Fire Drill!
A few hours earlier...
When the doors opened, Bottle was greeted with the buzzing environment of the hotel.
Once sunset had begun to fall, it served as her cue to return to the city. Her search had lasted for quite a while, and despite the concern that came from the others, she refused to let their worries get in the way of her mission.
Besides, she knew that the others were trying to help. They were looking out for her well-being, and they wanted to do whatever they could to pinpoint any clues about Tree's disappearance. Days, to weeks, and with yet another disappearance taking the others minds off of him, she knew she had to persevere, no matter what.
Stepping into the hotel, many of the objects would turn to greet her. Bottle would quietly brush herself off, immediately placing a spare shovel to the side of the door.
"Bottle!" Barf Bag greeted, stepping towards the clear object. "How are you? Anything new on the case?"
Despite the stinging wound that was left in her heart, Bottle forced a small smile, rubbing the exhaustion out of her eyes. "Nothing new- not just yet..."
"You've been on the lookout for weeks!" Chiming in, Donut would step to Barf Bag's side, his hands cupping together.
"The city has been taking up most of the search time."
"Are you looking through the streets?"
"Yep. Inside the buildings, too."
"Oh my sap, you must be exhausted." Frowning, Barf Bag would reach for her hand, giving it a reassuring pat. "Is there anything we can do to make your day a little easier?"
The forcefulness that Bottle had to keep mellowed into a softer smile, a quiet sigh breaking past her mouth. "I think I just need some support. It's been a lot lately..."
"If it's support you want, it's support we'll help with." Pie's voice made the three turn, watching as she walked towards her. "After all- it's what we're here for."
Donut placed a hand on her shoulder. "Pie's right. If you need anything- we're all here to offer any kind of support you need."
Bottle knows this, but the face of pity on Donut and Barf Bag forms before her own eyes. Their empathy. Their condolences. She turned, letting her eyes blink away the tears that threatened to burst from her eyes.
"Thank you," she whispered. "It's... all I can really ask for."
"It's why you're here, after all." Pie smiled, her fingers closing around Bottle's with a soft caress. "We didn't want you to feel too isolated at home."
With Tree missing, Bottle found herself drifting away from the friendships that she had cultivated for herself. Don't get her wrong- she loved him, and missed him with every fiber of her being, yet the search was often accompanied by silence, without a single soul to accompany her.
So, when Pie offered her a stay at the Live Hotel, Bottle couldn't turn it away. She needed to be surrounded by noise; surrounded by familiar faces that nourished the spark in her soul. These weren't just her own friends- but they were his, too.
Sighing, Donut would lift his hand from her shoulder, carefully brushing into Barf Bag's hold with an instinctive movement.
"If there's anything else that comes up, don't be shy to come by our room," he offered. "Do you remember which one it was?"
The glass object would gaze up in thought. "...Room 212?"
"Yep! We're usually-"
Excited shrieks and cheers drowned the words that Donut had. Turning, their eyes would fall upon the celebrity, even as he made his way towards the kitchen with that charming grin of his.
It's enough to make Barf Bag gasp, quickly grabbing Donut's hand with a grin. This caught him off guard, his eyes widening with bewilderment.
"Gah- Barfy!"
"OKAY BOTTLE, WE'LL CATCH UP LATER! BYE!!" Barf Bag exclaimed, dragging her lover away to get a chance to talk with the guy. Hell, he had only come down from his room to get himself something to eat; enough to make the entirety of the hotel follow him mindlessly.
She'll give this to Loser; he really does his best to help his fans feel a part of something grand, something that he could cultivate and share with them. His friendliness eases the racing minds of any soul around him, and his respect is unmatched for any other celebrity.
His presence leaves a memorable mark, no matter where he ends up going. And being here served as another reminder for Bottle- that no matter what, she had support, and it would be enough to help her with her search.
From Cake, who fawned excitedly over Loser's shoulder, to Eggy and Clock, who excitedly rambled about their day to the cube, it was enough to make Pie snicker. She turned, letting her gaze fall back onto Bottle's.
Her usual crystalline eyes were glazed over with melancholy. Carefully, she patted her hand against her back, resulting in a half-hearted sigh.
"The city is too grand for me to keep looking. But I've covered so much ground on my own, I've crossed so many paths on my list to see if he could've been there." Trying to convince herself, she hesitantly spoke, "He's okay. I'm sure he's okay."
"He could have gotten lost..." Pie suggested.
"I wouldn't be surprised. Without a map... it's more like a maze if anything."
It took Bottle a moment to realize the small lilt of sadness that slipped from her tone. She looked down, watching as Pie gave a heartened smile.
"Hey..." she began. "Why don't we help you get settled? I can let you play with my pet lizard again, if you'd like..."
"Really?" Bottle's eyes, which were once drained from any energy they had, quickly sparkled with fascination.
"Duh. Besides- she's really grown attached to you. I'm sure she'd love to see you again."
"I think I've got enough crackers for the both of us... is there anything you'd like to get for a snack?"
"Cheese and crackers are just fine for me."
"If you say so!"
Bottle finds herself giggling, and Pie can't help but feel relieved, as it was something she hadn't seen from her in a while. Carefully, she leads the way around the hollering crowd that gathered in the kitchen, before she runs right into the back of another object, causing them to shriek in fear.
Pie staggers back, holding her head and letting her mind come to, all while processing the sudden walk-in. Bottle frowns, helping the shorter object collect herself before looking to see who she had walked into.
To her surprise, the sight of a small lizard made her gasp. Pie's words soon followed, as Woody cradled the little creature in his hands.
"Woody!" she greeted, waving her hand. "I'm sorry- I didn't see you there. This crowd is really something, dont'cha think?"
Hesitantly, the balsa slice would nod, his pupils shifting towards the crowd as Loser began to make his way back to the stairs. They watched as a few followers would scramble after him, while others would let him go, happily conversing with their acquaintances about the run in. Pie would smile, calmly watching as the golden cube stepped up the stairs, vanishing from her view.
"I can't believe he's living with the rest of us here," she acknowledged. Woody was quick to nod, unable to stop the excited smile that grew on his face.
Yet, Bottle watched as Woody's excitement came to a halt, his eyes widening as the smile slowly dropped into a wobbling frown. The scars on his face, on the other hand, would serve as a taunting reminder of what he was unable to do- his hand flying over his mouth to cover his scars in shame.
A sight that made the glass object frown. For a second, she found herself lifting her hand to brush over her right eye, unable to stop the thoughts of Tree from crashing into her mind. She didn't want to think about the possibility of him being-
No. Stop it. He isn't hurt.
He's out there. Safe. He was always one to be safe.
Seeing as to how he covered his scars, Pie would shake her head with a frown. "Woody, we've told you this before- you don't have to hide them..."
"Wah-wah.." Woody's babbles were muffled by his own hand, the other clutching onto Pie's lizard. A sympathetic smile would lift on the pastry's face, lifting her hand with an encouraging wave.
