Another Rainy Day

"That's it- that was the last straw! I can't do this anymore!"

'What? You still have to get through the ligament there! If anything, you gave him a mere-'

"I'm not talking about that, I-I'm talking about- this! ALL of this! I can't keep chasing people for you whenever I see them, I could get caught!"

'Hah! Like that's a bad thing...'

"It IS! They'll already be terrified when they find out this is happening again- a-and when they see that I'M the one doing this?!"

'They'll COWER beneath you!'

"I don't WANT that!"

'It's what Pin wanted...'

"I'm not her."

'Really? That blood on your hands says otherwise sweetheart~'

"...It was never Pin who did all of this.. was it.."

'...It was always many, many people, █████... many people who I inhabited.. there is no questioning it... simply... build the garden.'

"You know I'm not that strong, I-... why-... why did you choose me...?"

'Please. You know that answer- it lies deep within that shimmering mind of yours. I'm just here to help you find it...'

"We could've helped Pin... we could've saved her, I-..."

'Hey! Get your mind off of that volatile thumbtack. Get to cutting!'

"H-He keeps crying..."

'Nothing new there! The sound of him drowning in his blood is quite hilarious.'

"Won't they be able to recover him..?"

'How many times do I have to say it; they're both unable to die. That yoylite is keeping their souls in tact with their own bodies- helping their hearts beat, despite the injuries!~'

"So they can't?"

'Nope. They're still alive after all.'

"H-He won't stop crying... he could get us caught-"

'Not with that slit throat, he won't! You did great, dear~'

"There needs to be more order."

'Huh? Order?'

"I never wanted to hurt him- I-... I can't let something like this happen again..."

'Oh, suck it up, will you. This is how it must go.'

"Can't I have a say in this?!"

'If I want my garden to fail- I suppose so! I let that thumbtack pick and choose who she went for- she even made her own set of rules, haha!'


'Yes. Tried to make herself feel better by devising a plan to aid in my garden- yet, I never told her that it was all meaningless...'

"...That list... you-.."

'I sure did! Oh- he's crying for his mother again?! Ugh. Take care of that, will you?!'


'HELLOOOO?! Do I have to do ALL of the work around here?!'

"Not if you let me choose."

'Choose? Choose... what, exactly?'

"If I make my own list- my own rules and people for the garden- I'll listen to you. I....I won't go against your word."

'Jeez, another one, huh? Give it a break darling, you know it won't–'


'Well, I can't have you making your own set of rules- you're new, after all! Why, you'd be stumbling over your own feet to try and keep your identity hidden!'

"Then let me choose who I get. Let me choose who goes next- and I'll listen to you."


"..I promise. I.. I won't fight against you. I won't defy your words or try to escape anymore. If you let me choose who goes... I'll do whatever you say."

'Whatever I say, hm...? I suppose... since you asked so politely...'

"Then, I-"



'HAH! You should've seen the look on your face- priceless!! Though, as I was saying... I'll let you make your little list. On ONE condition.'

"What is it..."

'You take my recommendations. My advice. I may be ruthless- but I am not wasteful. Everyone has to find their way back into the soil, after all...'

"..But.. I..."

'I'm only trying to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible, with nothing hindering our success... I'm sure you wouldn't want them finding out about this happening again- all because of you...'


'Wonderful! My- you're blooming into SUCH perfection, dear~ we'll have our little garden in no time! But for now...'

'Let me suggest that you start with someone... strong. Your strength is powerful, but oh, so limited... we can't be wasteful now, can we...?'


"...I'm so sorry..."

'Aww, is that for me? Or are you monologuing for your precious little friends?'


'Ugh. You and your little silent treatments- get that list set and- Ugh! Get that brat to quiet DOWN!'

My soul pleaded against her. But my soul was beginning to vanish.

My own self was beginning to vanish.

I never wanted this. I never wanted this to happen again. But it was. And despite everything, there was nothing anyone could do to stop it.

It was happening. It kept happening. Over, and over again.

I once hoped there was a way to stop this.

Now, I smile. All I do is smile, as I lift the trowel into my hands.

It's all I can do.

"Don't worry," I whisper through a smirk. "I'll find a way to keep him quiet."


Pain stabbed through Basketball's chest. Immediately, she shot herself up from the crouched position she was in, wincing as the pain would crash against her like the ocean's waves, permeating through the surface before settling into the center of her heart.

It was so sudden- she found herself struggling to take in a breath of air, fueling the panic that was striking at her mind. There was no way she just hurt herself- she was working on the brand new recovery center, for pump's sake!

What could have caused it?!

Shivering, the sports ball failed to contain her panicked breaths from spreading through the, what once was, comfortable silence. It captured the attention of her dearest lab partner, and as Robot Flower looked back towards her, she gasped, immediately placing her tools down before rushing over.

"Basketball?!" the robotic voice called, carefully placing her hands on the sides of the scientist's face. "Basketball- hey! Look at me!"

Grueling seconds come and go, and with a few blinks, Basketball's pain vanishes. She stood still, catching her breath from the sudden pain that had struck her before noticing the hands that cradled her face, ever so gently.

One would think she'd recognize the familiar face of her best mechanical friend before her. Still, the sports ball jumps in shock, a blush immediately blooming on her cheeks like the first rose of spring.

"R-Robot Flower!" She shrieked. "OMP- I-I'm so sorry! I thought I- there was this-"

"Basketball." The robot shook her head. "Why are you apologizing?! I thought you got hurt, I wasn't going to leave you here like nothing!"

"I-It wasn't really an injury..."

"What happened? Are you feeling okay?"

"I just felt this-... pain...? It was so weird- it struck out of nowhere, and.. and.." Basketball could feel the words slipping away as her eyes locked onto the metallic plant's face. She'll admit- it was a bad habit of hers, to get lost in the structure of Robot Flower's face.

Yet there was something so captivating- so beautiful- about her facial structures, that the poor scientist's heart practically fluttered at the sight. She sees her every day, spends every moment by her side, yet she falls in love with every passing glance she gives.

Because of that, she fails to notice the robotic bloom shaking her as carefully as she could. "Basketball!"

"Ack- sorry, sorry!"

"Do you need me to get Tennis Ball?"

"No! I promise, I just- gah..." As her words trailed off, Basketball couldn't help but silently curse herself for the interaction. How pathetic could she possibly be?! First, the pain- and now, this??

There was now way she would ever actually-

"Oh jee- elevated heart rate... flushed cheeks, dilated pupils- are you having a stroke?!"

Robot Flower's words made Basketball shake her head. "No! No, i-it's not that, I..."

So. This is how it was gonna be?

"Then what's the matter? Did someone hurt you?? Tell me who it was- I'll put them in their PLACE, I- wait..."

"R-Robot Flower, please..." Taking a deep breath, Basketball adjusted her posture, her heart beginning to slow its pace. She knew she couldn't keep it away for much longer; hoping it would've happened someplace nicer, she quickly pushed that shame aside.

After all, they had worked together here for months. They shared their laughs, their knowledge, and the secrets that they hid away from all others to see. It was only fitting for it to happen here.

Come on Basketball, she thought to herself, you can do this. Just tell her how you feel. Just-

"P-please correct me if I've been reading this wrong," Robot Flower stuttered, catching the sports ball off her guard. She looked up, confused at the blooms words.

"Robot Flower..." Basketball could practically see her metallic face overheat from the moment, thinking that it was an error in her programming- that is, until the robot spoke once more.

