Sense of Belonging
A dead coin walking.
Coiny knew what his fate would be if anyone discovered what had been done.
Rumor had it that the TLC-ers had all gathered in the town square earlier today. He could see it from the window, even as he scribbled unspoken words on a pained letter. He had no idea as to what was taking place- but he knew that if this were to be done, it had to be that night.
The sky was dark. Night had fallen upon the city, and everyone he had come to know was slumbering underneath the comfort of their newly found homes.
Except for him.
His hands had already pressed the pulsating green button- there was no going back.
And what if she hadn't changed?
No. None of that now.
He needed one look. A moment.
There was no way to make the world stop, to freeze time so he could see what had happened to the woman he had come to love. But with the sun in its usual slumber, and with the world at bay, he knew that it would be now, or never.
The familiar ding of the recovery center fills Coiny's 'ears', and he hears the familiar thump of an object falling onto the ground. Did he fathom the severity of the situation- how crucial it was going to be to act normally, as if these mere moments were nothing but a distant thought? He must. He clenched his fists.
Everyone was asleep by now. The night air pricked against his copper surface, the moon now poised over the night sky as the stars twinkled ever so slightly amidst the gaping void of space. The lights within the laboratory were off, the usual hum of distant machinery now silenced as the two scientists had left for the night. It was just him. No one else.
Yet, if that were the case, why did it feel like the ghosts of the past were watching, burning damned holes into the tragic sinner before them?
His face began to burn. It was not pain- not particularly- but a hushed stinging that continued. Perhaps it was blush- or the rising anger that he had carried for an endless amount of time. He carefully brushed his hand against his cheek, failing to notice the tears that began to make their way down his face.
For the first time in these damned five weeks, he could feel the tension in his heart melting away at the sight of someone he had fallen for, seemingly ages ago. His hands trembled violently, twitching with the urge to reach towards the figure before him.
In one moment, the light had vanished.
In another, the Earth itself melted, and everything that surrounded her dried up to mere ash.
Act, act. act.
Her flesh had boiled, wounds ripping open like roasted vegetables, and any sound that attempted to escape from her mouth was scorched to dust.
This pain. Something she had never imagined before.
Blazing agony seared through her mind, the fires consuming every fragment of her being.
She was not alone.
She was never alone.
That voice had ruined her. Tainted her. Stained her with the blood of the objects she had come to love, oh so dearly.
Hell. She was trapped. Forever.
She fell to the ground.
And no matter how hard she tried.
The echo of that voice remained.
There was no beauty that could compare to the striking crimson hue of Pin's eyes.
Watching as they flickered open, a small glimmer illuminating the familiarity that brought a sense of ease to Coiny's heart. He nearly forgot the feeling itself, as he was used to swooning from every moment where his beloved had turned to look at him.
The thumbtack did not move. At least, when she heard his voice. She had been rocking back and forth, her nails digging into her head as her panicked breathing had snaked through the heavy air of the slumbering lab. There was an endless terror that looped around her mind, constricting it like a snake towards its prey. She was panicking; Coiny didn't want to make things worse by trying to get near her.
Thankfully, the sound of his voice was enough to bring her back.
He had silently wished for the courage to approach her. Seeing the scar that engraved itself over one of her eyes, and the marks that had made themselves present on her 'neck', were enough to make his heart drop to the soles of his feet.
Every second felt like an eternity, and the two would continue to stare at each other without a single word. Pin could feel her spirit being grounded to the present, guided by the familiar charm of those copper eyes of his, but with her mind now settling into the slumbering atmosphere of Yoyle City, she realized what had just taken place.
It was done. The future was set. Nothing could take them back.
And this alone made Pin's arms quiver.
Was there a need to reminisce on everything that had happened? The damage she had inflicted, the pain she had caused, the sensation of her true self slipping away into the grasps of...
Coiny watched as her shivering ensued once more, and noticing her hesitation, he spoke. "You're back..."
Was it Pin's imagination, or did Coiny's spirit brighten a little as he said those words? The damned silence ensued.
"I'm... We're alive?" Pin's body tensed up at the sound of her own voice. When was the last time she could recognize the words that slipped past her mouth?
Looking around, Coiny gave her a hesitant nod. "We're back. All of us."
He stepped towards her, the faint breeze from his movements slicing against her skin like switchblades. His pose was enough to make her cower, reminding her of where they had once left off. But her body continued to ache, and she knew that she couldn't stay tethered to the ground.
Inch by careful inch, Pin would draw herself back onto her feet. She couldn't help but feel angered at how scared she was- the bed had been made, and now she had to lie in it- but the thought of seeing the faces she had killed once more was like a burning meteorite in her throat.
Pin knew what awaited her- there was no doubting it- as every final moment of her former friends continued to loop in her mind like a broken record. Although she had come to accept the fury that he carried, Pin couldn't help but wish for Coiny to speak soft words of comfort. Yet, it couldn't be called a hope- as it was nothing more than a daydream, easing her and preparing her for the consequences of her actions.
Her actions...
It was never her.
Was it..?
Waves of pain ran hot and cold, hot and cold, over and over again within her body. Pin shook her head, letting her eyes gaze down upon her own hands.
No matter how hard she tried, she could still see the blood.
She was terrified of moving. Terrified of touching her own face, terrified of reaching towards her boyfriend, the angel that had once guided her through it all. Her body hadn't been her own in so long; she accepted the fact that she was a mere puppet to the voice that overtook her.
