'Alright... where did we leave off, darling?~'
Recess was called.
'Aha! That's right... don't forget Lollipop's eyeball there! Such a pretty shade of purple..'
Can we just get back into remembering, here.
'Okay, okay....'
"I HATE walking!! How far is this place supposed to be..?!"
"That's because of the storm that's headed this way Bracelety! Let's just hurry up and see what they were losing their minds over!"
"Bracelety. Bracelety. At this point- you should know that I hate being told what to do."
"No no no. I'm gonna stop you right there and tell you- I don't CARE about what they have to say. The reason you and I are doing this is to find Bubble and Ice Cube. That's it."
"As much as I hate the forest... I wouldn't blame them if they did. The darkness hides anything out here... a little too well."
"...I don't think so, Bracelety. I-.."
"OW! I HATE IT when you yell out of the blue, Bracelety- ugh, my ear!"
"I could give less of a- wait, what do you mean by 'flying away'..?"
"Do you hear yourself right now?!"
"Come on- we need to keep following this trail! They must've FOUND SOMETHING!"
An eternity, spent yearning. Hoping. Wishing to see the one she had rooted for, after all this time.
No walls separated them any longer.
She was here now.
It was like she promised.
She was-
Her name slithers to her in the form of a petrified whisper.
She wanted to look at Fanny. Her body ached to turn and get the familiar, reassuring gaze from her newly found friend.
But her eyes stayed. Locked. Cemented, on the-
"Is that..."
A hand.
Hands, left and right- blossoming before them, their fingers swaying ever so lifelessly, caught in the currents of the haunting forest.
Peeling her gaze away, Bracelety struggled to cling onto Fanny's gaze- or anything surrounding her. The scent of blood and decay overpowered her 'nostrils', and a sharp gasp from the electrical fan tugged at her attention.
"What is this..?" she whispered.
A hush.
There was blood. Flesh, protruding from the bushes of mesmerizing flowers and fresh mountains of dirt.
Could this even be named a garden? A macabre reality, painting itself amongst the two, with the lifeless corpses of familiar faces scattered amongst the remains. Although their expressions silently wailed the agony they endured mere months ago, their mutilated bodies trailed around the center, guiding both Fanny and Bracelety's gaze to its center.
Once her gaze brushed amongst the blue, bloodied body, Bracelety froze. The others were beginning to gather, their footsteps frantically echoing amongst the trees. Words were said- but all that filled the bracelet's mind was the numbing terror at, what should've been, her first reunion with her beloved.
She knew where Fanny's eyes were. No point in turning for the, now nonexistent, reassurance. Bracelety stared at the carved ice cube, the pile of ice carvings mixed within a damning coat of months old blood.
Her eyes were open, but they saw nothing before them. They were dull, pale, and her mouth, upturned into a slight smile. Blood stained her lips, and it took her a moment to notice the shattered teeth fragments that laid on her lap.
Next to her laid Bubble, her arm outstretched to hold her friend as close as she could. The soap bubble's crystalline body was left untouched, yet the gashes on her arm revealed bloody smiles, the white of the bone stabbing through their line of sight.
Their search had finally come to an end. Yet, the bracelet and electrical fan slowly turned towards one another, their words trapped in the deepest pit of their terrified souls.
Snap out of it.
Get out of there. Go- run. Do something.
We can't stay here.
A plug tail slapped against Bracelety's arm, snapping the object back from the prison of her own mind.
Even with the rushing tension from the trial, Fanny knew that her friend- well... acquaintance- had the tendency to let her mind rise above the clouds, trailing her farther and farther from the reality that both were cemented within. It grew more frequent once they broke free from the prison that was the TLC, yet she never understood what went on behind those eyes of hers.
Confused, Bracelety rubbed the cloudiness from her eyes, noticing that they were at the steps of the lab's entrance. "W-WAIT... WEREN'T WE-"
"Pencil kicked us out for now," Fanny uttered with an eye roll. "Told me she needed to talk with the 'highest members of the jury' about their next batch of suspects. I hate how ridiculous this trial is- seems like they're taking nothing SERIOUSLY here!"
"CAN WE BLAME THEM?" Bracelety exclaimed, "YOU REMEMBER HOW EVERYONE REACTED TO THE NEWS- IT'S HARD ENOUGH TO TRY AND KEEP CALM ABOUT THIS WHEN THERE'S A TROWEL-WAVING MANIAC ON THE LOOSE!" Positioning her arms in the air, she waved them around, wildly pretending to stab at the air surrounding them.
As stupid as Fanny found it to be, it couldn't help but bring a smile on her face. "Alright, that's enough. Let's get some fresh air- the tension back there was killing me."
The two let out a burst of hushed giggling, quietly enjoying the company that they each had amongst one another. At some points in the course of the past few months, there was a hushed guilt that poked at their hearts- questioning if their newly found friendship was worth growing, as it was planted beneath the roots of a haunting tragedy in the city.
Hell, Fanny knew how bad it had gotten to the both of them. Bracelety still wasn't able to recall what happened on the day they discovered their girlfriends.
But even through these hardships, they both had each other. And as much as Fanny hated to admit it- that was what truly mattered.
Both objects begin making their way through the city, wandering the endless maze of twists and turns as they pass one abandoned building after another. At her every gaze, Fanny's mind found itself trailing back to her girlfriend- making plans to visit every spot that captured her interest; once this all passed, of course.
The muscles in Fanny's jaw clenched, catching Bracelety's passing glance as they walked by an abandoned manufacturing plant. "YOU OKAY?" she asked, making the other girl jump.
"Just... thinking about Bubble."
Her uttered words make the others head tilt. "WHAT ABOUT HER?"
"I thought her nightmares were finally leaving her alone... It's been ages since she's had her last- well... breakdown..." Fanny's eyes fell to the sidewalk, "...But for the past few weeks... She's been growing more- agitated..? Scared..? I dunno- and I hate not knowing!"
"YOU DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO KNOW," Bracelety replied.
"I should- especially after everything she's gone through! I promised her we'd meet again once we were out of that stupid box- but we all know how that ended!"
"...I DON'T."
Oh. Right.
Shaking her head, Fanny used her tail to give the other object a soft pat. No words were needed to console the other, as she returned the gesture with her usual, toothy grin.
Despite her bitterness, the electrical fan trusted Bracelety- as did she- to the point where both had the freedom to comfortably express their concerns. It may have started out with the mutual fear of their lovers' well-being back when they were trapped, but with time passing- she began to feel as if airing her concerns with the other might be enough to ease the aching tension in her heart.
But this was Bracelety. A labeled loud-mouth by the others, someone who wasn't afraid to defy against any obstacle that stood in her way. She was one of the objects who fought day and night to bust out of the TLC- and if Fanny chose to open up about Bubble, there was a slight chance that the news could spread.
She already overheard the accusations that brewed up back in the lab- the last thing she needed was for a friend to side with them.
Yet, was it worth keeping this anxiety hidden away?
Fanny sighed. "Bracelety- can I talk to you about something? I really want this to be kept between us, and us only- unless something happens."