"Basketball, w-well... ever since we've- escaped the TLC, I've always found myself enjoying every moment with you..."

Basketball's eyes glistened softly as she heard her speak. "Oh.."

"I'm n-not one to feel things- my programming is usually in charge of that, yet whenever you're around, I feel rather- weird... I can't explain it, but I know that it's a good feeling..."

The pain Basketball once felt melted into an enamored embrace, while Robot Flower continued.

"I-... OMB, what is this feeling.."

"Hey- hey, don't freak out..." Basketball said quietly, blush glowing from her cheeks as she stepped closer to the taller object. "I know it all too well..."

"Y-You do?"

She nodded. "I can't really pretend anymore.. Robot Flower- you are everything."


"E-Ever since we first met, it felt like I've known you for a lifetime- I felt this way since the moment I first laid my eyes on you.. you need to know that.."

Hesitant, the sports ball let her eyes glance at Robot Flower's face once more. The effort it took to keep her from kissing her was too great to overpower- but today, she couldn't hold back. Not anymore.

Basketball leaned in, pressing her lips against the smooth surface of Robot Flower's 'mouth'. She felt her eyes come to a close, seconds passing through while she took the moment in as best as she could.

That is, until she realized what she was doing.

Basketball's eyes snapped open, and she yanked herself back. Regret filled her now racing heart, not hesitating to apologize towards the mechanical mind.

"O-Oh my- Robot Flower, I'm so sorry!" she stuttered, her reddened face looking down in shame. "I never- I-I meant to-"

Her words were immediately sliced into silence when she felt the pair of metallic arms wrap around her body. Basketball didn't even have the chance to gasp, before Robot Flower yanked her back up, letting her metallic face press against Basketball's, a small electric shock buzzing straight into the other's lips.

She could barely hold back the squeak of surprise, quiet smacks and smooches filling the atmosphere with countless galaxies, supernovas bursting as their 'lips' intertwined. Quiet smacks broke the hush like the striking impact of a meteor, their souls waltzing through a sea of stars which blanketed before them.

They kissed. They actually kissed- and Basketball could feel her heart fluttering with every zap she felt.

The sound of Basketball's muffled giggles made the bloom clutch her closer- that is, before the doors to the lab swung open.

"UHH- BASKETBALL? GOLFBALL?? ARE YOU THERE??" A robotic voice called from the top of the stairs.


The two would quickly bounce away from each other, scrambling around the lab to find something they could immerse themselves into. All the while, footsteps rang through the underground laboratory, as a group quickly found their way into the scene with their own worries in hand.

A flat-screen tv turned to face the lightswitch beside him, carefully making his way down. "How is she feeling?" he asked.

"Ugh- I can't risk her falling down the stairs." The lightswitch huffed, carrying an oversized remote in her arms. "I can bring her down myself."

"Well, we are almost there. I am sure the two can help her- if not, the recovery centers are available for us to-"

TV's words were cut short as all three made their way into the room. Rather than catching a glimpse at the two renowned scientists of the city, he instead catches sight of a disheveled basketball, staring at an empty beaker with a focused glare. Beside her, Robot Flower silently flipped through the pages of a pink-covered book, her head nodding with every sentence she came across.

It didn't take long for Liy to notice the scene. Carefully helping Remote back onto the ground, she'd look towards the two, puzzled by the scene before her.

Why the hell was Robot Flower reading a book called "How to Be Dumb"?

And why was she reading it upside down..?

"Uhhh.. did we.. interrupt something...?" Liy questioned, her eyebrow raising slightly towards the two.

Poor Basketball's face practically radiated from her own blush and fluster, because TV picked up on it.

"Maybe we should go-" his televised voice began, before Liy raised her hand in their direction.

"Nuh-uh. We need to get this fixed before it festers into something out of our control."

"Before what gets out of your control?" Robot Flower spoke, her voice glitching slightly as she cleared the hushed nervousness from her voice box. "What's going on?"

"We have a problem, you two," said Liy. "It's been bugging them ever since we were freed from that stupid metal box."

Of course. When wasn't there ever a problem? Taking that first step to freedom should have made the sports ball realize the responsibility which blanketed over her own being. Both Golfball and Tennis Ball weren't there; every object had no choice but to rely on her for their next steps.

Basketball only nodded in response.

"Care to tell us what the problem is, then?" Robot Flower questioned, crossing her arms with an audible huff. "We don't exactly have all day- just tell us where it hurts and we'll get you what you need."

"It's not us."

"I- uh.." Caught off guard by the sudden response, Robot Flower shook her head, her metal hands lowering back to her sides. "..It's- not you..?"

"It's the robots." Liy said softly.

Robots. The robots!

Basketball remembered their mechanical companions, she didn't mean to let them slip free from her mind. She became heavily focused on every object around her, trying to keep them from dying during the construction of the recovery center; she nearly forgot about the robotic contestants that were trapped alongside her.

She let her gaze fall upon the robots before her. "What's wrong?"

Remote's mouth opened, yet no sound broke past her. At first, she seemed to have trouble finding the words to describe the kind of pain she was experiencing- but when the usual glow of her eyes flickered, the robot would stumble, her limbs giving in. Liy quickly scooped her up when she noticed her stumbling, concern clouding her mind from the rationality that kept her cool.

"S-She's been like this all day," she began, her voice shaking. "We don't know what could have caused this.."

"All day? This started two days ago!" TV interjected, his pixelated eyebrows furrowing together.

"No way. I saw her yesterday- she was just fine!"

"We are roommates, Liy. Remote told me she was not feeling well, she was trying to-"

"Okay, break it up!" Robot Flower stepped in between the two, her arms poised to keep the tensions from escalating. "Fighting won't resolve anything, here!"

"Robot Flower's right." Basketball chimed in.

With a hesitant glare, the two objects would then nod silently, much to Basketball's relief. She sighed, starting on a clean slate, making sure the two could have their respective chances of speaking.

"Now, let's start from the beginning here. TV- you said she was starting to feel weird two days ago?"

"Precisely." TV said. "You know that hotel- Live Hotel- the one in the city, yes?"

"How could I not? Balloony and Cloudy are staying there with Rocky- Grassy goes along with them sometimes."

"Yes. Usually, Remote and I wake up before the sun rises to enjoy the view from the floor we are staying in. Both of us had no trouble getting out of bed at that time, but two days ago, Remote was fast asleep- I let her be, but when I returned to the room, she was still in her respective bed."

"I see... Did you try waking her up?"

"It took a few tries, but she did. That is when I started noticing her eyes."

The dimming glow. Basketball wasn't the only one who captured that flicker. "Her dying lights..?"

"She is never this faulty- and when she reached a near-shutdown yesterday, I had to bring her here."

Nodding, Basketball would turn to let Liy speak, but jumped as Robot Flower interrupted her thoughts.

"Sounds like she needs new batteries," the metallic plant stated, folding her arms neatly across her chest. Liy frowned, adjusting Remote carefully before moving towards them.

"Uh, but what about-"

"No need."

Glancing down, Robot Flower could see the frustrated gaze that radiated from the light switch. She didn't mean to cut her off in such a way, as she wanted to help as much as possible- but when it came to the well-being of another mechanical object, she could instantly find the root of the issue, much faster than the previous duo ever could.

Tapping her chin in thought, the robotic bloom would lean down, letting herself get a closer look at Remote's complexion. The poor woman could barely tell where she was, with her eyes fixed onto the ceiling, her chest rising ever so slightly with every breath that she took. The buttons on her forehead glowed and flickered, much like her pupils, and this was enough to cement her own hypothesis into approval.

