Part 2

Kaminari looked around nervously.

"Guess I really shouldn't have watched all those slasher movies before this trip." He said anxiously. You chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, that might not have been the smartest decision." You said. Midoriya also looked anxious.

"For some reason, I feel a little uneasy." He said. Bakugou looked back at Midoriya.

"Why?" He asked. Midoriya sighed.

"I-I don't know. It's probably nothing. I just have a weird feeling in my stomach, like," He sighed and paused, not knowing how to exactly describe the feeling. You looked at him.

"Like what, Izuku?" You asked. Midoriya looked at you and sighed.

"Like, something feels a little off." He said. You hummed and looked down at your hands. Kirishima looked at the green haired male in uneasiness.

"Uh, I think it might be the darkness outside giving you bad vibes. I'm sure the cabin will be nice and cozy, so once we're inside, everything will feel better." Kirishima said, giving Midoriya a reassuring smile. You nodded and smiled, looking at Midoriya.

"Eijiro's right, Izuku. Let's not worry about that right now. Everything will be fine once we get to the cabin." You said. Midoriya smiled and nodded at you. Bakugou growled.

"Cut it out with the superstitious crap. If there's anything in this forest, it should be scared of me." He said, huffing and crossing his arms. You chuckled at Bakugou. Kirishima and Kaminari looked at Bakugou.

"That's the spirit, I guess." Kirishima said.

"Uh, get it, I guess." Kaminari said. Soon enough, the bus pulled up to the cabin. It honestly looked like a large house then it did a cabin. The cabin had two stories to it, and it looked extremely dark inside. The bus came to a stop. Midoriya let out a breath.

"Well, we're here." He said uneasily. Bakugou growled, already standing up.

"Come on, move it you. I want to get out." He growled. You sighed.

"Okay, okay." You said, getting up and moving out of Bakugou's way. Kirishima stood up and stretched, groaning as his joints popped. He looked behind him at the others.

"Well, you guys ready to go?" He asked. You smiled and nodded, reaching up to grab your things. Two hands beat you to it. You looked beside you and saw Shinso.

"Here, let me get that for you." He said. He grunted as he lifted the bags and set them down on the floor. You smiled at him.

"Thank you, Hitoshi." You said. Shinso smiled at you and nodded.

"No problem, [Y/N]." He said. You looked at Kirishima.

"I'm ready. Right behind you guys." You said, grabbing your bags. One had your essentials; clothes for the week, tooth brush, toothpaste, toiletries and pajamas. The second bag had your Halloween Costume in it, which you still hadn't told anyone about. Bakugou glared at you all.

"Let's go, slowpokes." Bakugou growled. The doors opened, Bakugou being the first one out. Followed by Kirishima, Kaminari, Shinso and Midoriya. You and Todoroki were the last to leave. You were struggling with your bags a little bit, since the first one was kind of heavy. You were about to walk down the steps, when Todoroki looked at you.

"Oh, [Y/N]. Do you need help with your bags?" He asked. He was about to reach for one of them, when Kirishima beat him to it.

"I got it, Todoroki," he said. There was a slight edge to his voice, which kind of surprised you. Kirishima never sounded on edge, he was always cheerful. You decided not to think on it too much. "You already have a lot to carry." Kirishima said. Todoroki hummed.

"Oh. Okay." He said, walking down the steps and heading towards the cabin. Kirishima turned to you and held out his hand.

"Let me help you with that heavy one," he said. You handed it to him and he lifted it with ease. "After you." He said. You smiled and walked down the steps, this time, Bakugou didn't cut in front of you like he normally did. Midoriya looked around him in nervousness.

"It really is dark out here. I can barley see anything." He said. You hummed.

"I think I can help with that." You said. You lifted your hand, bending your fingers slightly. A small flame appeared in the palm of your hand, illuminating the area around you all. You closed your eyes and concentrated, trying to make the flame glow brighter so that it lit up more of the space. Bakugou looked up at the cabin.

"That's the cabin? The hell is it so big for? It's got two floors." He said. Kaminari nodded.

"This sucker's more like a house." Kaminari said, tilting his head to the side. Kirishima smiled.

"Well, I'm not complaining!" He said, clearly more excited than the rest of you. Shinso nodded.

"It does look a little old on the outside. Maybe it looks better on the inside." He said. Kirishima nodded.

"Yeah! Can't judge a book by its cover." Kirishima said. Midoriya nodded.