Was this really her?
If she felt his hand- would she break again?
Would this be it?
Death, is it her ultimate solace?
Everything changed.
And it was all because of her.
Coiny's voice. The gentle lull in a simple name.
Pin looked up. There he was- mere footsteps away from her. The last time she had seen him, her trowel had pierced through his heart, the life in his eyes draining with the blood from his body. Now, he looks clean and healthy, the scar on his chest serving as a pitiful reminder of their final moment together. He looked beautiful, Pin had to carefully rub her eyes to help her mind recognize him.
Yet, the corners of his mouth lifted into a smile. A smile so familiar, Pin could instantly recognize it, from the moment they had first met, to the moment they had shared their first kiss. When she sees this, he immediately flung his arms around the taller object, clutching her close to himself. Pin staggered back in shock, nearly losing her balance before she realized what he had done.
A hug. So simple, and silent. Yet, it carried the unspoken grievances that they had wished to exchange before it all.
She rights herself, and there the two stayed, clinging onto one another as Coiny's sobs began to echo in the quiet room. He nuzzles her cheek, taking in her warmth, yet she was stiff.
Don't you know? The thoughts pierced through her mind. Don't you know the danger you're in now? Don't you understand how angry they will be if they see you like this?
Act- no, I can't act. No. She's gone- she's GONE, she's not HERE-
Act. You have to act.
This is my brain-
It was hers.
Always hers.
It's mine-
Her mark is here forever.
No, its over, it has to be-
Forever will be hers.
Coiny's eyes opened, confused as Pin slowly pried herself off of him. His heart pounded against his chest, carefully trying to reach for the warmth of her hold, yet her clouded gaze was enough to make him freeze.
"What are you doing?" she murmurs.
"I had to bring you back. I needed to," Coiny says.
"What?" Pin questioned.
"I recovered you," he insists.
Her eyes began to fill with tears. "Why did you?"
"I couldn't leave you behind like that," Coiny said, tearfully. "I needed to bring you back- everyone got a chance to recover. That should go for you, too."
"Why me?" Her breaking voice was enough to crush Coiny's stomach from the sheer weight of his repressed emotions, such as sadness, anger, and fear. Longing, too. He couldn't hide that anymore- yet, it held too much of a competition to ever stand a winning chance.
Coiny watched as Pin wrapped her arms around herself, unused to the sensation of being alive. Time had merged into a boiling pot of reminiscence, as she was trapped with the constant memories of ending lives. She looked morose and pale, so different from the confident team captain that he had fallen in love with.
She was a complete opposite to the memory he had clung onto for months on end.
Tentatively, Coiny stepped towards her. "I want to help you."
"What about everyone else?" She asked. "Do you think they want to help me, too?"
The sharpness in her tone made Coiny dig his nails into his palm. Swallowing the sob that boiled in his throat, he looked up. "It doesn't matter."
"To you, maybe."
For a moment, his eyes held onto Pin's distressed pupils as her reply made his muscles freeze. But in the screen of the recovery center, he caught his own reflection staring back at him, his mouth open in dismay as he could feel himself slipping away.
Why was he scared? Pin was still there- arrogant, mean-spirited Pin, at least. He recognized that hostility anywhere, especially from the time they had spent together in the games. His mouth shuts, as he silently prayed that this could conceal the sudden anger that bubbled inside of him.
"You know- maybe you're right. I mean, how selfish could I be for bringing you back?" says Coiny, a twinge of pain in his voice. "I'm so sorry, Pin. I'm sorry that I cared too much."
"Coiny, can't you see what you've done?!" Pin shouted at him.
The copper coin shook his head, his anger radiating from his voice. "I can. And that decision is standing in front of me."
"You're a fool. Do you think they're going to be RELIEVED to see me?!"
"I am. Is that not enough?"
"Don't lie to me! It's all just-"
No, god no.
Pin clutched her head tightly, and seeing the sudden reaction from her made a twinge of worry pluck at Coiny's heartstrings. Carefully, he would reach towards her, trying to help her ground herself once more. But his efforts were futile, as she quickly stepped away from his reach, pressing herself against the wall of the recovery center.
"Why? Why did you bring me back?!" She croaked out, now unable to stop the fear that broke through the cracks of her voice. "Don't you know what's going to happen now?!"
"Everyone was recovered Pin. EVERYONE. That should have included you- and now you're getting mad at ME?!" He snaps.
"Trust me- I DO." Coiny lashed back, feeling his face kindling, heating up from mere frustration. "Me recovering you isn't a sign of my forgiveness. But that doesn't mean I should sit back and forget EVERYTHING we had together!"
"If that was true, you would have known that staying dead was BETTER!"
"And leaving you behind from living once more wasn't?!"
"Coiny! If the others find out about this- we're done for- I'M done for!" The collectiveness that Pin clung to collapsed like a pile of bricks, causing her to nosedive into the crater of panic. "I- what I did, to EVERYONE- wh-what she made me DO-"
Coiny's eyes widened, quickly cutting her off. "She?! Who's she?!"
"Can't you just LISTEN TO ME for ONCE?!"
"You're telling ME to listen?! Do you hear yourself right now?!"