"...We don't-"
"-AAAND MY LIPS ARE SEALED! PROMISE!" Bracelety did a little 'zipping' motion over her lips, causing Fanny to glance aside awkwardly.
"...Ok... well.." Taking a deep breath, the object kept her voice low, "...I'm not sure if it's just me- but Bubble's been acting... off... in a lot of ways. It's starting to really get to me."
"DUH!! SHE'S BEEN ACTING SO TENSE," Bracelety hummed, swaying her hands along her sides.
"I know there's some stuff she really doesn't want to look back at- hell, memories she might not want to bring up ever again- but... I dunno... I have the feeling that she's hiding things from me."
"I HATE surprises! Especially when this is clearly something that ISN'T ONE! Bracelety, I'm being serious- I'm worried that this tension of hers might make her snap one day!"
Ok. Maybe there were a few things that Fanny couldn't open up about to the object.
Lifting her tail up in defeat, the object spoke. "Ok- you know what. I'm gonna head back to the lab for a second. I need a drink."
Bracelety grinned, waving goodbye to Fanny as she began to skip off. "SEE YOU LATER!!"
"REMEMBER- THIRTY MINUTES!" Fanny shouted, grumbling under her breath as she kicked a small pebble from the sidewalk. There was no way in hell she'd have the chance to talk about anything that was getting to her.
Especially if nobody around would take her seriously.
She mapped out the trail back to the lab in her mind, no longer taking in the abandoned mysteries surrounding her. She wasn't sure if her worries about Bubble reflected the worries she had for herself; would she be the one to shatter before her girlfriend does?
No- come on Fanny, get your shit together here.
If anyone was going to stand up for Bubble- it had to be her.
There's no chance to fall apart.
She passed the corner of an abandoned shop, the charred remains of the LIVE Hotel plucking into her line of sight. With the sun making its path across the sky, its rays of light shimmered upon the bushes and dandelions that dared bloom amongst the city.
Walking amongst the ashes, the sound of voices made her head perk up. It may have been a few feet from her, but in the distance, a tiny little flame skittered across the road, babbling incoherent nonsense as he threw an accusing finger towards the object who frantically scurried after him.
It had been a minute since she had last spoken to Marker and Firey Jr.- after all, their individuality was restored the moment the first ray of sunlight struck through the TLC- but...
"Hey- Marker! Wait up!"
To clear the racing minds from the pressure of the trial, the objects in the lab found themselves wandering off, getting a chance to breathe and reset before the next phase of this 'investigation'.
Nobody expected for things to kick off bizarrely- but they forced the energy to stay, reminding themselves of what was at stake.
Pen wasn't sure if it was the stress of losing his two best friends, or the looming sense of doom that crashed over him like a tsunami, but he found himself struggling to keep himself standing. The air around him felt hot and cold, and the itching at the core of his throat brought a cough or two up from the depths of his chest.
As Eraser watched his boyfriend lean against his shoulder, his heart ached. "I think this mess is getting to you, Pen... you're burning up."
"Can we go home..?" the taller object sniffled hoarsely.
"We can't. TB told us we need to be here for this entire thing- maybe I can ask if he has something to help you with this-... cold..?"
"Sure doesn't feel like a cold..."
Shuddering, Pen wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to keep warm. Eraser wasn't sure if it was him, or his imagination running rampant, but his eyes captured the faint, scarlet-hued dots that sprouted on the back of his hands.
"Holy sh-..." He stopped himself, carefully taking his boyfriend's hand to get a closer look. "...What are these-... dots...?"
Forcing a smile, Pen chuckled under his breath. "Maybe it was because of all those berry smoothies I had the other night, haha...!"
The two boys conversed, their words drifting off in the mixture of seemingly endless talking that circulated within the lab. Whilst Basketball carried a box of unopened crayons back to the little table where Rocky awaited her, she passed Coiny, who clamped his hands together nervously as Fries's words went into one ear, and right out the other.
It wasn't until the object turned his back, when Coiny made a mad dash to the stairs, leaving the lab as quickly as he could.
Peering over her shoulder, Bubble pouted at the coin-creature's sudden 'escape' from the lab, but she shook off the bitterness that crept up her chest as she stepped into- what she could only assume was- Golfball's office.
Being the final one to enter the room, her hand instinctively reached back to close and lock the door- until it suddenly swung open, nearly throwing her off her feet.
'UGH! What heathens- doesn't anybody around here remember their MANNERS?!" Bubble flinched at the sharpness of her tone. Startled, she turned to see what the issue with the door was...
...Only to be met with the all-familiar glare from Lollipop.
"If you don't mind," she began, forcing the door open to let herself and Pillow through, "...We are trying to make an entrance here."
"Hm- I don't think so! We're here with evidence!" Pillow sang, happily wandering into the room as her arms folded neatly across her chest.
The softness in her voice might have brought a sense of comfort towards the soap bubble, but the words stung like salt in an open wound, catching her off guard. Confused, she looked back towards her friends, nervously digging her nails into the skin of her upper arm.
"E-Evidence..? Oi thought it was just supposed to be us?"
Whispering. Flower squinted, nervously pulling Ruby back as the gemstone covered her hushed words in her hands, passing them along to Ice Cube. Tennis Ball's eyes glazed Bubble's posture, suspicion flooding his spirit as he took in every sign of possible guilt in the object.
"Well," Pencil began, her hands resting firmly amongst her hips, "I know we said that this'd be an 'alliance member only' thing... but Match overheard the conversation those two were having, and figured that it'd be best to let them join in here."
"We have names, you know." Lollipop scowled.
"Right- thing 1 and thing 2, how could I forget."
Usually, Bubble never let any backtalk take place within the alliance- she'd always flinch from the mere thought of it- but, for the first time in her life, she agreed with what Lollipop said.
After everything they endured- surviving Pin's wrath, coming across one body after another- the people she held so near and dear were now tossing her under the bus.
All because of two objects they never had the chance to properly meet.
Her jealousy now haunted her, more so than ever before. Shaking, Bubble balled her hands into fists, taking a pained step towards the woman she had come to look up to.
"O-Oire you guys- blaming me..?!"
"No, no! We'd never do such a thing!" Pencil lied through a gritted smile. "We just- want to give everybody in the court a fair chance at speaking, here!"
"You guys saw how that ended minutes ago- we hoive a better chance at hearing out people we OICTUALLY KNOW!"
"Hey. We know who these two are," Golfball interrupted, angrily stomping up to Bubble's face. "And if we're going to get to the bottom of this- it's best if we take any tips and advice from EVERYBODY in the city."
"GB's right, Bubble." Sighing, Pencil's eyes shifted towards the doorway. "...We can't keep playing around anymore- we have to take these accusations seriously..."
"...Even if it means-... well... accusing you."
"M-Moitch? Ruby?" The shivering soap bubble fought to get the names past her lips, her eyes soon meeting Ice Cube's.
She never forgot the way life drained from them. "Oicy..?"
"...I'm sorry, Bubble. But- we need you to go."
All she needed was that hushed voice of hers for something to break in her mind. With her fear now steaming into a flaming anger, she didn't bother to say another word, angrily grabbing the doorknob and swinging it open.