"Mm. Well, let's," before he could finish his sentence, the bus started to drive off, leaving the six of you alone, in the dark, with nothing but your fire to light the way. You all stared at the bus as it left, the headlights becoming dimmer and dimmer as it continued down the road. You blinked lightly.

"Uh, well, there goes the bus." You said. Midoriya looked at you.

"I guess we're alone out here now." He said. A shiver ran up your spine as an owl hooted in the dark night, making the atmosphere around you all seem even more eerie. Bakugou glared at everyone.

"You extras gonna stand out here forever, or are we gonna go inside? I want an upstairs room." Bakugou said. Kaminari smiled and looked at everyone.

"Ooh! Yeah, let's go pick our rooms!" He said. You smiled.

"I just want to get out of the dark." You said, looking around and behind you. The darkness seemed to be everywhere, as if there was something making it darker than normal. The six of your walked up to the door, guided by your fire. Todoroki pushed on the door, which didn't open. Todoroki looked behind him at all of you.

"The door is a little heavy." He said. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Move aside, let me do it!" He growled. He walked past Todoroki, and with a grunt, he pushed the door open. You closed your fist around the flame in your hand, extinguishing it. As you all walked in, you flicked a switch, and a light turned on. Your jaw dropped at the size of the cabin. Shinso's eyes widened as well.

"Woah." He breathed, his eyes darting around. The cabin was made entirely out of wood. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. A large, wooden staircase wound its way up to the second floor. Kirishima looked around in shock.

"This place is big." He said. Bakugou grumbled, rubbing beneath his nose.

"It smells like shit in here." He said. Midoriya nodded.

"It is a little musty." He agreed. You opened your mouth and tilted your head back. 

"A-Achoo!" You then let out a sneeze, sending a somewhat gentle breeze with it.

You sniffed and rubbed at your nose. Everyone stared at you in slight shock. They had never seen anything like that before. You looked around as if nothing had happened. "The dust in here is crazy. I think I'm going to do some major cleaning tomorrow." You said. Shaking himself out of his shock, Shinso smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. I'll help you." He said. Kaminari nodded.

"Yeah. I'll help to." He said. Bakugou sighed, holding his bag tighter.

"I call one of the upstairs bedrooms." Bakugou said, heading towards the staircase. Kirishima looked at him and nodded.

"Oh same! I'm right with you, Bakugou!" Kirishima said, jogging after his friend. Shinso sighed.

"I'll take an upstairs one to," he said. He started walking towards the staircase. He stopped and turned to look at you. "Hey, [Y/N]," you looked at him. He nodded his head in the direction the other two had gone. "You want to come with? I'm happy to share a room with you." He said. You smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'll take an upstairs room to." You said. Shinso nodded.

"Well come on, let's go then." He said. Midoriya looked at the two of you as you climbed the staircase.

"We'll take the rooms down here!" He called. You turned and nodded.

"Okay, Izuku!" You shouted back. You followed Shinso and found a good room to stay in. The room that was pretty big in size, big enough to hold two beds. As you two were unpacking, Kirishima knocked on the open door. You and Shinso turned and saw the red head. You smiled at him.

"Hey, Eijiro. Do you need something?" You asked. Kirishima sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ah, hey, sorry to bother the both of you, I know you're like, trying to unpack, and, you're probably really tired, Shinso," Kirishima said, making him look at the male. Kirishima walked further into the room. "But, um, about what Deku said earlier, about feeling kinda uneasy," Kirishima said. He looked at you and Shinso. "Um, do you both feel that to?" He asked. You sighed and put down the clothes you were currently folding, resting your hands on them.

"To be honest," you could feel the boys' eyes on you. "I felt the same. I felt really uneasy as soon as we turned down the road to get here. I could feel my Quirk tingling, wanting to activate to protect myself and everyone else. It never does that unless there's danger near by." You said. You looked up at Kirishima and Shinso. Shinso hummed and sat on his bed.

"I've felt uneasy since we've gotten here," he said, making the two of you look at him. "I don't know how to explain it. It's like, this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I feel like something bad is going to happen." He said. Kirishima signed and nodded.

"Yeah. This place seems a little off. Like, I don't know how to explain it. It's just, really, dark, and quiet." He said. You three soon descended into silence, trying to think about what all of this means.


The three of you jumped, hearing a long booming noise. Shinso's eyes widened.

