Welcomed with Open Arms


Coiny slowly opened the wooden door, as he peeked inside. Sunlight poured into the room through the open blinds, as a sweet, sugary smell danced through the air. Coiny sniffed, and a smile grew on his face.


He slowly crept through the hallway, as he followed the sound of clinging pots and pans, as well as the sweet melody of someone humming. He looked through the doorway, and saw Pin, humming quietly as she was mixing a bowl of her delicious homemade icing. Coiny cleared his throat quietly, and this caught her attention, as she paused, and gently put down the bowl. She turned, and smiled when she saw Coiny standing in the doorway.

"Hi..." Her voice was warm and calm. Off, in a way...

"Hey there..." he chuckled, as he made his way inside.

"Is everything okay...? You ran off a bit early there..."

Pin's smile faded away a bit, before she shook her head. She looked at him, exhaustion in her eye.

"Yeah, everything's fine..." she mumbled. She grabbed her bowl, and continued to mix the bowl of light, fluffy sweetness that she would soon place onto the cake. Coiny sighed, and out a hand on her shoulder.

"Look....if this is about Needle, then-"

"No! Coiny, it's alright!" Pin forced out a laugh, as she rested her head on Coiny's shoulder. She opened her mouth to say something, but...
Nothing could come out.

Coiny sighed, and put a hand on her cheek, stroking it gently.

"Are you sure..?" He whispered.

"I know...you haven't been feeling your best lately, but..."

Don't get angry anymore Pin. This will only lead to your own demise.

Become nicer! Become ignorant. Don't be your bossy, sassy self. You don't want to end up being stuck in a loser chamber again, don't you? Be different. Be sweeter. Be someone...


Pin slowly nodded, as she let a soft sigh escape her lips. Coiny smiled, as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close.

"How do I always find myself, melting in your arms like a goof?" Pin snickered, as she continued to stir. Coiny dipped his finger into the pink mixture, as he scooped out a small bunch. He quickly licked it, and his face brightened, as the icing quickly melted on his tongue.

"Pin; this is amazing! How do you do it?!" He complimented, his eyes sparkling in awe. Pin giggled, as a blush of embarrassment glowed on her cheeks.

"Oh, it's nothing, really..." she mumbled. Coiny scoffed, and wrapped an arm around her.

"Nothing?! Aw cmon sweetheart, this is anything BUT nothing!" He grinned. Pin stared down at the floor, smiling and her cheeks burning with blush.

Such a great actress, aren't you?

This genuinely feels nice, just...let me have my moment.

Did you check the icing?

Pin's heart stopped. Her face went pale, as she slowly looked down at the silver bowl in her arms, beads of ooze forming at the top of her head.

Was this batch...

Her world became fuzzy and numb, as the bowl slipped out of her hands. She felt herself collapse on her knees, as she quickly shoved the bowl away, her entire body trembling like a leaf.

Oh Pin, did you forget?

Was it this batch, or was it the other?

Look at what you've done....
His death was inevitable, but, there's nothing you can do now, is there Pin?


No no no, stop, I didn't....I made sure...

Is he alright? Or has his time come?

Pin held her head, as tears began to pour out of her eye. Her heart began to beat even faster, as she continued to mumble in fear.

Look at you...so fragile and scared. I can feel the pity in the air.

But, who would give pity to someone like you? Definitely not me...

She shut her eyes.




Pin's eyes snapped opened as she quickly looked around her kitchen. The bowl was on the floor, it's contents spilled out everywhere. And Pin..

"Are you okay?? What happened?" Coiny cupped his hands around Pin's cheeks as he looked closer at her.

"Are you sick? Ill? Tired?"

Pin let her eyes close, as she let out a sigh.

"I-..I'm sorry you had to see that." she mumbled out, staring at the floor.

"I just..." her eyes closed.

Coiny looked at her, then back at the cakes that were on the table. Some of them were frosted, and two, were not. He looked down.

