Chapt. 42

Ronin Pov

Morning sunlight shone through the curtains, as if it were an open window. Its warm light bathed my eyes with searing pain as I tried to avoid its piercing rays. In the end, the blistering slivers of the sun won and I tried to get out of bed. Keyword is tried because 3 figures slept soundly on my chest.

Me: Why right on top of me?

I thought quietly aloud to myself. Fortunately, I was able to slip out from underneath all 3 of them, with trouble obviously. They had actually pulled me back into the snuggle bundle of theirs, rather roughly, making me have to repeat the process.

Me: Maybe I should enforce a, 'no doggy pile' rule.

I, again, though aloud, earning a soft no from all 3 as if they were awake, yet instantly went back into their deep slumbers. I went to my/our closet and grabbed a black undershirt, boxers, gym shorts and a plain black shirt, everyday home clothes. Instead of showering in our bathroom, I decided to use the girl's bathroom shower instead, taking a bottle of body wash and shampoo from our bathroom, and a towel on the way out.

Me: Hopefully nobody else is awake, although I suspect Ana and Tyler might be.

I, again, thought aloud to myself. You know, maybe I should stop doing that but nevermind that, shower first. Why am I using the girl's bathroom? Because I don't want to accidentally drop something or just make too much noise in general, and awake them. Sure, there was always the possibility of them waking up normally, or because they don't detect my presence anymore but, I am a bit of a klutz in the morning.

Now the choice is, a hot and steamy shower, or a cold and refreshing shower? Both would wake me up but I didn't know which I should take, and there was no middle ground. Ah, fuck it, hot and steamy it is this morning! I twisted the rather loose knob releasing the flood gate for the water to start rushing out of the shower head. It started off as a repulsively freezing temperature before creeping up to room temperature and finally hitting its desired temperature.

I stripped down to nothing and put the worn clothes onto the counter, my skin growing goosebumps as my bare skin reacted to the rather frigid air. Quickly it remedies itself as the pellets of hot water peppered themselves onto me. Steam quickly covered the glass door and covered the entire area inside, obscuring nearly all my vision. My hair grouping together as the water soaked it together. Streams of it leaking from my hair and crawling all the way down to my legs as it rushed to the floor and into the drain. It was rather calming and fun to think of myself as the master of water, seeing as the water running off my finger looked as if it came out the tip.

Me: I could be here all day, if not for the water bills.

Unbeknownst to me, someone had snuck into the bathroom, planning on joining me, and join me they did. The steam covered their body as the door slowly opened and the first water slap of their footsteps clued me in on their presence.

Me: Who is it?

I asked, even though it probably wasn't very menacing seeing as I was taking a shower. My thoughts were cut off as I heard 3 distinctive laughs, or rather, 2 giggles and 1 very seductive laugh.

Kass: Who else dear?

Ember: Its us!!

Luna: And we're mad you left us alone!

Me: Wait, wait, wait! Why the hell are they here Kass?!

Kass: Exactly what she said. You left us alone and we're quite mad at you.

Ember/Luna: And we AREN'T LEAVING!!!

Me: Wai- Hold up! You can't be in here!

Kass: You heard what they said sugar. We aren't leaving.

Luna: Yeah! Even if we have to hold you down!

I was could only see their outlines in the steam but one of them turned on the shower light and I could see them clearly. Too clearly to be honest, and I would've looked away had it not been for the fact that Kass made me look at them.

Me: Kass, stop. I'm serious.

Kass: This was their idea, not mine. They've actually been wanting this for some time now. A family shower, they kept saying.

Me: Self-defense mechanism activating.

Kass: Wha-

And I passed out.


I awoke with a small scream, but muffled it with my hand near instantly. I sat up and saw I had a shirt on. Pulling up the sheets I saw that I was fully clothed in pajamas. I blushed at the thought of Kass having to dress my unconscious body. I got out of bed and noticed some clothes strewn about the floor. Kassandra's clothing to be specific.

Me: That girl is hopeless.

I bent down to pick up the mess she left when the door flew open, the door handle hitting me he top of my head. I clutched my head and writhed in the overwhelmingly dull yet pounding pain that came from it.

Kass: Oh my gosh, Ro'! I'm so sorry!

She knelt down and laid my head in her lap, massaging it as to attempt to remedy the pain she, unknowingly, caused.

Me: Its - ow - ok Kass. It was an accident.

Kass: Are you sure you're ok?

Me: Yes I'm sure.

I slightly raised my head out her lap to realize I had her, undergarments, on my chest. Slowly and carefully, I reached and grabbed it off my chest and raised it for her to see. She was flustered seeing it in my hand.