"It was something out of your control. You shouldn't have to feel so ashamed about them; it wasn't your fault that it happened.."
Another stutter. Bottle would chime in, seeing as he was frantically collecting the excuses as to try and hide himself from the group.
"We can't imagine how you must feel," she began. "But you don't have to keep yourself hidden away all because of the scars."
His eyes lifted, meeting hers.
"Those scars shouldn't define you for the kind of object you are. Nor are they a reminder of whatever happened in the past. They're going to fade away with time, and now that all of you are back, you have the chance to live a normal life again."
He whines, and Pie shook her head.
"Anyone who makes fun of you isn't worth your time."
"Pie's right, but you have to remember that there will always be objects who are- ones that want to help you as much as they can. Like us!"
Woody's head tilted to the side, curious by the taller object's statement. He didn't want to try and object their statements- he knew they were trying to be kind, but kindness was something he was still getting used to.
Was this another joke he would fall for?
Pie glanced down, her hand stretching over to caress the reptile in Woody's hold. It made the poor guy jump, settling down when he realized what the shorter woman was doing.
"Seems like they're liking you, too.." she chuckled. Although his hand continued to cover his mouth, Woody would let a smile grow underneath, his thumb caressing the lizards back with ease.
The lizard- which Pie had named Casper- let their tongue flick in response, resulting in a hushed giggle from Woody. With time, Pie would help him ease away from covering his mouth, his hand lowering once more in order to caress the scaly skin of the reptile.
Yet, Bottle found herself looking away, her eyes roaming throughout the lobby of the hotel. The sky had now fallen into the hands of night, stars twinkling ever so softly through the windows. Faces, old and new, would roam around, getting their things, and making their way back towards their respective rooms.
She could see Saw, who leapt across the lobby before scooping both Taco and Lollipop into her arms. Gaty quickly followed her, equally as excited to see the two while Marker would brush past her, waving excitedly as he then reunited with Stapy. Foldy was at his side, happily rambling to both Liy and Remote as they looked through the kitchen for some late-night snacks. Eraser led Pen towards the staircase, rubbing his boyfriend's back as endless words of comfort danced from his tongue.
Another glance, and her eyes capture Bomby and Nickel, who lead Book towards the lobby. The guidebook had a smile on her face, one that Bottle hadn't recalled seeing in quite a while, as she helped Bomby adjust the ice pack on Nickel's cheek. She nodded, reassuring the two of something that Bottle couldn't quite capture, before turning towards the doors.
And then Bottle felt Pie pulling her towards the stairs, with Woody following on her other side, Pie's lizard blinking at the sights ahead of them. She felt as if she were in a dream, every familiar face around her whooshing by with the wind.
She let her head turn towards the lobby, catching a glimpse of the main doors coming to a gentle close, before the steps lead her towards their floor.
That night...
Mindlessly flipping through the pages of her sketchbook, Flower paused once she came across a certain page, carefully shifting it towards Ruby.
The two had felt as if they needed some time together, after the events that had unfolded earlier; they now laid on the grassy clearing of the city, a short distance from the New Clubhouse of the Freesmarters. Ruby was too hesitant on calling it a 'date', for it was too shabby for her girlfriend's taste.
Flower thought it was just perfect.
After all, they had the chance to watch the sunset together. Now, sitting beneath the stars, a lantern provided a soft glow in between them, assuring them of their presence in the moment.
It wasn't just the two of them; for Teardrop and Needle had agreed on tagging along, to try and ensure their safety, as well as the opportunity of a 'double date' between the couples. Mere feet away, the two laid on their own blanket, embracing one another as their eyes became lost in the sea of stars above.
"I remember this design," Flower shared, brushing her petal to the side. "I wonder if this could be a good one for me to... to touch up on."
Wincing, Flower found her voice fading away as she spoke. The punch that Snowball had given her damaged her windpipe more than she had originally thought, with her voice more raspier than it originally was. It took an incredulous amount of effort, yet she powered through, getting the words she needed out of her system.
"I like the sparkles.." Ruby admitted quietly, her eyes locked onto the sketchbook.
"Really? I was thinking of replacing them with sequins..."
"Sequins don't really give it a nice texture- stick with the glitter..."
When Ruby's words trickle into silence, Flower's head turns to face her girlfriend, her hand carefully blanketing over Ruby's.
"You okay?" Flower asked with a gentle tone.
Ruby's mouth opened, yet she held herself at a pause, her mind swimming relentlessly with her own thoughts. Her eyes remain fixated on the sketches below, her lips slowly clamping shut as her attempts of speaking had slipped away from her.
"Are you tired..?" Flower asked, beginning to close the sketchbook. The gemstone shook her head, snapping her hand towards her lovers, stopping her from shutting it completely.
"Is something bothering you?"
Something. This was enough to make Ruby freeze, her lip puckering as her thoughts began to settle in like the scattered pieces of a puzzle. With a sigh, Flower would carefully move the sketchbook aside, taking Ruby's hands into her own.
"Let's just say what's bothering us at the same time!"
It was enough to make Ruby look up. Nodding, she would let their fingers carefully lock into place, their palms sharing the warmth that came from their own bodies. It served as a relief to Flower, reminding her that they were now safe and well, away from the past that haunted them relentlessly.
"Ready?" she asked.
The stars above the two watch, as Ruby nodded at her girlfriend's words. Reeling in a deep breath, the bloom would clear her throat, audibly counting down.
"One, two, three!"
"How long do I have to boil bread until it turns into toast?"
"I think we need to talk about Book-" Flower's words immediately came to a stop at Ruby's sentence, her eyes widening in confusion. "-...What?"
"Oh- that too!" Exclaimed Ruby, a nervous smile plastering over her face. "Sorry, I was thinking about the toast thing all day."
"....Ruby, what the pesticide-"
"Never mind that now!" Ruby looked down, her heart fluttering at the name that stood at the tip of her tongue. "..Book... I wanted to-"
A stunning flash illuminated the atmosphere around them. Ruby found herself glancing up, wondering if dawn had come sooner than she had anticipated, until an indescribable force slammed against their bodies, a boom ripping through the city.
Ruby's head soon fills with a deafening ringing. Blinking, she finds the darkness settling back into the night, the taste of dirt returning to her senses. The world spins, much to her dismay, before a pair of arms yank her back onto her feet, her eyes quickly meeting those of her petrified girlfriend.
She could see her mouth screaming her name. Once, twice, perhaps even three times, until the screams begin to fill her mind.
"W-Wha..?" A dazed stutter slipped past her mouth, and it was all Flower needed to embrace the gemstone, hugging her tightly against her chest. Blinking, Ruby's eyes darted around, trying to take in as much as she could around her.
It was supposed to be late; the moon was still high in the sky. When did it become so bright...?
Voices. Many began to overlap. She looked over, watching as Needle staggered back in horror, her hand lifting to point at the direction of the light.
"G-Guys..." she whispered.
Teardrop whirled around, rubbing the back of her head before they caught the smoke that began to steam into the air. The thick smog filled the droplet's heart with a sense of impending doom, her hands frantically signing something that Ruby couldn't quite understand.
