Chapt. 7
Ronin PoV
It's been two months now since we got caught up on the roof. Why do I say we? Well, I asked for permission to the roof with some friends if I said who they were. The principle agreed and told me a password to tell the janitor who would give us a step ladder to get up to the roof. We didnt get in trouble from it but it was funny to see their reactions when I got a it from the janitor.
Ember: Daddy, can you help me?
Me: Sure my little fire head, what do you need?
She pouted and puffed out her cheeks.
Ember: I'm not a firehead.
She grumbled.
Me: Of course you aren't, I'm just messing with you. Now, what did you need?
Ember: I want to talk to you.
She said it with a bit of fear and concern. It got me suspicious.
Me: Ok. Let's go to my office.
I lead her there. Well, more like carried her. It was what she wanted.
Me: Now, what did you want to say?
Is what I asked when I closed the door to the office.
Ember: . . . .
She was silent. Trembling the tiniest bit, yet, I was still able to notice it.
Me: Did something happen? I promise I won't be mad if you broke something again.
Ember: The lady.
Is all she said.
Me: The lady?
I tilted my head in confusion.
Ember: The one that comes when you leave.
Oh, the babysitter.
Me: What about her?
Ember: Sh-she's mean to us.
I could see a tiny sparkle coming from her cheek. I hugged her tightly and wiped it away.
Me: What do you mean?
She was trembling and loudly sobbing.
Ember: Sh-she doesnt give us food. She pu-pulls on our ha-hair and clothes. And . . .
Me: And what honey?
I say as I slowly stroke the back of her head trying my hardest to calm her down.
Ember: She said you dont love us.
She said ever so softly. However, no matter how soft she could've said it, it hit as hard as a train.
Ember: Is it true?
She shakily asked.
Me: No Ember. It's not. She doesnt know anything. She is a fool to think that I dont love you. I would do anything to make you happy. Even if it were to hurt me. I love you both with all of my heart and would give up anything to keep you safe.
I spoke into her cat ear as I myself began to shake. I held her and she held me as we both trembled and sobbed. It lasted for at least ten minutes before we both finally calmed down, but we didnt let go.
Me: I will always be there for you. No matter what happens to me. If you need me, I will be there.
She looked me straight into my ears.
Ember: Promise?
She held up her pinkie.
Me: Promise.
We pinkie promised and I got up taking her in my arms, holding her like a little baby.
Ember: Put me down!
She said giggle a little.
Me: Cant I hold my precious little baby?
Ember: I'm not a baby!
She said through barely contained laughter.
Me: Oh yes I are. Oh yes you are. Who's my little baby, you're my little baby.
I spoke, talking to her like an actual baby whilst tickling her stomach.
Ember: St-stop! D-dad!
She said before bursting into a giggle fit from the tickling.
These were my children. Blood did not matter to me.
Ronin PoV
It was late after school when I got up onto the roof. It looked like it was around evening but it was only five. I had fired the babysitter and was looking for a new one but couldnt find any. Weeeeelllllll. It was more like I didnt trust any other them.
???: A-are y-you up there?
I heard Kassandra's voice calling from the hatch.
Me: Kassandra?
She poked her head out from the hatch.
Kassandra: Yes.
She was a shy person. Didnt really like contact with anyone, I didnt even know if she had friends. But, she was really talkative towards me. Odd.
Me: Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be at home?
At the mention of home her jade green eyes seemed to dull and darken into a deep shade of grass green instead of their bright and alluring jade shade.
Kassandra: Its nothing.
Me: Are you sure?
I poked and prodded. This obviously was not nothing.
Kassandra: Yeah. What are you up here for?
Trying to change the subject. Guess it's another time.
Me: I like the view, its it's amazing.
Kassandra: Yeah it's good but I can't see all of it too well.
This is where having to children that are kids is not good. Instinct took over and I grabbed her and hoisted her onto me shoulders so that she could see a lot better.
Kassandra: R-ronin p-p-put me down!
She screamed and started hitting my head softly.
Ronin: You wanted to see better, no?
Kassandra: B-but th-is is embarrassing me!
I assumed from that sentence that she was blushing hardcore. And from that thought I giggled slightly because she acted just like my children when I first did this to them.
Me: Come on, just look at the view, its nice.
She stayed quiet and presumably took in he view. Looking out she could probably see the cherry blossom forest that was a main part of our city. It attracted a lot of tourists since it was rare to see any outside of Japan.
Ronin: How does it look?
She stayed silent for a little before syaing-
Kassandra: It's beautiful.
Me: Heh, yeah it is.
I let her stay up on my shoulder for another 5 minutes before getting her down. But she immediately stumbled into me.
Me: Woah there. Are you good?
Kassandra: Y-yes, I should be.
She tried to walk away but her legs began to tremble really badly. She was about to fall forward before I caught her.
Me: Well that was a lie. Alright I guess I gotta carry you again.
Kassandra: Wh-what!?!
Me: Not on my shoulders, you would hit your head on the hatch.
Kassandra: Th-en how?
I didnt say anything but only acted. I picked her up bridal style.
Kassandra: WH-WHAT!?!
She began to punch, kick, and just thrash around in my grip.
Me: Well you cant walk and you won't fit down the hatch any other way.
I laughed at her.
Me: Well too bad.
I began to walk back to the hatch whilst she continued to thrash in my grip having a fire red blush masking her cheeks. She did this for about a minute while I just stood there, as she almost made me trip, waiting for her to calm down.
Me: You done now?
She was still bright red but was now hanging onto my neck and pushed her head as close to my chest as possible. She was obviously super embaressed and just wanted to hide herself.
Me: Alright were going down.
She hung onto my neck and tightened her grip around it even more. As my feet hit the ground I made sure to not drop Kassandra.
Me: Alright you can get off now.
I tried to lower her but didnt get off.
Me: Um, hello?
Kassandra: I cant.
Me: What?
Kassandra: I cant feel my legs.
Me: Great, do want to call your parents?
She gripped my neck tighter at the mention of parents. Something wasn't right. It was obvious for me.
Kassandra: No. C-can you c-carry me home?
Me: Sorry no.
Kassandra: O-oh ok.
Me: But I can drive you there.
Kassandra: Oh, th-thank you.
Me: Yeah no problem.
I chuckled.
I started walked down the four story building as to get to my car.
Kassandra PoV
His heartbeat was so relaxing, his arms were warm and made me feel safe. Everything he did around me made me feel safe. When he held me on his shoulders, its was . . . . soothing. It was relaxing and I liked it. He hopefully doesnt know. His chest was firm yet soft at the same time. He held me in his arms like I was his princess, the one that he just saved from an evil dragon. But that wouldnt happen. No one can save me. But at least I can enjoy this before that happens. Just a little longer. If only he noticed me.
onin PoV
Great she fell asleep. At least I got her address before. I'll just let her sleep for now.
Me: 1207 Raite Mountain. Pretty far from here if I remember. (Pronouciation of Raite is -> right)
It was about an hour drive if I remember correctly. And that's by the highway. *Mental sigh* I hope the girls will be okay. I got us to the car and tried my hardest to get her off me only succeeding because I pecked her forehead. After that she crumpled into a little ball. Peacefully.
Me: Alright let's get you buckled up.
I got her seatbelt on her and closed the door quietly.
Me: Alright let's get movin'.
I got us out of the schools parking lot and onto the highway in about 20 minutes. I had been listening to the radio but was getting tired of it so I put the aux cable into my phone and put my own song. And, uh. . . . accidentally started to sing the entire thing.
A little after it finished I focused driving before hearing something made the colour drain from my face.
Someone was clapping at my singing.
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