Yet, she had to check to be sure. "Come on Remote- we want to help you." she said, holding her hand out for her fellow robot friend.

Remote's eyes blink unevenly, trying to process Basketball's words. Before she could speak again, Robot Flower stepped forward.

"We won't let you die," she said, her voice lilting ever so softly. "We promise- the new recovery centers will have what we need to make sure of it."

She could see Remote's eyes flickering, her pupils now lifting to meet Robot Flower's. "I'll change your batteries. After all, us mechanical minds have to stick together, right?"

Remote haltingly stepped towards the taller woman. She found herself freezing slightly, before TV rushed to her side, carefully guiding her towards the table where she could be treated. She plunked onto the surface, her energy dwindling with every movement she made.

The others could tell by her expression that death was a hidden terror to her- if, robots could even have those terrors. Besides the exhaustion and confusion that radiated from her face, her eyes would flicker with fear, unsure if she'd actually have the chance to wake up once more.

Yet, there was no need to fear. There was a recovery center- it was right across the room!

Then why was she...

She feels a hand brush against her back. The noises from the world around her fell into a deep hum, and before she knew it, Remote powered off.

"Well? How's it working with her?"


Flinching, Fanny couldn't help but roll her eyes, pouting with unease. "I still don't trust that stupid medicine- I mean, how could something like that work?! With no side effects or issues?!"

Bracelety tilted her head. "IS IT WORKING FOR BUBBLE?"

"It is. And I hate it."


The electrical fan opened her mouth, but hesitancy forced her words back into the crevices of her mind. She didn't want to keep Bubble in that damned state she was once in with her waking from unspoken nightmares, screaming endlessly and frantically punching at the air around her.

Whatever Golfball made had stopped those episodes. And now here Fanny was stuck in the clubhouse with Bracelety, while the others were off doing their own thing.

Pencil and Match had both gone to the canal to cool off. Flower and Ruby were taking a walk. Book had returned from her daily morning walk, though, she was off grabbing some ingredients for a dish she wanted to prepare, and Bubble...

She had told Fanny she needed more yoyleberries- that Leafy had her own stash that she wished to ask for. Of course, Fanny offered to give her company, but the soap bubble immediately declined.

It was the first time Fanny could feel her own heart breaking. And she hated it.

Now, her girlfriend had become a former shell of herself. That cheerful woman she had met long ago was-

Hey. Bubble was still there. Fanny knew she was- yet, the horrors she had to endure kept her true self hidden from plain sight.

"..I think I'm just... worried." Fanny uttered. "..I really don't want to mess things up here."

"BUT YOU WON'T!" Bracelety exclaimed.

"I could. You, of all people, know how I am. Bubble was someone who helped me control myself- but now?" Hesitating, Fanny looked away. "...I have to be the one who helps her control herself."


"To you, she is. I let her open up when we're alone, and everything she tells me makes me hate myself even more."


"No. I hate myself. Because at the end of the day, I was the one who told that monster where Bubble went off to."

A hush fell upon the two. Bracelety's mouth curled into a frown at the memory, realizing that they had fallen under Pin's act by telling her everything they had known. She watched Fanny's tail droop with anger, her eyes narrowing as she looked away.

"...Now, my Bubble is gone," she uttered weakly. "And it's all because of me."

Guilt boiled at the center of Fanny's throat, forcing her to clamp her lips together. With her vision beginning to blur, her heart screamed its endless hatred at the realization that she was on the verge of tears- better yet, right in front of someone- and she had to do something about it, quickly.

Fanny's thoughts soon came to a halt, as Bracelety's arms wrapped around the other woman. Her body tensed up, her plug-tail flicking as she was unused to the sudden display of affection from the other object. Hell, she was just about to go on another hateful tirade, before Bracelety spoke.

"It was not our fault," the blue bracelet whispered, clutching her gently. "..It never was."

Bracelety continued to hold on, despite her friends' tense posture. She could feel her plug-tail waving angrily out of protest, but her eyes widened when she heard a quiet sniffle coming from Fanny.

She held her closer.

It was all she could do. All they could do.

The two stayed that way, offering each other a shoulder to lean on.

No matter what.

"If there are not any batteries, will the recovery center work for her?" TV asked, watching Robot Flower unscrew the back of Remote's covering. "There is always the kill and recover technique..."

The words made Robot Flower freeze in her movements. While she didn't want to kill the poor thing, that option could save their time and efforts, rather than letting the stress pile up on her and Basketball. Pulling the final screw out, she lifted the plastic covering, her eyes being met with the batteries in Remote's body.

"I don't know if we should.." she whispered, carefully plucking the batteries out. The springs of her compartment twitched as the other removed them from their place, letting her eyes scan at the metallic cylinders in her hand.

Just as she had suspected, they were completely drained.

Walking over, Basketball would tap at Remote's head. "It wouldn't hurt to try," she whispered, glancing up at her beloved lab partner. "Is she still- alive..?"

"With her batteries now out of her system- no." The robot shook her head.

"Then let me see..."

The orange sports ball swiftly made her way towards the recovery center, giving one last glance towards the group at the table. Their reassuring nods were enough to convince her to test their idea- at least, to save themselves from being bombarded with more chaos than they could handle.

They didn't mean it out of any bad intent; with TB and GB still recovering from their own issues, she was now left responsible for every object in the city. On top of that, she was a moth-

Caretaker. A caretaker of one of them.

She silently typed out the name.




A screeching crash stabbed through the atmosphere in the lab. The usual, green glow from the screen was now a pulsating red, the light emitting a damning glow on Basketball's own face. With each blink of the error, her eyes absorbed the sight before her, a new kind of terror soon blanketing over her mind.

Nonexistent. They were objects- just like her, just like every other object in the city. How could they be nonexistent?!

Remote was dead. No way could she still be conscious if her batteries were out of her system; was the machine beginning to bust from the recoveries that were made?

Soon, Liy's voice interrupted her racing thoughts. "What? What's the problem?"

"It says there's.. an issue..?" Basketball couldn't recognize her own voice, as it had now fallen into a petrified whisper. "I don't know how... I..."

"Did the recovery center break?!"

"NO! No no- there's got to be an explanation to this! Here, let me try again..."




Now, Basketball was completely unprepared. One would think that being in charge for the past few months would have gotten her in shape to handle a situation such as this one, but the last time the recovery center had busted, every object in the city dropped like flies. And with Tree still missing, alarm bells rang endlessly in her mind.

Shaking her head, she would turn back to the group, finding herself speaking before she could give it a second thought.

"Here- I'll go inform GB about this, and I'll grab some new batteries for Remote. You keep her company while I'm gone, alright?" Basketball said nervously, forcing a smile as the three looked up. Although they wanted to try and speak to her at that moment, she turned away, soon brushing through the halls of the laboratory.

One left, one right, and through the hall she went. An interesting layout that Golfball had come up with herself- thanks to the woman bragging endlessly about it. Despite how much it got to Basketball, she couldn't help but respect the brilliance of the smaller scientist.

Where would anyone be without GB and TB?

A thought that Basketball reminded herself, over and over. Being both a scientist and inventor was anything but easy, yet it only meant that endless tools and goodies were available for the three to use. Spare parts, extra tech... you name it.

To her relief, she silently thanked them when she came across the small bucket of batteries in the closet. Already knowing which one she needed, the orange sports ball would grab it, and braced herself for where she had to go next.