Arguments. The two could feel their voices rising like a ship in the midst of a storm, trying to keep their voices low to prevent their sounds falling upon the wrong ears. But the more their words unveiled themselves, the more they began to slip, irritability and exasperation blinding their rationality.
"I don't know why you're being so stubborn, Pin!" Coiny gritted through his teeth. "Since when did you ever care about THE OTHERS here?!"
Taken aback, Pin could feel her heart being ripped in half. "Excuse me?!"
"It's true, isn't it?! I saw what you've done- YOU know what you did- not caring about ANYONE here besides that mint-forsaken garden. You killed EVERYONE we knew, including your best friends. So why are you still trying to pretend, when we KNOW who you really are?!"
"...Pretend?" The gentle yet weakened sound of Pin's voice was enough to wash Coiny's mind with a wave of realization. Looking up, his heart sunk into the void of his chest as he noticed the crystalline tears that slipped down her cheeks.
Now he's done it! Digging a deeper hole into the grounds of regret. If she had even a ghost of luck, Pin would brush it off, reducing his words to a mere outburst. But the expression in her eyes was enough to say otherwise, squeezing every last breath out of Coiny's throat. What will she do to him now? Take him away? Turn him in? Take the first swing before the destined torture that lays before her? For Goiky's sake- what was he THINKING?
Pin's gaze fell to the ground. Great- did it even matter now? It wasn't like he was going to save her- nor forgive her- at all. She knew how everyone would react; locking her up and finding a way to inflict all their pain onto her. Who cares what they would do to her? She lost control. That voice overtook her spirit, and it was her who clenched the trowel. Death was out of the option- killing her wouldn't be enough. Would they kill Coiny? Punish him too? Why? What did they care?
Taking a deep breath, Pin turned her head away. "I'm going to be the one facing the consequences- the one who suffers and pays the price of everything that happened."
"Pin.." Coiny whispered. The thumbtack clutched her arms tightly, sniffling ever so silently as she continued to speak.
"Yes, everyone else was killed. But I was not. Bubble was the one who put an end to everything I had done- everything she had done. This was a terrible idea Coiny, I killed everyone in Yoyle City. Our friends. Even Fries..." she shut her eyes, quickly composing herself. "At the end of the day, I'm a monster. Even if I try to explain what she did- it was still me who did it."
"What she did.." Confusion ate away at Coiny's mind, unsure at what she was trying to say. Was there something that influenced it all? Something nobody knew about? "Pin-"
"I know you were trying to be nice, but... at the end of the day, I'm still dead. Dead to everyone around me- and, physically dead, when they find me. Did you want this? Did you bring me back just to see me suffer like this?"
The amount of pain that Coiny was in could never be described. He thought that this would have helped. He dreamt that it would help him find some sort of ease in the sea of grief that he was downing in. But hearing Pin's words made him step forward, latching onto Pin's shivering arms.
His mere touch comforted her, as the shivering began to die down. Yet the words circled in Coiny's brain, and he couldn't help but ask.
"Did our relationship mean nothing to you, Pin..? Do you really think I'd let that happen to you?!"
Pin's hands gripped tighter at her own sides. Even as Coiny's hands cupped over hers, she couldn't hold back the sob that swelled in the center of her throat, her body twitching as her regret spilled out in front of him.
How could she forget? She remembered how much of a sweetheart he was- swooning and praising her as the two went about in their daily lives. His charm was unmatched, making his love towards her clear with every passing day.
Despite everything he had to experience- everything he had seen- he risked it all, just to bring her back.
Choking on a sob, Pin would weakly reply to the coin-creature, who carefully held her steady.
"...No, I-... I know you wouldn't.." She whispered, the fear now returning to her. She struggled to keep her mind together- and soon it became clear that she was struggling to keep her anxiety from turning into nausea as she let her arms loosen in Coiny's hold.
His quiet words of comfort tuned out from Pin's mind, her nerves morphing into dread and terror as she began to anticipate the break of dawn. The moment the sun rises, everyone rises- if any eyes dared to spot her here, she would be dead. Gone. Not able to escape the hands of fate once more. Her fingers find comfort in tracing over Coiny's hand, reminding her to try and understand what he had going on in that mind of his. But he notices this, frowning.
"..We still have time," He whispers. "We can-.. talk.. you can tell me what you-"
A shake of her head, and his words come to a stop. There was nothing more that they could do now. Coiny's love clashed against his anger and confusion at everything she had done, yet Pin was struggling to decide whether to throw in the towel, or defend what she had been forced to do.
Carrying the weight of what has been done, the two were scornful. Nothing could forgive the harm that was carried out, no matter how they felt towards one another. He would make that clear for the rest of his damned life, if he must. But their hearts had become intertwined, their flames flickering and dancing amongst one another with the ghosts of their former selves. What they had built and nourished together was too much to let go.
But it was too soon.
And while one of them could see it... the other desperately tried to look away.
"Pin." The sound of Coiny's voice made those enchanting eyes of hers meet his own. He carefully lowered her arms, leaning closer towards the sound of her voice as their faces were mere inches away from one another.
Those crimson eyes- how it grounded him to reality. But, he looked down.
"..You know you can't be here."
Pin flinched, hesitating to pull away. "...I know."
Quiet. Hushed melodies of the night kept the aching silence at bay, the two standing with their hands interlocked within one another. Every second that passed clicked a piece into the puzzle of the future, laying down a path that both would have to eventually face, separately.