As she passed Lollipop and Pillow, the shorter object gave her a playful wave goodbye- yet the taller woman fully stared at Bubble, her eyes piercing through her gaze. Around the corners of her mouth grows a faint smirk, her head tilting to watch as she silently trailed out of the room.
The door didn't even have the chance to close before Bubble's name left that wretched mouth of hers. She took a few steps away, pressing her 'ear' against the wall until a loud bang was heard from the other side.
"We know you're there Bubble! You can leave now!"
Hearing Pillow's tone twisted Bubble's stomach into knots of anger. There was something bitter about being tossed aside- left behind by the people someone moved mountains for. An object could give someone the stars, ensuring their happiness and safety over their own- yet still be tossed aside and forgotten, as if their sacrifices never mattered in the first place.
Perhaps this was all she was good for. Bubble always found her pathetic life to flash before her eyes; dying and coming back repeatedly numbing her to the harsh environment that intoxicated the world around her. All she ever wanted was to play alongside her friends- before this mess came to be- yet it seems as if that wish was too much to bear.
Because now, here she was. Trudging back into the main room with an aura of shock, anger and terror radiating from her very soul, craving to be within the room where the discussion was happening.
And to add the cherry on top of this disaster? She was alone.
Not even in her final moments mere months ago, did she cross to the other side on her own.
Passing the rows of chairs, her thoughts came to a halt. 'And where do you think you're going off to?!'
Anywhere but here. I'm not wanted- and I can see it, clear as day.
'Do you really think that's a good idea?'
Not unless you have a better suggestion.
'Hmm... I do have my hands tied here, dear. I forgot how tedious multitasking can be~'
Multitasking? What are you talking about?
'Oh! I thought you already knew what I've been up to, hun!'
Not while I'm being left behind.
She giggled. 'Keep that head of yours up, dear. I know it can hurt- but soon enough, they'll all get a little taste of their own medicine. Well... more like- the taste of a new infection.'
My heart skips a beat at her words. I debate asking her to clarify- until she guides my eyes to the objects that surround me.
I suppose the one good thing about being on your own is how invisible you become. I stand in the center of the room, as the world continues to spin- familiar faces talking amongst one another, laughing, whispering, sharing moments that were once familiar to me. It takes a second to catch the red boils that are faintly appearing on Pen's arm.
Originally, I was sure that it was just Basketball who caught some sort of mystery illness from the city. But as a faint red glow emitted from her- from Pen- from Bottle...
What are you doing..?! I ask.
'I wanted to ensure that this was able to be... properly completed... before I told you- but I'm quite close to its success! You see- the closer we get to the completion of my garden, the more I gain an influence on the world around us! Back when I first started out- oh, it was completely out of my sight, hell, I wasn't sure if I'd ever make it this far. But now?' She held back a giggle. 'I can make things... MUCH easier for you.'
So you...-
'Yep! With every passing vessel I've ever had, my strength has rejuvenated. And with you being the one way ticket to my freedom, well... I've been able to expand our little plan to everyone here. Just watch!~'
"And why should I believe you?"
'I'm familiar with this pattern, darling. It's quite tedious... and if you don't do this soon? I'm afraid your precious Tree will be forgotten all over again.'
Shivering, Bottle sunk into the corner of the closet, holding her head as she tried to block out the voice that spoke to her. "I-I-"
'Time is of the essence, hun! If you do as I say... you can reunite with him, once more.'
"...You promise..?"
'I promise.'
A promise that was too daunting for Bottle to ignore. Her fingers hesitantly brushed against the handle of the axe, her heart sinking with every crevice that she felt. She was too scared to try and pick it up; the sins of this action burning into the damned weapon, never to leave her or her friends, ever again. She wasn't sure if it was real, but she had spent too much time listening to the tiniest sounds in order to figure out whether it was a product of the world around her, or her own imagination.
It was neither. She knew that now.
"How do you know what happened to him," she whispered, pulling her hand away from the axe. "Nobody knows where the others could be.."
'That's because the others are stupid.'
"No they aren't- don't talk about them like that!"
'But it's true, is it not?'
'I'd say otherwise, darling. Don't you remember how careless they were when it came to Tree's disappearance..?~'
The mere mention of his name was enough to make her flinch. "No- th-they had no idea, I can't just-"
'Even if they didn't have a clue, they never offered to help you search through the city. All those hours, lost into oblivion, while Tree is lost... yearning... aching for the day where you and everyone can finally save them all.'
"No.." Bottle's words were now vanishing in the void that swelled in her throat. "I.."
'Who knows how long it's been... I've gotten to take a good look at his state- and boy... I don't think he'll ever return to being the man you had fallen for all that time ago.'
It's just a lie. It's a lie, it's a lie. Her eyes darted nervously around the room, trying to find a way to-
'It almost seems like he's forgetting the tune that you both had shared together too... did you know that he sang out for you..? As best as he could, at least...'
Her body froze, her hands snapping towards the axe.
'..The blood in his throat makes it really hard for everyone to hear.~'
Bottle couldn't pinpoint when the chill ran down her body. Her mind begged her to steer clear from the weapon, yet her hands had gained a mind of their own, as they snatched the axe from its resting place, forcefully turning towards the doorway that led her back towards the others. Her neighbors.
She had to be quick. Hide the axe. Save it for the right time.
Her friends.
Friends that cast her aside. Friends that didn't bother to help.
If she did this, all her troubles would have finally been worth it.
She'd find him. Find all of them.
"I'm going to save you, Tree.."
Staggering back, Bubble rushed up the stairs, the abandoned buildings zipping by as she sprinted far from the lab. Her laughter echoed like a broken record, haunting her as she desperately fled the scene to avoid her influence.
She knew it wasn't enough. But if she didn't step out...
Who knows how far it could've gone.
Desperately running across the notorious trail, the soap bubble tried to feel the wind that brushed her face... wishing to feel something real, something to guide her back to the reality she had lost so long ago.
But no amount of wishing could stop what ensued. This was happening. Whether she liked it or not- this reality was the one she was trapped in.
And once the familiar sight of the garden peeked into view, Bubble comes to understand what she's felt- after so long.
It may not have been anger, or jealousy- no.
It was fear.
Staring at the carnage, a current of tears rushed into Bubble's eyes, finding herself sinking onto her knees before the familiar blue and green book that laid before her. She wasn't sure how long she stayed here for, yet the broken apologies united with the sounds of death that circulated amongst this damned plot of land.
What more was there to do?
Curled up on the soft patch of earth, Pin struggled to doze off. She didn't remember how she ever could. With the whispering growing like roots in the core of her brain, she fought to look for any comfort, not wanting to scare the only person who cared for her away.
It might have been mid-day, but any sense of exploration was wiped off the table of her own opportunities, as the paranoia screamed in the most damning ways possible.
But the winds grow louder, and the rustling leaves sing their usual hymn, a few fluttering by the entrance of the cave- brushing past the familiar coin creature, who gasped for air, stumbling into the shade of the cave.
"F-Finally!!" He gasped, clutching his chest. "Ugh- that run took forever..."
Coiny's words force Pin's fears into an abrupt stop, as she shot up, confused as to how he had come back to her once more. "Coiny?!"