She knew that GB wouldn't be happy to hear about the news of the recovery center. Or, that of Tree's disappearance. But things were becoming desperate- and now, she couldn't handle this on her own.

Basketball makes her way down the narrow hallways, soon coming face to face with a metal door that stood slightly ajar. She takes a deep breath, ready to knock on the door while bearing the news of these disappearances.

A sound then stops her. She stares, confused for a moment, before sniffling and murmured cries struck her 'ears'. Stepping aside, she pressed her side against the wall, listening to the voices within.

"Golfball, breathe- it's okay..."

"I-It's... not...TB..."

"Rocky's been so much happier! He's beginning to find himself again, Balloony and Cloudy say that he's having a blast in that hotel everyone's staying in and your Zelatonin? It's a miracle cure for us!"

"B-But... oh, putts- I've failed everyone... At the end of the day, I-I failed EVERYONE.. That recovery center was supposed to be built by us- by ME. And she KILLED ME!"



"What?! Golfie- no! You told me to run- y-you-"

"Tennis Ball... I never... grr- I-I shouldn't be scared- why am I so SCARED?!"

"Shh... I'm here..."

His quiet consolement punched through Basketball's soul. She knew that the two were missing Rocky- she was the one who recommended them to find a babysitter, after all- yet she was always left in the dark when she tried asking about Golfball's well-being.

Her mental health.

She couldn't tell them yet.

She couldn't.

Another pain struck at her side. Her mind clouded with confusion, unsure as to what was happening to her; shaking her head, she turned back and quietly returned to the main room of the laboratory.

Liy noticed that orange sports ball. "Well? What'd they say?" she asked, clutching Remote gently as the robotic woman leaned against her shoulder.

"I didn't tell them." Basketball murmured.

"What- did she shoo you away or something?"

"No. I just- we still can't tell them. They're not ready to handle this mess- not at all."

She had to hold herself back from saying that it was happening again. It's not. It isn't.

But... Tree..

To think, she had brushed his disappearance off-

No. No, no. Think, Basketball- there has got to be some logical explanation to this.

.. And Grass-


He's okay. They're okay.

They're okay.

Swallowing the fear that tried to surpass her mind, she swiftly turned away, bringing the batteries back towards the robots. Although her mind was straying from the path she was intended to take, her feet seemed to go against it; walls closing in and sounds falling into the gaping void of silence.

Soon, Basketball found herself back in the room, face-to-face with her own reflection from the recovery machine. There had to be some way to fix this. There just had to be.

She took in a deep breath, steading her beating heart before taking little steps away from the machine. "Okay..." she said, "I think we need to test the recovery center again."

"Basketball.." Robot Flower whispers, her voice warbling with worry.

"Hey- don't freak out. I'm sure it's something small- we just have to try and test it out again."

This immediately makes Liy step back from the table, her hands flying into the air defensively. "What are you saying?"

"We have to recover someone."

"And how are you going to do that??"

Perhaps she was waiting for Basketball to say something. Or kill her with the strange devices that riddled the entirety of the lab. Instead, she stands there with unease, trying to think of a possible way to get this test done, to prove that the recovery center was, in fact, working. Liy was still weary, as she herself didn't want to be the immediate lab rat out of the group.

These thoughts suddenly settle as the scientist turns towards Robot Flower with a knowing look. Liy catches the taller object catching her gaze, before immediately shaking her head in refusal. She wouldn't- no way in hell would she risk this, especially now.

Every second became grueling; that is, before the sound of rushed footsteps echoed from the entrance once more.

"Bazketball?! Bazketball!"

Everyone recognized that familiar accent anywhere. Believe them, spending ages in a metal box had each object knowing one another very quickly, and their eyes quickly captured the familiar cloud rushing into the room, Rocky scuttling after him with a small huff.

How strange. Usually, there was a third with them- Balloony, was it?- but the worried look on Cloudy's face was enough to portray the worry he had over his dearest 'friend'.

From what she could tell, they were friends.

"Cloudy! Rocky!" Brushing herself off, the scientist made her way towards the two. "Gosh- is everything alright? What do you need??"

"Zorry Basketball, but gould you regover Balloony?" the cloud asked, his head lowering in shame. "He popped while we were at the park..."

Perfect timing.

"No worries, you two- I got this," Basketball responded, smiling as Cloudy's face would light back up at the answer.

A quiet yet jolly little squeak made the scientist blink. Confused, she couldn't help but look to see where the noise had come from, and when her eyes fell upon a smiling Rocky, and that's when it hit her.

It was getting dark outside...

Where was Grass-


Not now. Not now- she had to help the others.

He'll be back soon.

She had to work.

Typing in Balloony's name, she found herself holding her breath once again, pressing the glowing green button. It activated the machine, and with a few wacky noises and stirring gears, a ding signified the return of the familiar object.

Stunned, Balloony would carefully get himself back onto his feet, before being met with the joyous embrace of his 'close companion', as well as Rocky. This alone was proof that the recovery center was working just fine, yet it was clear that limitations kept its ability to recover anyone and everyone, whether they were object, or not.

And this worried the scientist to no end.

"Well, the machine itself is working," Basketball stated, her head lifting to face the others. "But it won't work with any mechanical object- much like-"

"Why?!" Liy shouted. "They're just like us- aren't they?!"

"Y-Yes, they are! But-"

"Then why can't they be recovered?!"

Quickly, the situation began to dive into panic. Shouts from every object present began to hurl from each side of the room, with Rocky immediately flinching, curling up in the comfort of Balloony's arms. Basketball looked back at the recovery center, the mental image of its inner structures appearing back into her mind.

She had to figure it out.

What made this so different?

The gears were intact, all wiring seemed to be accurate, and-..


"Robot Flower," she stated, her gaze lifting back towards the three. "Do you remember who structured the recovery center before us?"

"Yes- Golfball told me it was Book," said Robot Flower.

"Book... how did she know?"

"Both Bubble and Ice Cube told her so."

"And before that? Before Book?"

"It was Golfball- and, from what I remember... Tennis Ball was the one who started it."

Once she goes down the list of names, Basketball only has a moment to run through her thoughts, before her lips pressed together with worry. With that many hands in charge of this creation- there was no doubt some faults and errors could occur. Golfball only had so many blueprints- as did Tennis Ball- and with the fear and grief stirred in their minds, the chance of this recovery center having its errors skyrocketed much more than she anticipated.

"That explains why they have the scars..." she uttered, moving along the room and back to her lover's side. At the last minute, the robot looks down, placing a hand on her side with worry.

"What's that?" the robotic bloom asked.

"The recovery center is fully functioning for everyone in the city, yet those scars that they came back with- it signified the faultiness of its structure," Basketball explained, her eyebrows creasing with worry. "This can only mean that, while the rest of us can be recovered, your mechanical minds are at risk of permadeath- in case anything does happen."

Now, he had kept his cool for this long- he had to, for his fellow mechanical friend- though, this explanation made TV panic. "You are telling us that we are without a recovery center?!"

"F-For now! Only for now- Robot Flower and I are hard at work with the next two recovery centers. Now that we have a more structuralized approach, we can ensure that these will provide a recovery source for the three of you and Roboty."

"Okay- so what should we do now?"

The question from Robot Flower nearly made her heart break. There was no doubt that she was just as terrified as the rest of them were; despite her scientific knowledge (thanks to Basketball's clever programming), she couldn't help but wonder if there really was a chance of recovery for them.

