Peaceful Slumber

The sound of vomiting echoed through the air. 

The alliance were standing far far away from the scene, with Match on her knees, letting out everything she had eaten earlier. Her face was dangerously pale as she heaved harder, and more liquids came pouring out.

Pencil rubbed her back sympathetically, her entire body shaking in concern. She squeezed Match's shoulder as she mumbled words of comfort to her. Bubble, Ice Cube, Book and Ruby sat behind Pencil, all of them huddled close and shaking on fear, staring at the ground. Ruby had her hands over her head, wanting the sound of vomiting to perish and go away. Book put an arm around her sympathetically, her eyes closed with tears slipping down every now and then.

Meanwhile, the corpse has been covered up with a white sheet. Nearly everyone was outside. Fries, Gelatin, TB and name it. The science duo were taking notes and walking around, as well as looking up at the cage that was dangling high up in the air. Fries was standing by, his arms crossed and staring t the corpse with a expressionless gaze. He..didn't know how to feel. He never really knew Firey.

But, he didn't deserve to die in such a way.

Gelatin was sitting on the ground, his head buried in his knees. He didn't feel well, he cant handle gore-y scenes like this. He didn't know, he just saw everyone huddled around, and then he saw Firey. He let out a sigh.

Flower was oddly quiet. She complained about the scream and not getting her 'beauty sleep', but as soon as she saw Firey, her mouth shut. Some say she was secretly crying because even she knew that that was the most awful way to go. Which was surprising; she barely showed any sympathy towards anyone at all.

Meanwhile, a small exhale came from the small scientist as she sat down. This was confusing and very overwhelming; she KNEW that that stupid cage was locked well, she heard and saw the alliance lock it up!

How did he do it?

As she scribbled down more notes into her small notepad, she suddenly looked up as she heard footsteps approach the scene.

Of everyone there, he was the last person to arrive.


He looked tired, yet beneath his darkened eyes was a gleam of curiosity. He didn't know why everyone was standing around, it was FAR too early for everyone to be up at this hour. 

Golf Ball sprung up, her senses tingling as she began to walk around him, looking up and down.

"Coiny? Where have you been?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. She had a feeling that if anyone did this, HE would be the one to blame.

He placed a hand on her forehead and slowly pushed her back, rolling his eyes.

"Geez Golfball, its only 6 in the morning, can't you give me a break?" He mumbled, exhaustingly. Golf Ball scoffed angrily, and as payback, she bit his hand. He quickly yelped and yanked his hand backwards, now clearly awaked and alarmed. He held his throbbing hand as he looked up at Golf Ball, infuriated.

"What was THAT for?!" He yelled. Golf Ball dusted herself off before looking up at him, angrily.

"You deserved it."


"You know what you did."

Coiny looked at her, rage filling him from head to toe.

"Alright, bossy-bot, what could I have possibly done for you to-"

"Murder!" She yelled out, pointing directly at him. 

"You're the murderer!"

His eyes suddenly widened as he stumbled back in surprise and shock.

"Golf Ball, what the fuck? What do you-"

"OBVIOUSLY, it was YOU who did it! You WERE his arch nemesis after all, and what could a notorious person do when their arch nemesis is trapped in a unstable cage thats dangling high up in the air? I'll tell you." She pointed towards the corpse.

"THATS..what they do." Her voice began to soften towards the end of her sentence.

Coiny's eyes moved to the corpse as he slowly began to walk towards it. 

"Uhh.....who..exactly are you..talking about..?" His voice sounded blank. Golf Ball followed him close behind, her eyes staring down at the floor.

"Firey. He was found by the alliance at exactly 5:47 this morning." She looked up at him.

"He was in a...terrible condition."

As soon as he was mentioned, Coiny stopped in his tracks. He couldn't move...he couldn't speak..he couldn't feel.

Others thought that he would've been jubilant at the sight of his death, but..

Tears were now escaping his eyes and rolling down from his cheeks. He stared at the blank sheet which was now getting stains of a dark orange, debating whether he should even touch it. Golf Ball looked at him and walked towards the corpse, and without thinking, she uncovered the body. She looked up towards him for any reaction.

That was it. 

He collapsed on the floor, his face pale and painted with horror as he shook and began to mumble. He was in shock.

Golf Ball quickly covered up the body and ran back to him, grabbing him by the shoulders. 

"COINY. SNAP OUT OF IT!" She yelled angrily.

He didn't respond. Instead, he began to mumble even more as he grabbed his head and brung it into his knees. Waterfalls of tears fell from his eyes as he wailed out every now and then. She sighed angrily and soon, she slapped him hard across the face. He jolted as his hand shot up to his glowing-red cheek, as he looked at her.

"Guess you aren't the killer, huh."

He shook his head, gulping.

"Hm. Well if there isn't any proof, then it just must have been an accident. We have to figure this out." She looked over at Tennis Ball.

"TB! IS EVERYONE HERE?!" She yelled out, alarming the rest of the group. Tennis Ball looked around and looked back down at a small list, and then looked up.

"We're missing Pin!"


Pin gripped the covers beneath her. Ever since she got home, she quickly cleaned herself up and in a anxious mess, she ran and collapsed into bed, where she let her mind process everything that had just happened earlier. She couldn't sleep; her eyes had dark circles around them, as the memory of his face appeared behind her glossy eyes.