And prior to her realization, footsteps would break into the air around them, making her head turn.
Pencil. Match. Everyone she had seen.
Fries. Puffball. Leafy. Everyone she hadn't seen.
Everyone who was recovered was now rushing towards the group.
"What the hell was that?!" Fries shouted, noting the wide-eyed gemstone as she was shivering in Flower's arms. The corners of his mouth would drop into a frown, reaching towards her whilst Firey stepped in his way, his arm retracting from his heat.
"W-We don't know!" he exclaimed. "We were just asleep- and the next thing you know, BOOM!"
"No shit, Firey! It was obviously an explosion!" Coiny didn't hesitate to snap back, glaring at the flame before him.
"But where did it come from?!"
"GRR!" Stomping towards the coin, he immediately raised his hand, swinging it down to slap him silly- at least, until Coiny snatched his wrist down, yanking him close towards his face.
He spoke lowly, his eyes dim with exhaustion and anger. "I'd be careful with what you do next, buddy."
"Make me, then," Firey smirked. Hissing at his response, Coiny would inch closer towards him, his eyes narrowing with anger as Match yanked him away.
"Like, enough already!" she shouted. "Now's, like, not the time to fight!"
At the sound of Match's voice, Firey was quick to step away from his sister- as much as it pained him to do so. The faint wave of heat that brushed near her was enough to make her flinch, her grip on Coiny loosening as he turned towards the rising glow of the city.
"There!" he shouted.
Leafy was quick to turn around, her hand instinctively reaching over to cup over Firey's. It brought the flame a tender sense of ease, even if it was for a mere second, before she turned to face him, her eyes shimmering with disquietude.
"S-Something must've exploded!" she shouted. "It looks like it's coming from the town square!"
His flames reflected off of Leafy's now-metal surface, as he looked up. "You don't think..."
"R-Ruby... Flower..."
The sound of a new voice made the group turn, gasping in horror as Book stumbled towards them, char and blood soaking her cover. Her back was beginning to catch on fire, yet she only forced herself forward, her arms trembling wildly as she felt herself slip away into the embrace of the bloom and gemstone in front of her.
"Fire..." was all Book could whisper, exhaustion washing over her as darkness enveloped her vision.
That's when all eyes returned towards the brightening glow in the distance, flames and fumes soaring into the night sky.
"...The hotel is on fire." Needle whispered, capturing the sight of the smoke. Teardrop's eyes widened, and in that instant, Leafy was the first to run.
Seconds later, and the stampeding footsteps shatter through the peaceful city. Cradling Book, Flower's head whirls back and forth, trying to adjust to the darkness surrounding her. Ruby stays by her side, and she grabs her hand, her petrified eyes catching onto her gaze.
"This way!" she yelled. Needle is first to sprint after her, with Teardrop leading the group towards the scene.
Mere minutes passed, and the air had already brightened around them. Dawn was hours away, yet the raging fire descended upon their vision, with every crack unleashing the screams from within. Even from a distance, the heat that permeated from the building was enough to slap them in the face, screaming many warnings of the hell that unfolded before them.
Leafy was the first to run straight towards the fire. Instinctively, Firey would grab her, forcefully trying to pull her away from the scene.
"LEAFY!" He yelled. "YOU'LL GET HURT!"
"I'M METALLIC RIGHT NOW, FIREY! WE NEED TO GET EVERYONE OUT OF THERE!" Leafy's eyes glanced at the entrance, her heart sinking as debris had now blocked any way in or out.
Yet, Firey shook his head, desperately clutching her hands and holding them close to his chest. His eyes, now quivering with fear, locked onto Leafy's with a fog of concern blanketing over them. There was no way he was letting her go onto the scene.
Not alone.
Not like this.
To his surprise, she pulled him in, placing a kiss on the top of his forehead.
"Please," she whispered. "I have to help..!"
"N-No. Now there's no way I'm letting you-"
"Then we do it TOGETHER."
Leafy's hand quickly clasped over his. "WHA-"
On impulse, the two would sprint closer towards the scene, trying to find a way to free the trapped objects within. With everyone now on the scene, Needle makes a mad dash away from the hotel, as Teardrop made an attempt to follow- but Needle quickly spoke, her voice holding them back.
Teardrop didn't hesitate to trust her. She went one way, and they went the other- at least, until a hand grabbed at their shoulder, pulling them back. Her eyes capture a glimpse of Ruby, who was desperately trying to keep her at bay.
Ruby had to yell over the chaos. "YOU'LL GET HURT!"
'They need our help!' Teardrop signed, flinching at the sudden crash that broke from the building.
"W-We need to wait for Golfball! S-She-"
'There's no time! We have to go now!'
"Teardrop-" Ruby's words are cut off as Teardrop yanked her hands off of hers, turning and sprinting towards the hotel.
All the while, the heat was enough to make Match freeze, her sudden rigidness causing the others to run around her, much to their frustration. Pencil was quick to turn around, grabbing her by the shoulders.
"Go home!" she urged.
"I'm not letting you do this on your own!" Match insisted, her hand immediately clasping onto Pencil's. She shook her head.
"NO, Match- you'll be safer at HOME! I need to-"
"I'm in an alliance- WE'RE in an alliance here! We have to stick TOGETHER!"
"This isn't the time, Match! I- my brother- he's IN THERE!"
"Then I'll stay out here- I'll help anyone who's hurt! Come on!" Match doesn't hesitate, her teeth clenched as she sprinted towards the blaze.
Some find their courage by dashing straight towards the crumbling building, yet others were quick to hold one another back, refusing the possibility of letting them go. Such as Fries- who desperately tried to keep Puffball and Gelatin at bay.
He couldn't deny it; there were no words to describe the heat that radiated from the building. But the screams were his sign to try and help. Quickly, he tried to place Puffball down alongside him, yet Gelatin sprinted past Fries, much to his dismay.
"GELATIN!" he screamed, Puffball's voice joining in as she flung into the air. A mere second passed, before her pupils shrunk with terror, finding herself in Fries's hold once more.
He was gone.
Gelatin was gone. And now he had to help with Puffball- he couldn't leave her behind.
His eyes capture a glimpse of Ruby, who worriedly placed Book beside a tree, carefully brushing her cover from the char that stained it.
"We'll be back- okay..?" Ruby whispered, placing a kiss on Book's cheek. It only resulted in a weakened murmur, but it was enough to make the gemstone spring onto her feet, running over to help in any way that she could.
It had been ages since she ran down these streets. Yet, it felt like the eyes of the past stared down upon her, shining a spotlight to warn the residing citizens of her return.
Pin knew that she wouldn't stay for long. She ran, wiping the beads of ooze that dripped down her forehead.
She passed the abandoned clubhouse. The abandoned factories and warehouses. But when she came across Fries's home, she found herself coming to a gradual halt.
So many memories have been made here. From that house, to that little plot of land in the backyard- she recalled the time they had come across it.
