Chapt. 9

Ronin PoV

Me: "My head. Its burns so much."

First it was two pecks on the cheek. But a peck on the lips? Was it just of pure gratitude or something else?

Me: "Why is everything so confusing in life?"


I closed he door and locked it behind me.

Me: "Girls! I'm hom-"

I couldnt even finish my sentence before I saw them bounding towards me. I was tackled by both of them and shoved against the door as they cuddled close to me.

Ember/Luna: "Daddy!"

I chuckled.

Me: "Are you two doing well?"

Ember: "Just a little-"

She was interrupted by a large gurgle that came from her lower abdomen. This made her blush almost as bright as her scarlet red hair.

Me: "Its ok, do you guys want pizza again?"

Luna/Ember: "Yes please!"

Me: "Heh, alright. I'll call it in right now. You two try to get the sodas."

They nodded and ran off to try to take he sides out of the pantry and into the fridge.


It would take about half an hour to get here so we would just have to wait till then. I was gonna go to my room and play some video games before a tug on my sleeve was felt.

Ember: "Why were you late daddy?"

Me: "Oh, I had to do some stuff."

Luna: "Like what?"

Me: "Help a friend get home."

They both pouted and puffed their cheeks.

Me: "What's wrong?"

Both: "We can smell her on you."

My smile immediately dropped.

Me: "She's just a friend."

They pulled my sleeves harder and tugged me down onto my knees.

Luna: "Then why is her scent on your lips?"

My face drained of colour.

Me: "Girls?"

They seemed mad.

Ember: "Just a friend?"

It was scary seeing them like this. Specifically, their claws.

Me: "Woah, there's no need for those, girls."

Both: "Why is she on your lips?"

They darkly asked. Geez. What got into them.

Me: "Girls please let me explain."

They glanced at each other and nodded.

Both: "Now."

They extracted their claws. Man. That shit hurts. Feels like having little knives pricking you and just sitting there.

Me: "Alright, let's go to the couch."

They followed me to the couch and I only got a couple sentences in before a knock came from the door.

Me: "Coming!"

The girls glared at me as I went to answer the door.

Delivery Guy: "Hello, large pepperoni pizza, and a large Hawaiian pizza for, Ronin?"

Me: "Yeah that's me."

Delivery Guy: "Alright then, here you go."

I took the boxes.

Me: "Thank you sir."

Delivery Guy: "No, thank you for ordering from us. Have a good night sir."

He started walking away and back towards his car.

Me: "Likewise!"

I closed the door using my foot and it automatically locked itself.

Thoughts: "Welp, back to being interrogated."

I put the pizza's on the table and called them to eat.

Me: "Girls, foods here!"

They ran in, claws out for full display.

Both: "Keep going."

I proceeded to tell them the entire thing. Not a single detail missing. They stayed silent, the only noise from them was the ripping of the cheese and meats from the pizza.

Me: "So, why did you guys get so mad?"

They both stayed completely quiet this time. Not even eating. Not that they left much to eat.

Luna: "We thought, you might leave us for her."

Had I been the tiniest bit more deaf from my earbuds, I wouldnt have been able to head her.

Me: "Honey, no one can take you away from me. I would do anything I can to keep you guys with me."

I stood off the kitchen stool I was perched on and hugged them as they did the same.

Me: "Maybe, just maybe. She would be your mom."

They hugged me tighter but I knew that they would most likely want that. A dad was enough for now, but at some point, they will need a women in their lives to teach them everything they need to know.

Me: "Come on, let's go to sleep. You guys are probably tired from the food you ate."

They nodded and I carried them on my shoulders up the stairs and tucked them into bed.

Me: "Have a goodnight, and dont let the ticks have a bite."

They bonked my head simultaneously.

Both: "Daddy!"

They said in exasperation whilst I only chuckled.

Recently, they wanted to try and sleep in a different bed and room. Together obviously but not in the same as me. Although sometimes they move to my room. Though, it is getting more and more rare. The only thing is that, it's gotten a lot colder in my room. I still dont know why.

Me: "My little girls are growing up so fast."


Up on the roof. This time though. I'm alone.

