Shredded Hopes, Down the Drain


...... head...






Hey, Book?


Book, wake up! It's morning, sleepyhead! It's time for breakfast!

Oh..already...? I just..fell asleep...

Nah, silly! It's 9:00! Come on, I made you and Icy your favorite breakfast!

Cmon' Book...Sorry Ruby, she doesn't sleep really well up here..she gets really cold..

What?! What do you mean?! Haven't you done anything about it, Ice Cube?!


Ok, ok, that's enough...I'm up..




Book, is this true..? Why didn't you tell me..?

Oh Ruby...I just don't want to bother you, or the alliance anymore..I..I know I'm just a burden to all of you- as much as I hate it-

NO. Book, look at me.

Ruby- y-you're-

You are one of my BEST FRIENDS. Don't you EVER say that you're a burden, because- you're not!!


I'm always gonna be by your side, but you? You need to understand that you are amazing! You're perfect in every way! A-And you gotta understand that you are SOMEONE. You deserve the same respect and care you give everyone else, and-

Uh, Ruby??

Yeah, Icy?

I-I think you're hugging her too tightly-

Oh! Aw jeez, sorry about that Book!





So as I was saying, you deserve to be treated equally. You don't deserve any of the crap that Pencil and Match are throwing at you- so! What did you say that was making you uncomfortable?

I-..It's just really cold, especially during the night...And I-


Wh-..What...Ruby, you didn't let me finish-

I said, SAY NO MORE! You know WHY????

No, I-I don't, I-

Because you're going to DIE!!!!



That's right Book! This is it! The final act!! I know you've been having trouble sleeping, but I don't mind going out to watch you scream out in agony!!!

N-No- Ruby, something is wrong-

NOTHINGS WRONG! Everything is playing out! And I'm gonna help!

Help?! Icy, are you hearing this?!

Uh, yeah..she said it's time to wake u p...

W-Wake up-?! Icy, come on, don't do this to me- you're just hearing things, yes..?!

Wake up Book... It's time to wake up...

We're already awake!! We're at the clubhouse, we're on top of the damn roof!! I-


Ah- Hey! What are you-


Ruby- Ow, hey- let go of me-!!






"NO!! NO NO NO, DON'T!!"











W A K E U P.

R U B Y!

Book swerved her head slowly, before her eyes shot open, a gasp of horror escaping her lips. Her body immediately jerked forward but was forcefully held back towards her, keeping her down and stiff. This only made her wince, as she let out a soft grunt of pain and exhaustion.

"Ugh.." She murmured, struggling to open her eyes as pain crashed over her body. She felt stiff, and her lungs felt as if they were ablaze, filling her chest with something so thick, that it was causing her to breathe with no ease. She took her time- taking deep breaths, letting the first wave of pain slowly simmer into nothing but a splash, and she let her eyes peel open, looking around to see where she was.

But, it was to no avail. All she could see was darkness.

"Great..," Book uttered. "What could possibly be going on now..."

She sat up, beginning to move her arms- but she quickly stopped, at the realization that...

She couldn't move at all.

That's when she noticed the ropes. Her body was tied up, held tightly to her own body, with her ankles tied together as well. Panic began to rush through her veins as she began to wriggle and thrash around in the ropes, doing anything in her power to help get these damn things loose.

Though, the memories flooded back into her mind.

Bubble and Ice Cube.

The fight.

The recovery centers.

Their hands...


Oh, shit.

Where was she.

Meanwhile, another figure stood in the darkest corner of the room. Quietly dusting off her tools and trowel, Pin was preparing for the next step of her plan- obviously, the most well-known part of it.

She had noticed that the number of contestants had finally dwindled down to a small fraction of what used to be before. She remembered noticing the few remaining contestants- noticing how they lived in the endless loop of fear and sadness, not knowing if they would be able to live to see the next day. She especially eyed the Freesmarters- almost, in awe at the fact that they would stay so close together, even for the tiniest of errands.

Looking for a missing team member.

Going back to the clubhouse to gather the things they needed.

Staying in the van for as long as they possibly could.

Pin had to admit- it was a good strategy to get them through the night- after all, it was difficult for her to snag them away and do what she had to do for the sake of her garden.

But alas, the tower soon came crumbling down, when Match decided she would play some ridiculous kindergarten game to try and toughen herself up- all while getting the things they needed to escape.

And after that, one by one...they all fell into her hands, helping her with her own civic duty- the one she had kept ever since she had planted the first seed in the garden-

Keeping that garden alive.