"Do you want me to finish frosting the cakes for you?" He suggested, as he helped lift her up.

"If you aren't feeling your best, I can help..."

Pin shook her head slowly, as she balanced herself with the help of Coiny.

"No...No, it's okay, I can manage..." she breathed, as she gave Coiny a kind smile.

"Thanks for helping out, though..."

Coiny smiled back, as he leaned in and gave her a quick peck on her lips. He watched as her smile grew even more, before she gasped and looked down at the icing that was on the floor.

"Coiny? How do you feel?"

Coiny's head tilted. What did she mean by that?

"I feel...alright...why? What's the matter?"

"How much icing did you eat?" She looked back at him, her eyes filled with fear and concern. He shrugged.

"Probably just a..drop? A really small pile..." he lifted his finger.

"Enough to cover the tip of my finger."

Pin looked down at the icing, then back up at him. She shut her eyes, and quickly took in a deep breath.

How much did you bake.

'Enough for everyone, of course.'

Did you poison all of them?


Pin quickly put on a smile, as she picked up the bowl and placed it back onto the table. She brushed herself off, before walking over to the fridge.

"I-I had to make a lot of frosting, since I made cakes for nearly everyone in the city..." she laughed out nervously.

"But...hopefully I still have an extra batch in here-"


Pin looked over, and shrieked as she saw Coiny eating the rest of the frosting in that bowl. She ran over and slapped his hand away, making him gasp.

"Pin?? What was that for?!"

Pin looked at her hand, and then looked back at him, her eyes widened.

"Oh- I- Um-..." she began to panic.

Act Pin. If he hasn't keeled over, simply act. What could possibly make you sooo panicked over the icing?

"Th-...The icing...I realized that..."

Coiny listened, rubbing his stinging hand.

"The..eggs! The eggs I used, were...expired...and I...had to get rid of it." She grinned, quickly wiping away a bead of ooze that was beginning to form on her head.

Coiny's eyes widened as he spit out the remaining frosting from his mouth, wiping it.


"No no!! Hopefully the amount you ate wasn't enough to get you sick..."

He paused, and looked back at her.

"Are you sure..?"

She nodded.

"Besides, that can be easily cured...with the help of GB and TB, of course."

Coiny sighed, as he leaned onto the wall.


Good indeed.



Golf Ball's voice echoed through the city as the others quickly ran towards them, eager to figure out who will be next to join them.

"We need to do some sort of voting system so we can keep things fair, so I've decided to do it this way!" She motioned towards Tennis Ball, who put down a box of paper slips (lol) and a few pencils. Match nudged Pencil gently and pointed towards the pencils, which made Pencil giggle.

"You all will be given a paper slip, and your job is to write down the name of the object you would like to see come back! The object with the most votes, gets to leave the Tiny Loser Chamber, and come back with us!" Golf Ball stomped her foot, beaming with pride.

"Go ahead guys, the quicker we started, the quicker we can finish." Tennis Ball pushed the box towards the others, as he quickly went over to Golf Ball's side. She looked up, and quickly looked away, mumbling. Tennis Ball smiled.

"Not bad.." he whispered. This made her grumble even more, but, he didn't mind.

Everyone was in thought, thinking about who they'd like to see again. Pin, Needle and Coiny all exchanged glances, as he sighed.

"Okay; I don't know who to vote for." He threw his hands in the air out of defeat. Pin simply shrugged, as she continued to think about who'd she like to see again.

"Well, My vote is going for TD..." Needle sighed out.

"Probably won't make much of a difference, but, at least I tried..."

Coiny glanced over at her, and quickly scribbled something down onto the paper. He then raised it into the air, and yelled.


This made nearly everyone snicker, as Golf Ball began to stomp over towards Coiny's direction.

"Why you little-"

"OKAY! Let's continue!" Tennis Ball laughed nervously as he gently moved Golf Ball away from Coiny. He took Coiny's paper, as well as Needle's, and placed it back into the box. Golf Ball stuck her tongue out at Coiny, and he laughed.

