Chapt. 41

Ronin Pov

Me: I don't wanna hurt you Ana but I will if it means the safety of others!

Anastasia: SHE IS MY SISTER!

Me: And she is also my partner! And I hope you know I dont bluff.

Tyler and Ms. Ad . . . mom, had to hold back Anastasia as she was red in the face with, anger is what assume. Whilst Ember, Luna, and Kass were all behind me on the couch. Kass holding them protectively even thought Ember and Luna could put up much more of a fight.

Anastasia: Oh I hope you're not bluffing cause I'm not gonna hold back!!

She broke free of Tyler and mom's grip, racing towards me, aiming a right hook to my kidney. I had just enough time to catch, and parry it away, but she was expected it, sending a high kick to my head. I ducked under it and sweeped her other leg causing her to fall onto her back. Using this I rushed forward and put my foot on her neck, keeping her down.

Me: Stay down or this'll hurt a lot more.

Anastasia: Like hel-

She started to choke on her words as I applied force onto her neck.

Me: I could just choke you out right now. Or would you prefer not to, cause I know the rest of your family don't want that.

She tapped out and I removed my foot, instantly she sputtered and heaved, trying to recover from being suffocated. I put Ember and Luna on my shoulders and Kass in my arms, taking them upstairs. Once at the top, I sent them to Kass and I's room.

Me: I don't want any of you in danger right now, so lock the door and close the windows. Kass you know where IT is right?

Kass: You can't expect me to use that!? She's my SITSER!!!

Me: I never said use it, plus, its only rubber rounds. They can't kill, but they till hurt a ton, less you hit the eye. Only emergencies ok?

She nodded and I kissed them all before they entered the room, and locking it.

Me: Dont open it for anyone but me, ok?

All three: Yes!

Me: Alright, I'll be back when everything is settled.

I slid the railing down and came back into the living room, finding Tyler helping up Anastasia and mom hovering above her, obviously worried.

Me: So, still wanna fight? Cause now that I know they're safe, I won't be as cautious.

Anastasia: You've been in fights haven't you?

Me: When you've been fucked with since Elementary, you learn the basics. Self defense classes only taught me more.

Anastasia: What did you do to her?

Me: Still don't believe me? That's how she is, I was honestly expecting a shy nerdy girl too, but I accept her either way.


Me: You realize that if you dont believe me that also means you dont believe your mom too, right?

Anstasia: What?

Me: Your - our? Mom has known that Kass has always been like this. Hell, she even said that she's seen Kass act like this, yet you still don't belive that? In essence, not believing what I'm saying, also means, you think our mother is lying.

She seemed even more confused, but everyone else understood it.

Anastasia: But we told each other everything! She wouldn't keep something like this from me!!

Ms. Adle - Mom: There are somethings that you dont know about her Ana. Like how she was nearly assaulted by some guys in middle school.

We all were shocked by this, but I was furious.

Me: Who are they, and are they still alive, cause I can quickly change that.

Mom: I'll tell you later sweetheart, but thats not the point. She, just like you, has secrets. Have you told her that you were in a gang, and considered joining the Russian Mafia when we were back over there?

Anastasia: How do you know that?

Mom: That doesn't matter sweety, what matters is that we all have our secrets, and she decides whether she tells them to you or not.

She seemed distraught at even the thought of her sister keeping something hidden from her sight. Throughout this I have been glancing at Tyler, taking note of his facial expression and body language. From what I vould tell, he was afraid of Anastasia's past.

Me: If you need to rest you can sleep in the guest bedroom. Attic and basement are open of course but I assume you'd rather have a normal room.

I'll be honest, the basement is much cleaner than the guest bedroom, mainly cause I spent a lot of time in the basement than anywhere else.

Anastasia: We are no-

Tyler: Thanks, we'll stay in the Guest room.

Anastasia stared in disbelief as she was dragged up by Tyler.

Me: Well, by Guest Room, I mean more of a Guest House. Its the largest building out back, there should be an umbrella at the back door.

Tyler thanked me and Anastasia was about to start whining again before Mom spoke up.

Mom: You will be staying the night here  and that is final. The roads will be too slick for you to drive home.

She sighed before walking away with Tyler and out the backdoor, hopefully, with the umbrella.

Me: Now, what were those guys' names?


Anastasia: And I'm sorry for trying to beat you up.

Me: Uh huh, yup.

Anastasia: You know, thats really fucking annoying.

Me: Well, its not like you actually did any damage to anything, other than yoursel - ow.

I was elbowed in the side by Kass, as she was now at my side, Ember and Luna on my shoulders.

Me: Yeah, yeah, apology accepted or whatever. Now, you guys hungry?

Mom: You can cook?!?

Me: Ugh, how rude of you to assume I can't mother.

She made a disappointed face.

Me: Y'all gonna eat or no, cause I know these 3 are?

Ember, Luna, and Kass nodded their heads quickly, as they loved my food.

Mom: Why not, I'll see how well my son's cooking is.

I looked towards Ana and she seemed to be at odds with herself.

Me: I could order you guys something if you really don't trust me.

Tyler: No, we'll eat with everyone else.

Anastasia: Bu-

Tyler: Look, hun, he could've killed us multiple times, and he could just kick us out at any moment. To think he even has the patience to let us stay here for the night as well is astounding. So I think its better if we just accept humbly.

Anastasia looked towards me but I just turned around and lead everyone else into the kitchen as this was something they needed to handle.

Me: Do you want to help mom, or is this a test?

Mom: I will see what you can do.

Me: Alright.

I put on my apron and was kissed on both cheeks and lips simultaneously.

Kass: Kiss the cook! I'd do it anytime.

Ember: Hehe, daddy's red!

Luna: Like a tomato!

I put a tail in each of theirs face and just proceeded to start preparing the meal. Enchiladas with torn apart chicken, diced cilantro, onions, lettuce, and shredded cheese with a flaming hot salsa of green tomatoes and jalapeños.

It felt like a real family dinner.

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