She remembered the first time she found Fries gardening; how it filled her heart with glee, to have another object to share the plethora of plant facts she had.
She remembered how grouchy he was whenever everyone was around. Fries would usually shoo them all away- except for her.
"You're such a dad."
The sound of her own memory made the wound in her heart ache. Tears blurred Pin's vision as she knelt down, her hand brushing against the soil ever so gently.
Here. It was here when Fries had told her.
My life was quiet before I got into this game show. Every day was the same- until I met all of you.
She shut her eyes.
You all were the music that made life... so much brighter than before.
It's all gone now. That joy- that trust. Any memory that brought her joy laid six feet under, never to be seen by any object ever again.
Now, she had to run. She was here for a reason- and that was Coiny.
Diving into the shadows, Pin would wipe the stray tears from her face, racing towards the burning hotel.
With the entirety of Yoyle City now up and running, Needle found herself frantically grabbing the spare fire extinguishers that Golfball stored away in her underground lab. Bubble had already made her way to the scientists first, rushing out with a few medical kits in her arms. Golfball's first impulse is to run towards the hotel, yet Tennis Ball quickly held her back.
"We need supplies!" he shouted. "We can't just-"
"ROCKY'S IN THERE, TB!" Her words escape in the form of a scream, her heart dropping at the unfamiliar desperation in her tone. "I HAVE TO GET HIM OUT!"
One blink, and the smaller sports ball sidestepped her partner, slipping from his path and making a run for it. She leaped over the stairs, her glasses nearly falling from her face as the sudden light made her heart sink, falling into the gaping depths of her soul.
Behind her, Tennis Ball tried to get her to return- only for her to vanish, darting into the night towards the crumbling hotel. His heart raced, trying to convince himself to run after her, yet he couldn't leave without the tools to try and end the blaze.
He finds himself running back and forth, helping Needle gather the supplies, until he noticed his cousin walking towards them, sleepiness numbing her mind from properly acknowledging them. Robot Flower trailed behind her, twitching as she had been awoken from the sleeping-mode that her girlfriend had programmed for her.
"What's going on..?" Basketball murmured, stepping into the room with a yawn. "Is everything okay..?"
"GREAT! Basketball- gather as many first aid materials that you can, and meet us at the hotel!"
Tennis Ball's frantic words spilled in the form of a puzzling word-vomit, much to Basketball's confusion. Blinking, she approached the two, puckering her lips with a nervous hum.
"The hotel...? What's going on down-"
A sentence that made the remaining bits of sleepiness vanish from her system. In an instant, Basketball would shoot up, sporadically rushing around and grabbing the materials that her cousin had requested. It was only until Robot Flower handed her a bag, that she came to a stop.
"Here," the robot chimed. "You're going to need this- I can carry everything we need, and-"
The sports ball finds herself speaking without a second thought. "You can't come with us."
"I need to help!" Trying to brush past her lover, Robot Flower persisted, her voice glitching from the emotions that sparked through her programming. "Please!"
"I am not losing you."
"But Basketball- Remote- TV- Roboty- they're all-"
"We'll get them out. Not you. There won't be any mechanical minds if you come with us- that fire, it could wipe all of you out, do you understand?!"
"NO. If you go- I'm going too. I will stay right by your side, even if it kills me."
"Don't say that, don't-"
"Mechanical minds stick together. WE stick together. Remember?!"
"No matter what happens to me, no matter what you hear out there, you have to PROMISE ME that you'll stay here." Basketball found her voice rising with fear. The mere possibility of losing her was enough to make her voice crack, much to her dismay, but she pushed through the emotions with a sharp inhale.
It was enough to convince Robot Flower, at least- for her efforts soon come to a close, as she steps back, her head lowering at her instructions.
With no response, the orange sports ball leans up, giving her a gentle kiss. Robot Flower didn't hesitate to return it, a small spark emanating her own 'kiss', until the sound of Tennis Ball's voice echoed through the halls.
"Basketball- grab more first aid kits, now!" he shouted, leading Needle towards the stairway.
And that was her cue. Giving her one last glance, Basketball runs full-speed for the entrance, grabbing the pack of medical supplies and hoisting them over her shoulder. A few boxes of gauze scatter behind her, yet she shakes her head, quickly running after her cousin, and heading straight towards the scene.
A fire that had grown sporadically, to the point where night melted into the light of the hotel; the stars had fallen mute, and the flames that stretched hungrily into the sky was enough to warn the world of the hell that rose from below.
The first explosion, which seems to have come from the first floor of the hotel, sparked a chain of flames that crawled through the many halls and stairways that made the mysterious building into the maze that it was.
Inside, the smoke blinds the objects that are trapped. Smoke quickly lingered into the auras of their respective rooms, confirming their worries, while others had already scrambled from their beds, the explosion snapping them into consciousness.
Confusion and alarm quickly spiraled into distress, heat rising as it began to cook everyone that frantically tried to find a way out. Finding exits were out of the question, as the flames grew exponentially over the walls, blinding them from any view outside.
Each breath that Liy took resulted in pain ripping through her lungs. Stumbling over her feet, she ran across the halls, her eyes scanning the room numbers that reflected from the flames.
Passing by the doors on the top floor added a fresh new scream into Liy's memories. She could overhear Cake's frantic yells, a faint 'aw seriously' echoing from the room next door, but this didn't stop her from forcing the door open.
"REMOTE?!" she cried out, immediately breaking into a coughing fit. An acrid smell of burnt rubber shot through her 'nose', and one look at the room made her heart drop.
TV's screen had been shattered, flames and sparks crawling hungrily from the inner workings of the cracks. His legs spasmed, a chord connecting him to an outlet on the wall, which had now caught on fire.
Scrambled gargles and static etched from his voice box, and while Liy frantically tried to put him out with the blanket on the bed beside him, it was no use; a loud, popping crack burst from his screen, and as the flames overtook his being, his legs fell limp.
"No.." Liy whispered, backing away in fear. With the smoke beginning to get to her, she began to fear the worst, her thoughts spiraling amongst the thick fog. "No, No-"
In an instant, the icy shock that had kept Liy frozen in place immediately melted away, swiftly turning around to find where she was. Remote was trying to take in the scene, until the heat made her twitch.
Liy frowned, quickly grabbing her girlfriend's wrist. "Let's go!"
"W-Wait," Remote's voice stuttered, her hand stretching out to try and grab TV. "TV-"
"Remote, no!"
"I-I can't leave TV behind-"
"He's already gone Remote, we have to go, NOW!"
Without thinking, Liy pulled Remote out of the room as a loud crack brought the roof of the room crumbling to the floor. She can hear the sounds of TV's metallic body being crushed, yet she doesn't turn back, racing through the thick black smog.
From what she could recall, half of the group remained on the third floor. The others settled for the second; she could only imagine what the first floor must have looked like. There's no time for the pictures to form in her mind, as she dodges every piece of collapsing debris, holding Remote close to herself.