"S-Sorry, sorry! I know I said I was gonna see you again tomorrow- but I need to talk to you!"
"Couldn't this have waited until after you were finished back there?!"
"That's the thing," Coiny reported, quickly taking a hold of his girlfriend's hands, "...It's about the thing GB wanted us to do."
"The favor?"
"No- a trial."
From the way his reassurance melted into her own hands, to the worry that shimmered in those golden eyes of his, Pin shakily tried to move away. "I-I- no- this isn't- I'm not-"
"No no no! Pin, it's ok- I know it's not-"
"No place is safe," she whispered, tears stabbing at the corners of her eyes as her hands ripped away from his hold, clawing at her own head. "O-Oh my pin factory- did they find out?! Do they know I'm alive?!"
"They don't, and I'll make sure they never do. But that's not the problem- i-it's about what you went through."
His words make Pin want to sink back beneath the surface of the earth, letting the pits of hell split open and devour her once more. But those days of running away and pretending are over. She knew it more than anybody else. Of course, the hushed whispers weren't helping her case- but her heart raced with an emotion she had nearly let slip away from her grasp.
Not just for Coiny- but for every object she knew, back in the city.
She was convinced that after finding solitude amongst the towering forest, she'd be the lone wolf of the city, a survivor that hid amongst the shadows and watched from afar.
Someone like... well.. Leafy.
Pin's heart ached slightly. How long had it been since she thought of that name?
Even after all the months that had passed- countless hours of regret, tears and sorrow- she felt an overwhelming sense of accountability for the others.
Friends? No- others. All the apologies in the world would never make up for the damage she had done. She forced herself to let go of any kind of miracle that popped amongst her imagination- from the others welcoming her back, to them understanding that it wasn't truly her doing.
Was it?
No- it wasn't.
Shaking her head, Pin let the silence envelope around the two, giving a closer listen to the sounds surrounding them. Seconds passed, and with the whispers becoming mute underneath the winds of her own racing heart, she clutched Coiny's hands close to her chest.
"I-I was hesitant on telling you everything- but it had nothing to do with you." Pin whispered, "...I just- wasn't sure if you'd believe me."
"After everything that's happened- it's something that'll help us stop this mess." Coiny reassured her, leaning in to leave a kiss on the side of her face, "...I'm all ears, captain."
Taco lost track of how long she waited for Lollipop, but passing the time wasn't too much of an obstacle. She spoke with Gelatin, keeping him from snatching a piece of Fries's last fry, yet seeing the familiar purple pop walk in her direction never failed to make her heart flutter.
She got up, but was immediately nudged aside as Gelatin sprang to his feet, skipping excitedly towards the object. "Heeeyy Lollipop!!"
"Well hello to you too, Gelatin." She smiled, giving his head a friendly 'pat'. Next to her, Pillow walked along with a sly smile, tapping away at her own chin.
"I think that went pretty smoothly," she hummed, "...don't you, Lollipop?"
"Absolutely. I think we made our points fair and square."
"You mean, fair and ROUND." Gelatin snickered, poking at her head.
"...That could've been better."
"I know..."
"Lolli..." Taco spoke, her heart fluttering ever so softly as the sight of those brilliant, purple eyes turned towards her. A warm smile blossomed on the taller woman's face, carefully nudging the others aside as she tenderly cradled Taco's face.
Her expression instantly melted into that of a flustered grin. There was no need for any reintroduction, for Taco knew what came next. She let her eyes flutter to a close, feeling her girlfriend's lips interlocking with hers within a quick, enamoring kiss.
A good second or two ticked by, and despite Gelatin shielding his eyes, Lollipop pulled away, chuckling under her breath. "Missed me..?"
"You know I always do," Taco smiled, placing a hand over her girlfriends, "Besides- I've been waiting with this guy for a good while now."
Gelatin scoffed, a hand dramatically slamming over his own chest. "Well, SORRY for keeping things fun around here!"
"And what's your definition of fun, again?"
Laughing, Taco eased into Lollipop's arm as she felt it wrap around her. "So, how'd it go back there?" she asked.
"As well as you could imagine... ugh. Everyone knows how stubborn that pencil can be. I think I'd rather die than try and spend another minute with her."
"...So.. it-"
"It went well. Golfball was skeptical- but she at least listened."
"The real skeptics were the others in the room!" Pillow chimed, "It was a little funny to watch- they just couldn't believe what we had to say!"
"Hm, you can say that again Pillow. Going on and on about how 'Bubble's life is special', and how 'she was the one who stopped Pin.' They're just not seeing past the lenses of their faltering friendship."
"Having friends was their first mistake!"
"...Why do you say that?"
"...Hm. Not too sure there- but with a little research, I'm sure I can find out why!" Pillow giggled, happily skipping away from the group. "A heart can be wounded in many ways- more than a simple knife to the chest!"
Although the three stared with puzzled eyes, Pillow quickly wandered off within the lab, searching through anything she could get her hands on.
Folders of past experiments? Not what she needed.
Notes about things the scientists have made? Useful...
A map of the city? Bingo.
This lab was a fantastic place to start. But if there were any hints that'd aid in this case, she figured it'd be best to search outside, rather than in.
There had to be more that met the eye, after all.
She had the time. Might as well put it to use. Shutting every drawer she had roamed through, Pillow frolicked back up the stairs, passing the group that she had left behind.
Though, they paid no mind to what she was doing. For Gelatin was nervously rubbing the back of his head, trailing away from the two objects he had come to see as his closest friends.
"I dunno, guys..." he mumbled, "What if she's right? I appreciate everything... but..."
"Now, Gelatin, I understand the concern here. Pillow did have a point- but that doesn't reflect on us." The purple lollipop gestured towards herself and Taco. "We're your friends because we care about you, Gelatin- we're proud to see just how far you've been able to come. And as long as I'm here, you both will always have someone who will be by your side. No matter what."
With these words, there was a slight pinch of uncertainty in her mind. She didn't want to speak up about the unease that had festered over the past few days, but even with this, she refused to give into the cowardice.
It was worth more to count her blessings, after all.
But when the sniffling caught her attention, she looked down, noting Gelatin's smile wobbling across his face as he fought to keep a few tears of joy in.
"Aww, Lollipop..!!" He laughed, opening his arms for an embrace. "C'mere you guys!!"
"Don't push it. Don't you-"
Lollipop's words trailed off once the green jello pulled both her and her girlfriend into a tight embrace.
"Eugh- what did I say..." she murmured. Giggling, Taco let her arms wrap around the two, and the corners of Lollipop's mouth twitched into a slight smile.
"We'll get through this together, you two... I promise."
'And here's a prime example as to why promises shouldn't be kept!~'
I... how much of an influence do you have...?
'It's hard to say... but, thanks to you? I feel as if my 'powers' grow every passing day... I've already gotten a few infected, after all.'
But what about-
'Yes, yes. Let's help you remember... now...'
"So- the voice continuously pushed me to do everything... from the cage, to.. well... all that followed afterwards... Does that make sense?"
Pin gave an apprehensive smile, wringing her hands together as her boyfriend stared at her with whitened eyes. She wasn't sure if he truly believed a word she said- or if the gravity of it all was hitting him harder than a bag of bricks.