And the words that slipped free from Coiny's lips fell hard into his soul. He didn't want this- mint knows he never wanted it to be this way- but there was his anger, his frustration still seething in the center of his chest. He didn't want that to affect her.
But he didn't want to let go.
"We need space." Pin whispered, carefully loosening the grip on his hand as she pulled away. "I have to hide from the others."
"No.." Coiny couldn't stop the word as it came out in a mere whisper.
"You said it yourself. It's... I can't be seen here. I can't."
"Pin, please- a-at least let me help you. Let me find a way to get you out safely, I-" Tears flooded his vision, his voice growing more foreign as grief overtook him. "I don't want you to-"
"Coiny, we have to do this."
"It's killing me to let you go..!"
"We both don't want to do this, I know that now. Please believe me when I say that." Pin wiped her eyes, taking tiny steps away from the coin. "But you have to understand that we need this."
"I..." Letting the tears fall, Coiny looked down at his hands. They shook with unease, the pain of this unwinding future poisoning him with many unfortunate realizations; one of them being about letting her go.
But those scars served as a reminder. Pin knew it as much as he did. Every time her eyes fell upon them, a wave of guilt would crash against her, dragging her below the ocean of shame that she waded through. She loved him- loved him beyond death itself- but she knew that she didn't deserve him.
She loved him. But she never deserved someone like him. And the thought alone made her heart lurch with agony, as she realized now that her next steps would be the start of a grueling journey of survival.
With the sky now beginning to glow into a faint yellow, they knew that their time together was dwindling. The conversations that they wished to exchange with one another were now forced back into the shelves of their thoughts, yet the look in their eyes made it clear that neither of them were prepared for what came next.
It was this, or Pin's eternal torment. Coiny had hoped to force a third option in its way, but reality crushed him back into the pit of reality. And boy, did it hurt.
He couldn't stop the tears as they poured like a kitchen faucet. He stared at the woman before him, the faint memory of the Pin he had envisioned slowly fading away into the night sky.
She had to go.
She wasn't safe here.
Oh, how he wished he could at least stay with her.
It became too much for Pin. She pulled her hands away, holding her head as her eyes would come to a painful close. She drowned in sorrow, forever damning that voice for controlling her to do the unthinkable, for destroying the good that had come out of this game.
Would they meet again..?
At least, keep them in each other's thoughts. Would that be enough? Was it too much to ask for?
The quiet sounds of daybreak were beginning to pour into the lab. The sky grew lighter, as the two solemnly made their way up the stairs, staring at the horizon before them. The sun was moments shy of finally breaking through, and they had to make a move.
Out of the corner of Pin's eye, she watched as Coiny extended his hand, that damned scar looped around his wrist like a cursed bracelet. She glanced towards him, uncertainty tainting her aching soul.
"One more- before you go..?" He asks. His voice wasn't angry. Nor was it hopeful. It's hollow, and it crushed her heart. In the blink of an eye, her partner in crime- her right hand man- was slipping through her hold.
She took his hand, squeezing it gently, taking in the softness of his palms as he carefully leaned up, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek. Her head stayed high, seemingly accepting the new life she would have to live out in the Forest- but she couldn't help but silently fear the moment where she would have to let go.
Days Later...
"Now, you're gonna have to throw like this."
"Hmmf- you have to use more of your shoulder! Watch me."
Bracing his arm into the air, Snowball hoisted the boulder over his shoulder with a soft grunt. He clenched his teeth, giving himself a quick swing before forcefully throwing the giant stone into the air and out of the backyard that they stood in. Grassy, whose curiosity twinkled in his eyes, observed the larger object's movements, making mental notes on the trick he had aimed to teach him. Whirling through the air, the boulder crashed into the grounds of a nearby office building, the impact blowing a cloud of dust in its every direction. Had the city been occupied (like it had been in the distant past), perhaps someone could have stomped out, angered by the sudden disruption of their daily routine.
Not even the souls of the past lingered near, as a silence blanketed through the air once more. Brushing his hands free from any dirt, the ball of snow would turn to face the smaller object, a mischievous smile on his face.
"If you can throw like that," he proclaimed. "You'll be able to throw the others around in no time!"
"Grassy thinks he can do it!" Grassy's blades wriggled with excitement, quickly running around the taller one as he tried to find something he could throw. Snowball rolled his eyes, smiling and quickly following the younger object.
"Now, hold on- let me find something that you can-"
"Grassy thinks this will do!"
To his dismay, Grassy pointed towards a large chunk of metal that laid on the other side of the house. It was more scrap if anything, but from his guess, it could have belonged to a vehicle of some sort- that, or a piece of a building that had been weathered off.
Snowball crossed his arms. "Think you can pick it up?" he asked, turning towards the bundle of grass with a quick up and down glance. Grassy smiled, making his way towards the metal, giving it a quick knock. The cold surface pricked at Grassy's hand, serving as a mere reminder of the changing seasons that they had arrived upon.
It didn't take him too long to ultimately grab the piece with both hands. Within the blink of an eye, Grassy hoisted the large chunk into the air, quickly hoisting it over his shoulder as he kept Snowball's previous movements in his mind. A swing, a huff, and a smile, and the metal was soon thrown into the air, quickly flying towards the direction of the abandoned office building.