The pair run through the halls, coming across the familiar turn that would take them towards the stairway. Grasping Liy's arm, Remote surveys the halls, her eyes adjusting to the light that permeated from the flames. There weren't too many that had escaped, only a handful of dazed and panicked residents who had been awakened by the explosion, the ringing finally settling from their ears. She trailed close behind Remote, until a voice called for the two, forcing them to come to a stop.
Hearing Foldy, Liy turned towards the woman, hugging her tightly as Bell would swing in after her. Foldy would let herself sink into her friend's arms, carefully pulling away and letting herself glance at the fire.
"Did something explode?!" she asked.
"What do you think?!" Liy shook her head, rushing to lead them all to safety. "Come on- we need to get to the stairs!"
"W-We were just talking, and then, BAM! I thought this place was safe enough for us to stay together!" Bell exclaimed, hissing at the flames that stung around her.
"I don't want to think about that right now- we're getting out of here!"
"Wait- Liy, what about Stapy?!"
That's when she stopped. Liy turned sharply towards the blue object, her hand keeping its hold on Remote's. "...What do you mean."
"Stapy- h-he said he was going to get some stuff with Marker- he could be-"
"He's probably on the first floor then!"
"What if he-"
She couldn't afford to lose any time here. While Liy felt a little guilty over interrupting Foldy, she knew that the grudge wouldn't last too long.
They needed to get out. To safety. To the familiar nightly air of Yoyle City.
Each of them ran, ignoring their wheezing as the air around them grew thicker with smoke. Every room revealed another horrific picture. Passing by one room, she sees Balloony's head bursting from the heat, bits of his rubbery skin splattering all over Cloudy, who was trying to lead both him and Rocky out of the burning building. Needless to say, the screams of terror were enough to trigger something so foreign within Remote, that she had to hold her chest.
Was this fear?
A feeling felt by the objects... something she always struggled to understand... was... this it?
Just as they continue to run through the scene, a rumble roars beneath them, as if the Earth was preparing to swallow them whole. The four stopped, looking to see what had caused the rumble.
"What was that?!" Foldy shouted. Bell flinched at the heat, which was now beginning to cause her to melt, until she noticed the cracks that etch across the hotel floor.
"RUN!" she screamed.
Seconds later, they find their feet scrambling to get ahead of the cracks; it becomes clear to everyone on the floor, and just as the others begin to follow, a tremor snaps through the building and sends the objects to the ground.
Liy could feel the debris and cement slamming around her. From a few feet behind her, she overhears the sound of a scream. It was no one she had been familiar with, yet it was enough to make her heart drop into the sea of despair as she realized that it had come from a child.
Even as she was helped up by Remote, she couldn't hold back from looking.
More rubble had found its way onto the ground. Pipes and debris were now exposed from the ceiling, its usual coverings now scattered all around them. Some had managed to avoid being hit by the rubble, but Rocky was now trapped, as his leg had been crushed underneath a jagged chunk of cement.
Cloudy had tried to lead him to the stairwell, to no avail; he was now crushed beneath the rubble, taking the childs' flesh and bone as well. Rocky's pained screams constricted around Liy's mind, and although Foldy and Bell were preparing to try and help, she found herself backing away, instinctively grabbing Remote's hand.
"We have to go," she whispered. "We need to get out of here."
"Liy- what about Foldy?!" Remote shouted, not letting go of her girlfriend's hand.
"I need to get you OUT OF HERE! We'll come back to help them once you're safe!"
"Once SHE'S SAFE?!" A tinge of regret stabbed through Liy's heart as she heard Foldy, who spun around to face her. "WHAT ABOUT US?!"
"We have to get Remote out of here! S-She could get hurt- the recovery centers won't bring her-"
"And what about everyone else?!" Bell interrupted Liy's words, struggling to keep herself from melting. "T-They need our help, too!"
"Guys, please- Remote is at RISK here! Everyone can be recovered, and-"
"So their lives aren't IMPORTANT TO YOU?!"
"No, I-"
"My life isn't important to you?"
There it was. Foldy's words felt like a hard slap across Liy's face, unable to stop herself from reaching for her best friend.
"That isn't what I meant!" she pleaded. "I-"
"Don't lie to her, Liy! It's EXACTLY what you meant- Foldy never mattered to you, did she?!"
"NO, BELL! She's my closest friend, I-"
As the two bickered, another rumble quaked through the hotel. Panicked screams mixed amongst the swirling smoke, and Liy found herself tumbling to the ground. Bell wasted no time, quickly grabbing Foldy and lifting her from the ground as a part of the floor was beginning to cave in.
Feeling the crumbling beneath her, Liy found herself yelling in fear. She scrambled to try and get herself up, until Remote's arms yanked her to the side, lifting her from the collapsing area. There were more screams, more wails and cries, but the sound of Liy's racing heart drowned the surrounding environment into a pit of silence.
Stunned, she looked at Remote, shakily placing a hand on the side of her face. The robot knew she was in shock, finding her way back from the rubble in order to help her gather her thoughts. She had to say her name once, twice, until Liy's 'ears' caught the sound of her lover's voice.
"Liy, it's okay- you're oka-"
Remote could only get past the first few words, until another quake struck at the building, flinging an overhead pipe straight through the robot's 'skull'.
Shoving the massive piece of the ceiling to the side, Blocky is greeted with the sight of hell on Earth.
Fire ripped through the lobby, the atmosphere melting into a bloody orange glow. Screams greeted his eardrums, the smoke slamming into his lungs, causing him to cough.
He recalled how his closest friend had left to continue the search. Whilst it did leave Blocky concerned, he knew he was missing Grassy just as much as the rest of them.
Now, he hasn't returned home. And knowing that Pen and Eraser were here, he could only imagine that Snowball was trapped here, too.
"SNOWBALL?!" he called. "SNOWBA-"
The smoke that filled his lungs felt like sandpaper dragging against his raw flesh. As he struggled to get a good breath of air, he noticed Golfball, who sprinted right through the raging fire. He tried to yell out at her, but the bitter smoke would pour straight into his open mouth, forcing the words into the abyss of his throat as he continued to cough, covering his mouth to get a singular breath in.
Golfball couldn't give a singular damn about it.
Forcing herself to run was an effort. Not because she wasn't athletic- she's capable of getting in a mean workout every now and then- but the flames that struck and brushed against her skin left bursting wounds and boils that brought her nerves to scream. A vile stench hits her; her own burning skin, as well as the baking flesh of those she had come to know over the past few weeks, each of them burning alive whilst they desperately searched for a way out.
Sprinting, Golfball makes her way up the flight of stairs. She remembered where Rocky was staying, his voice directing her through the orange glow of the usually-dim stairwells.
Up one. Up another. Through the doors, and two lefts.
She painstakingly slams through the doors, the sudden heat wave slicing at her skin. The stairwells themselves were already bad, but the floors were drowning with a deepened red glow, and the thick smoke that trickled from the tips of the dancing flames.