"...You're telling me- this was all because of a voice in your head..?" questioned Coiny.
Giving him a slow nod, the thumbtack quickly pointed at a small drawing on the ground- a similar, wide eyed leaf staring at the two of them- and he snapped his fingers.
"Ohh- so it was her?!"
"Not exactly... it's both..."
Coiny gasped. "There's TWO OF THEM?!"
"Uh- no. One of them-... she's... I don't even know how to put this into words..." Pin whispered, nervously glancing to the side. "...I'm just scared that- they'll hear me..."
"Interesting... gosh, Pin- this isn't something you should hide away from- we have to help you!"
"I don't think the others would be too keen on helping here," the thumbtack uttered, "Not after everything."
"But don't you see, Pin? This is your chance- OUR chance, to bring you home!"
Seeing Coiny's smile glow with hope, washed Pin away in a current of guilt. She wasn't sure how this man saw the world in her- when the world was practically tossing her into orbit.
But hearing the sincerity in his voice, the passion of the mere probability of bringing her home...
How she wished she could believe him.
"As much as I appreciate your effort, Coiny..." she noted, her gaze falling to the floor, "...I don't think that'd help our cases here."
"How come?"
"Do you think they're going to believe ME? 'Hey everybody, sorry about murdering you in cold blood back then- it was just the voice telling me to do it!'"
"But this is a lead, Pin- it's something that might help everyone figure things out! What if whoever's behind this is going through the same thing?!"
"It's not worth to fight it- not with her." Pin shuddered. With a firm grasp, Coiny held the back of her hand up to his still beating heart, not wanting to give into the possibility of hiding away for good.
There had to be a better way than this.
They deserved a happy ending- just as much as the others.
"Please," Coiny pleaded, squeezing her palm carefully, "...let me help you back. I-I know I've messed up a lot beforehand- but let me do something right for once, and let me bring you home."
What is home?
It surely wasn't back in the city.
Not anymore.
"H- Here- you can still stay! I can tell them everything you told me- just to give them time to digest it..?"
"...Maybe you should go back... they might be looking for you."
Oh, how Pin hated to see the optimism dissipate from her boyfriend's eyes.
She rushed to keep his hands in her hold, and with a shake of her head, she explained, "I-I'm not saying no to your help. I promise- I appreciate you making an effort on bringing me back, but..." She bit her tongue, "...maybe we should give this a little more time... this trial already sounds tense enough, and the last thing we need is for you to get accused."
"Psh- why would anyone accuse me? I'm a real charmer here- wouldn't hurt a fly!" Coiny scoffed.
"...You brought me back."
"And? If that's a crime- then let them bring out the guillotine!"
Watching as his boyfriend stood vaingloriously, Pin gave into the urge to smile, quietly snickering as his arms carefully took her into his hold.
They may only see each other once a day- but the tranquility that bloomed through her veins whenever she found herself being held by him, was an exhilarating sensation that she always found yearning for.
Smiling, Coiny leaned in for a kiss on the lips, revitalizing himself in the enamored connection that illuminated the two in their times of darkness. He caressed her cheek, his heart melting at the sight of her leaning into the palm of his hand.
"Thank you," Pin whispered.
"Wh- I should be thanking you here!"
The thumbtack shook her head, easing themselves back onto their feet.
"...You've done- all of this, for me. I just wish I could have the chance to return the favor."
"I think you being here is enough of a fair exchange to me." Coiny kissed the back of her hand, letting her go as the two of them made their way back towards the entrance. "Maybe after this blows over, we can settle down together. You know... get a house of our own again."
"You mean it...?"
"Of course... having the chance to grow old with you is nothing but a dream come true."
He pulled her close, pressing his forehead against hers with a loving smile.
"So. We'll talk about this tonight when I come to visit again?"
"You bet," Pin assured, giggling as he left another kiss on the side of her face.
"I suppose I'll see you then," he avowed, not taking his eyes off of her precious beauty as his feet led him back towards the entrance. "Oh- and I also found these new chips at the shop? I've got to bring them tonight, you're gonna-"
Colliding against another, Coiny fell back, rubbing his forehead with a pained grunt. He felt Pin rush to his side, yet her movements came to a sudden halt.
"Ah- hey?! What gives! I-"
An object with sorrow and rage looming over her very being, stood at the entrance of the cave, sending the coin back in a stumble.
Any crumb of confidence fled Pin's body. The scar that tied around her 'neck' like a haunting noose throbbed at the sight of the soap bubble, and her legs moved before she had the chance to process it, forcing her against the wall of the cave.
Clawing, scratching at its rigid grooves, she grew desperate to find anything she'd use to fight. But before she caught something sharp enough, her eyes widened as Bubble slammed Coiny to the ground, knocking the air out of his lungs and crushing his wind-pipes with her foot.
"Oi knew it." The soap bubble hissed through gritted teeth, "You- you brought her BACK! HOW COULD YOU?!"
Pin struggled to form a proper sentence, rapidly sorting through the ideas in her mind as to how she can fight back, but it's no use. Something about the other woman forced her to cower beneath her vengeful gaze, until a wretched voice made her blood run cold.
'Long time no see, my dear!~'
"Y-You..." Pin tried to approach her, but the voice spiked into a scream.
'STEP ANY CLOSER- AND HE'S DONE FOR. We wouldn't want the others to learn about your appearance here... do we?~'
She pressed down harder, forcing a pained croak from the coin creature.
A sound so painful, it made something within Pin snap. She lunged forward, tackling the other object to the ground, but she was met with resistance...
A resistance that screamed familiarities to her. Bubble lifted the thumbtack with no struggle, tossing her back into the cave before she scrambled back onto her feet. Shuddering, Coiny let his lungs take in waves of fresh air, not hesitating to stumble towards her with his fist poised in the air.
Nope. Not this time.
Grabbing his fist, Bubble swung him around and held him tightly by the wrist, refusing to let him out of her sight.
The three- no, four- stood there, staring at one another, wondering who'd be brave enough to take the first swing, but the three seem to be on the same page. Confused. Angered. Emotions running high without a gram of clarity.
But Pin broke the straw of silence that rested on the atmosphere's back.
"What are you doing?" Pin whimpered in between her sobs, shakily backing away from the cave's entrance. This didn't stop Bubble, as her grip on Coiny's wrist grew tighter, a faint crunch breaking from the hold.
A pain so indescribable, yet similar, Coiny bit back a scream as his legs gave in, leaving him to crumble to his knees. He breathed out incompressible begs, pleading to the soap bubble to at least let his lover go.
There was no way to understand why Bubble had grown violent- but Pin gasped out in terror, rooted in her spot so as to not agitate her any further.
It wasn't until the following words escaped Pin's lips, when she saw the familiar scarlet hue rising from her. "W-Wait- why are you-"
"J-JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!" Coiny screamed, leaning against Bubble to try and knock her down. "THIS ISN'T HER FAULT!"
'Are you sure about that, Coiny..?~'
That voice...
"Coiny?! Coiny, what's wrong?!"
He had heard it so long ago. He was sure it was just a lost nightmare from the past.