Pin stared at the blank sheet of paper in her hands, as thoughts continued to swirl around in her mind.



Teardrop. Vote for Teardrop.

She'll help with the garden, won't she?

Or will she keep Needle away?

Pin sighed, as she wrote the name onto the paper. She walked over to the box, and let it flutter on top of the other paper slips.

Moments passed, before the box was filled with the slips. Golf Ball turned around, and looked back towards everyone.

"Me and TB will count these up. You all can go over to the LOL now; we'll see you there." She announced. Everyone began to make their way out, talking amongst each other over the possibilities of who could return.

Needle was falling behind, since she had a cast on her ankle, but Coiny and Pin stayed by her side.

"Well, if Teardrop doesn't rejoin, I hope it's someone nice!" Needle smiled.

"I hope SB makes it back! He was my best friend!" Coiny threw a fist in the air triumphantly, as he laughed. Pin smiled, as she felt butterflies in her stomach. Why was he so...cute?

"What about you Pin? Who'd you vote for?" Needle turned her head to face Pin, her face painted with curiosity. Pin shrugged, shaking her head.

"I mean...I voted for Teardrop, figuring you'd be more happy if she were here-"

Pin's words were suddenly cut off as Needle gave her a huge hug. Needle had a huge grin plastered on her face, as she gave her a gentle squeeze.

"OH, THANK YOU PIN!" Her high pitched voice squealed. Pin chuckled, as she patted her arm gently.

"No prob."

Coiny cleared his throat, as the two looked over at him curiously.

"I may or may not have voted for TD too-"

Needle gasped, and quickly scooped him into her arms, hugging them both.

"You two are the best!" She cried happily. But soon, her smile disappeared, as she let go of the two.

"Though, I don't think that's enough for her to make it back..."

Pin sighed, and looked up.

"Hey, at least we tried, hopefully next time, she'll make it back?" She patted Needle's back, as they began to notice the TLC in the distance. Needle took a deep breath in, before she looked back up, her eyes shining with hope.


"ALRIGHT EVERYONE! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Golf Ball's voice made everyone jump. She bursted through the small crowd, with Tennis Ball following close behind. He carried the wall teleporter on top of him, as he gently placed it down onto the ground. He quickly flipped a few switches, and suddenly, the device began to glow. Tennis Ball looked up, and nodded towards Golf Ball.

Golf Ball nodded back, before banging Her leg onto the metal walls, seemingly 'knocking'.


Needle's eyes widened in shock, as she felt her heart skip a beat. Teardrop...
Was chosen!

Pin glanced over at Needle, and rubbed her arm, a bit anxiously. Something was itching at her; she just couldn't shake it off.

But what could she do?

Needle clapped her hands happily, but soon noticed Pin's expression. Dazed and worried. She looked up, and saw Golf Ball scanning the area, making sure everyone was clear of the devices path.

She had time.

Needle tapped on Pin's shoulder, and this made Pin jump. She quickly turned her head towards the taller object, as she plastered on a fake smile.

"Yes, Needle?"

Needle frowned.

"Pin, are you Okay? You look...antsy." She put a hand on her shoulders calmly, as she gave her a reassuring smile.

Pin opened her mouth, but was quickly cut off.

Tell her.

Bring her out of the area, and tell her.

Pin gulped.

"C-Can I..tell you something?" She leaned in closer.


Needle looked at her expression, and felt immediate guilt upon seeing it. She had to help her, she just couldn't leave her in a state.
And since TD was coming back in less than a few, she had to give her at least a few more bits of care.

She nodded, and looked over towards Coiny.

"Hey, were gonna head back. Pin needs a moment.." She stated. Coiny looked at Pin, and walked over to her side.

"Do you want me to go with you..?" He asked, taking her hand.

"I don't want you getting hurt.."

Pin smiled nervously, as she waved her hand towards him, ooze dripping down her face. Something clawed at her, luring her away from the crowd.