She was just a robot, after all. A mechanical mind- there wasn't any chance that they themselves had souls... was there?

While Basketball tried to ease both Liy and TV, she caught sight of Robot Flower's hands; incessantly trembling with a twitch every now and then. It was enough to tell her that she was scared, and with a gentle nudge, Basketball would let her eyes close, her girlfriend's arms wrapping around her gently.

Robot Flower's mechanical heartbeat synchronized with Basketball's, and the longer she held on, the less she wanted to let go. They both stayed this way, before a gentle nudge was felt at Basketball's leg, carefully capturing her attention to look down. To her surprise, her eyes locked onto Rocky's once more, blissful unawareness shining in his eyes.

"Is Grassy here?" he asks quietly. "I wanted to say bye before I go back to the hotel.."


The mention of his name was enough to make Basketball and Robot Flower's eyes lock onto one another. Both of them knew that Grassy's curfew had long passed- there was no way he could still be out there at a time like this.

Immediately, Basketball looked down towards him. "I think he's over at Blocky's... why don't you go back with Balloony- I can bring him over, first thing tomorrow morning. Okay?"

Rocky nodded, his smile growing as he made his way back towards his two caretakers. She refrained from saying anything more, until she watched the three make their way up the stairs, and the sound of the closing door was enough to make the sports ball look up with worry.

"Hey," Robot Flower held her cheek gently. "You said it yourself- he could be at Blocky's."

"Even so, he would have brought him over by now," said Basketball, tears prickling at the corner of her eyes.

"Please. You and I know how Blocky can be- he's probably letting Grassy stay the night again."

"Without giving us a heads up..?"

"Something Blocky would do. Here- why don't you change Remote's batteries? Get these three back to the hotel- I can go get-"

"Nuh-uh. Now there's no way I'm letting you out of my sight," Basketball whispers tearfully.

Oh, right. The robot flinched, her hands brushing against the sides of Basketball's head. "Basketball..."

"Listen. Let's get Remote fixed up. We'll go pick him up together- okay..?"

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes. I-.." The image of Grassy would fade into her sight. Her heart ached, and for a quick second, she swore she could feel pain slice through her throat. Yet, she shook her head, getting her mind back onto the situation at hand.

"..I'm sure of it. We'll get him back home- but for now, let's get this taken care of."

Bracelety was helping Ice Cube get into bed, despite the sunlight that poured into the room. A sweetened scent permeated through the new clubhouse- perhaps it was from one of Saw's treats that she had gifted to them- or Book's cake- but the quiet clashing of pans meant that somebody else was cooking.

She knew Fanny was asleep. Bubble had asked where she was when she returned from her yoyleberry journey that morning (all within a lovely basket that carried too many to count)- and with her soapy surface now gray, she decided that she'd let her lover rest with ease.

Must be Bubble in the kitchen, then. Whatever she was making turned the new clubhouse into a bakery of its own. There were so many sweets- Bracelety wanted to eat all of it! At least, after she helped Icy, of course.

The blue bracelet carefully helped Ice Cube up, her stomach rumbling loudly at the smell of cake. But she shook her head, focusing on her girlfriend as she would settle back in.

"I'm tired..." Ice Cube whispered, her eyelids fighting against the exhaustion that tried to bring them to a close. Bracelety carefully adjusted the pillow behind her, helping Ice Cube lean against it with gentle movements.

"HERE WE GO.." The blue bracelet would smile, noticing that her girlfriend was finally getting used to her senses once more. "IS THIS COMFORTABLE..?"

Ice Cube hesitated. She couldn't help but try and swim through possible responses, trying to find the words to say towards her girlfriend, before it broke past her lips.

"Could you stay with me..?"

Her voice, so gentle, yet riddled with unease. The quiet plea from the frozen cube made Bracelety's heart melt; she didn't think twice before she carefully plopped beside her, giving her enough space to breathe, yet draping a gentle arm around her body.

Every touch of Bracelety's gentle hand never failed to make roses of blush bloom on Ice Cube's face. She couldn't help but feel a pit of guilt hanging low within her stomach; she had waited so long to finally see the woman she had fallen in love with, only to panic and cry at any movement she made with her aching body. Their reunion was a thought that helped carry Icy through those damned times, as it was nothing more than a reassurance, a promise as to what awaited them if they stopped Pin, surviving in the process.

In the end, they managed to accomplish what they had hoped for, at the cost of their lives.

Feeling the tears that threatened to crawl from her eyes, Ice Cube took a shaky breath in. To her surprise, she could feel Bracelety tenderly wiping them away, her movements so careful that it made her heart melt. She gave her a smile, serving as an unspoken thank you, before she made a careful effort to move closer towards her body.

Bracelety shook her head, hushing her under her breath. She made sure she was careful, moving herself closer at Ice Cube's request. And when their eyes locked within each other's gaze, they could feel the environment around them fading away, melting into the vast beauty of space itself.

They were once separated by the cold, metal walls of the TLC. Now, they were finally reunited; in this rare moment of lucidity, they were both finally aware of one another, their eyes taking in the beauty from each other.

To Ice Cube, Bracelety was more than the stars- she was the sun herself, her joyful attitude brightening every atmosphere she entered through. Her cheers and endless motivation permeated through a darkened hopelessness, such as the rays of the sun, washing upon her with a shower of twinkling lights.

Oh, but for Bracelety, Ice Cube wasn't just a mere star, or a planet itself- she was the entire universe to her.

And she was ecstatic to exist in the same universe as her dear lover. The two stayed within each other's embrace, though they couldn't help but lean in closer, and closer...

This all came to an end when Bracelety winced, quickly retracting her hand to hold her own cheek.

"Ow.." The sudden whine of pain made Ice Cube blink. Frowning, she sat up, carefully moving closer to her despite the pain that soared through her 'skin'.

"Are you okay..?" Ice Cube whispered, not daring to speak above a murmur. Bracelety was confused at first- bewildered, even- by the fact that Ice Cube was speaking beyond a few mere sentences. She had even moved without thinking or hesitating. Progress..?

But the concern that glowed in Icy's striking blue eyes made Bracelety gasp, gently cupping her hands around her girlfriend's face.

"NO NO- I'M FINE, ICY!" She assured, using her thumbs to caress her face gently.

Ice Cube held the tears, the stress causing her to shiver under Bracelety's hold. "D-Did someone- hurt you..?"


"Your tooth..?"

Nodding, Bracelety would point at her own cheek, somewhat patting it so that the pain could subside. "THERE'S A TOOTH IN THE BACK THAT'S BEEN BOTHERING ME- I DUNNO WHAT THE PROBLEM IS!"

"Sounds like your wisdom teeth, to me. I don't recall you getting them removed, have you?"

The foreign voice made the two jump. The bracelet had forgotten to close the door earlier (due to the suddenness of Icy's awakening), and as a result, their conversation could be heard throughout the entire house, with Book standing in the doorway, her arms crossed.

"B-Book!" Ice Cube stammered, sitting up with a wince. "Are you- okay?? Was there a-"

"I'm fine." Book snapped, crossing her arms. "I just couldn't sleep. I finished the cake I made earlier, so I'm going to grab a slice."

"Y-You made a cake..?"

"Yeah. I saved slices for everyone- in case you wanted any."


"Oh- Your door was also open. I could hear you from-"


The reverberations of Bracelety's voice alone shot through Book's spine.

