When Push Comes to Shove

Icy winds danced slowly through the autumn night in the city. It was late, as everyone in the city was in their usual slumber.

 As always.

Sleeping without a care.

They all didn't think of Yoyle City much. They did know that it was old and abandoned, but none of them took it THAT seriously.

Well...except Book. Obviously, she was spooked by the old, musty city. But thankfully, she got used to it.

Pin laid wide-awake in her small bedroom. She was staring at the ceiling, her heart beating at a rapid pace.
 Each beat hit her heard as the small vibration echoed to her head.

It was finally time for step 4.

Kill someone.

Pin's anxiety spiked to the max that morning. She had everything ready, but now she had to wait.

The waiting game is very, very harsh. Waiting for something like this, was similar waiting for someones first experience on a rollercoaster. It looks absolutely petrifying, but that little voice in the back of your head keeps whispering for you to go on.

Go on.

Get on.

Its gonna be fun.

Thats exactly what was going on in Pin's mind. Towards the morning, she tried to soothe herself by taking a small walk around the city before heading to her garden. Yet, she just couldn't stop shaking, and her face couldn't regain her normal shade of red. She received a few glances and stares, and was even stopped by Fries. 

He was busy digging up a few more seeds before he saw Pin, her arms making small twitches and her body visibly trembling, and then going still, as if she were an on-and-off switch.

He hesitated before calling out her name, putting the trowel down. 
It definitely caught her off guard. She jumped and gasped sharply, before her tensity faded away as she realized it was just Fries.

"Pin? Are you okay?" His voice filled Pin with a odd sense comfort, as she sighed.

"I-Im fine!" She stuttered out, fiddling with her fingers. Fries raised an eyebrow.

"You're acting anxious again. You sure you're okay?"

Pin hesitated, before nodding quickly and slowly backing away.

"I-I'm okay, though I have to go..."

And with that, she quickly made her way down the street, leaving Fries confused, suspicious and especially concerned.

She also unexpectedly ran into Coiny, which startled her even more. She actually began to tear up from all of the anxiety building up in her.

"Woah, Pin.." he quickly held her hand and gave it a small squeeze.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"

Pin quickly wiped her eyes and nodded, suddenly feeling faint and weak.

"I-I'm...I'm fine.." she gasped out.

Coiny shook his head and put an arm around her and began to lead her back to her home.

"You aren't okay Pin, you need to calm down. Cmon.."

Pin didn't fight back. Instead, she let out a soft moan in reply as she trudged by his side, trying her best not to collapse.

After arriving to her home, Coiny helped her settle in and get comfortable. He even made her some tea to help calm down.

He was too kind.

The two spent the afternoon together, Pin venting about her anxiety and how it couldn't leave her alone, and Coiny helping her calm down and let her know that she could beat this. He told her a few light jokes and gave her some tips on how she can defeat this anxiety she had. He also told her a few stories about his day to get her mind off things.

Coiny explained how he took a trip to the TLC at one point, and saw how the lock for the LOL is getting rusty and deteriorated.

Interesting. She had to keep that in mind.

Time quickly flew by, and soon the sun was already setting over the horizon. Coiny looked out the window and sighed.

It was time to head back.

Coiny gave her a goodbye hug, and reassured her once more that she was going to be alright. He told her that he'd come by in the morning to see how she was doing, and they could even hang out for the day.

Pin smiled.

After the moment of farewells, Coiny left, leaving Pin in her small house, feeling relaxed and safe.

But now it was over.

She looked at her side to the clock on her nightstand.

3:00 AM.

She took a slow breath as she sat up, and quietly sneaked out of her room. She held her written map and plan in her hand and clenched it tightly, a slight crinkling sound coming back from the clench.

 She left her door slightly open, as she creeped down the hallway, careful of the floorboards that could potentially make noise. She passed the room where Coiny would stay at if he wanted to sleepover, 
in which she knew he wasn't there today.

She stopped as she entered the kitchen, and looked around. 
She could see a blade shining on the counter from the moonlight, bouncing off of the reflection.

 Should she even bring a weapon? 

He is. At a high distance off ground, she could just simply shove him off. 

What was she even saying? That was the plan anyway. 

In this murder, and possibly the next few, she wanted to make these deaths look accidental.
If she didn't, it would cause a panic.
 And a panic? Leads to everyone staying inside.
 And that would make it twice as difficult if she wanted this plan to pass by easily.

She sighed and walked outside, the cold air suddenly hitting her hard. 
It was a bit windy..
So she had to get this over with quickly. Otherwise, she could be harmed in this process as well.