But, at this point...Pin had dropped the act she once carried. The mask of fear that she would slap onto herself, back when they were discovering the bodies that were dropping like dead flies, was nothing but a mere phase. She knew that they wouldn't have suspected a damn thing from her- with her amazing talents of being able to defend herself on the spot, she was able to get herself out of the electric chair so many times now, and since there was just three of them left?

No point in acting now is there.

Though, she had to admit- Book's curiosity was growing stronger as the days went by back then. She knew that she was feeling something- as if there was something very wrong that was going on, about the murders, the missing contestant, and the murderer. She was beginning to connect the pieces of the puzzle- that is until her poor little gemstone 'slipped' off of the tallest building in Goiky.

What a shame...What a shame...


Oh...its nothing, dear... Look at how shiny these tools are coming out to be? Aren't they....dazzling...?

...You're sick.

No, I'm not...I'm you, after all. And, with both of us here now, I say we marvel at all the beauties and wonders that we have created.

Whatever you say.



Well...This is it.


Yes..well, look around...don't you see that they're the last three...?

... Oh...

Exactly. Now, let's keep working. This machine isn't gonna build itself, y'know?

..Why should I.

...Uh, hello? The garden? Its health and nourishment? US??? I seriously thought you'd be on board with this all- even when there are only three fools left to behand! Don't you dare tell me that you're feeling....regretful....

And so what if I am? I-I have a right to feel this way.

Really? So you're feeling this way now- even after helplessly murdering every object you've known and loved here, one by one? That is sad. So, so sad.

How is it sad?

Because it shows that you never cared about any one of them. Firey, Rocky, Woody...Not even Fries...


Or..your precious Coiny...

SHUT IT. YOU weren't feeling high and mighty too, YKNOW.

Well of course, and that was because of your ridiculous breakdown. That's enough with the tears- we've used all of them back in the beginning for his exact reason! It is time for you to shove this guilt and sorrow deep into your gut- and embrace the feeling of ecstasy and power that will soon wash over you! Don't you get it?! This is what you've WANTED, Pin. This is the plan you wrote with your own hands- the plan you've kept for so long, crafted ever so carefully, and the plan you've played out ever since you shoved Firey off of that tower. I'm so sorry to say this, but it's too late to call it quits now. Why? Because EVERY ONE OF THEM IS DEAD. And it's time for you to FORGET about them because trust me when I say, if they were here right now, they would NOT be oh so happy to see you. In fact, they'd be chasing you out of the city- don't you remember Leafy's situation?! Yes, yes, it would be just like that! But they wouldn't just chase you out in the blink of an would want to catch you. They'd want to capture you and chain you down. Imprison you in the darkest of chambers, and if you think you'd be getting out of that situation with your head in a basket?! FORGET IT! Ha, they'd be doing so much worse to you. So, SO much worse.

So why even bother with this sadness?! This PAIN?! It means NOTHING to them, and it should mean NOTHING to you.


Throughout that whole speech, Pin had been clenching her spare fist tightly. Digging her nails into the palm of her hand, she didn't even flinch at the warm liquid that was beginning to trickle down her fingers, and splatter onto the cold, hard floor.

There was no pain. The only thing she could even feel was the weight of endless thoughts that were rapidly swirling inside of her head, causing her to do nothing more but stand there, and try to absorb everything that she had just heard.

...Come on Pin...Remember why we started this...

The ecstasy..of watching them shrivel beneath your feet...

And the garden...don't you see how lively it is....?

...Stick with me...And I'll keep it this way...


Perfect! Now, are the shards taped on?? It's time to start.

How do you know?

How do I know? Psh. Take a look dear...


Looks like nap time is over...she was curious for far too long. She had it coming, anyway...

But, it's the end of the line here. Time to show that hot-headed bitch that curiosity, does indeed, kill the cat.

Book was still continuing her struggle, that is until a soft chuckle made her bones turn into ice.

She looked around, and it wasn't long until a glimmer caught her eye. It was continuously flashing and shimmering- almost as if it was being spun around in someone's hands.



Book's mouth curled into a scowl.


It's Pin.

Smirking, the thumbtack slowly walked forward, making her way towards Book with a trowel that gleamed with the moonlight- the same moonlight that poured into the building from an open window, with pieces of... Something... glued onto it.

Those pieces..they looked oddly familiar...