Her eyes widened, her heterochromatic pupils shrinking as her brain was forcefully ripped from the present plane that she was standing in. She stood in fear, watching as the familiar sight of Freesmart's new home vanished into the inky abyss of her mind, the same frequency echoing through the heavy atmosphere. With the sound snaking around her brain, it constricted itself around her soul, squeezing every last breath out of her.

She was back.

The ropes. The ones that kept her bound.

The darkened room.

A smile. Her smile. That damned smile, expressing the vicious satisfaction of the sins that she had committed- and the eyes that locked onto her, as if they were burning a hole through her very heart.

It all flashed through her eyes.

The trowel.

The remote.

Ruby's shards, twinkling with every movement.

Pin's cackle.

The shredder.



Metal teeth, piercing through her flesh and grinding her bones and joints into mush.

Her veins bursting, her nerves snapping, the pain that was so great, it forced her breath away.

The loud roar of the machine.

The screeching.

The sound of tearing flesh.


Grinding gears.

Roars of clashing metal.

Screams of shredding bones.

Make it stop. Make it stop.



"NOOOO!" Book's scream pierced through the air, as she immediately sprang to her feet, holding her arms out in a defensive manner. Her breaths were heavy, her lungs burning from the wildfire of panic that permeated through her shivering body.

Yet she couldn't see the figure before her, rushing from the bed, frantically trying to get her attention.

Ice Cube has to say Book's name several times before she manages to break through. With tears rolling down her scarred cover, Book's quaking gaze locked onto Icy's, a tense silence filling the air between them. Despite the lack of arms, Ice Cube would carefully press against Book's chest, ignoring the phantom pains that sliced through her skin.

She needed to be here. She had to.

She couldn't leave their friendship behind anymore.

"Book.." Ice Cube spoke quietly, looking up with a shiver. "Book-.. it's okay..."

"I-I..Ice.. Cube...?" Book sputtered, beads of sweat blotted on her forehead, unable to stop her limbs from tumbling like wild leaves. Hearing her speak, Ice Cube gave her friend a smile, forcing the pain back as she helped her back to her feet.

"That's it- y-yes!" the smaller object replied, keeping her voice at a low volume. "It's me- you're okay, I promise..."

Worriedly, Bracelety would rush over to help the two. Her mouth opened, wanting to ask if there was anything she could do, yet she was quickly cut off as Icy shook her head, worriedly sticking her leg towards her as if she were telling her to stop.

They already grounded her from this panic attack. Who knows how the next one could be.

Book's eyes continued to stare down at Ice Cube, the world around her carefully fading into the view. Just as quick as the panic attack had hit, it had left, leaving nothing behind but her own racing heart and shivering body.

Her arms had already found their way around Ice Cube. She clutched her smaller friend close to herself, sobs beginning to build up beneath her chest.


When was the last time she had cried in front of someone..?

In front of a friend..?

Almost as if she knew what she was feeling, Ice Cube would look up, letting their gazes meet once more. "I-It's okay," she whispered. "I'm staying right here."


All she's ever wanted was for someone to stay.

For someone to see her.

Now, here she was. A chance to finally heal, right beside her closest friend and face the ever-evolving future before her, together.

..She still chose her over me.

Book flinched. No, no-

She chose her, over me.

No, please-

Both of them.

They both chose someone else.

Over me.


"Let go," she whispered, her gentle voice now falling into a blank murmur. Ice Cube looked up, dismayed by the sudden change in her friend.


"I have to go."

Every movement that Book made daggers of pain slice at her skin, forcing her to pull away from the smaller object. She was supposed to be used to this by now- everyone would leave her, no matter how hard she tried to be there for them.

She'd give them every last ounce of love that she had, all to express how grateful she was to have them within her life. Book knew what it was like to never feel seen in such a way; she refused to let anyone feel that bitter loneliness evermore.

Yet, that led to people walking all over her, taking every crumb of love she gave and leaving her to rot.

Book thought it'd be different for the first time in her life.

Yet she found herself alone once more.

Ice Cube desperately tried to pull her back, but squeaked as Book silently pushed her away. Any attempt she made to stop her was futile- despite how badly she wanted to rekindle their strained friendship- but she could only watch as the blue and green object grabbed a small bag, silently making her way towards the door. She could faintly make out a few slices of cake within it, packaged neatly in little plastic bags.

"Book," Ice Cube called out for her. "A-are you sure?? You were-"

"I just have to go."

With a bitter reply, and a cold glare, Book would then leave the clubhouse, slamming the door behind her.

"Blocky! Someone's at the door!"

"Snowball, you're right next to it. Can't you get it yourself?"


"Ugh. Oh- hey Bee-Ball. Hey Robot Flower. Fancy seeing you two here."

"Blocky- have you seen Grassy?"

"Woah. Not even a hello? And here I thought you were polite, Bee-Ball!"

"Ugh- now's not the time. Where's Grassy?!"

"The kid was with you, wasn't he?"

"We let him play outside for a little while and we got some work done on the recovery centers."

"Smart move, Robot."

"Shut up, Blocky."

"Well, the kid isn't here. It's just me and Snowball for the time being- since we get to have him over on weekends."

"Is this another one of your funny doings?! Is it, huh?! Where IS HE?!"

"Woah- Basketball-"

"What's going on?"

"Snowball, you haven't seen Grassy around today, have you?"



"...Oh no."

Gelatin was instructed to stay within the city- to not wander beyond its outskirts, and to refrain from setting foot into that damned forest again.

It wasn't much- at least, to Fries. In fact, he swore that it wasn't that big of a deal. He never set foot into that forest, and he turned out fine.

Well, he didn't set foot there. Until she made him.

But, to Gelatin- it made him feel worse. He couldn't stand being in the enclosed space of his home any longer. No, he needed some time in the open air.

So he snuck out. He was careful to do so, carefully stepping by Fries and Puffball's room. They were still asleep, as the Zelatonin stuff was really helping them catch up on the rest that they had lost during that grueling two-week period after recovery.

Now that there was nobody screaming in horror at night, they could finally rest.

Knowing that, it only made Gelatin feel more calmer, knowing that they wouldn't notice a thing. He had left the house long ago, now wandering aimlessly through the city and remembering the familiar sights that had been buried from the traumatic events that unfolded.

He continued to walk, suddenly hearing the low rumbles of an impending thunderstorm. Springtime usually resulted in a lot of rainfall for the city, and although some found their peace with the quiet pattering of raindrops against their roofs, others had to quickly find their way to shield themselves from the water that poured from above.

And that's when he realized.

"Oh- CRAP. The umbrella!" Gelatin uttered, quickly slapping his forehead in disbelief. So much for the snarky comment he gave earlier...

Hold on. There shouldn't be any need to worry- there has got to be an umbrella somewhere amongst these abandoned buildings! Yoyle City had been left practically untouched, there was no way that one of these places wouldn't have such a thing, Gelatin was sure that he could find one and be on his way.

But the haunting rumbles of thunder soon rolled in, quaking the peaceful city with every clap. The clouds that covered the usual-yellow sky darkened, winds becoming distant with the smell of a storm prickling at the air.

Once that first raindrop hit on the top of his head, Gelatin couldn't help but flinch.

Oh no... he thought to himself. Now I have to go back- I won't have enough time to look, and then he's going to find out I left.

He wastes no time in turning around. His steps lead him back through the way he came, passing the abandoned shops and workplaces he had gazed upon curiously mere moments ago.

