Hot and Cold


Don't make a noise.

Just...sneak out.

Easy as pie...

She glanced around.



Subtle snoring..

They wouldn't notice...would they?

It was a rough day yesterday..she was feeling more awake and vigilant- the others were simply trying to keep an eye out for anything suspicious around them, as well as making sure Match was alright.

Oh well.

She didn't know what time it was.

But the moon was shining brightly in the sky...midnight, maybe?


She cautiously lifted the handle, and the door slowly slid open, letting Match carefully step out and into the crispy, midnight air. She shivered slightly, turning around and shutting the door to keep the rest of, at least. She turned around once more, and let her eyes roam around the others inside of the van. 

Ruby laid in Book's arms, snoring away as Book shifted slightly, holding her closer. Ice Cube slept beside them, with Bubble laying not too far from the three. Pencil was fast asleep against the opposite door...her arm wrapped around a pillow to replace Match's body. 

Match stared at Pencil's face..




She turned around, and shook her head slightly. 

'Okay..' she thought to herself. 'All I have to, like, go back to the clubhouse..and, like, get that saw...and come back..'

It seemed so simple, just thinking about it in her mind...

But why was it so damn hard to step away from the van?

She didn't know what was out there. She prayed that there wasn't anything out there.

She wanted to help; she didn't want to sit around in this cursed land anymore. She wanted to go far away, far from Pin, far from the TLC, far from everything..

With Pencil by her side, of course.

The only noise that sang through the air were the quiet chirps of crickets, and the rustling of the leaves as they were swept away by the wind. She took a deep breath..

Alright. This is gonna be easy. This is gonna be quick.

Just go, and come back. Go, and back.

You'll be okay.

She walked down the path, rubbing her bandaged wrist as she let her thoughts circle freely within her mind. Keep it comforting, keep them cool..

It's gonna be okay..


They think they've truly outsmarted us..?

Pin walked along the dirt road, her trowel clenched tightly in her hand. A smirk was plastered onto her face, as she continued to make her back towards the city. 

She had manage to get through those...idiots, back in the TLC, and she managed to get them to tell her where the Freesmarters were. Now, all she had to do, was get to those six, and...

Take care of them.

She walked through, and soon, she began to notice that the area began to look...strangely familiar. The trees tangled through the air, clumps of leaves blocking the moonlight from pouring onto the path. Roots crawled on the ground, spreading across and down the path, with pebbles and rocks that were scattered across. 


Pin winced. 


She walked faster. 


She grabbed her arms nervously, and began to look around once more. 

Someone was following her. 

Why did it feel like someone was following her..?! 

Her heart pounded with fear as she continued to rush her way out of the darkened path, simply trying to find a way out of the hell that she had created for herself. As she made her way, something suddenly caught her attention.


A dirt path...


She clenched her fists, as she began to slow down..unable to move as her memory began to catch up to her. Her eyes began to fill with tears; trying to blink them away, but they simply began to spill out.

This was the area where she had killed Woody. 

She hugged herself, slowly beginning to step backwards as the panic began to ensue within her.

"I..I have to get out of here." She mumbled to herself, as she began to run away from the sight. She quickly glanced back, and suddenly, she tripped over a thick root that snaked across the path. Her head slammed against a thinner root, causing her to cry out in pain. 

Moments passed, as she laid on the ground, disoriented as a sharp pain began to throb through her skull. She shakily placed her hands down onto the dirt, and began to push herself upwards, the world around her spinning wildly. She held her breath, carefully setting herself back into a seated position, before she sighed out in pain. 

She didn't even notice the root, but..

She turned back.

There was nothing there. No shadows, no figures...just a few wilted flowers, and the guilt that hangs so heavily from the tree.

She rolled her eyes, before she turned her head back towards the front.


There he was, locking his pale, lifeless eyes with her now panicked ones. Pin opened her mouth, trying to let a scream, a cry, or to make ANYTHING come out, but...

Nothing. besides a few stammers and whispered croaks.

The two stared at each other, until Pin's breathing became more and more frightened, her breaths turning into gasps and wheezes. She began to scuttle away from him, clutching her chest tightly.

"N-No...No, no no no no no, you- you aren't real..! Y-You-"

He raised his hand, and this made her freeze.



Get AWAY from him.


"P i n...."

The emptiness of the whisper made Pin's heart skip a beat. She gulped, feeling her limbs tremble violently. Coiny slowly made his way towards her, a strange fog puffing up from the ground as he stood a step.