The sound of shattering glass echoed through the streets. Flinching, Grassy quickly held his ears, not realizing that the piece of metal had broken into the old facility; Snowball, on the other hand, was over the moon at the sight. He clapped, quickly going over to give a celebratory pat on the back to the bundled grass.
"Now THAT was a good throw." He cackled, kneeling down to his level. "You're a fast-learner, kid! I gotta say- you're starting to impress me."
"Grassy wants to impress so he can ex- exss... exsssuh... uh.." Grassy's words began to trail off, his mouth curling with confusion at the pronunciation of the foreign word.
Catching onto this, Snowball raised an eyebrow. "Excel?"
"Grassy wants to excel!" His smile brightened with Snowball's help, tilting his head up to face the other object. "Grassy has to catch up on all his funny doings!"
"Did Blocky teach you all of his tricks?"
"Mm-hm! The one with the lake is super funny!"
"What- with Firey's recovery center?"
"Yes! Grassy wants to be like Blocky- he wants to make his own funny-doings one day!"
"And I think he's doing a fantastic job!" The sudden voice made the two look up, their gaze immediately falling onto the wooden block. He walked over, a smile painted onto his face from the conversation that fell onto his 'ears'. In an instant, a gasp would burst from Grassy's mouth, springing into the air and running straight towards Blocky for a big hug.
"BLOCKY!!" Grassy squealed. Blocky's arms lifted in surprise, the sudden contact nearly throwing him off, but a laugh bubbled from his throat as he wrapped his arms around the green object, scooping him up. Grassy made sure to be careful- as the bruises on Blocky's body were still recovering, and that eye of his was still recovering from the blow that hit him.
"Hey there, kiddo! Having fun with Snowball?" He asked, carefully containing the excited movements of the little one. Grassy nodded, happily looking up.
"He's been doing pretty well with my lessons." Snowball interjected, smiling as he nudged Blocky on the arm. "He's learning after the best, after all!"
Hearing the words from his closest friend made a smile rise on Blocky's face. He shook his head, laughing quietly as he hoisted the object onto the top of his head, letting him sit on his surface as he got a greater view of the world around him. His curiosity was endless. After being trapped in the TLC for so long, he had nearly forgotten the sweet sense of freedom; the thrill that buzzed through his veins when he stood in a new world, ripe for discovery.
Grassy was over the moon at his newly found freedom. And with Blocky, Snowball, Basketball, and Robot Flower by his side, he realized that a new beginning awaited his brand new family.
Of course, life found a way to interfere with the younger object's vision. He knew that the others around him had to "get to work"- it was what the older objects did, after all- yet, this would bring a dash of sadness into his heart, with his family now becoming stuck in their own work and projects.
He wanted them all to stay together! To grow together, to become a team and have as much fun as they could, all as a family!
But with Basketball working in the lab, and Blocky being busy with his new funny-doing planning, he was often left under Snowball's care. Grassy couldn't complain. He taught him a lot of fun stuff, even teaching him how to stand up for himself when he was getting teased! Yet, there would be times where Blocky would take Snowball with him, and Grassy would be left with another face from the TLC group.
It was beginning to get to him, as a quiet loneliness would tug at his mind, his blades drooping ever so slightly at the thought. Blocky could feel the sudden drop in the kid's attitude, his eyes lifting to meet his gaze.
"You okay there, kid?" he asked. When his hand lifted to the sky, Grassy hesitantly clutched it, his tiny hands pulling Blocky's close to himself. From the hold alone, Blocky could tell that something was bothering the kid.
"Grassy just thinks that he's.. very lonely." The younger object rasped out, quickly averting the gaze of the two boys before him. "Blocky works a lot on his funny doings... and Basketball works every day in the science muse-... mooose.."
"Everyone works a lot. And Grassy gets sad.."
Playfully, Snowball would reach over, ruffling the kids blades with a smile. "What- are you not enjoying the time you spend with the coolest guy in the world?!"
The bundle of grass couldn't help but giggle from the contact, quickly shaking his head. "No! Grassy loves Snowball's funny doings, too! Grassy just wants... hmm..."
Admitting the truth was hard for him, he had to give it that. Grassy was thankful to have awesome objects to take care of him and be by his side, but at the end of the day, they each had their own lives and responsibilities to cater to. Time was incapable of ever stopping for a chance to savor in the moment, and in the end-
"Grassy feels lonely... he needs a friend."
A mere sentence that made the younger one look down, shame hanging over his head. He never wanted to complain, or make anyone feel bad about this- but when everyone was off doing their own things, he wanted to at least have someone he could play with, someone else who could make cherished memories with.
Snowball raised an eyebrow at the kid's statement. "You have a friend right here."
"Dude." Blocky immediately cut him off, glaring daggers towards him. Confused, Snowball would let his eyes glance around, raising his arms in defense at his sudden harshness.
"What?" He asked, keeping his voice low. "What did I say?!"
For someone as cool as him, Snowball was painfully unaware of himself. Being one of his best friends made Blocky understand that rather quickly, yet it wasn't something that bothered him before. The moment they had all met (being Snowball, Pen, Eraser and himself), he embraced the fragments that made them who they were, flaws and all. It was their friendship that made his life a blast to go through.
Yet, hearing the kid admit the loneliness that he was trapped in felt like shards of glass piercing through his mind. Grassy was an absolute joy to have around (especially when he realized that a Funny Doings Jr. was on the rise), but in the end, he was still his own person; someone who deserved to make his own friends and memories, just like Blocky.