"It's nice to see you're awake Book." Pin smiled, as she put the trowel down and crossed her arms. "I was beginning to think that you were never going to wake up. Who knew that the two objects that were the easiest to kill, could also be the ones that could hit you the hardest..?"

Book looked up at her, anger bubbling up inside of her.

"..I should've known from the start. It was you, wasn't it." She growled lowly.

But, ignoring the rage that was coming from the smaller figure, Pin only smirked as she nodded with pride.

"Yup! It was all me! It was me all along!"

"You FUCKER!!" Book screamed out. "YOU KILLED EVERYONE!! EVERYONE!! WHY?!"

"Why? Oh! You see, ever since we all moved here, it's been a blast! Living and laughing with the others, playing around, and showing them what I could offer- such as my amazing baking skills since GB was kind enough to help me get my limbs back!! But as the years went by, it got SUPER boring. And my garden! Ugh, my garden back then. When I started to plant, and it all started to grow, it was too plain. Too boring! I needed to do something about it!" She paced back and forth slowly.

"But then I thought, what if....just, what if, I could use. Something. Someone. To help out with the garden. Using them as some sort of decoration, or Miracle Grow, that would somehow help my plants grow more wonderfully!"

Disgusted, Book's face slowly turned gaunt as she continued to listen to the woman in front of her.

"So, that's how I came up with my plan. THE Plan. The plan that would help my garden to grow into the best it could be, and becoming the true gem of Yoyle City! Though I have to admit, the thought did scare me at first. But I decided to pull it through, once. Only once. Well, that's what I thought.." she giggled.

"And, well, I decided to start with Firey! And we both know how that ended."


"Monster? Yes, I KNOW. Please Book, can't you be a little more creative with the name-calling here..?" Pin asked softly, beginning to trace her finger along with Book's cover. "It's getting a little boring..."

Though, she jumped as Book yanked her face away from her hand, letting out an angered huff. This made Pin pout, crossing her arms as she stood in frustration against the girl.

"Oh come on! Why are you so upset?! You know, you should be a lot more grateful for this- this is a total honor for you! Because you're pages? Guess where they came from?! They came from trees! You were a tree once!" She grinned.

"Which is why I'm bringing you back to where you once were!"

Book was staring at her with a confused look, not understanding what the thumbtack had been rambling on about, but it didn't take her long to notice the small remote that she clenched in her hand. The bits and pieces of her thoughts soon came together, as she failed to realize what was around her.

She hadn't even noticed the large machine that stood coldly over her...the strange port almost looking like a-

"I know what you're thinking- heck, you must be really confused! But don't worry! I can make it work!" Pin giggled, hoisting the figure into her arms, and walking her over to the intimidating machine. Book's heart immediately began to race, as she struggled within the ropes- all the while, Pin was carefully holding her over a slot-like area. It was too dark to see- and a feeling of uneasiness wasn't helping her focus at all.

"Wh-What are you doing..?!" Book shouted, wriggling her body frantically. "What the hell is this?!"

"Oh! It's nothing much! I mean, I thought this would be the only way to do this! Creatively, I guess." Pin shrugged and pressed a small red button on the remote.

Almost immediately, a loud squealing noise began to fill the air around them. Book felt as Pin was quickly lowering her into the slot, and after a few seconds of panicked struggling, and endless attempts to free herself, she let out a loud scream of pain as she felt her legs getting pierced and shredded into pieces.

A shredder. It was a fucking SHREDDER.

With each sharp piece of metal that tore into her flesh, her screams only grew louder. She could feel the knife-like mechanics digging deep into her bones before yanking itself back out, only for another pair to bite into her flesh once more.

This caused her mind to go blank. No longer was there any order, nor any civilized thoughts to try and get through this rationally- no, this was a panic- and it was only going to get worse from here.

Blood driveled down Book's chin as her lower body began to sink into the shredder, beginning to get torn to bits. This went on for a moment, and before the shredder could eat away at her more, Pin turned off the shredder. The ear-piercing volume of the shredder quickly went down, as she looked down upon Book, smiling with nothing but power and joy running through her veins.


This is what you wanted. This is what you've been CRAVING, ever since THE FIRST TIME.

The voice's words echoed in Pin's mind, as a crooked smile was plastered onto her face. The sheer joy of watching as someone's life was being ripped out of their hands- by her OWN?

It's nothing but breathtaking.

It's amazing.


Tears poured down Books flushed face as she could no longer feel her legs; nor her lower body. Blood gushed out of her open wounds, beginning to stain the machinery underneath her- as well as the floor.