She's greeted with the sight of Liy, who cradled Remote in her arms, a pipe digging into the center of her own head. Oil and sparks shot from the wound, her eyes flickering rapidly as her hands struggled to enclose around Liy's.
Golfball froze. She watched, as the lightswitch hugged her tightly, her screams rising from the cracking flames.
"REMOTE!" she wailed. "DON'T GO! PLEASE!"
A hard static broke past the robot's mouth- until the world around them fell into silence. Using the final burst of energy she had, Remote would shakily clasp at Liy's hands, her lips forming words that the sportsball couldn't understand.
It wasn't until the usual glow of Remote's eyes darkened, that Golfball realized what she was telling Liy.
I love you.
"R-Remote...?!" Liy shook her partner's body, oil staining her arms and chest.
I love you.
"P-please- Remote, come back, COME BACK!"
I love you.
When was the last time Golfball had said those words towards anyone.
Flinching at Liy's baneful wail, she shook her head, rushing past the scene to try and get to Rocky. There wasn't any time to try and let her emotions get the best of her- she had to-
I love you.
NO! What did she just say?!
Why was she falling APART?!
She's only a few feet away from the doors, until she finds her legs coming to a stop. There was Rocky- alive- but trapped.
And Balloony was nowhere to be-
No. She noticed the bits of rubber on his head. The blood pooling beneath the rubble, aside from his leg. It was all she needed to know.
"ROCKY!" The sound of Golfball's voice was enough to soothe Rocky's terrified heart. In an instant, he tries to wriggle free from the debris, only to cry out at a sudden crack from his leg.
The scientist was going to try and help lift the rubble, yet, at the sound of his cry, her mind blanked out in panic. She worriedly rushed to his side, doing her best to inspect the damage that had been left.
There was no way she'd be able to get him free.
At least...
She couldn't fail him... she couldn't fail them again.
This wouldn't be any better- find someone, get them to-
She needed to save him.
She refused to fail.
Not anymore.
Rocky noticed the way Golfball's face drained from its color, horror shining from her eyes. Despite the pain he felt, he tried to get her attention, weakly nudging himself against her.
"Rocky- I-.."
"Help.. please..."
For a second, he stared at her, confused as she was shakily grabbing a jagged piece of cement from the ground. Its sharp edges glistened from the fire, and all Rocky could do was look up, noticing her tears as they glistened down her pained face.
"C-Close your eyes," she whispered.
"We're getting you out. I promise. I promise- just-... close your eyes..."
Nobody had ever heard her speak below a mumble. Well, anybody besides him and TB. But Rocky knew all too well that when she speaks that way, there was no means in messing around.
He trusted her, looking away as his eyes squeezed shut, right before the sports ball swung the sharpened debris straight into his injured leg.
All the while, Foldy and Bell stumble through the hall, trying to find their way back to the stairwell before Rocky's scream forces them to a halt. They try and muster up the fortitude to return to the scene, yet Liy would trudge towards them, unable to let go of her girlfriend's corpse.
Her mind was numb. The smoke combined with the heat, her grief, stray bubbles of despair and sadness that roamed in her soul; and before Liy knew it, she found herself grabbing Foldy, despite Bell's angered shouts.
Like the fire that surrounded her, she could feel anger now spiking through her veins.
She clenched Foldy's body, even as she continued to fight against her.
Perhaps it was the flames that blinded her. Her rage?
The stairs.
The stairwell.
Faint voices inched closer towards the group, signifying the frenzy of getting themselves out of here. Liy had never imagined herself hurting someone before- until she blinked, shoving Foldy down the spiraling stairs, the impact of her body against the uneven edges echoing through the burning chamber. Bell was instantly following behind her, trying to help the woman back up as best as she could.
That's when she notices Foldy's sprained ankle. And, to her horror, the sound of sprinting footsteps shook the ground and sent her flying towards the group, desperately trying to hold them back.
Foldy's screams were then buried. Liy could only glare, her fists trembling as she watched the crowd trample over the injured object, all until the sound of silence filled the air once more.
Back in the lobby, Blocky was working to shove any debris clear from the ground, trying to make a clearing for any object that found their way down. To his surprise, Pencil also rushed to his side, frantically blinking at the smog surrounding her.
"HAVE YOU SEEN PEN?!" Her words instantly make his blood run cold. He shoots up, stepping back from the woman in disbelief.
"I-I thought he was home?!" he shouted.
"Oh- SHIT-"
Panic bubbles at the center of his wooden heart, until a golden cuboid found himself stumbling through the hallway, his eyes locking onto the exit that the two had built.
With his hoarse voice, he called to them. "G-Guys..?!"
"L-LOSER..?!" Blocky couldn't stop himself from shouting the celebrity's name.
Loser didn't bother to respond. Instead, he turned back towards the way he came, shouting incomprehensible words that melted within the flames.
No words were needed in order for them to direct the others towards the exit. There aren't many, but the sounds of their footsteps clash through the fire, their horrified expressions breaking through the smoke. Quickly, Pencil would guide them through the scorching heat, patting down any stray flames that got to them.
Blocky shoved any debris to the side. Every second felt like an eternity, with the heat boiling at their skin like an enlarged oven. He sees Bottle, half of her face now cracked as she cradled something tightly to her chest, stumbling out of the hotel as she gasped for air.
That's one object saved. Better than none, he reminded himself. Better than none.
As he quickly tried to put out any growing flames, Pencil continued to rush the others out. She noticed Dora, and as she reached out to grab the woman's hand, a burst of flames shattered through the doorway, consuming her entirely.
"DORA!" Screaming, Pencil's heart froze with terror whilst she watched her.
Once the flames consumed Dora's body, screams erupted from the woman's mouth, her vocal chords frying as she ran around blindly. Her voice began to morph into pained gargles, her body collapsing onto the front desk as her body spasmed from the pain. Her body, now reduced to a charred and boiled mess, left blood oozing from the opened cracks, a death rattle hissing from the stick figure.
And this opened a new wound that Pencil never knew she had.
Clutching her chest, the taller object found herself gasping for air, sobs breaking past her quivering mouth. She tried to find the exit once more, until she noticed Spongy, who was frantically trying to get through the exit. Blocky was quick to try and shove him through the door, until the flames began to lick against Spongy's skin.
Before they knew it, he was on fire. His legs kicked in fear, the flames tailing up his body, much to Blocky's dismay. He knew this guy wasn't going to make it; as he burnt, the wooden block found himself grabbing at Spongy's sides, ripping him apart.
Memories. Oh, how they stung.
Distressed, Pencil tried to fight through the yellow flesh, tears and blood painting over her face. "I-I have to go!"
She couldn't. She couldn't do it.
"Huh?! What about PEN?!" Blocky screamed. "He's still IN HERE, PENCIL!"
A memory so vivid began to play in the back of her mind, and the stench of Spongy's burning flesh would knock the energy out of the woman, her feet trailing deeper into the lobby, and away from the door. Pencil tried to find another way to get her heart to ease its panicked tempo, even as Teardrop rushed towards her, quickly leading her away from going any further- but she then feels herself being shoved aside, as the sound of shattering glass fills her eardrums.