Kass: Wh-y do y-you have th-at?

Me: Well maybe if you didn't throw your clothes on the floor like we were having, "fun bed time," this wouldn't be a problem.

Now that I realize it she smelt kinda like dull bleach. Either way, she went flush red when I mentioned the fun bed time part. Wait.

Me: Kass. Did you do something to me?

She looked away, not answering.

Me: Kass?

I moved closer to her but she leaned away.

Me: Kassandra Adler. What did you do?

I grabbed her chin and forced her to look at me. Although she still didn't make eye contact.

Kass: I. . . I m-may or may n-ot have h-had some f-fun.

Had fun?

Me: What do you mean?

She took a finger and poked it through her fingers which were curled into a circle.

Me: Are you serious?

Kass: I'm sorry.

I got up off the floor and headed towards the closet, picking out a leather vest, a gray short sleeve shirt, black jeans, gray socks, with black and gray sneakers.

Kass: Ro' where are you going?

Me: I'm heading out. Thats all you need to know.

I changed in front of her, not caring in the moment.

Kass: For wh-

Me: I said you don't need to know!

I finished tying my laces and passing through the open door and into the hallway. Jumping down the entire flight of stairs and landing on my knees I grabbed the keys from the rack. Obviously, jumping from the top of the stairs to the bottom made a lot of noise that attracted Kass's mom.

Mrs. Adler: Hello Ronin.

Me: Hey.

I said plainly before unlocking the front door.

Mrs. Adler: Where might you be going?

Me: Out.

I coldly stated before opening the door and stepping out.

Kass: Ronin, wai-

The soundproofing, once I closed the door, of the house made her and everything inside inaudible. I walked over to the front of the garage and looked at the keys I had grabbed.

Me: Guess its the cycle today.

I got the chain locks off and haphazardly threw them onto the cobblestone driveway. As I turned it on the gate at the end of the driveway began to open, which meant someone was inside the garage.

Ember/Luna: Papa?

Once the garage door fully lifted open I saw both my children standing there with a worried look on their small faces. My only weakness.

Me: Yes kids?

Luna: Where are you going?

Me: Away for right now, my dear.

Ember: For how long?

Me: Maybe only an hour, maybe the rest of the day. I'm not sure.

Ember: Why?

Luna: Yeah papa. Why?

I picked them up and hugged both of them individually before saying.

Me: For something thats not your fault ok? Now how about you go inside? Its quite cold out here.

Ember: Ok.

Luna: Bring us something ok papa?

Me: Of course my little moon. Anything for you two.

I kissed both of theirs foreheads before they ran off back inside. Leaving Kass and I alone.

Kass: Ronin I'm sorr-

I held up my hand mid sentence to silence her.

Me: Look Kass, I'm really mad at you right now and a simple sorry is only making it worse. I need time to blow this off, and I'm not sure whether that'll even happen today. So just go inside and think about what you've done. Now close the garage door.

Before she could even rebuttle I hopped onto the bike and sped off, out of the driveway and into the streets.


Me: Hey Kesh, wanna game?

Kesh: Something happened huh?

Me: *sigh* Yup.

Kesh: Alright then, you caught me at a good time, I just left the house for some food. Same place?

Me: Yeah, same place.

Kesh: Aight, see ya there in like, 15 minutes.

Me: See ya.

He hung up the call and I was left in this random parking lot I pulled into. I got out the place and headed down to the Cafe we use as a rendezvous. In the mean time I could register our spots while I wait. I walked in and was instantly hit by the clean air this place had. For a gaming Cafe, this place was surprisingly clean and hygienic.

Clerk: Hey, Ronin! How ya been?

Me: Been good Nick, how about you? Anything new with the hubby?

Nick: Nothing much, other than the constant jokes of adopting you.

Me: He still won't take the obvious hint?

Nick: Not a chance. So what you here for?

Me: Keesh and I are gonna sweat today.

Nick: So 7 hour session?

Me: Most likely.

Nick: Alright, you know the drill.

I signed the contracts, basically stating that if anything is damaged during my stay that is my fault I will pay and stuff like that. I payed for our session just as the man of the hour arrived.

Kesh: Hey Ronin! Heeyyyy Nick my man! Whatchu still doing here?

Nick: Makin' a living. What else?

Kesh: You right, you right. He already sign everything?

He said jutting his thumb at me.

Nick: Yup, y'all are set.

Kesh: Cool, thanks Nick.

Nick: Have a good time.

He let us through the main doors and we entered a gamers heaven. When I said gaming Cafe earlier what I really meant.

Was a gaming mall.

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