Chapter 5 ~ Monster
⚠️Blood and Gore⚠️
see the end for authors note
Once Nagisa had his pity party at the twins' home, he got up and left back to Karma's house. Once he made it home, he noted the time he made it back
3:30 am
Damn it, it's way to early. Nagisa crept inside the house and closed the door gently, walking as quietly as he can before hearing someone cough. "Where were you?" Nagisa sweat a bit before replying.
"...Kunigigoaka Jr. High?"
"Was that a question or a statement." Karma asks in a serous, and tired, voice.
"You suck at lying, you know that?" Karma exhaled as he turned on the lights and sat on the couch. Nagisa grumbled a bit before sitting down across from him. "Again: where were you?"
"I left a note that I'll be gone."
"For what?! 5 hours?" Nagisa silently scolded himself before sighing. Karma took a breath before he spoke again. "Listen, I'm just worried for you, okay? After graduation, you left without a trace and suddenly cut contact to everyone, and I mean everyone! I just don't want you to do that again." Nagisa felt guilt build up within him and he shifted in his spot uncomfortably. I have to lighten the mood up somehow...
"Yes, mother. Please don't take my phone away!" Nagisa said dramatically, catching Karma off guard. He looked at him in shock before laughing. Nagisa smoked and laughed alongside with him too, guilt eating at home for lying once again. I'm sorry Karma, but it's for your safety...
Karma took in a few breaths, before playing along. "Now now, you're grounded for a week! No hanging with friends, no texting, and no TV!" Nagisa giggled a bit, genuinely, before answering back.
"Mooom!! It'll be boring!"
"Deal with it!" They then both laughed harder, taking a minute or two to calm down and relax from the laughter. Once they both calmed down, the tension in the air finally ceased and the atmosphere had a friendly and calming feeling. Nagisa spoke up.
"It's been awhile since he hung out like this, huh?" Karma smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, it has been." They both sat in silence, before they both smiled and got up. "Welp, gonna go to bed now. My job's strict about attendance. You should too, since you need to get used to waking up early for a teacher." Nagisa nodded in agreement, taking his coat off and started heading up stairs. "Oh, Nagi!"
"Yeah?" Karma gave him his natural, cunning smirk to the blue haired man, before walking up to him. He gave the blue haired man a hug, startling the shorter male. What the?!—
"Hang out with the others while I'm gone, m'kay?" Nagisa blushed before saying a small 'okay' as Karma let him go and left to his room. Nagisa stood there shock, before shaking his head. Snap out of hit, Python! Not again, you can't get hurt again! Nagisa then headed towards his room, completely forgetting the packed boxes in his room. He groaned, ignoring them as he stripped out of his clothes and slipped into some pijamas. Slipping inside the covers, he looked over out the window and sighed. Maybe this won't be as bad like last time... He then closed his eyes, sleeping away till tomorrow.
The girl sat in her cage, vibing and waiting for the right time, the time to finally escape her hell. When the scientist finally left, she waited patiently until they were vulnerable.
The 24 hour mark had been done, and now they're searching for more innocent victims like her. She couldn't let that happen, and in 3 hours they're going to take her blood sample in order to find more people like her. So, now is the only time to escape this place before she puts others lives at risk.
"hey hey hey, is now the right time?!" Ah yes, the annoying voice inside her spoke to her again, so she decided to ignore it. She decided to name the thing Z, since those bastards kept on calling her and this creature Being Z. The thing growled and huffed. "hey! don't ignore me! you know you can't escape without me! we have to work together, and remember, i'm feeding off from your energy. so, without me, you're basically nothing." It sneered, making the prisoner girl scowl.
"Okay, shut up! I get it, but I didn't have a choice to let you in my body."
"but you had a choice to let me share your body."
"He finally left." She ignored the creature, having it eyeing her before he sighed. She got up and prepared her body for the world of pain she'll be in.
"let's fucking escape then!" The girl nodded, releasing her right arm. The arm then was surrounded by black goo, having the thing chuckle as the goo hardened, making her have some kind of claw (think of Derieri from NNT). The girl then swung at the class with all her force, only cracking the screen. She did it again, again, and again until it finally broke, setting off the alarms.
"Z!" She yelled, having the thing agree and more black goo shooting from her her back. The goo then turned into wings, as she jumped up and let Z take control of the flying. She slashed the door open with her claw, and she was greeted with the guards. The guards started yelling and got into formation, pointing their guns at her.
"Ready men?! Fire!!"