Me: "The view is fuckin' amazing up here. Heh, next year, everyone will flock here."

I sat there, by myself, wondering off in my thoughts. The BOYS, were all doing something. Takeshi had to make up a presentation, and Rene had a counselor meeting. What about Dominique and Christian? Well, he actually left the group. They found other friends, that I, assume suited them better.

???: "H-hey Ronin."

I turned around at the mention of my name to find Kassandra peeking her head out of the hatch.

Me: "Hey, you need help?"

Kassandra: "Y-yes please. But, c-can my friends come up here t-too?"

Me: "As long as they dont break something."

She nodded and said to her friends that they could come up as well whilst I headed over. I hoisted up Kass as she was the first one.

Me: "Woah, easy now. Dont want you to get scrapes now, do we?"

She had stumbled into me and nearly fell, before I caught and steadied her. She blushed and looked away from me while I just softly smirked at her.

Me: "Alright, who's next?"

???1: "ME!"

A dark skinned girl said as she climbed as far as she could up the step ladder before reaching up.

Me: "Alright, just be ready to steady yourself."

I pulled her up and she caught herself before smiling and moving over to where Kass was.

Me: "Who's up?"

???2: "I'm right here!"

Kass's other friend was also very chipper lightly toned skin.

Me: "Is that everyone?"

Kass: "Y-yes."

Me: "Cool, so. My name is Ronin. It's nice to meet you ladies. Its reassuring to know that Kass has friends and doesnt just wander the halls alone."

She got flustered when I said that last part, moved to side, and started punching me lightly.

Me: "Hey! Stop, that wasn't a mean comment."

She stopped but shoved me a little before slugging my arm, choosing to stay by my side.

???1: "My name is Azula."

She has blond hair and deep hazel eyes that seem to try to capture you in them. She was around 5'7 and had a jolly stature.

???2: "Mine is Elizabeth."

She was around 5'3, and was in a neutral stance. She had reddish hair and freckles dotted her face.

Me: "So, why are y'all up here? Not to be mean but, I was kinda looking forward to being alone up here."

Kass slugged my arm again.

Elizabeth: "Well, Kassandra is always talking about this guy that is apparently so wonde-mmph!?"

Kass had quickly went over to her and clamped her mouth over Elizabeth's mouth to keep her quiet. She was shaking slight and was red in the face.

Me: "You never told me about this guy Kass. Bring him up here next time so I can meet him."

Kass looked at me with a relieved face whilst the other two looked at me like I was an idiot.

Azula: "How did you find out about this place and how do you get up here by yourself?"

Me: "Its pretty easy to see a hatch in the ceiling. As to how to get up here. You see the shoe marks on the wall down there? Those are because of me."

I proceed to jump down and show them the marks.

Elizabeth: "That doesnt explain anything."

I back up and start running at the wall before I tic-tac off the wall once again, before pulling myself onto he roof.

Me: "Is that better?"

They nodded, we moved away from the hatch, and I was about to say something before my head was karate chopped.

Me: "The hell?"

Kass: "You could've hurt yourself."

Me: "Its fine. I got it down after the first four times I broke my ribs practicing that at home."

Kass: "That's not any better!"

She started to slug my arm again, precisely in he same spot over and over again. Before I trapped her in a hug.

Me: "Can you stop that? You're gonna give me a bruise."

She stopped but suddenly got really warm and her knees were shaking.

Me: "You okay?"

Is what I whispered into her ears before she collapsed to the floor. Or at least, would've, if I hadn't been in front of her.

Me: "Holy crap! What's wrong Kass?"

She was now on laying on top of me again.

Kass: "N-n-nothing."

She got off me and sat to my side. Once I sat up she latched onto my side and wouldnt let go.

Me: "Um, Kass. What're you doing?"

Kass: ". . . C-can I?"

I heaved a very heavy sigh.

Me: "Sure."

I put my arm around her as it was a lot more comfortable. Her friends had been smiling and giggling the entire time this happened.

Me: "You guys like the view."

They gasped and nodded very quickly. We kept talking and getting to know each other more. Before noticing something that had gone under the radar.

Kass had fallen asleep in my embrace.

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