Yet, there was no time to lose himself in the environment, as the raindrops were beginning to grow more frequent, pelting against him at an increasing speed. He could feel his gelatinous body becoming soggier by the second, and, to his dismay, he realized that there wouldn't be any way to return home without becoming a mere pile of mush.

"Gross..!" he murmured to himself, quickly wiping away the bits of his own body as it crumbled from the brush of his hand. A mere drizzle soon fell into a pouring storm, leaving Gelatin no other choice than to rush beneath the tent-like ceiling of an abandoned bakery.

There was a sense of panic that tugged at the center of Gelatin's heart. He truly didn't want to upset Fries- that was his friend, after all!- but after the talk that Firey had with the dessert, Gelatin couldn't help but reach out for his friends, wanting to connect once more to reach some sense of normalcy in this damned city.

It was a talk that he wished to have with Fries. But he had returned to the former state of his own self- albeit, completely shut off from the others around him.

With another faint hum from the thunder above, Gelatin shut his eyes, resting his head against his knees as he listened to the sound of the storm around him. It lulled him, assuaging the worries he had as he let himself become lost in the song of the storm.

At least, until someone cleared their throat. Confused, Gelatin quickly lifted his head from his knees, his eyes being greeted with the sight of... a taco.. and a really tall lollipop.

"Fancy seeing you out in the open," the sentence rolled smoothly from Lollipop's tongue, her hand on her hip as her fingers readjusted to the handles of her umbrella. "Did you feel the need to become one with the environment today?"

Taco gave her a nudge, much to the taller woman's dismay. "Lolli!"

"Please- who would sit out during a storm like this one?"

"You should ask yourself that question," Gelatin responded, sitting back up. "What are you two doing out here?"

"Why, I'm afraid I'll have to pass on that question, fellow neighbor."

"We needed groceries."

"Taco!" Now it was Lollipop's turn to give the other a playful shove. Smiling, Taco couldn't help but chuckle as she held her own umbrella away from her.

"Watch it," she said with a grin. "You're gonna make me drop this!"

"I say it's well deserved."

"Oh, shut up!"

The two women would continue to bicker ever so playfully, their smooth laughter washing within the rain that pelted through the air. It was incredibly cheesy- painfully cheesy, even- and Gelatin couldn't help but shake his head.

"Gross," Gelatin rolled his eyes. "I think I prefer being melted by the rain here."

"That explains why you're sitting here like some sort of wet cat..." Quickly, Lollipop couldn't stop her smile as Gelatin gave her a glare of annoyance- though it quickly melted into a smile, letting a soft chuckle rise from his throat.

"You got me," he replied, looking back up at the two. "But please, continue your little gay grocery run, so I can be spared from the horrors of your love story here."

Now that should have been enough to make the two leave. It usually worked with the others when he responded; it was always playful and never carried any malcontent, but for now, he simply wished to return to the quiet sounds of nature.

Lollipop couldn't help but notice as he would mindlessly reach to his wrist, rubbing the horrific scar that looped around it. Such a small gesture, one that was unconsciously made by the other, though it was enough to make her own smile dim.

"Tell us," she began. "What brings you out to the center of this abandoned city?"

"It isn't really abandoned if you think about it. I mean- we live here now," Gelatin avowed, flexing his own fingers. His remark resulted in a half-hearted eye roll from the purple lollipop.

"Alright, smart guy. Whatever you say. Though, it would be-"

"I just needed some time outside."

Stunned, Lollipop would look down, placing a hand on her hip from the measly response. "Time outside- during a rainstorm?"

"Listen, I thought I'd make it back before the rain even started!"

Taco shook her head. "That's just how storms are, jelly-dude."

"I know, but- man, I don't know. I just went for a walk, tried to visit a friend, until it started pouring down," he explained, bouncing off of the ground. "I forgot my umbrella, and I would not like to fall apart into a pile of mush the moment I step inside the house."

"Glad to find another object who can't handle the rain," Lollipop sighed.

Silence. No words came from the three, seconds passing by as they took in the sounds of the rainfall around them, with Gelatin leaning against the wall of the shop, and Taco gently tapping her foot in a rain puddle beside her, getting lost in the ripples of each tap. As for Lollipop, she found herself gazing at the jello's scars once more, becoming lost in her own thoughts about the matter.

Although the rumors existed, she couldn't help but let curiosity take hold of her. None of them had the slightest understanding as to what had happened to the others, but she found herself hoping; hoping that whatever he had gone through, was quick. Painless.

That scar on his chest said otherwise.

Looking over, Taco frowns as she notices the worried look on Lollipop's face. She reached over, letting her hand carefully brush into the free hand of her partner and letting her fingers blanket over hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. This brings the woman back from her maze of thoughts, and instead, she clears her throat.

"Well, there'd be no use in staying out here alone, would there?" Lollipop called, carefully tilting her umbrella to the side. Gelatin's head lifted at the sound of her voice, watching as she would lift her hand from Taco's hold, extending it towards him.

"..I mean. The storm could pass soon! I don't mind staying," he said, rubbing the back of his own hand. Gosh- mere moments ago, he was sitting here, trapped by the rainstorm with no way of getting back on time. Now, he didn't bother to try and leave once he had the chance?

Sighing, she waved her hand towards him. "I'm offering to help you home, here."

"What about your groceries?"

"We can survive eating ramen for one more day."

"Taco??" Gelatin would turn towards the other woman, worried that she'd object to the offer. To his surprise, she shook her head.

"Trust us- we don't care. Besides, maybe then you'll remember to bring an umbrella next time!" Taco giggled, adjusting her own umbrella. "Besides- you're our neighbor. And Lolli here wanted to try and help you guys a little more- she won't ever say it out loud, but when she cares, she cares."

"Was that necessary?" Lollipop pouted, flustered by her words. Taco nodded, giving her a loving smile as she patted her lover's arm with ease.

"You'll thank me later, hun."

"Ugh- just get over here."

Gelatin couldn't help but blink. He had seen these two countless times before- from the moment he was recovered, to the moments where he'd caught a glimpse of them outside. He still recalled the one night where he and Lollipop had seen each other in the dead of night through the safety of their own homes.

And despite the pompous attitude that the purple lollipop had now, he remembered the sympathy that shined from her face that night.

His hand began to reach out. Despite this, he was still hesitant. How couldn't he be? The monster of terror lay dormant within his soul, moments away from being reawakened and sending him back to the damned nightmares that plagued his mind before. Being back in action helped him adjust to the city's environment once more, that's for sure- but his trust was still on the edge.

Were they being honest? Did they really want to help him?

Was there a motive these two had?

Would this be another lie he would fall for?

Lollipop noticed the way his hand would flinch, slowly recoiling from the two. She can immediately tell that something was happening in that brain of his- so she wastes zero time to help calm him.

"We mean no harm here," she reassured. "We want to get you back home- remember, we're right next door. Better than being soggy from the rain, is it not?"

Just a few words, and it was enough to nullify the fear that was beginning to rise in Gelatin's soul. He couldn't tell how, but he could hear the honesty from her voice alone, assuring him that it was nothing to be afraid of.

It was in the past. All of it- now, he was back in action. Everyone had the chance to move on.

And dammit, he wasn't going to miss that chance.

His shivering eased as his hand then reached over towards hers, a small smile growing on his face. Seeing that he had accepted her help, Lollipop couldn't stop the returning smile on her end...

...before she shoved the umbrella into his hand, carefully taking Taco's and keeping both herself, and her lover dry.

"You're in charge of that now. If you break it- you owe me a new one."