"not on my watch!" Z then used the wing goo, blocking the bullets and making the girl wince in pain. Once they ran out of bullets, the guards began to reload. That's the chance they're gonna take. "yo, trust me. let me take control." Z tried to persuaded making the girl look unsure. She's never let him take control of her body, and Z is seeing that, scowling. "listen, if you don't right now, you'll be in even more pain than ever, so let me have a chance!"
"We need more backup! This is—"
"see! they're calling for backup, just trust me!"
"Fine!" She yelled, before passing out, body falling to the ground. The guards stopped for a second, seeing if she's faking it, or worse, dead. She twitched a bit, before stopping completely and staying still.
"Sir, I'm going to take a look." The main guard nodded, letting one of them walk towards the girl. He held his gun towards her, holding his aim steady and ready to fire. When he got close, he noticed that she's breathing, however, he failed to notice the black substance surround her face. "She's breathing! Seems as if-"
The main guard had a shock face, face paled, and so were the other guards. The head of one of the guards was now in the air, and landed on the cold floor with a splat, and the body itself gushing blood as it fell to the floor. The girl, no, Being Z kicked it's body to the side, grabbing the body's gun and eyes shadowed and looking down.
"k- kehehe..." Being Z cackled a bit, smiling widely as their hair cover their eyes. They then looked up at the ceiling, eyes wide with zero sanity and smile so wicked that it can shake any man to the core. They laughed maniacally as the guards try to gun it down, but billets were blocked by the wing goo. They kept on laughing and laughing until they ran out of bullets, hearing them moan in fear.
"let's get this show on the road! being Z is finally here to warn you fuckers that i'm done!" With the last word grit out, they used the claw arm and make it into a blade, slashing the men in front of them as blood spewed out of their chests. Some choked on their blood and cry out for mercy, while others seem to be frozen in the spot. The gun in the other hand seemed to be forgotten as they lift up the weapon and shot it straight into the ceiling. "better fucking leave us alone or you all will die! move and live, or be a fucking sheep and die." Some ran and screamed about having a family, while others stood their ground.
"Tch, then shoot us down." The main guard dared, making it look at them in shock then sighing.
"y'all are no fun, oh well!" Being Z shrugged before shooting the gun wildly at them, smiling while blood was being shed. Most got shot and cried out in pain, and little of them were able to dodge and tried to restrain the monster. "huuuhhhh? you're not dead? damn, making things harder for me."
"since when did religion come into play?"
"LAST CHANCE!! GET BACK! NOW!!" The main guard demanded, before holding up a black item. The item was a small as a vape just for an idea okay? and seems to have a red light blinking. Being Z then realized what it is and backed up.
"shit!" Before they could stop him, he pressed on top of the item, and a loud shriek was heard from the device. Being Z's body shook violently from the loud noise as they scream in shock. They covered their ears as the non-living substance is trying to escape, and failing. They fall onto their knees, trying to fight it yet failing miserably. The main guard stopped the device, ears ringing a bit and panting.
"I'll do it again if you don't comply!" Being Z yelled in annoyance and swung its claw at them, extending it and whacking them into the wall. The guards groan in pain as Being Z ran away, punching a hole into the wall. They looked at the deep drop into the ocean and hesitated.
"We can't go down there! I'll die! no you won't! i'll make sure! How can you be so sure?! just-
-argh!" Between their self talk, they got shot in the back by the main guard, who seemed to be alive. Once the monster turned to face them, they get shot again in the shoulder, causing them to loose balance and fall into the depths of the sea. The look of horror ran through both faces as one ran to see the damage of letting it escape and the monster falling into the freezing water with a harsh SPLASH!
The main guard looked out in the water, waiting for the monster to rise from the water and start swimming.
Nothing happened, and he curses to himself. He talked to his walkie talkie before leaving the damaged wall. After he left, the monster rose from the water with a gasp and started swimming to the shore with such speed. The used their black goo to stop the bleeding and using more black goo to make another claw for the other arm, using all strength to swim back.
"it's cold! Well no shit! My body is aching and it hurts so fucking much right now! im trying to help, do you want to drown?!" It bickered back to the girl, and kept on swimming till they see the shore. The shore was surrounded by some rocks and a thick forest, which makes it that the beach itself hasn't been touched. Perfect.
They then swam towards the shore, and they got out of the water and panting heavily. "That's it, I'm taking over!" The girl demanded before lurching back, body twitching a bit and then staying still, before shooting up and screaming.
She then began to cough violently, blood and black chunks coming out of her mouth. She put on a disgusted look, before yelling in pain again, body throbbing and sore from so much energy usage. The bullets were still in her body as she still kept on bleeding and kept on shaking. "What the hell?! You said I won't get hurt! Come out, Z!"
