it on video. The video was trending the next day. The city was loving the new hero named SpiderMan. Becca was happy to stay out of the spotlight and let Peter enjoy it. His costume needed help but she was sure Tony could help if she asked. Her new combat suit was something she was looking forward to wearing. Tony designed it to be armor but still moveable, breathable. It wasn't another Iron Man suit, though he was tempted, he had put arm cuffs, shoulder armor, leg and chest/back as well. It was perfect for his sister. Her signature colors of black, red and faint hints of crystal blue covered the armor. He had also designed something per Mary's request for the girl. Her own Winter Solider uniform. If Becca ever wanted to change the world's mind about her father, she had the chance.
"Your online famous now, is it weird? It was weird for me when it happened back in DC." Becca asked Peter.
The boy hesitated, but nodded, "I'm not used to it. I don't think i ever will. The Daily Bugle certainly finds me appalling." Peter tells her quietly, "But it's what the people think about me that i care about. As long as i'm saving lives with you by my side, i don't know what else i couldn't handle."
Becca grins, tightening her hold on his hand on their table. Her love for the boy across from her grew exponentially since they confessed their love for each other the day of Ben's funeral. She was still all so new to the normal way of living. She didn't know how to act affectionately towards Peter, though he seemed to know what to do. He had told her before that he just does what his heart tells him to do. To kiss her cheek, her knuckles, her forehead. To hold her when she needs to be held. He always seemed to know when she needed the comfort the most. They still had yet to have their first kiss. But Becca didn't mind waiting. She wanted to be sure she was ready for it. To not push herself into something she was uncomfortable with. And Peter felt the same. He wanted to adjust to his new relationship with Becca. He didn't want to rush anything.
Why rush things when you have forever together.
It was naive to assume that the two of them would be together forever. To marry and if the fates allowed it. To have children of their own. But that's what they believed to be in store for them. A future together.
Becca smiled at Peter as their waiter left them. Her blue eyes scanning the room carefully until she spotted who she was looking for. Sinclair. Her eyes narrowed as she reached under the table to her thigh. Where a knife was holstered to her thigh with a garter that Peggy had given her the first time they had reconnected.
"Benji. He's here." She told her boyfriend quietly.
Peter felt himself stiffen at his girlfriend's words. He had his web shooters attached to his wrists. Ready to bring Sinclair down.
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