As she walked down the quiet, empty streets, her arms began to tremble and shake. 

Oh dear god, please, not now, anytime but now.

She walked even faster before the thoughts could race through her mind, and before she even knew it, she saw the Yoyle Needy a few miles away. 

And in the air? A cage, swaying back and fourth in the high altitude of the tower. 

She quietly entered the small doorway into the tower, and slowly began to climb the steps to the top. Her body began to tremble, as her breathing began to go quickly.

This was it. All she had to do was push.

It shouldn't be that hard..right?

She walked faster.

Firey was kind of a jerk as well. He deserved it more than anything. Coiny's enemy. Former winner of BFDI.

Leafy's best friend.

Pin gripped her hand on the bar of the stairwell as she climbed faster, lost in her thoughts.

Leafy and Firey were so close, she could remember how she saw Firey helping Leafy out during their challenges, and hoe they would always be there for each other if one of them was ever in need of assistance. 

She remembered when Firey swooped Leafy away from nearly being crushed, and the two flying off into the sunset, Firey holding Leafy as close to him as possible.

And then, she remembered the chase.

Leafy running away.

Everyone running after her, angrily.

Her disappearing into who-knows-where.

And then, silence. No one dared mention Leafy's name, especially when Evil Leafy was still on the loose.

And then bfdia came along, when Leafy returned. Yet Pin didn't care about her. She stuck to her word, saying that Leafy was evil, and that she would never be forgiven by anyone.

Leafy hasn't been seen ever since BFDIA. 

She could be anywhere.

Thats when Pin stopped in a cold sweat, quickly looking around frantically.

She's still out there.

She could be following me.

What if she's on the roof?

She began to step backwards, but her eyes widened as she lost her balance. She quickly grabbed a hold of the handle bar and pulled herself back up, shaking. 

She gulped.

She looked down, and felt her heart sink.

It was a bobby pin.

But no one had hair?

Unless they collect certain items to use...

She picked it up and looked around once more, anxiety peaking at its worse.

She had to hurry.

She hesitated, before slowly climbing the stairs once again. She could begin to make out the beam of moonlight from the door that was the top of the building. 

This was it.

After a few more steps, she finally made it to the top. Thoughts were screaming and jumbling around in her mind as she felt tears prick at her eyes.

Do it.

He's dead meat anyways.

He doesn't matter.

This will make you feel better.

She felt a tear slide down her cheek as she looked down at her wrist.

It was glowing red.

She jumped, and shook her head and faced the doorway nervously.

She clenched her hands tightly and slowly walked out onto the roof, her eyes bloodshot with fear.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

Firey snored, his arm dangling out of one of the small cube-like hole in the cage. His voice was slowly fading away, as him screaming from sunrise to sunset has really took a toll on it.

He HATED heights. He was petrified of them.

Yet here he was, all tuckered out from a fright-filled day of dangling high up in the air.

A small puddle of drool slowly began to slip out of his mouth as he shifted a bit, and soon it trickled down his chin. He awoke and let out a yelp of pain.


He sat up, and rubbed his chin, dazed and confused. His eyes hung heavy with exhaustion as he knew this was just because of him drooling.

Oh well.

It happens.

He looked across the cage, and suddenly his eyes widened in shock.

There, off on the top of the tower, was a silhouette.



Was that..?

"Pencil? Ruby? Is that you?" He called out, but soon flinched in pain. His throat was throbbing and hoarse, he knew that it would soon give out.

He heard a scoff.

"Seriously Firey? No! Its me, Pin! Im helping you out of here."

"YOU ARE?!" He quickly jumped up but squealed in fear as the cage suddenly swung from a gust of wind. He grabbed onto one of the bars and held on tight.

"W-Well if you are, please hurry, I feel like this cage i-is going to snap and collapse at any second!" His voice quivered with fear.

 Pin rolled her eyes and looked over at the string.

The strong was thick and sturdy, yet she could see that the middle of it was slowly getting thinner, with a few strands sticking out.


I could, just let him fall and cut the string..She thought to herself.

She looked closely at the structure, and shook her head.

No. It wouldn't work. He would get many broken bones and injuries from the fall, but nope. Not death.


She didn't know.

She got near the edge and looked down. Her eyes widened as she tiled downwards a bit and gripped the handlebars tightly.

No wonder he kept on screaming. It really WAS a huge drop.

She gulped as she took a few steps back, and suddenly sprinted towards the cage. She shut her eyes as she leaped over the handle bars, and gasped from the blast of air that hit her.

