Chapt. 43
Ronin Pov
Defeat flashed across the screen as it faded back to the loading screen.
Me: Yeah fucking posh cunt! Why didn't you push with me!?
Kesh: I don't know maybe its cause I have a fucking sniper!
Me: That's why you buy a SECONDARY you brain dead bitch!
Kesh: The starter pistol is good enough!
Me: It does 40 damage body shot you dumb ass! How is that GOOD?!?!
Nick: Alright you two break it up. You're bothering everyone in the entire mall.
Me: Nick, the starter pistol is trash right?
Nick: Depends, if you burst it into headshot its an instant kill. Otherwise, yeah, its garbage.
Kesh: That didn't help either of us.
Nick: I wasn't trying to help you. Now shut up before I have to make you.
He puckered his lips and we cringed.
Me: Yes sir.
Kesh: Although you should be more worried about our girl's reaction.
Nick was caught off guard and was surprised to say the least.
Nick: Girls? As in girlfriends?
Kesh: Yup.
He said, popping the p, with a large amount of pride leaking into his words.
Nick: Why didn't you tell me?!
Me: What was the point?
Nick: Well both of you always talked about how you would be single forever! Of course its a big deal!
Kesh: So much for us being the loud ones.
Nick: Oh quiet you. How about we talk about this over lunch? My break is gonna be soon.
I looked over to Takeshi and he did the same. I shrugged and he nodded.
Kesh: Yeah sure. How long do we gotta wait though? I am pretty hungry.
Nick: About 5 minutes or so. Just gotta wait for someone to take my station. Ramen?
Me/Kesh: Ramen.
We all laughed synchronously before parting ways. Nick headed to the counter, whilst Kesh and I went to the Ramen stand. When I say Ramen, I mean real authentic Ramen. They serve it in those bowls you see in anime, chopsticks with the spoons for the broth, diced leaks, sliced pork or beef, and they even add in the narutomaki or naruto for short. They have other items but its mainly Ramen that this places serves. Seeing as how, many gamers are weeks as well, including Kesg and I, it rakes in quite the crowd on big days.
Kesh: Should we wait or just order?
I smacked him upside the head.
Me: We wait. It would be rude to order when he was the one who invited us.
Whilst rubbing the back of his head he replied.
Kesh: Its not like he's paying for us, and I'm fucking starvin' 'ere.
Me: You know I ain't really stoppin' you right?
Kesh: Second opinions are useful sometimes you know.
Me: Second opinion my ass, you already know which one is the better option.
He was about to say some sarcastic or witty remark when Nick approached.
Nick: Geez, you two act more like a married couple than me and Jack.
Me: Har har Nickolas.
Nick: Did you guys order?
Kesh: No. Mr. Respectful wanted us to wait.
Nick: You didnt have to wait but thanks anyway. Either way, let's head in.
And so we did just that, ordered each of our preferred bowls and waited for our order. We waited and talked about our supreme losing streak and how I thought Kesh shouldn't always play sniper when our Ramen came. Thats when Nick changed he subject.
Nick: Now. About your girlfriends.
Me: And she fucking raped me during my sleep. How else am I supposed to feel!?
They both sat there in silence the only thing breaking it was Kesh finishing the slurp of Ramen he stopped mid-way.
Nick: Jesus dude. You really picked up quite the pervert.
Kesh: Not even I expected that from her.
Me: Yeah, neither did I.
Nick: I don't know what to say really. I would try to give advice but I don't think I'm one to give advice for straight relationships.
Kesh: And Azul is much too shy to do that, so I don't know.
My mind has been in such shambles since this morning. I want to forgive her but I'm mad that she went ahead and did something like that without my consent. And I can't even pull the, "what if I did that to you," card because she'd probably like it. I don't know what to do.
Nick: Did you not like it?
Me: No, its like I didn't like it. Its just that she had to do it when I was completely unconscious? She could've just asked me and most likely would've given in.
I finished my bowl and was chewing on the last slices of beef we had left and just think.
Nick: Has she done this before?
Me: No.
Nick: Then I think you should let it slide this time but reprimand her should she do this again.
I would've argued but I couldn't think of anything to say to that and people were coming so our seats needed to be emptied.
Me: Alright, I'll let it slide. I'll be going home right now though. You staying Kesh?
He was about to answer when his phone rang and I could see, "Azula," on the caller ID.
Me: Nevermind. Give our remaining time to whoever else is next, aight Nick. Or use it yourself, whichever.
Nick: Alright guys, when will you guys come by again?
I thought for a couple seconds before saying.
Me: Maybe next Sunday, I can't speak for him though so it might just be me.
Nick: Ok, well I gotta get back to my station anyway so I'll see you guys some other time.