"I.....K n o w....Y o u.." He whispered, walking closer towards her. "Y o u....a r e.....h u r t..i n g..."

"G-Get away from me...! You're dead, y-you're-" she gasped out, tears beginning to pour down her face. She hugged herself, feeling her heart cracking and breaking into two, fear and pain seeping through the opening cracks. Though, he continued to move forward, and she flinched.

"P l e a s e....." he whispered, placing his frigid hand on her weakened, warm state. "Y o u..... a r e s o.....a f..r a i d.."

"I-I'm doing what I have to do, I-I thought-"

"Y o u r F e e l i n g s of the m a t t e r....a r e r e p r e s s e d."

"This is all for the garden! MY garden! Its all-"

"F o r t h e g a r d e n....but n o t f o r y o u..." he caressed her cheek slowly.

Pin shivered at his touch, trying to repress everything she was feeling at the moment, but..

She wanted him.

She just wanted him back.

Pin began to sob, slowly getting up and walking towards the ghostly figure, her arms reaching out for him...

But he stepped back, shaking his head slightly.

"T h e r e s....n o t h i n g.." he replied, somberly.

Pin paused, before she began to wipe the tears from her eyes furiously.

"W-Well, what can you do now?! You can't stop me, you're just a ghost! You're NOTHING!"

"I.....k n o w....." he paused, before he looked back up...his expression slowly morphing into an angered one. "W h i c h is w h y..... y o u must r u n."

This came as a cold shock to Pin. She flinched back slightly, before she looked towards him again.


Suddenly, Coiny leaped forward angrily, as more and more apparitions began to form form thin air; Flower, Firey, Leafy...Rocky...

Everyone that had died by her hands, leaped towards Pin, and in a furious, haunting tone, they screamed...

" R U N. "

Pin's eyes widened, before she quickly sprinted towards the other direction, her eyes beginning to fill with tears once more. She jumped over roots and vines, trying to escape the hell that she had created, all the while hearing screaming following close behind her.

"P I N!"

"P I N."

"C O M E H E R E."

"Y O U W I L L P A Y."

She ran faster, and faster, feeling her lungs burning and stinging with every breath she took. She shut her eyes, letting her limbs take her to wherever she could be, as long as it was far far away from the forest. Minutes began to feel like hours, before she let her eyes pry open, just to see where she could have gone.

The city was a few blocks ahead of her, but, in the distance, she could see the Freesmarter's club house, its darkened outline standing out from the atmosphere of the spring night. She squinted, and felt a bit shocked as she could see something moving towards it...stumbling, and pausing every few seconds to see if it was safe to continue moving forward...

Pin tutted.


The doorknob to the clubhouse wiggled and turned, until the door finally creaked open, moonlight permeating throughout the darkened rooms. Match peeked in, and sighed slightly.

"Okay..its just like a game and cold.." She mumbled to herself. This made her feel...slightly better than before..!

"Y-Yeah..! Just like, Hot and, with me, and Pencil..!" She let a small smile grow on her face, as she began to move in. The memory of her and Pencil playing this game back before BFDI had begun filed her with a warmth, that made her feel safer and braver. She was going to get back to them, and they WERE going to get out of there.

"Okay...cold.." she whispered, trying to make her way through the darkened halls..", ok, really cold.."

She paused. She looked around, and began to think to herself. Where did they usually keep the tools...?

Oh! The kitchen, possibly? And if not, it had to be in the attic..

Yeah..the attic!

...But, lets check the kitchen just in case....

"Cold...cold.." she muttered, quickly making her way into the kitchen and beginning to open all the cabinets that were rowed on the bottom. She looked through, letting the moonlight shine with them so she could see what was already within each one..and which one's didn't have what she was looking for.

She continued to look through all of the cabinets, trying to find the damned saw that they needed to get out of there. She pushed away soap bottles, cleaning products, a container of gasoline for the van...

Would they need that..?

Match shook her head. Focus.

Meanwhile, the doorknob began to quietly jiggle and turn, until it slowly and cautiously opened up, moonlight pouring into the room once more. Pin carefully slipped into the clubhouse, shutting the door slowly behind her. She stayed still for a moment, trying to adjust and figure out where this object was...

"Still..freezing cold." Match sighed in disappointment, shutting the cabinet and making her way back into the hall. "Well..maybe the attic has something warm.."

Pin tilted her head. She knew who that voice belonged to, but..

What the fuck was Match talking about?

"Okay...cold...cold.." She began to make her way towards the attic stairs, and Pin watched from a corner, trying to eavesdrop on her conversations...towards herself.