A black, goey head came out of her shoulder and looked at her. It had a big frown with teeth showing, and white beady eyes that seem to resemble no life or emotions, like a big poker face. "i said trust me and that you'll be in a shit load of pain, i never mentioned a promise of you not getting hurt." The girl rolled her eyes and winced as she stood up and began limping towards the forest. "hey! where you going?"
"I'm finding help."
"you think that's a great idea?"
"Why? Got something better, Einstein?"
"well, i don't know— let's say you did find help, who the hell are you going to explain you getting shot, body in pain, talking to yourself, and seeing a big ole frowny friend near your heart!"
The girl stayed silent, noting that she has to make a cover up of a story as she kept on limping. "Well, whatever happens, lets just hope we don't end up back there, Z."
"okie dokie, rambo."
"You shot them, not me."
"shut up and don't waste your breath, you'll need it."
And so, they kept on going until they find civilization or a home nearby to help them.
The birds chirping and cicadas buzzing in the air indicates the next day, morning. Nagisa groaned as he got up and rubbed his eyes, blinking a bit before getting out of bed. He flinched a bit when his feet touched the cold floor, but he continued none the less. He got into the bathroom and did his usual routing of using it and brushing his teeth. While brushing, he noticed the photo of Mei and him on the ground, and his mood immediately darkened. So much for a good morning...
Once he finished, he grabbed the framed photo and faced it down on the dresser, before walking out of his room and closing the door. "Karma? You here?" No response.
He felt uneasy until he saw a note on the fridge;
Hey Blueberry,
Got to leave to work early, so help yourself to breakfast. I'm too busy to make you a meal, so either cereal or a bag of corn chips. Have fun and take a look around Kunigigaoka.
- Karma
Nagisa sighed at his ridiculous nickname with a =_= face. He set the note down on the table and grabbed a bowl and some cereal. He poured in the contents into the bowl and found a spoon. He brought the bowl with him upstairs, into his room and looked out in the balcony, munching away on his breakfast. His hometown was bustling lively and he let himself enjoy it.
He then hear his phone ring, which he ran into to it and pick it up. "Hello?"
"Hi Nagisa!"
"K-Kaede?! Why're you calling me?!"
"What do you mean why? Because I wanted to silly!" Nagisa noted the cheerful tone she had and questioned it.
"What's got you in a cheery mood?"
"Well, I'm free today from shooting, and I rarely get breaks from acting. So, I thought why not call you and see if you're busy!" Kaede answered, sitting down on her chair and looking in the mirror with a smile on her face. She munched away on some Pocky in her changing room full of expensive gifts, lights, makeup and fan mail form her fans.
"Well, I'm not busy, but I don't feel—"
"Pleaaaassseeee Nagi? I haven't seen you in so long, and I don't know why you ran away. I miss the Nagisa Shiota from Class 3-E. The one who would be there whenever I felt lonely and who was my closest friend! Just for today, okay?" Nagisa hesitated a bit before sighing.
"Fine, I'll hang out with you today."
"Yay!!" Kaede smiled from the other line and spun happily in her chair. Nagisa groaned a bit, making Kaede stop smiling in shock. She felt hurt that he seemed quite annoyed, but she grinned warmly. I'll patiently wait for you to smile.
"Nagi, I know you're hurting. Trust me, you can tell me all about it, but it doesn't have to be now, okay?" Nagisa was taken aback by this response, before chuckling and smiling a bit.
"Thanks Kaede."
"No problem! See you at 12:00?"
"Yeah, that's cool." Nagisa said, hanging up on her and sighing once more. He looked up at the sky, clear blue in the daylight and clouds in the air. "Mei, you think it'll be bad if I get too close with them?" He asks, hearing no response and making him return back inside, getting ready to head out and catch up.
i understand if yall are pissed at me rn
i haven't updated in 10 months and you guys waited and pleaded, and yet i didn't update
y'all don't need to forgive me, what i did is annoying and rlly fcked up.
tbh, i have fallen out of the fandom and lost motivation in writing. i'm just stuck in a cycle where i'll start something and not do it, and in which i am stuck in this cycle of zero motivation, disappointment and numbness.
so, i'll really try to update now. even tho i'm not in the fandom anymore, i'll keep writing to make you guys have a fanfic that's worth the read.
i understand if y'all don't believe or forgive me, just know i'll lower my way through this book and write it to your guy's liking.
- TheKnownGirl123
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