Tentatively pulling his hand away, Blocky would gently lift the smaller object off from his head, despite his weakened attempts to make him let go. He wrapped his arms around him, his gaze falling onto the wriggling bundle of grass.
"C'mon' buddy," He began. "Why didn't you tell me sooner..?"
"Grassy was scared." The younger one murmured.
"Grassy didn't want to upset Blocky... o-or Snowball.. or Basketball- or Robot Flower!" His head lifted, revealing the worry that flooded in his soul. "Grassy loves everyone, he doesn't wanna make anyone sad!"
"Who said you were making anyone sad? Grassy- the fact that you had to hide this is enough to make me worry!" Blocky's words made Grassy wince with guilt.
"G-Grassy's sorry..."
All Blocky could do was hug him closer, hushing him underneath his breath. "No no. There's no need to be sorry."
"Blocky's right! You gotta stand up for yourself kid- looks like I gotta teach you more ways to fight." Snowball interjected, tapping his chin in thought. Blocky couldn't help but roll his eyes at his best friend, before he looked down, speaking once more.
"You deserve a chance to be heard, Grassy. I promise. The fact that you opened up to me was enough to show just how much of a brave object you can be.
"Brave..?" Grassy whispered.
"That's right. You're already on the path of an honorary Funny-Doer, if I do say so myself!"
Relief bloomed in Blocky's soul as he watched that familiar, child-like smile return to Grassy's face. Snowball would nod in agreement, crossing his arms triumphantly.
"You're gonna go so far, Grassy." He smiled, raising his fist into the air. "I can see it now- you'll be plowing through the rest of these losers with NOTHING standing in your way!"
Grassy couldn't help but giggle at the thought. His blades curled and waved excitedly, as Blocky would kneel down, placing him back onto the ground with his hands clasping gently onto his shoulders. This is how they stay for mere seconds, their eyes soon catching on to one another.
Pride wasn't enough to describe how Blocky felt. Seeing the joy and excitement glowing in Grassy's green eyes were enough to enliven that heart of his. Empathy was never something Blocky carried, but when the kid first came across his sight in the TLC, something told him that his life would soon flip for the better.
For Grassy, it was no different. A hidden wisdom was buried deep within his fath- his FRIEND'S gaze. But that recklessness and chaotic energy still thrived, and it was enough to make Grassy stand up, staring in awe at the object before him.
"Snowball's right. You've got such a spark to you, buddy- and that is going to get you farther than you could ever imagine. But for now, I want to help you get some fun memories of your own!" He reassured, watching as Grassy looked up.
"You mean.."
"In fact- you had me thinking... there's a little someone in Bozo Brain Bossy-Bot's lab, someone who might need another person to play with." Blocky smiled, giving Grassy a gentle nudge on his arm. "You think you'd like to make a new friend while Snowball and I work?"
In an instant, the younger object sprang in excitement, his hands fluttering rapidly as he grinned. "Grassy likes new friends! Let's go!"
Golfball had no idea as to what she should do with her life.
The brief feeling of home and comfort she had found with Tennis Ball had perished, sinking beneath the tainted soils around them. Her legs aimlessly work, wandering left and right, measuring chemicals and compounds, or tinkering with the machinery that had grown so foreign to her. Hours pass blindly, the sun rising and falling as time dwindled away into the gaping void within her mind.
She never got to save the others.
She failed.
She wouldn't ever admit it, no- but the mere thought was a parasite, draining her of every ounce of energy she had.
Turning, she grabbed a notebook, silently flipping through its pages. She wasn't upset. She wasn't sad, not even angered. The emotions that once settled in the core of her being had long vanished, being replaced with the eventual migraines that would crack through her aching skull.
Once every recovery was completed, the realization that the future was a blank slate disturbed her. She had everything laid out perfectly, a plan for every scenario, twist and turn that life could possibly throw at them. But all of her knowledge was muted, buried beneath the garden of nightmares that plagued her very soul. No matter what she tried- sleeping, resting, lazing- that knowledge of hers doesn't materialize. It was all still in there, only muted by what she could perceive, as emotions.
So now, here she was. Blankly working the hours away to try and surface those familiar facts that she carried with her. The sports ball's ability to do the simplest of things were lost; giving herself a list of blank commands that would lead her through each second.
Grab the wire. Drill the pieces together. Fill the beaker with C9H8O4. She works with rigid movements, her pace as slow as a sloth. Measure the molecular weight, Golfball.
Rarely anyone has seen her. More often than not, she can overhear the conversations that are being held outside, the fresh minds of undamaged contestants going about their day and finding new adventures to hold. If anything, their actions are nothing short of arrogant. They're going about their day as if nothing is wrong, as if something horrifying DIDN'T happen to their peers! It brings a flicker of anger to her soul, but it dissipates as she sinks back into her work.
Nevermind. There was the flicker once more.
"What is it." She spats out robotically, not bothering to turn towards the larger sports ball behind her. Tennis Ball frowned, hesitantly tapping his foot on the ground at the tone of her voice.
"W-Well... It's been- a while since you've gotten some proper sleep-"
"Slept two days ago."
"Two days- Golfball, that's not good! What are you even doing?!"
Oh no, he thought to himself. She's doing it all over again...