Was she...playing hot and cold with herself..?

Fuck it. She had to get this done.

Pin quickly made her way into the kitchen, and began to search through the cabinets, trying to find what she needed in order to complete with the unfinished business her and Match had before. She looked through every cabinet, digging through the utensils and cloths they had stored in them, when she suddenly noticed..

Where are the knives...?

"Clever team." Pin slid the cabinet back, moving onto the next one.

We-..We can't do this anymore, you heard the warning they-

"They're dead. You know this, stop being a baby." She rummaged through the items...

They could harm us though..! What if-

"Enough, We must finish what we've started. Remember, its for the garden.." A sickening smile grew on her face, as she grabbed the small lighter and clenched it within her hand. "...Its for us."

Wait, wait- you're planning to-

"All we need is the gasoline..and I'm sure that they have it below." She ducked down, looking through the bottom cupboards to find the small container. 

There it was; in the back of many piles of cleaning products and soap, the red, cube-like gallon of gasoline. 


"Hot!" Match gasped out, quickly grabbing the handle of the saw and holding it defensively. "A-All I have to do is bring it back! I can do it!"

She quickly made her way back towards the stairs, and rushed down, the relief beginning to fill within her heart.

"Warm...warm..!" She muttered to herself, as she shut the door, and began to make her way back towards the hall. "Warm..!"

"Warm.." Pin smirked, hearing the footsteps rush closer and closer. She slowly unscrewed the cap of the container, and poised it in the air, prepared to finish the final step that was left for her. 

"Warm..! I-I'm gonna make it back, I'm gonna make it back..!" She smiled slightly, continuing to make her way through the halls. She quickly passed through the kitchen, and Pin stepped out, quickly following her from behind. Match herd the footsteps, and before she could react, Pin dumped all of the gasoline onto Match, the smell making her cough slightly. 

Match screamed out, stumbling over and falling against the wall. The gasoline began to sting harshly at her eyes, and she cried out, trying to rub her eyes to relieve her from the stinging. Footsteps began to draw closer to her, and Match let her eyes open slightly, to see who was..

"Warm.." Pin stood over her, a lighter in her hand. She flicked it slightly, and a small spark emitted from the container. 


Match leaped upwards, quickly grabbing the saw and dashing out of the clubhouse. Pin growled angrily, running out of the room and quickly following her to the outdoors. 

"GET B A C K HERE, MATCH!" Pin screamed out, flicking the small nozzle to try and spark out a flame. "WE AREN'T FINISHED WITH THE G A M E..!!"


The two continued to run, and as soon as the supervan came into sight, Match began to call out for help. 


Suddenly, she tripped over her feet, stumbling down onto the ground and dropping the saw. She tried to scramble back up, but Pin's foot stepped onto her back..

Match froze. 

"Hot! I win!"

She flicked the lighter on once more, and a small flame began to burn at the tip; she dropped the lighter down, and backed away, smiling as she watched the event unfold.

All hell broke loose. As soon as the flame hit Match's body, flames began to crawl all over her body, and this made her scream. Crackles and the sound of steaming flesh began to swing through the air, as Match began to run around, similar to a headless chicken. She continued to scream and screech, the flames beginning to spread to her upper body. 

The door to the supervan suddenly swung open, and the rest of the Freesmarter's looked out.


"P E NCIL..." Match screeched out, her voice become raspier and raspier. Screams of horror began to fill the midnight sky, as Match stumbled towards the van, reaching out towards them.

" l..."

"M-MATCH- OH, PENCIL FACTORY.." Pencil weeped heavily, watching Match as she collapsed back onto the ground, her body twitching and jolting violently. The flames began to die down; Match's burnt body beginning to be more visible towards the others. Blisters were visibly seen; charring and the stench of flesh hitting them with a wave of nausea. Match's limbs were thinner and covered in cracks, blood seeping out and creating a puddle on the ground below. Her eyes were widened, and full of fear, as they gazed upwards towards the sky...

She stopped moving. 

Pencil wheezed and gasped, her face losing all of its color before she eventually fainted from the horror that had painted before them. Ice Cube and Bubble panicked, while Book looked up, tears pouring down her face... well as the saw...

were gone. 


so i had a nightmare similar to this so lets just B )

anyways hello everyone...after a long wait i present to you: the next part of the story. 

this was...long.....

and uh. schools been very into an accident, heading to the hospital later today, but while i was trying to get myself back up, i wrote,..and here we are

this is my last week of school baby........s o excited.

anyways, enjoy this next part...




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