"Let us go- f-for pin factories sake, let him go-!"
'Oh dear... you know I can't give you that, darling.'
"I'M BEGGING YOU!" Pin screamed, thrashing against the hold that the leaf had against her. Coiny managed to stutter out her name, tears and ooze running down her face as she looked in the direction of her beloved.
"Pin," he rasped out, "...It's okay.."
"I hear her." Her heart beat so fast, she wasn't sure how she wasn't keeling onto the ground from a heart attack. Was this relief? Terror? A confirmation for herself, reminding her that this wasn't even her doing?
"Coiny.." she cried out, resulting in a hush from the coin creature.
"We'll make it through this, together.." He grinned, spitting out the blood that flooded his mouth.
No, she couldn't. This wasn't what she fought for- Pin had done everything in her power to ensure the consequences of her action wouldn't find him.
Yet, here they stood. With Death at their doorstep, all Pin could get out was a faint, "You promise..?"
"Of c-course, captain.. You compute.."
"We both-"
"We warned you." What was supposed to be Bubble's voice- now twisted in a horrifying combination of old and new- rang in Coiny's ears, as Bubble's eyes drifted back towards Pin.
Coiny didn't have the time to scream out for her- as the menacing red leaf emerged from the darkness. In one swift motion, her claws stabbed through Pin's shoulder blade, the object's body twitching from the impact as she was lifted from the ground.
A crack. A sudden flash.
And Pin's vision went dark.
With the changing seasons, a plethora of undiscovered secrets melted back into the presence of Yoyle City.
Many of the objects who walked off paid it no mind- but a select few didn't hesitate to rummage through the abandoned trails and buildings, wanting to know more about the abandoned home that they were now a part of.
Whilst Pillow walked aimlessly, her eyes came across a golden sign that shimmered from the beams of sunlight above; the words "Science Museum" engraved on its smooth surface. Moss and vines snaked around the corners of the sign, carefully guiding her eyes to the doors that stood ajar.
Seems like a great place to start, if any!
As Pillow carefully stepped through the doors, a familiar blue ring skipped by, noting the way the leaves fluttered in the breeze, luring her gaze to the changing hues of the trees surrounding the towering buildings.
She smiled. There was nothing more beautiful than nature itself, and as she took in the changes that blossomed through nature, a sudden red hue caught her eye.
Bracelety blinked. Her gaze focused, and the red hue seemingly structured itself in the darkness. A shape- round, pointy?- took its form...
Ice Cube's voice made the poor ring jump. She turned, a smile growing as she caught sight of her friend. "Oh- ICY!!"
"What are you doing here..?" Ice Cube questioned, tilting her head towards the diverting crowd. "Come on, it's almost time to go back! I was going to meet you after we were finished with GB, but you weren't back in the lab!"
"What red thing, Bracelety?"
"THAT THI-.. oh.." Her words swept away with the breeze, as her hand lowered from the twisted maze of trees before her. She wasn't sure how- but the red shape had vanished, just as quickly as it appeared.
Frowning, Ice Cube stepped towards her, giving her a gentle nudge. "Uh... Bracelety..?"
"...Nevermind," the blue ring murmured, nervously glancing aside. "Come on- let's catch up before we're left behind..."
"We've got all the time in the world, Bracey- let's just head back... we can look around while we do so."
"Bracey- I-Is that my nickname?"
"Hm? Oh- yeah... I know it's silly- i-if you'd like me to call you something else, I-"
"I LOVE IT!!!"
"Hm. What an interesting one.
"I'm sure Scarlet would love to hear more."
Pin opened her eyes, then squeezed them shut again.
The light- or, what was left of it- was agonizing. Her head throbbed, a searing discomfort ripping across her skull. She wasn't sure if she was upright, or laying against the ground, but her body flashed from hot to cold.
And the indescribable pain ripped through her chest, the moment she regained her consciousness.
She sat still, memories blinking in and out of her mental haze like fireflies in the darkest hour of the night. She blinked away the tears, trying to remember what occurred before the pain made its presence known once again, her pupils shrinking with every shift she made.
A pained grunt popped through the surface of the blood that oozed down her mouth. She tried to give her head a turn, but this proved to be futile, as the pain itself made her groaning spike into shrieks.
It wasn't until she took note of the towering trees above her, when Bubble stepped into her view, a piercing, red glow coming from her body.
'Well, good morning to you too,' the voice snapped, the usual song-like sound dropping into a brutish, demanding tone. Pin knew it wasn't Bubble- for her lips were sealed into a curved frown.
She struggled to form words in the sea of her own blood, yet the voice laughed.
'Don't move too much, dear! You're our greatest achievement here yet... Evil Leafy, be a dear and move her next to that book, will you?~'
"Yes, my Scarlet."
The red leaf picked Pin up by the back of her head, dragging her along the strangely familiar path, forcing her body upwards and leaning it against the side of-
Shivering, the thumbtack fought to get her head to take a better look at the familiar object, but the smell of rot slapped her back into near unconsciousness. A faint gargle, and the sound of running blood gushed beside her, causing her to flinch.
It was Book.
The voices of both Evil Leafy and... her... chuckle, watching the realization dawn upon the poor object.
'There you go... now you both are safe and sound... forever~'
For a few seconds, Pin sat in a daze, struggling to get her hands up to her face. Maybe if she had the chance to rub the haziness from her vision, she'd have a better view of the predicament she was trapped in.
But all it took was one glance, and she noticed that they were gone.
Her mind blanked out, until the memories finally rushed back to her like the currents of a river.
The cave.
The talk.
'Ohh, are you looking for someone dear?'
'Don't sweat it, Pin... just look down- he's right there with you!~'
Their giggling, now booming into laughter, made Pin's eyes snap wide open. How she wished she couldn't have the strength to move- but there'd be no way she'd try and fight through this without knowing the fate of her lover.
Gritting her teeth to stop the pain from making her break, she looked down.
She wished she hadn't.
What greeted her was the sight of her open chest cavity, a wound that ripped from the top of her chest, all the way down to her lower stomach. Flesh fragments dangled from the large wound, and despite the bloody hues of her inner flesh, the whites of her ribcage burned against the darkness that surrounded them.
Her innards- now having become her outards- gushed out of her flesh, splattering amongst the soil like a freshly broken egg.
That's when her eyes met his.
Inside of Pin's aching, slaughtered body, was Coiny- well, what remained of him. His body had been broken and snapped into pieces, with the top of his skull lying ever so neatly on the surface of her open wound. His eyes, although lifeless, remained fixed onto hers, slowly drifting away and back to the abyss of where they now remained.
How couldn't she have realized it sooner.
The Garden.
A new noise burst from Pin's mouth, part wail, part scream. Airing the despair that rooted itself amongst her soul stabbing the thorns of deceit deep into her flesh. There was nothing she could do besides squirm, struggling to believe that any of this was now her reality.
A reality she had never imagined- one she desperately tried to never come across.
Whilst the thumbtack struggled to process what now laid inside of her, Bubble stepped closer, her eyes glossing over as she was caught within the web of Book's stare. Her blue and green eyes narrowed, stabbing straight into the soap bubble's soul with a fire that burned brighter than ever before.