"Hey- how about we step outside for a little bit?" Tennis Ball suggested, gently stepping to the side. "It's pretty warm today- 12.8 degrees, fare- I mean, celsius!"
"But what about-"
"I am busy." The smaller scientist grit through her teeth, not thinking twice about the attitude that came off of herself. "Now stop asking me."
"Golfie, please- you're burning yourself out!"
"Go away, TB."
"But I can't just-"
"GO!" The sudden yell that burst from her was enough to make her flinch. It's echoes pierced through her skull, practically activating a new migraine to ruin her day.
Great. Just great.
She shut her eyes, adjusting her glasses as she tried to keep the little grains of composure she had, not giving her lab partner a single glance. Ruining it all, as always- life didn't have to prove that to her.
Tennis Ball stared, grimacing at the state that his girlfriend was in. He knew just how stubborn she could be, as this all happened before, when things simply seemed out of the ordinary. Of course, it was before it all went downhill, and Tennis Ball had the strength to comfort her, and get that rationality back into her mind.
But now, things were becoming serious. She no longer spared a passing glance, ignoring both him and Rocky when they tried to confront her. Those eyes that he had fallen for, so long ago, were now glued to the inventions and chemical solutions before her, despite the exhaustion that strained them.
Once she began to jot down some notes, Tennis Ball sulked, trudging out of the room in defeat. He passed by the room that the two had once shared, a room where the ghosts of their former selves could be seen conversing and sleeping; past the break room, where the table was littered with mugs and food wrappers, and once he passed Rocky's door, his sight fell upon the main room- the recovery center still in its spot, and Basketball looking through a closet filled with beakers and tools.
He cleared his throat. Looking up, the orange sports ball would walk over, frowning at the saddened aura from her cousin.
"How's she holding up..?" She asked. Tennis Ball shook his head, his eyes locked onto the ground. "Is she still not listening...?"
"She hasn't slept for two days." He whispered.
"Gosh- TB, how on Earth did you get with someone so uncompromising?? You're the complete opposite of her!"
Tennis Ball pouted. "That never mattered to me."
"Well, did she say anything this time around?"
"She just told me she was busy... working on- whatever she's working on."
The tears forming in Tennis Ball's eyes were enough to make Basketball step to his side, carefully helping him take a seat at a nearby table.
"We just need some more time," she assuaged, her gaze falling upon him. "I made some more progress today- we can see if this compound could work for the capsules you have.."
"I don't think anything will work at this point. After all- I... I'm not the inventor, here." He murmured. "Whatever I make, falls apart. Sure, Golfball is here- but she won't listen."
"Tennis Ball..."
"I thought I finally had a chance to- be more with her... to be more than a lab partner- MORE than friends. Before everything, I knew what to do, and somehow it had worked out. We pulled through it all, together." Tears began to break past the corners of his eyes, yet Tennis Ball didn't care. He turned his head when Basketball tried to hand him a tissue.
"But weeks after we started off, WEEKS after I had the courage to actually kiss her- we were both killed. And now, I don't know what she sees me as anymore. I've tried helping her through everything, but with Rocky under our wing, I'm scared that I'm not helping them enough."
"And now, you don't have to strain yourself anymore." Basketball affirmed, gently picking up a box of tissues and placing them on the table. "Not only are you all back- but we're here to help in any way that we can."
Frowning, Tennis Ball gazed towards her. "..and what about Golfie... do you think she doesn't want to-.. be with me anymore..?"
"I dunno- who was the one she returned to when she recovered?"
"And who was the one who got her to calm down after every nightmare she's had?"
Basketball rolled her eyes at her cousin's silence. "Exactly. She cares about you- stop trying to tell yourself otherwise."
"But what about Rocky? I've been so busy trying to help her, that-"
A loud crash suddenly cut her words off. Startled, the two scientists whirled around to face the staircase, where a piece of metal was slammed into the floor. For a moment, Basketball swore it looked like a fragment of some sort of ship, but the impact from it being thrown caused a few screws to fly loose, one hitting Robot Flower on the side of her head.
"OW!" Her mechanical voice glitched as she whirled around, placing her hands on her hips. "What was THAT for?!"
"It wasn't us- ack, are you okay?!" Basketball rushed over, carefully checking on her lab partner's body. The robot couldn't help but freeze, letting her take a good look at herself, before she shook her head, letting her hands fall onto Basketball's 'shoulders', quickly reassuring the scientist that all was fine.
Tennis Ball couldn't help but notice this, a small smirk growing on his face when he caught the blush that was forming on his cousins' face. All the while, laughter would fill the room, diverting his attention as three objects made their way down the stairs.
"Now THAT'S what I can an entrance!"
"You're killing it, Grassy!"
"Grassy thinks he can do better!!"
Just a few words, and Basketball whirled around at the sound of Grassy's voice. "OMP- Grassy?!"
"Basketball!!" Soon, the bundle of grass would hop from the final step, practically leaping onto the woman's back. She let Grassy climb onto the top of her head, pouting as she quickly pieced the scene together. "Blocky. Snowball. What was THAT?!"
"Just a little funny-doing practice! You know how the kid can be- he wanted to try something new today!" Blocky replied nonchalantly, crossing his arms with a small shrug.
"And what kind of prank involves THROWING A MACHINE down the stairs?!"