Tennis Ball flipped the small switch, and the device began to tremble. In less than a few seconds, a beam zapped through the air, slamming against the hard, metal wall of the TLC.

A few moments passed, before a swirling, glowing door-like aura surrounded the area. Golf Ball turned, and banged her foot against the wall.


Pin stared down at the ground, holding her head in pain.

Hmm, a personal conflict?

Who would you like?

Teardrop? Or Needle?

Pin shook her head, all of the sounds around her were beginning to ring.

Who will have the greater impact?


You have to keep doing this Pin. It's what's best for you, isn't it?


Wait, where are you GOING. GO BACK THERE, NOW.



Pin's eyes suddenly snapped open, as she quickly looked around. She realized that she was deep into the woods, trees blocking all of the sunlight that could touch the ground. She could hear the sound of chatter in the distance, and she quickly began to find the path that could lead out of the darkness.

"So, Teardrop? How does it feel to be back?" Coiny nudged her arm. She smiled.

'It feels great. I don't have to listen to the constant arguing that went on in there.' She signed.

Coiny smiled, and looked up at Needle.

"What did she say?" He peeped, smiling nervously.

Needle rolled her eyes, and quickly smacked Coiny upside the head.

"She's just happy to be out of there. Right, TD?" She smiled sweetly. TD quickly flapped her arms, a dark blue blush glowing on her cheeks. Needle giggled, as she continued to walk. Coiny followed close behind, careful to not disturb the two. He casually listened to the chatter that was going on behind him, from the others.

"Thank goodness TD was chosen back, she's the most tolerable out of EVERYONE in the TLC."

"I kind of wanted Donut to come back...."

"Gelatin, What is WRONG with you?"

"How do you think Ruby is doing..?"

The sudden somber tone of the voice made Coiny slow down. He listened.

"Hopefully she's doing okay...she hasn't left her room for a good two days now. I'm starting to worry..."

"I'm sure she'll be, like, fine, Pence-Pence. Besides, Book is, like, taking care of her. Those two are so close..."

"Yeah, Book is smart and caring. I'm sure she can help Ruby get through all of this, she's great at that kind of stuff."

Coiny looked ahead, noticing the opening of the forest. Teardrop sighed, as she looked back up a Needle.

'Isn't this the spot where Woody was found.'

Needle nodded, before turning back.

"Lets....hurry ourselves out of here. This place is giving me the creeps."

"Needle, show some respect! Someone DIED here!" Golf Ball sneered. Needle stuck her tongue out at her, before turning away.


The sudden voice made Coiny jump, as he quickly looked around to try and find the source of the voice.


I hate you Coiny!

I'd barf, if you won Dream Island!


Coiny's eyes began to fill with tears as he quickly looked around, his heart beginning to pound in fear.

"This ISN'T FUNNY GUYS." Coiny growled beneath his breath, as he continued to stomp forward. Everyone exchanged glances, before Needle put a hand on his shoulder.


"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He yelled out, looking up. His body froze, as he realized that it wasn't Needle that was standing in front of him...

Coiny, you need to run.

A scream echoed through the woods, as a knife was thrown against a tree. Everyone turned around, and noticed a figure standing in the darkness, a blade shining in their hands.

"Now, now... Wouldn't it be a shame if someone were to end up like Woody, here?~"




anyways this. Was a toughie to write tbh,,,,,I was thinking for a good day to figure out what should happen next 

this may or may not be a jumbled mess but?? i try i really do try ok? wack

Well GOOD NEWS! I know what's gonna happen next dksjhgdhjshgvhfjdk

But I hope you guys are doing alright, and I have to mention it here so:

THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR MAKING STUFF FOR THIS STORY!!!! Whether it's art, fanfics within this one or just plain headcannons (?) or stories based off of this one???? you all are talented and I absolutely love all of you
It means so much to me??? Y'all like my writing and handndndndnshsb it's just like "THANK YOU"

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this part of the story! Stay tuned for more 👊😔


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