It didn't matter how long she had been trapped in that garden for; the indignation in her eyes never failed to diminish, always blazing even stronger than the last time she had seen them.
Book's mouth opened, but the voice spoke before her thoughts solidified.
'You should be thankful, you little brat. Now, Pinhead gets a little taste of her own medicine- the same, foul treatment she gave to you.'
"Only worse."
'That's right, Evil Leafy!~'
"Book... Pin..." Bubble croaked out in the midst of their laughter. "Oi-"
Next to her, Book looked at Pin with widened eyes. Bubble's fists tightened, and she cleared her throat once more. "P-Pin-"
"Please," Pin heaved out, "Y-...You don't... have to do this... Scarlet..."
The metallic soap Bubble wasn't sure what Pin was staring up at. She was sure those red eyes of hers were keeping their connection to her own, but her gaze flew right past her, staring into (what she could only assume), was the gorge of the blackened forest.
At least, that's what she wished to believe. Bubble knew Pin could see her, just as Book, and every other victim in the garden were able to. She was always looming. Watching. Standing over Bubble with her claws digging into the back of her mind.
But, for today, they remained outstretched, with one of them cradling Evil Leafy's hand in her own.
"Just... let them go..."
Not a word from Scarlet.
"Th-...They haven't... done anything..."
Nor a word from Evil Leafy.
"Please... Sc-Scarlet... E-Evil.. Leafy..." Her pleas fell onto deafened 'ears', yet this didn't stop the aching thumbtack.
She didn't care about what'd happen to her. They could keep her in this garden, for all she cared.
But the last thing Pin wanted was to watch the people she knew and loved, fall into this vicious cycle once more.
And as she watched the three turn, stepping back into the darkness of the forest, she called for them, crying for their mercy on the others.
Not once did she utter Bubble's name.
"And ever since then, I've been looking after him! I think it's going pretty well!"
"...Uh, Marker."
"Yeah, Fanny?"
"Junior just set another plant on fire."
"He WHAT?!" Panicked, Marker ignored Fanny's snickering as he rushed towards the smaller flame, yoinking him away from the now burning bush.
Of course, Junior was disgruntled by the gesture, flailing his arms and slapping at Marker repeatedly. "Really, Marker?!" he yelled.
"I'm not letting you get into any more trouble here!"
"Ugh- you're NO fun."
Laughter wafted through the air, as Marker nervously scooped the smaller flame back into his cap. Junior shot a glare towards Fanny, who shook her head, quickly recollecting herself amidst a few snickers.
After struggling to properly open up to Bracelety, Fanny didn't hesitate to take some time to catch up with another TLC-er. While she wasn't happy with the behavior that Junior exhibited during the trial, she hated to admit that, well...
It was pretty damn funny.
Peering over her shoulder, Fanny's smile dropped as she caught sight of Bubble, watching her sprinting down the path to the new clubhouse. Her nails scratched desperately at her arms, seemingly scraping herself free from something unknown before she vanished behind a different building.
Fanny wasn't sure how long Bubble was gone for- or where she was coming from- but she didn't like it. "..Hey, Marker.."
"Ah- oh, I'm sorry Fanny!" Marker apologized, nervously grinning as he placed his cap back onto his head. "I-I'm sure that everything will be okay- you just have to talk to her!"
"Psh. How about you take your own advice here." Junior interjected, stomping on a weed that was emerging from a crack on the sidewalk. A laugh escaped Fanny's mouth, but she quickly covered it with her tail, as Marker struggled to hide the blush that was clouding his flustered face.
"I-I'm just a little shy! That's different- I need to figure out the right way to... actually tell him.."
"Tell who? Lighting? We all know you're gay, Marker."
Fanny shook her head, wiping her eyes with a chuckle. "You both are killing me here..."
"Don't word it like that!" Marker yelped, nervously glancing from side to side.
"Okay! No need to get that cap into a twist. Listen- I'll catch you guys around after the trial. I... gotta go check up on Bertha."
Smiling, Marker opened his arms for a hug, but quickly retracted at the sudden squint from the electrical fan. "Ooh! Give Bertha a big hello from me!"
"And a big middle finger from ME!" Junior laughed, much to Fanny's dismay.
"Ugh, I HATE YOUR ATTITUDE! QUIT IT!" she shouted. Junior, not giving a singular damn about her, stuck his tongue out as she cleared her throat. "Uh. Sorry about that- I'll... see you guys later."
"Hopefully never!"
"Junior! Uh- bye Fanny!!"
The door to the newly found clubhouse ripped open.
She staggered inside, fighting for breaths of air as her sobs overpowered her.
Running into the bathroom, Bubble ripped the faucet knobs to the side, letting the crystalline water rush down her trembling arms. The pearly white sink faded into a rich, scarlet hue, forcing a shout from the petrified woman.
'LISTEN TO ME, YOU PATHETIC RUNT. Those two were already on the cusp of trouble- Evelyn TRIED to keep their mouths shut, but- please. Not even I trust that stupid thumbtack anymore.'
The corner of Bubble's mouth twists into a frown at the sound of Fanny's voice. She turned, quickly shutting the faucet off as she used the hand towel on the counter to wipe them dry.
But instead of a hello, Bubble's worries raced past her lips before she had a second to think. "Oi can't let them foind me." She repeated, "Oi can't let them find it- Oi can't-"
"Hey- what are you doing here?" Fanny asked, her voice softening as she tried to approach her girlfriend, "Everyone's heading back to the lab- I know they might be waiting for you back there."
"Oi can't go back."
Startled, Fanny blinked, taking a step back. "What...?"
"OI CAN'T GO BACK!" Bubble screamed, rushing past her girlfriend and pacing around their room anxiously. "F-Fanny, they're trying to blame it all on ME! After EVERYTHING oi've done, they want to say OI'M the one behind all this!"
Because I am.
Struggling to keep her cool, Bubble took a seat on the edge of her bed, murmuring underneath her breath as she fought to keep herself from breaking. Fanny followed close behind, and although the worry of her girlfriend's well-being struck at her heart, it wasn't long until the anger filled its place.
"Seriously?! Ugh- I HATE PENCIL!" she yelled, stomping her foot. "I KNEW she was up to something back there! Listen- I know you're scared, but if we don't go back, they're going to know something's off."
"Everything feels off, Foinny..." Bubble whispered.
"Well, yeah. With this shitshow going on, I can't imagine how you must be feeling. But we- ugh... as much as I hate it, we have to go back."
Bubble shook her head in defiance. The excuses piled up, filling her throbbing mind to the brim, but she forced them back, not wanting the other woman to suspect a thing.
She promised to protect her. She couldn't give that up now.
Taking in a trembling breath, Bubble looked up. "Oi wish we didn't have to," she whined.
As Bubble's girlfriend, Fanny was very much used to grounding her from her moments of panic. Time and time again, she put in the effort to ensure her well being, reminding her that the past was over, and they had nothing but the future to look forward to.
But if she didn't comply with what was ordered to them, then there'd be no future. And there was no way Fanny spent months, kicking and clawing at the metal walls of the TLC, to lose the chance of spending the rest of her life with the woman she loved.