Firey's face. 

How the blood was pouring out of his eyes and mouth such as a faucet pouring out water.

How his bone protruded out of his body that way.

The sound...of his body and bones breaking as his impact with the ground happened.

She shivered as more tears began to sting in her eyes. She rolled onto her side and let her eyes close, hoping that this could finally let her go to sleep.


Knock knock.

Her eyes slowly dragged open as she laid still, listening carefully once again.

Knock knock knock.

She sighed angrily and dragged herself out of bed, wrapping herself in her blanket she dragged along with her. She plodded towards the door and stood in front of it.

"Who is it." She mumbled.

"Its Tennis Ball. We need you." His voice was sharp and stern, very unlikely of him to be in such a way. He's usually just an anxious wreck.

She unlocked the door and swung it open, and flinched at the bright beam of sunlight that burnt in her eyes. She hissed and rubbed her eyes gently, before she heard a gasp.

"Dang Pin, you look like a total train wreck. Didn't you sleep at all?" Tennis Ball's voice filled with both concern and suspicion.

She had to make up an act. 


In the most exhausted and painful voice she could make out, she whimpered out,


Tennis Ball sighed.

"Well, we need you over here. Firey was found dead this morning and we need help on figuring out what happened."

She grunted.

"Didn't he just fall off the cage because-" 

Her eyes widened as she quickly tightened her lips.

"I'm sorry- he what?" Tennis Ball sounded very suspicious.


"I-I, uh....I..." She stuttered out in fear. She gave it away. Tennis Ball turned around. 

"Lets go Pin. Maybe you can help us figure out what happened and who was responsible for this." He turned around and began walking back.

She began to back away, but she stopped.

Running away will just make you look even more guilty. Face it up and act. You started this, you created this, now you have to end it properly if you want to continue. Simply lie and act; the golden rule of YOUR'E plan Pin.

She shivered, as she began to follow Tennis Ball. Her hand gripped at the blanket that was around her as she could feel her body beginning to tremble.

The anxiety suddenly reached its peak, as she could see the crowd of people overhead.

Tennis Ball quickly walked over to Golf Ball and began to talk with her as he began to talk, and Pin decided to walk around and see how everyone was working out.

Theres the alliance. Match puking, Pencil by her side, the rest of them cuddled up in fear.

Fries and Gelatin, staring at the Yoyle Needy.

Coiny, sitting down and cryi-



Pin rushed towards him and sat down. She looked over, and felt her heart sink into her shoes as she saw tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Coiny..?" She asked, concern hitting her like a baseball bat. 

"Are you.."

"He's dead."

Coiny's voice cracked as he said those two words. Pin looked over at the sheet, and back at Coiny. Her eyes darkened. 


"He's dead." His voice shook even more as he began to hold in sobs.

"He's dead and its all my fault."

Pin gasped.

"Why would it be your fault? You didn't even-"

"I was a JERK to him Pin! I caused him so much damn trouble and NOW look at him!! HE'S DEAD AND ITS ALL MY FAULT."

Coiny immediately lost it as he began to sob, burying his head into his knees. His whole body shook as he let out weeps and cries, and gasps for air. Pin hesitated, but slowly put a hand onto his back and rubbed it slowly.



Everyone looked up as Golf Ball pointed towards Pin, her eyes widened with fury and rage.


Pin felt herself freeze. 

How the hell did they even..

"Tennis Ball told me that YOU know exactly what happened to Firey. As well as a little help from the alliance.." She gestured over to Book, who was looked up, and soon looked away.

"THEY told us that they saw you fleeing the scene. And THATS when they found the body. Now FESS UP Pin. What did you do?" She towered over Pin.

Pin was on the ground, hugging herself and trembling. Nearly all eyes were on her as they waited to hear her speak.


She tried to speak, but nothing came out.

"Did you murder Firey, Pin?!" Golf Ball yelled out, demanding for an answer.

Pin looked around, feeling as if walls were closing around her. She saw the alliance staring, Fries, Gelatin, Flower..


The shock and sadness stabbed Pin in the heart, as a tear suddenly escaped her darkened eye.

She couldn't hold it in anymore.






They won't notice you faking.


A lie is better than the truth.



Pin soon burst into sobs, as she grabbed herself and hugged her body tight.


She sobbed at the top of her lungs, wheezing and gasping for air. Everything around her was blurred out, and she felt lost. She felt weird. All eyes were on her, panicked and freaked out. She didn't care. Just please, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make them find out.


Soon she felt arms wrapping around her, but that didn't matter.

She started to scream.

Screams that were unfamiliar.

Screams that weren't even..her.

She continued to scream, not caring that if it was real or fake.

She could feel Firey staring at her.


Its all your fault.

She screamed more.

Im in a peaceful slumber. 

She screamed even more.

While you're in a living nightmare.

Aren't you.

And continued to, staying that way for the rest of the time being, while everyone was hugging her and trying to get her out of it. 


Hey guys!!! here we are with the next chapter of Fear Garden! I managed to snatch some time and use it for the story haha

Im so glad you guys are liking the story!!! it means so so much to me and I hope you guys are prepared for a wild ride haha!!

Thanks again for your kind words!!


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