"Well, looks like it's starting to get a bit jammed huh?" Pin chuckled out, pulling out her trowel again to fidget and play around with. Small shards were taped onto the object...small shards of-

"Looks like we'll have to get rid of the remains. Or, keep them! It's for the garden after all!"

Book looked up, her eyes quickly growing murky. Grimacing, she let out a cough, causing blood to spurt out everywhere in front of her.

Though, Pin didn't seem to mind. She smiled and slowly wiped a bit of blood from Book's mouth.

"My garden is gonna look fantastic once I'm through with everyone! Ruby DID add a beautiful shine to it, haha.."

Book's eyes suddenly widened at the mention of Ruby. She looked back up at Pin, fear, and rage in her eyes over the mention of her closest friend.

Her friend, who she found dead, days ago.

"W-What do you..mean.." Book rasped out, her body beginning to tremble as anger boiled inside of her.

Pin only let out a quiet chuckle, twirling the trowel she had with her fingers.

"W-WHAT ELSE DID YOU DO TO HER?! WHERES RUBY?!" Book screamed, her eyes suddenly gleaming with fury.

Pin then stopped, staring directly into her blazing eyes. This quickly shut any confidence that Book had left, leaving her with nothing but the heavy feeling of despair in her heart. She trembled, her eyes letting out an occasional tear that would roll down her cheek. Though, Pin didn't have time for tears.

She bent down to her level and held the trowel so it could be visible to Book.

"Heh, take a look."

Book blinked a bit, her vision blurring in and out repeatedly. She shook her head and attempted to focus on the trowel once more.

"Do you see this...?" Pin whispered, waved her trowel in Book's face as her vision began to grow better, and then worse. The light around her was dimming, and growing, before she finally managed to see the shards clearly.

The shards...




"Didn't she make it look wonderful?~"

Books eyes widened In horror as her vision cleared up...


A shard of Ruby.

Even worse- it was the shard where Ruby's eye was. Book could see it as clear as day- Ruby's eye was widened, and lifeless... but still filled with the fear that carried on with her...

Even after death.

Book could feel the fear that Ruby must have felt, when her time was up.

Her lip trembled, as she tried to let out anything, a scream, a cry, words, something...but she couldn't. She began to sob silently, her entire body beginning to tremble violently as the emotions grew overwhelming.

Too much. This was too much.

No, no- I have to-

I can't....I-...


Noticing that Book was beginning to twitch and murmur to herself, Pin sighed and grabbed the remote.

"Aw, man...I'm sorry you had to find your stupid girlfriend like this Book. But, let's be honest here." Pin smiled. "Things were never gonna work out between you two matter how many stupid promises she made."


"...Ugh. Don't you get it?! The MOMENT you would have revived her, she would have scrambled over to that skank girlfriend of hers! She was NEVER yours, Book. FORGET IT!"


"......You know what? Fine. It's been fun talking to you Book, it really was. Hell, even knowing you was a blast- I'm never gonna forget the black eye you gave me! Though, to be honest... I'm gonna miss you're intelligent facts and stuff, but I guess it's time for you to go..!" She smirked.

Yet, there was no reaction from her. Book ignored her, panting heavily as she kept her emotions in.

She refused. She refused to give her some sort of show to make her smile. And if she was going to die by Pin's own work...then let it be the biggest fuck you that she could ever give.

Pin slammed her hand on the button, and, with all her strength left, Book began to laugh out. She laughed, not caring that she had only a few seconds of life left, or that the overwhelming pain was beginning to make her feel lightheaded. She only laughed...

She wouldn't let her words grow like roots in her head. Not in her dying moments.

Instead, she turned her head, and with a shaky smile on her face, she whispered..

"Have fun in hell...b i t c h..."

Her vision quickly blacked out, and as she felt her shoulders shred painfully, she glanced up.


And suddenly, blackness enveloped her vision, as her final words were overpowered by the endless screeching of the shredder.


Oh what fun, am I right?

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry this took forever to do, I am now in college and the stress of this and all the chaos going on rn has me slumped. But GUESS WHAT I WAS ABLE TO WRITE.

This entire scene was written three times, the first time was back in 2018. I'm honestly really proud of how far I've come with my writing, and I hope you guys are enjoying it all too.

But, yeah! Happy early Halloween, and I will be getting back to the swing of things as best as I can! Thank you all for the support!



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