"...Maybe afterwards we can come back and rest. I know you said you wanted to teach me how to bake... and I'm willing to try the recipe of your favorite cake- only if you'd like to..."
Fanny's tail flicked, as she let out a sigh. "Okay... what about just- having a movie night of our own? Come on Bubbs... Bertha misses you..." Fanny hesitated, fighting the tears that threatened to crawl down her face, "...I miss you..."
"W-Well, oi'm here now..." Bubble replied, "Oi promise, we can just-"
"I hate it when you lie to me."
A pang of worry hits the metallic soap bubble. She was growing irate- and Bubble knew it. She didn't want a fight to brew amongst the two of them, but she didn't want to make themselves a target for the others to come searching for.
Especially when none of this was Fanny's doing.
Bubble brushed her hands nervously against her own scars. "Foinny-"
"Ever since we brought you back- you've been acting so weird around us. Around me!" Fanny struggled to keep her voice from rising, as she found herself drifting farther from her girlfriend, "I'm doing everything that I can here to help you, Bubble- but if you aren't telling me what's wrong? How am I supposed to know HOW to help you when I don't know what's bugging you in the first place?!"
"Foinny, Oi-" Holding back her rising tone, Bubble sipped in a steadying breath. "Foinny... Oi said this before- oi really don't want to go back.. Why can't you understand that?"
Fanny laughs in disbelief. "Understand- are you kidding me?!"
"For months, I spent every second of my time trying to make sure you could live SOMEWHAT of a normal life in the city. I lost sleep, making sure you had the chance to close your eyes without screaming your HEAD OFF every damn second! I know what happened wasn't your fault- but having me put in ALL the effort, just to keep this relationship going is making me..."
Bubble's nails dug into her palms, her eyes now fixed to the ground. "Making you what," she uttered.
"...Question if this is worth it." In an instant, the anger in Fanny's tone melted away, leaving something she never understood how to process.
"I... I don't know, Bubb- do you... even feel the same way about me?"
"Of course oi do," Bubble whispered, reaching for her tail to hold. But it snapped away, with Fanny giving her a frustrated glare.
"Then what gives."
"...Oi just don't know if I can face everybody again." Shaking, Bubble looked back towards a small mirror that stood on the desk, gazing into a reflection that she no longer recognized. "Oi saved them- oi was the one who dealt with everybody dying, and, heck- OI FOINALLY MANAGED TO KILL PIN!"
"And you have no idea how proud I am of you for that."
"THAT'S NOT SOIMETHING OI SHOULD BE PROUD OF, FANNY!" Screaming, Bubble shot up from the bed, her fist slamming against the counter. "THAT MOIKES ME JUST LIKE HER!"
"Oh Bubble..."
Fanny's softened tone broke into a blank chuckle.
"You already were."
The effect of Fanny's growing smirk on Bubble is immediate, sending the tears to stream down her face. "No- no, Foinny- not you too.." she cried in between her racing breaths.
Yet, Fanny laughed, calmly stepping out of the room. Her voice echoed from the kitchen, as she was heard shifting through one of the cabinets. "Come ooon, Bubbs," she called, in a voice that wasn't of her own, "You knew this had to happen eventually- but now?"
Walking back, Fanny's eyes shimmered with a red hue, her tail hiding something behind her back.
"It's just us..." She said, blankly, " can always be... just... us."
Enraged, Bubble broke free from her frozen state, beginning to march right towards her girlfriend. "LEAVE FOINNY ALONE, SCARLET!"
But Fanny hissed. "Is that any way to talk to your lover, Bubble? After she gave you, what- the WORLD? Tsk tsk..." Her tail then shifted, revealing the large chef's knife she had in its hold. "What a shame... all she wanted was for you to open up.."
"NO!-" Bubble shrieked, immediately stepping back. "N-no, please-"
"But look at what you've done."
The knife suddenly ripped through the air, nearly slicing at Bubble's face. This sent the object running back into the corner of the room, trembling uncontrollably as she cowered beneath the shadow of her dearest-
"How," Scarlet's voice, now hissed within Fanny's, echoed in Bubble's mind. "How could you do this to your own GIRLFRIEND?"
Following her cackle, the knife then took a turn, and plunged into Fanny's head. Once. Twice. Over, and over, a torrent of blood gushing down her opening skull. Brain matter shot in every direction with every thrust of the knife, and after a fatal stab deep into the side of her face, the red hue in her eyes vanished.
What was left?
A hollow expression. Confusion. Pain.
The grip her tail had on the knife loosened, and she fell onto the ground with a hard thud, flesh, skull fragments, and brain matter splattering from the impact. Her eyeball, which dangled by its connecting vein, snapped free, dropping into the pool of blood that grew beneath her.
With the floor turning into a rich red, the liquid reached the area where Bubble stood, causing her to stumble back in terror. The color drained from her face, her thoughts racing at a million miles an hour as she tried to make any sense of the situation.
No. No, no.
This wasn't happening.
It had to be a joke- it's always been a sick joke with Scarlet!
Then why isn't anything changing?!
Following her gaze, Bubble stared at the knife that intertwined amongst the wrinkled remains of her girlfriend's brain matter. A whine emerged from her mouth. She didn't want to look- there was no way this was happening. She promised to keep her safe, the whole point was to ensure her girlfriend's safety.
But she couldn't leave her there. Not like this.
As Bubble stepped towards the body, her hand nervously clenched the knife-
Wait. Knife..?
Trembling, her pupils fall to the bloodied weapon in her hand.
The blood, now splattered into a macabre painting of dying roses, now stained every part of Bubble's face.
'How COULD you.'
No, NO NO!
Throwing the knife across the room, Bubble used every ounce of strength to keep the rising scream shattering past her gritted teeth. She ran to the bed that they once shared, digging a blanket into her flesh to let the cloth absorb the sins that were now attached to her, much similarly to the scarlet letter.
The sickening sound of a dying gargle made her movements come to a stop. Shivering, Bubble turned back towards Fanny's body, her blood running cold as she found her remaining eye staring back up at her.
She found Fanny struggling to breathe, her tail twitching as it shakily outstretched towards her direction. It stayed in the air, her lips shivering as they tried to spit out her name.
Life never left those dashing eyes of her that fast. As Fanny's tail gave into gravity, it fell, her eye rolling back as her struggled breaths sank into the other side.
And just like that, Fanny- the girl Bubble had fought like hell for- was gone.
TINY EDIT: ofc bfdia drops the same day as this chapter, bitches rlly wanna be me don't they (hey! This is indeed a joke!)
only 240 days until halloween, yes i am counting and yes i believe summerween should exist.
i know i said i liked valentines day but halloween takes the number one spot for the best holiday. i love scary stuff. I just like horror!
BUT hi everyone, I am. really sad. Things aren't looking good for me at all. yeah it's because of this chapter but also my mental health has been at an all time low! and also uhhh real life!!!!!! cue the confetti
this chapter had to be one of the hardest for me to write. it stands at 11k words, and i know the most ive written was 15k... but i've been burnt out since MAY so getting back into this for these three four chapters is a little bit strange.
other than that, i hope everyone is doing okay
see you guys then
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