"As the prophecy foretold..." Gelatin whispers, his eyes twinkling while he held the umbrella carefully in his hands.

Taco couldn't stop herself from snickering at his words. Holding onto Lollipop's hand, she watched as the taller object would raise her eyebrow curiously at the man's gesture.

"I don't think that's-"

Gelatin raised the umbrella into the sky, shouting over Lollipop's words. "Ya hear that, rain?! You won't keep me down! Not THIS time!"

Through the walk, he would endlessly converse with the two, getting to know Taco more, and endlessly conversing with Lollipop about the many memories they had in the TLC.

The sounds of the rainfall soon mixed with their sound of laughter, and for once, he began to feel like his old self once more.

Watching the three walk through the rain, Teardrop would brush her hand against the curtain, being sure to stay hidden from their line of sight.

There was something about them, something about the way they spoke towards one another- even taking in their surroundings in a way that seemed so... peaceful.

It allured Teardrop. Something was telling them to go after the group, to get to know them even more.

But there they stayed. Shivering from hunger, she couldn't help but hold her mouth instinctively as hunger pangs reminded her of her decreasing diet. She swore it wasn't on purpose- their nausea preventing them from keeping anything down.

A voice would then catch them off guard. "Teardrop?"

They looked back, a small smile blossoming on their face. Teardrop would wave with a careful movement, watching as Needle would walk over her, kissing the top of her head before handing her a fizzing glass of Goiky Ale.

Needle managed to find the on-brand ginger ale, thankfully. Teardrop was getting sick of Yoyle-Dry.

Teardrop would take quiet sips, sighing weakly as the knots in their stomach would slowly fizz with the foam of the ale. She couldn't stop herself from turning and giving her lover a kiss on the lips, melting into the gentle warmth of her embrace.

Seeing Needle never failed to take her mind off of the troubles that drowned her, and she couldn't help but thank the universe for having someone as lovely as her.

Yet, there was something tugging at her chest. And when she looked back towards the window, the three had long vanished.

After a few knocks, the door before me swings open, and I stare into the sullen eyes of Blocky.

He recognizes me. Which is funny- because I'm starting to forget who I am myself.

Slowly. But surely.

It's jarring to see the dark circles under his eyes, faint tear stains trailing over them before falling beneath his face. I could feel the heaviness in his stare, crushing me like a bag of boulders.

Tears? There was no way Blocky could cry. He had his moments where his softer side came through, whether it was with friends or Grassy himself- but tears?

No. Don't act stupid. I know what I've done.

Seconds pass, and neither of us say a single word to each other. In fact, his eyes narrow, as if he were reading the secrets that were buried deep within my soul. I consider stepping away, but the voice keeps my feet planted on the footsteps of the home.

"What do you want." His voice shattered the silence, deep, trembling, almost dangerous. It's enough to freeze the concoction of responses that float aimlessly in my brain.

I'm taken aback when the words escape the tip of my tongue, "I... just wanted to come by to see how the search on Grassy was going. I-"

"Grassy? Did somebody see him?!"

In the blink of an eye, I see Basketball rush to the door, with Robot Flower quickly following her. She's in a similar state to Blocky- but instead of exhaustion, her eyes are wide awake with worry and fear. Behind her, Snowball nearly shoves her out of the way, quickly leaning over to see who was at the door.

I have to wonder if his worry made him look a little sweeter. For a moment, I find it hard to believe that Snowball would show any ounce of empathy.

But it was her influence. It was.

It had to be.

Their eyes darken as they realize that the one they're looking for isn't at the door. Instead, Basketball shakes her head, giving me a panicked smile before greeting me; Snowball shoots me a glare, not bothering to leave.

"What brings you here..?" she says, her voice watered down from disappointment.

"Well," I begin. "I heard that Grassy went missing- I'm really sorry about-"

"So you're just coming by to rub it in our FACES?!!" Snowball's yell slices through my words. I quickly shake my head, holding the platter in my hands close.

"No! Nothing like that! I-I-"

"None of you were supposed to know about this.." Robot Flower exclaims, worriedly approaching me. "We didn't want you all to panic!"

"Guys, she's MOCKING us!"


My eyes return to Blocky, and suddenly, he loses his cool. "ENOUGH!"

It all goes quiet once more, despite the glares that Robot Flower and Snowball exchanged towards one another. Blocky sighs, before turning back to me, his anger replaced with frustration. "What the hell do you want."

"I just wanted to tell you guys how sorry I am about Grassy," I rushed to say, afraid that someone would stop me from speaking once more. "I can't imagine how stressed you all must be- so, I made you something to eat, to try and take something off of your plate..."

For a moment, they stare at me, stunned. But when I carefully hold out the tray of cake in my hands, their eyes darkening with sadness once more.

"Well.. uh.. Thanks, I guess," he murmurs, slowly taking the tray from my hand. "Can't believe I forgot to make dinner.."

"Dinner?" Snowball pouts. "What time is it?"

"9-ish..?" I answer. The four look at each other, before Robot Flower speaks. "Actually- 9:34:06 pm."

Blocky's eyes widened. "Already?!"

"It's past his bedtime.." Instantly, Basketball begins to lose her cool, tears beginning to flood her eyes. She tried stepping away, but I could spot the droplets trailing down her grief-stricken face. The robot would quickly rush to her side, leading her to the sofa while Snowball silently grabbed some plates.

"Cmon'," he uttered. "Might as well get our fill before we start looking."

"Good idea." Blocky nods, leaving the door and helping the two get their servings. For a moment, Robot Flower looks at me, and I turn away, embarrassed at the realization that she couldn't eat.

A fact that I forgot.

I thought I remembered.

I wish I could.

Soon, they each had their respective slices, and I begin to wonder how long they had gone without eating; they scarfed down the entirety of their cake, nearly forgetting that I was even there. I would have said something, if it weren't for Snowball- who, after finishing his slice, began to discuss ways of finding the kid, all while reaching over for his- jeez, his third slice? Whatever.

"Let me know if there's anything I can help with..." I say. No one answers, except for Blocky, who gives me a half-hearted nod.

'So...He's next, huh?'


'Great move, darling. We need to get the strongest out first- stun that scientist down to a grieving mess... we'll have our garden in no time~'

I begin to make my way back as they continue to eat, soon returning to the conversation about their missing son. For a moment, I look back, and watch as Blocky took a bite of the dessert, a chunk of it plopping onto the tray.

That's when I see the sliced fragment of Grassy's eyeball, before the frosting melted over it once more.

The voice was right.

Grassy's flesh did bake well with the oranges.

He looks down, using his hands to pick the piece up and pop it into his mouth. And that's when I leave, quietly closing the door behind me.

'Look's like the kid is doing well... our garden is flourishing- and those legs of his really gave his family some nice protein. Good touch with the eye there...'

I giggle before I even realize it.


I wrote this during a panic attack. It helps me ground myself

Also yes, I know Liy isn't in idfb- this is my au and therefore she is now here.

And Balloony and Cloudy are indeed gay but they are painfully unaware of it.

Ok... enough clarifications. I'm starting to record myself reading Fear Garden 1- not sure where I'll upload it but I know people have been asking for an audiobook for a while now. My guess would be youtube but people are ruthless. But, I figured it was time for me to make one. Do keep in mind, I'm doing this all on my own, so uh. Yeah.

Wish me luck voicing everyone (especially fries. and bracelety. and puffball. Chat im cooked)

That's enough of me rambling, be thankful because this was 12k words!



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