"What the?" He asked. Kirishima looked at you.

"Let's go check it out." He said. The three of you raced out of the room. The others were walking out as well, they had clearly heard the noise. You looked over the railing at the others.

"You guys okay?!" You shouted.

"What was that loud bang?" Shinso asked. Kaminari looked at you, Bakugou now following after, and you walked down the steps.

"I heard that to." He said. Midoriya looked at you all in surprise.

"Oh, that wasn't you guys?" He asked. Bakugou growled.

"Who the hell made that huge bang?" He asked, clearly thinking that someone in the group was messing with you all. Kirishima shrugged.

"It wasn't me. I was taking with [Y/N] and Shinso upstairs." He said. You and Shinso nodded, confirming his story.


After Todoroki had told you all about a hatch in his room, where the noise had come from, the six of you following the half and half male to his room. When he pulled back the rug, sure enough, there was a hatch with a lock on it. Your eyes widened.

"Woah. This just got a whole lot more creepy." You said. The others nodded, agreeing with you.

"It looks pretty locked up. There's no way someone, or, something could have made a noise." Shinso said. Kaminari shook his head, fear showing on his face.

"I hate this! This has nope written all over it! I'm going to bed." He said, turning towards the open door. Kirishima turned.

"Okay, night man." He said. Kaminari waved his hand, not giving a verbal response. You sighed.

"Maybe it was just something falling over, you know, after my sneeze. A breeze was sent out with it, which is pretty common, so maybe something just fell over due to a delayed reaction." You said. Shinso signed and nodded.

"Yeah. Maybe." He said. Midoriya and Kirishima agreed. Bakugou sighed.

"Get some sleep, extras. We got some cleaning to do tomorrow. This place is filthy and I'm not spending a week in this mess." He said. Kirishima nodded.

"Yeah. Good night." He said. You smiled.

"Good night, Katsuki." You said.

"Good night, Kaachan." Midoriya called.

"Good night, bestie." Todoroki said. Bakugou froze.

"Uh oh." You muttered. Bakugou turned and glared at Todoroki.

"The hell did you just call me?" Bakugou growled. Todoroki blinked.


"Don't you ever," Bakugou growled, cutting Todoroki off. "Call me that you Icy-Hot bastard. We're not besties." He growled. You started chuckling behind your hand, thinking it was hilarious, Todoroki's cluelessness and Bakugou's temper. Bakugou glared at you. "Hey, what are you laughing at, huh?" He asked. You cleared your throat, trying to keep your chuckles down.

"N-nothing." You said. Bakugou glared at you.

"You like giving me issues huh?" Bakugou growled. He narrowed his eyes at you. Your smile fell. Bakugou was angry now. You held your hand out, ready to activate your Quirk. "Well then, if you're going to be a problem for me, I'll be a problem for you to!" He shouted. He starred walking towards you. Kirishima got between you and him.

"Woah, woah! Hey!" Kirishima said. Shinso pushed you behind him. "What did they even do?!" Kirishima asked. "Calm down man!" He said, placing his hands in front of him. Kirishima only got in front of him because he could withstand Bakugou's blasts and not get hurt by them. Shinso signed.

"I think we should all just, go to bed. It's late." He said. Midoriya nodded.

"Yeah. I think Shinso's right. Let's go to bed everyone. I think we're all just, a little on edge. Maybe we'll all feel better in the morning." He said. Shinso turned to you and held out his hand.

"Take my hand, we're going to our room," he said. You were again oblivious to the jealous glares sent to him by the other guys in the room. He looked at Todoroki. "Let us know if you hear anything else come from the hatch." He said. Todoroki nodded. Shinso then lead you out of the room and towards your shared room.


You sighed as you got into pajamas and crawled into bed. You didn't realize you were shaking until you felt arms wrapped around you. With a slight gasp, you turned and looked at Shinso.

"You're shaking," he said quietly. You let out a shaky sigh.

"I-I guess I'm still kind of shaken up from tonight." You said. Shinso sighed.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. I won't let anything hurt you. Just close your eyes, and go to sleep." He said. With a sigh, you fell into a nightmare filled sleep.


//Here is part 2. I hope you all like it! An update to, "I Love You" should come by tomorrow or later this week. After just turning 21, I have some chores I need to do around the house and I go back to work tomorrow, so I'm not sure when updates will take place. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this!//

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