For a second, it brought her back to the present, quickly turning to snap at the droplet for shoving her so harshly. Instead, she sees Teardrop right by her side, her eyes locked onto the hall ahead of them.
Pencil could only catch a glimpse of the golden chandelier, which now dug into the center of the floor, blood beginning to pool from underneath. Shuddering, the familiar sound of Loser's voice made her realize who laid beneath, until Blocky yanked her back to her feet.
Blocky didn't hold back as he yelled. "GET YOURSELF TOGETHER, PENCIL!"
"I-I- L-Loser- he- M-Match-"
The cry for help made both of their heads turn. Holding her breath, Pencil clutched her scarf, seconds passing by until the voice screamed once more, his echoes being carried in by the halls.
She recognized the sound of that voice. One that mocked her with the song she had made to pass the time; one that would wail and beg for her to check his closet for the monster that lived within, back when they were younger.
To Pencil, the sudden cry from her younger brother made something snap within her, and she found herself sprinting past Blocky, calling for him frantically. "PEN?!"
Room after room, the sights around her burned into her psyche. She runs past David, who was desperately trying to lift a piece of rubble from the ground, a pool of oil oozing beneath it. There was no need for a second glance- Roboty's antenna was enough to inform her of who he tried to save.
She passed another room, flinching from the frantic banging that came from the automatic doors. With the power now fried, the automatic doors had malfunctioned, causing some to stay permanently shut, trapping those within.
The desperate cries for help made her stomach turn. Her eyes shot to the right, seeing Gaty and Taco as they both kicked and slammed against the tightly-closed doors, the smoke beginning to obscure their faces.
With a swift turn, Pencil moves down the hall, until the heat hits her much harder than before.
Eraser's voice was enough to guide her towards their direction. She could hear Blocky's footsteps behind her, and the two soon found themselves stumbling upon the couple.
Growing up, Pen had gotten himself into many mishaps. Getting stuck in a pool of mud, nearly drowning by placing his inflatable armbands on his legs- even dropping the vacuum so hard that it broke a hole into their parent's door.
But seeing Pen getting caught mid-waist by the automatic doors instantly made any anger dissipate, and she rushed over, worriedly checking his face for any injuries.
"WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" she yelled. Pen could only cough, the ink-black smoke drowning his lungs with ash as he gave her a weakened grin.
"L-Looks like I'm in a tight situation..?" He laughed nervously. "Haha!!"
Despite his older sister's glare, Pen would turn to see Blocky, his eyes widening at the sight before him. He swore under his breath, quickly turning to face Eraser. The world was tuning in and out, much to Pen's alarm, because he found himself losing the words that came from their mouths.
"Eraser- w-where's Snowball?!" He could recognize Blocky's voice.
"Huh?! Snowball- wasn't he looking for Grassy WITH you?!" Eraser...
"He was, until we split the search! I didn't see him back home- I thought he was with you!"
"We haven't seen him since THIS MORNING!"
At that moment, Blocky's world nearly crumbles. He has to yell at the top of his lungs, forcibly trying to pry the doors open. Even with his emotions fueling his strength, the doors didn't budge- and Pen could only shiver.
Blinking, he'd wince as Blocky shouted over the roaring flames. "FUCK! Can't we pull him out?!"
"I-I've TRIED!" Eraser yelled, grabbing at Pen's shoulder's and giving him a hard tug. This only made the taller object yelp, and Pencil didn't hesitate to slap Eraser's hands off of him.
"STOP!" she shouted. "YOU'RE HURTING HIM!"
Within seconds, another blast shoots through the building. The floor quakes beneath their feet, and in that moment, the motion detectors on the top of the door flickers, signifying its return to the system.
The doors around the four swiftly open, unveiling the desperate coughs and hacks from the accumulating smog within their rooms. Yet, Pen's door sparked, a loud whirr echoing beneath the flames as Pen's eyes began to widen.
"G-Guys-" he sputtered out. "Guys-"
"Pen-?!" Eraser grabbed his boyfriend's face, lifting his head to meet his eyes. "PEN, WHAT'S-"
"I-it's getting tiGHTER!!"
A scream, a crunch, and a soft thud would silence Eraser's words- at least, after the blood and ink splattered onto their faces.
The sound of his boyfriend's cry was the last thing Pen would hear, until a searing pain ripped through his body, flinging him to the ground. Time seemed to freeze- even with the taste of blood flooding at the back of his throat, he mustered up the strength to lift himself onto his elbows, clawing at the ground to move, inch by careful inch.
Words were at the tip of his tongue. Choking through the blood, he struggled in an effort to lift his head, flinching at the heat that boiled beneath him.
"G-..Guys..?" he sputtered, shakily dragging himself towards the three. "P-..Ple..ase..."
His breath drained faster than the blood from his own body.
A scream.
Eraser had to hold his mouth, his face losing its pink hue from terror.
A crunch.
Blocky's teeth clenched in horror, unable to stop the angered yell that roared with the flames.
A soft thud.
Watching her little brother drag himself towards them, his organs and bones trailing in a bloody river from his severed stomach was too much to take in for Pencil. Inside, the severed half of his legs remained, twitching sporadically from the nerves in his cut muscles.
Pen's breaths faded away quickly. Shaking, Eraser would brush his quaking fingers against his cheek, noting the concoction of ink and blood that was now painted over them. He wasn't sure if he had screamed at that moment, but before he knew it, Blocky was pulling him away, away from his boyfriend, away from the baking inferno of the halls.
"ERASER," he screamed through tears. "WE HAVE TO GO!"
"NO! FUCK- PEN! PEN!" His boyfriend's name broke past like a repeating record. His hand outstretched, clawing through the air to try and save his lover from the flames.
While the two were struggling to get away, Pencil found herself kneeling down, shakily cradling the upper half of her brother, her hands clenching his arms. "H-Hey- Listen to me, Pen, LISTEN TO ME!"
His breaths dwindled, yet his eyes remained locked onto hers. Pencil wasn't a fool- her brother, unfortunately, was- and she could only force herself to rock him slowly, stumbling back onto her feet.
"K-Keep your eyes on me, okay..?" she whispered.
Pen gargled from the blood that pooled at the center of his mouth. Wincing, Pencil clutched him tightly, running through the crumbling hallway. The sight of them was enough to make Eraser break free from Blocky's grip, wheezing and watching as Pen would mouth words he couldn't decipher. Perhaps it was the flames. Or the screams. He couldn't tell- no matter how hard he tried.
Instinctively, Pen's eyes find Eraser's. He could only muster up the energy to reach over, his fingers clinging onto his boyfriend's arm with the last remaining bits of energy that he had. The sound of his sister's frantic screaming and his boyfriend's shouting fell into silence, his eyes glazing over as they rolled into the back of his head.