She felt the air as cold as knives, hitting her hard before her body collapsed onto the cage. She quickly tightened the bars and hugged herself as close to the cage as she could, as she felt it violently swinging from side to side. Meanwhile, Firey was tumbling around, letting out a shriek of fear every now and then.

After what seemed to be a very long time, the cage finally settled and Pin slowly loosened her grip around the bars. She stood up, but soon flinched in pain. 

It came from her side.

She looked down and gently touched it, and winced.

She could feel a growing lump, from the impact on her side with the-


She looked down and smiled. 

It was the cage door!

Yet, it was locked....

She smirked, and chuckled softly.

Freesmarters. They really were smart.

Pin grabbed the small bobby pin she found, and inserted it into the lock. She began to fumble around with it, as she looked up to check the rope.

It was even thinner than before.

She panicked, and quickly fumbled more before the lock finally gave in and unlocked.(haha)

She threw the lock down and opened the gate, and reached down.

"Okay Firey, give me your hand!" She exclaimed.

Firey didn't hesitate as he grabbed her arm tightly, quivering. She grunted as she slowly pulled him out of those four, secluded walls (bars?), and threw him beside her. She took a moment to breathe, before she stood up and reached down to help him up.

He smiled.

"Oh my oxygen, Pin, thank you so much for getting me out of there!" He grinned with relief.

Pin began to shake, as she stepped closer.

"Y-..You're welcome.."

Firey soon caught onto her shaking, and his expression changed into concern very quickly.

"Pin? Whats wrong?"


"Are you okay?"


"Is something bothering you?"

N O W!

She screamed in fury before grabbing Firey by the shoulders and shoved him backwards. He screamed as he stumbled back, but quickly resisted and began to struggle back. Pin nearly stumbled backwards as her eyes widened.

He was strong. More so than she thought.

She pushed him harder as she grunted painfully, for he was gripping her shoulder too hard. She felt tears streaming down her eyes as Firey was pushing her even harder.

What was I thinking..

This is it..

More thoughts of regret poured into her head as she shook more. She was dangerously close to the edge of the cage, and one more shove would have her falling down to her death.

To the ground.


The dream filled her mind.

The red.

The plants.




A ruler...

Push him off.

Her eyes snapped open, her pupils glowing red. She stared directly into Firey's eyes, and this seemed to startle him. He quickly let go and yelled out in fear.


With the remaining strength she had left, she screamed angrily and shot herself towards Firey, shoving him right over the edge. Pin fell down and hugged the cage tightly, as she heard Firey scream.

She opened her eyes and watched him shrink down, his loud and bone-chilling scream slowly getting softer, and softer..



The sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking filled the air as the scream was silenced.

Firey, was now gone.

Pin panted heavily as she quickly jumped back to the top of the Yoyle Needy. Once safely there, she collapsed onto her knees as she looked down at her hands.

You better run.

The hands that shoved Firey off.

They're going to find you.

She felt more tears pouring down her cheeks.


She slowly got back up, and quickly stumbled down the stairs trying to escape the scene as fast as possible. They seemed so much longer than before...

She made it to the doorway.


She quickly dashed out as she ran around the corners and on the streets. Her speed increased when she saw the sun rising over the horizon, and she stared at it.

She was so distracted that she tripped and fell over something..

Her face slammed on the ground as she did a few barrel rolls, and felt her back slam against a cement wall. She let out a soft grunt of pain before opening her eyes to see what made her fall.

She wished that she didnt.

There, on the ground, was Firey.

His eyes lifelessly widened, tears of blood pouring down his cheeks. His left arm was crooked at a painful angle, part of the bone sticking out of his shoulder. His right arm was bent all the way behind his back. His legs twisted at an ungodly angle, and the puddle of blood was slowly getting bigger. 

She felt her body go ice cold as her eyes suddenly overflowed with tears, as she was soon disconnected with reality. 

She saw everything slowly dim to a shade of red. Roots began to grow all over Firey's corpse, as his hands were sliced clean off and protruding out of the earth.

Pin hyperventilated, her breathing getting heavier and heavier, to the point where she didn't notice that Freesmart was headed this way.

She trembled harder, as she quickly yet sneakily got up and made a mad, final dash to her house. She quickly got in and ran all the way into her room, slamming the door and soon collapsing onto the ground, hugging her knees close to her body.

She let out a blood-curling scream, as she also heard multiple, high pitched screams of fear echo from outside.


Hey guys!!! Sorry its been so long, school has really taken a toll on time and I haven't been able to write much. But here, i had extra time today and i bring you the next part to the story! Hope u guys enjoy!


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