Without thinking, Blocky's eyes slid towards Snowball. It wasn't intended, but instantly, the other object quickly raised his hands in defense.
"What?! The kids' got strength- he's gotta put it to good use!"
Giggling, Grassy would snuggle on the top of Basketball's head, listening to the jabber that was going back and forth between the three. His mind was already blowing away with the wind, and thankfully so, as Basketball stomped towards the two with anger running through her veins.
"You two need to be careful," She began. "These pranks are getting out of hand!"
"These are called, "Funny-Doings", Basketball. And they're harmless!"
"He threw a ship down the STAIRS."
"I know! Pretty cool, right?"
An exasperated sigh broke through her mouth. "I'm starting to think you two are bad influences for him..."
"HAH! Us?!" Snowball cackled. "If anything, you're a bad influence- you're just a weak armless LOSER who's too much of a wimp to TRY and defend herself!"
Oh. Robot Flower had to hold her back for that one- Basketball could practically feel the anger boiling through her chest like a steaming pot. She never understood why Grassy clung onto these two brutes- they were the LAST objects that could ever care for a child. She was surprised that Grassy hadn't gotten hurt from a prank yet!
But the way his eyes would gleam towards the two of them- she could tell that they meant the world to him, and she wouldn't dare question it. Besides, the four had agreed that they would help each other out with the little one, as the work that was left in Yoyle City was too important to leave behind.
Glaring at the ball of snow, Basketball would blink as a pair of metal hands would lie on her side gently.
"Easy." Robot Flower's voice would soothe Basketball, much like the first beam of sunshine after a storm. She would almost lean into the metal palms of her lab part-...
Shaking her head, Basketball would turn towards the wooden cube, much to RF's confusion. "Blocky- Grassy could get himself hurt from all of this. What if he fell down the stairs from throwing that thing?"
"Hey, he DIDN'T!" Smirking, Blocky would place a finger on her forehead, tapping at it with every syllable that he spoke. "You gotta relax, B-Ball; that stress is getting to you!"
"Hey! I'm helping out too, y'know!" Robot Flower butted in, stepping towards the shorter object. The sudden firmness from her made Blocky chuckle, simply glancing back up at her.
"Helping?" He mumbled. "I almost mistook you for a piece of scrap."
"Didn't you get beaten up by a literal bubble days ago?"
"Grassy wants to meet the friend!" The cheerfulness in Grassy's tone made the three look up. His blades were curling and swaying endlessly, even as Robot Flower would scoop him up from Basketball's head, carefully placing him in the center of the group. Blocky, of course, continued to glare at the robotic clone, unamused by the snarky comment she had made before.
"Friend?" The robot asked, her head tilting. "What friend?"
"Blocky said there's a new friend in the lab! Grassy wants to meet him!!"
She wasn't sure as to who he was referring to, at first. Robot Flower was still trying to remember the names of those who were recovered, and from the looks of it, there wasn't anyone in the lab (besides the two sports balls) that he would be excited to know. Yet, for Basketball, it immediately clicked in her mind; quickly turning to face Tennis Ball, who was also overhearing the conversation.
"Do you mean Rocky?" Tennis Ball stood up, making his way towards the three. Rocky perked up at the name, happily waving his hands toward the larger scientist.
"Rocky!" He exclaimed. "Grassy wants to meet Rocky!"
The quiet hum of a stranger would make Grassy blink. Confused, the group would watch as the bundle of grass would whirl his head, quickly looking for the source of the sudden voice.
He knew aun- Golfball- was working. He could hear Basketball talking about it And Tennis Ball was right here with everyone else! So who could be...
A pair of grey pupils suddenly made him gasp. There- right in the doorway that led to the other rooms in the lab- there was someone that was hiding behind the door frame, peeking out every now and then at the sudden noise that erupted from the room.
The eyes that peeked over the corner made Grassy tilt his head. There was a quiet hesitancy that came from the stranger- one that Grassy saw as shyness.
It was okay though- he was shy too sometimes!
Stepping forward, Grassy tilted his head curiously as he spotted the tip of a rock tilting out from the doorway. He immediately relaxes, a smile blooming on his face. He had heard about the little one before- always vomiting left and right with a smile on his face. How could he have forgotten?
"Hi Rocky!" The bundle of grass let the words slip free, rocking himself on the soles of his feet.
A few seconds pass without a response. Then a familiar gray eye edges over the doorway, blinking at the mention of his name.
Grassy smiled. "Rocky... Is that right?"
Rocky hesitated, his eyes nervously lifting to meet Tennis Ball's gaze. Smiling, the sports ball would nod, giving him the gentle reassurance he needed to try and get out of his shell once more. Seeing this would ease the remaining tension in the little one's soul, soon giving the green object a nod in return.
To his surprise, Grassy would approach him, giving him a friendly wave before he spoke.
"I'm Grassy!"
"Oh you've got to be kidding me- ANOTHER armless wimp?!"
"Can it, Snowball."
call me GB because my eyesight is getting worse!
hi! the sillies. The goofy. Happy chapter for a happy day. I hope everyone is doing well today.
my last spring break ever is in a week. I'm so ready for that. But, honestly... not much to say today. I do hope you guys enjoy, I HOPE Scarlet's Bloom is living up to Fear Garden's name.
just one more chapter until.... well actually, next chapter will resume the suffering. scratch that.
seeya next time!
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