Leaning against the wall in horror, Eraser would clutch his chest, grief and smoke drowning him amongst the flames. Help. He was begging him to help him- and he didn't. Now, his heart would shatter, pieces scattering through his body as he realized how he had failed him.
His boyfriend.
Objects dash by his line of sight. With tears mixing with the ink on his cheeks, his gaze captures Gelatin, who sprinted past him while giving every room around him a panicked glance. Screams and cries captured him like an angler's lure, soon coming across a peculiar room where a familiar lollipop lay on the ground, succumbing to the smoke around her.
One look, and he looked around, grabbing a piece of the rubble and swinging it directly into the door. He loses count of how often he hit against it; once the door shatters, thick, black smoke pours from the impact, spilling out a silence that makes his heart drop.
"LOLLIPOP!" he shouted, ripping the door open. His eyes blink sporadically to try and keep the burning smog from piercing at his retinas, as he makes the immediate move of dragging the woman out from the room.
The air in the halls weren't any better, yet it was enough to bring Gaty and Taco back to their feet, hacking any remaining puffs of smoke from their burning lungs. Saw scrambled after them, coughing from the fumes that made her throat sting.
"Oh my FENCE- w-we need to run!" Gaty sputtered, coughing as Saw would hug her tightly. "Can you guys see anything?!"
"The smoke is blocking my view!" Saw cried out.
"Gah- Taco?! Anything?!"
The absence of a response made Gaty turn to see what had occurred, with Saw's gaze following after her.
Emerging from the smoke, Gelatin and Taco would drag Lollipop from the room. He waved his hands rapidly, forcing a few clouds of gray to dissipate from the movements. Taco rushed to the ground, scooping Lollipop's body into her arms.
Her head was beginning to melt. Giving her a shake, Taco yells her name once more.
No response. Lifting her head, Taco lost the sound of her girlfriend's breaths, despite hearing her wheezing in the room. Her hands hastily brush against her chest, pressing down on the spot where she'd often lay against, the rhythm of her heart always lulling her with a sense of peace.
Pressing down, she searched, desperate to find that heartbeat once more.
"LOLLIPOP!" Now, Taco loses the collectiveness she had, shaking her like a ragdoll, and even slapping her to try and wake her up. "LOLLIPOP!!"
"TACO!" Saw pulled her friend to her side, letting Gelatin drag her towards them. Fear quaked at his bones, unable to stop his hands and limbs from trembling at the sight of his injured friend.
He remembered the maneuver he had to do. Pressed down against her chest, he forced himself to keep a rhythm, remembering the one lesson that Golfball had given them ages ago.
And it worked. Giving a hard cough, Lollipop surges up, clutching her chest whilst catching her own breath.
"Lollipop..?!" Gelatin whispered, quickly grabbing at her arms. Her eyes squeeze shut, until they flutter open, slowly meeting his gaze until she shook her head.
"...I knew this hotel was in poor taste," she said weakly.
The purple pop soon found herself being tackled to the ground, her friends and girlfriend hugging her tightly. She flinches, the world spinning aimlessly as she makes an effort to adjust herself.
"P-Pleased to see you all, too."
Taco was the first to help her up, her hands cradling her girlfriend's face gently. "O-Oh- Are you- are you okay?!" she questioned, her voice heavy with emotion.
"I've... been better, dear. You know that."
The smaller object laughs at her response. Despite the tears running down her face, she throws her arms around Lollipop, shivering as she hears the rapid beat of the object's heart. Both of them stay in each other's hold for a second, until Gaty is helping them up, coughing from the air around them.
"Y-You two can continue once we're OUT!" she shouted. "Get up!"
Gelatin was quick to see how Lollipop struggled to get back up. He rushes over, hoisting her back onto her feet and plopping her arm on the top of his head, using him as a sort of crutch.
"Gaty," Saw cried out, her eyes scanning the halls. "How do we get out of here?!"
"Oh- I know! I found a way in!" Gelatin responded, his memory replaying his footsteps as he trailed down the halls he ran through.
"Wh- are you sure?!"
"Trust me- I managed to get up here, didn't I?!
"He's right," Taco yelled, flinching at the cracking that snapped from the walls. "Guys- follow Gelatin!"
Every step they take becomes more of a blur. Stumbling turned into running, as the hotel was quick to alert them of its collapsing structure. They rush past a certain room, catching a glimpse of Bomby and Nickel as they try to force the window open. Firey Jr. stood in front of them, and with their effort, the glass would swing open, smoke beginning to pour from the room.
Their achievement was short lived- as the group watched Firey Jr. lose his balance, screaming in fear as he fell to his death.
They rush past Pie's room, where she was frantically looking for her lizard, her terrarium now empty. Woody stayed right by her side, trying to help her search the area as best as he could.
Would that be the last time they ever saw them?
Gritting his teeth, Gelatin powered through the inferno, slamming through the doors and rushing through the flaming halls. Lollipop's mind was still in a haze, the smoke stunning her clarity as she struggled to keep her own balance. Saw and Taco were swift in keeping her up, rushing past the burning faces of friends and acquaintances.
Soon, they found themselves on the first floor. Gelatin's eyes shot back and forth, deciphering the path that he had taken when he ran through the flames, but with the fire growing worse, the smoke obscured any possible hint he could find.
With Lollipop's head melting, she struggled to keep her head up, fighting the heaviness that tugged at her eyes. It worried Taco to no end- in a blind panic, she rushed ahead of the group, trying to find any possible way out.
Seeing the flickering 'EXIT' sign was enough to make the tortilla gasp.
A way out! No time in hesitating here- she needed to help her friends and get them to safety!
Turning towards the group, her feet lead her towards the sign, shouting to lead them through the fire. "GUYS! THIS WAY!"
"WHAT?!" Gelatin looked up, quickly stumbling aside as his body was beginning to boil. "TACO, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"
An exit. Enough to serve as a greenlight, the four rush after Taco, withstanding the flames and crackles that taunted their efforts.
Seems like the explosion wasn't enough to knock the sign off of its path. Right before them stood a door, unscathed, but with the flames growing exponentially, they had no time to waste.
Turning around, a smile grew on Taco's face as she rushed back towards her girlfriend.
"Lolli- GUYS! It's right here! It's right-"
Cracking through her words, the four could only watch as the roof ahead of them had cracks skittering around its structure. It wasn't until Lollipop reached out, when it collapsed, blocking the EXIT before them, and crushing Taco in the process.
Blood and tomato pieces sprayed onto their faces. Pieces of flesh were also in the combination, to Lollipop's horror, as she would slowly wipe her face clean- only to see the flattened eyeball of her girlfriend in the center of her bloodied hand.
woohoo! another chapter.
originally this was all going to be one, but it went over 15k words. So I split them into two parts. I'm still writing some final scenes on the next chapter, so uh. Yeah! It'll be out sometime tonight, or tomorrow.
also I AM GOING TO THE NYC MEETUP. excited as hell. I'll be there at both times on that saturday since it's a graduation gift for myself and my partner (yippee!!)
OKAY! the fire will continue in the next chapter. see you in a bit.
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