He walked towards the front of the mall whilst me and Kesh started towards the side exit, he was still on the phone. I decided to just put my earbuds in and listen to music as to not eavesdrop.
We had gotten to the parking lot when he ended his call and tapped me on the shoulder, making me take my earbuds off.
Kesh: What was Nick saying back there?
Me: About when we might come back and I said maybe next Sunday.
Kesh: Yeah that sounds fine by me. Anyway I gotta go, Azul has some homework she needs help on.
Me: Man if only my girl was as wholesome as yours.
Kesh: Come on man. I know you're mad right now but everyone got flaws.
Me: Yeah ... Yeah I know. I just don't know what to think.
Kesh: I don't know either my guy, just do what you feel is right. Even if it seems wrong.
I only nodded, somewhat confused at his words.
Kesh: Talk tomorrow?
Me: Yeah. See yeah.
He hopped into his Ford F-150 whilst I hopped onto my Vulcan before driving our separate ways.
I pulled up to the property trying to calm my nerves and mind. Not realizing that Anastasia was waiting for me. I closed the gate behind me, parked the bike, put the chains and tarp over it before putting my helmet back into the leather pouch. I walked to the front door when I finally realized Anastasia leaning against the side of the house. Once she noticed I noticed her she stormed up to me trying to grab me by the collar before I parried her hand away.
Anastasia: What the fuck did you do to her?
Me: What happens in our relationship has nothing to do with you unless we bring you into it.
I try to be calm and patient but only 3 days of knowing her I despise her.
Anastasia: It has everything to do with me when you make my sister bawl her eyes out.
Me: Yet you're the same person her berated her for being her and nearly ripped her ear off causing her to cry.
She went red from anger at the fact I pointed out her hypocrisy.
Anastasia: What did you do to her!
Me: You keep asking what I did to her when it's WHAT SHE DID TO ME!
When she heard those words she came at me. Of course she wouldn't believe me. She tried to hit my right temple which was easy enough to dodge since she leaned far too much with her shoulder and so I easily ducked and gave her a nice uppercut. Hearing her teeth clack after the impact was quite satisfying. She stepped back and I rushed forward punching her straight into the gut, toppling her to the ground.
Me: I've had it with you, once you get up you and Tyler will leave immediately or I will have my own forces remove you. And you are not allowed back onto this property again until you learn to be a better guest. Should you even try to cross this property I will not hesitate to shoot you.
She did nothing but writhe on the ground clutching her stomach. I took about 30 seconds to calm myself before waling away.
Me: Oh, and all of this is on camera so don't even try a lawsuit.
I stated before entering the house slamming the door behind me, which again, attracted Kass's mother.
Mrs. Adler: Are you ok Ronin?
She said her eyebrows furrowed and concerned.
Me: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Although you might wanna help your daughter out there.
I said before walking towards the kitchen while Mrs. Adler went outside. As I entered the kitchen I could here her surprised gasp before the front door closed. I grabbed a cup from the cabinets above the sink and filled it from the fridge, haphazardly drinking it and spilling some onto the floor.
Whatever, I'll clean it up later. I threw the cup into the empty sink so I could wash it later. I was gonna go to the bathroom next but I heard the pitter patter of footsteps.
Embr: Papa!
Luna: Daddy!
I knelt down and let them crash into me, their soft purring easing my mind ever so slightly.
Me: Hello girls? I'm sorry I left for so long.
Ember: Its ok papa.
Luna: Did you bring us something?
She asked, both their eyes dilating at the question in excitement. I laughed softly and reached into my back pocket.
Me: I did, I hope you like it.
I pulled out two small necklaces and held them in my hands for them to take.
Me: You us get to choose which one you want.
Surprisingly, Ember chose the blue moon necklace and Luna chose the flame necklace. They must've seen he suprise on my face because they said.
Ember: So I have something to remind me of my sister!
Luna: So I have something to remind me of my sister!
I hugged both of them before telling them to put it on. It was just perfect for them, which was sad because they old grow out of it, but the pendant was detachable so they could swap the chain.
Me: Where is mama?
Their faces dropped.
Ember: Ever since papa left-
Luna: Mama's been in your room.
Ember: And she doesn't let anyone in.
My face flashed with worry before I made it turn back to its original stone cold features.
Me: Its ok. Ill help mama ok kids?
They nodded and they're small frowns faded, even if the worry in their eyes didn't leave.
Me: Now, rum along kids.
They ran off, most likely out back to mess around with the new play set I got for them. I got up off the floor and slowly trekked up the stairs. Eventually, I made it to the front of our shared room and tried to open the door. She had locked it.
Me: Kassandra, please open the door.
I could hear the covers shift as she seemed to have sat upright but she never got off the bed. I sighed before pulling out my credit card and sliding it into the crack of the door, easily opening the door.
Me: Kassandra?
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