Chapt. 32

Ronin POV

???: Papa.

???: Father.

???: Daddy~.

I awoke with a start from that third voice and looked around to see all three giggling.

Me: Haha, very funny girls.

Two kisses on the cheek and one on the lips were followed by another giggle fit, as I blushed.

Kass: So what are we gonna do daddy~?

My blush deepened further.

Me: Firstly, stop calling me that. It's uncomfortable. And second of all, I dknt think I'll be allowed to leave. Especially since the media will be all over this place.

As if scripted, a nurse walked in.

Nurse: Mr. O'Brian we ar-

I put my hand up and she stopped talking.

Me: Ronin, please. Mr. O'Brian makes me feel like an old geezer.

She nodded before continuing.

Nurse: Okay Ronin, we are going to be doing some tests to see whether you can leave today or not. If you could please follow me.

She held the door open and motioned forward.

Me: Will these three be able to accompany me?

Nurse: If they do not cause a problem then yes.

I nodded before saying to the three.

Me: Now all of you, behave for today and you can mess around later. Okay?

They all nodded and we followed the nurse into a room that was further down the hall. We entered and I saw wires hanging from the ceiling.

Me: What exactly is this test?

Nurse: Its to detect ventricular arrhythmia.

We all looked at her puzzled and she continued.

Nurse: We look for wierd heart rates that are could've been caused by the tazers.

We nodded and she continued again.

Me: Now, please wait here for a minute.

She walked out of the room and came back in around 45 seconds with another nurse.

Nurse 1: Ok, could you take off your shirt and lay on the bed?

Me: Woah! Didnt think you'd be that forward.

The nurse who asked the question blushed whilst the other just began to laugh hysterically.

Me: Alright I'll do i-

A hard thud came from my right as I caught a flying fist within the palm of my hand. I pulled it towards me, tripped her, and twirled her around to, eventually, catch her only inches from the hospital floor. The look in her eyes was full of fury, while I just smiled widly at her.

Me: Really?

She opened her mouth to speak but it only gave me the opening I wanted to sink us into a, deep, French kiss. She tried to get away but was the one that deepened it further. We broke apart and I calmly stated.

Me: It was just joke Kass. You know I would never.

I raised her from the pose and she went back to one of the five seats smiling wildly.

Me: Okay, lets get this over with.

I took off my shirt and laid in the bed, closkng my eyes and relaxing. I opened my eyes again to see the two nurses ogling at my body and I felt violated.

Me: Ladies, please just get this over with. Or you're going to have to deal with her. And she is a lot more scary.

Kas sat there with a smile but it was more menacing than cute. At least, judging from the scared faces of the nurses. I knew the anger wasn't towards me so it was cute, for me.

Me: Miss can we please get this over with. I believe our classes start up tomorrow morning and we dont live here in this city.

That got them started, and they hooked up the wires around the left side of ny chest. It was painless, which was a relief after the tazing I got. We did some other tests, like nerve damage, breathing tests, etc. I felt it as unnecessary but I went along so that the girls wouldn't worry about anything.

Nurses: Ok, we'll check the results and that'll determine whether you're aloud to leave or not.

I nodded and put the hospital shirt back on. Before I got a little question.

Me: Wait, what happened to all of my stuff?

The nurse looked at me in confusion.

Me: My belongings. The clothes I wore, my phone, shoes, stuff like that. Where did it go?

The nurse was about to explain but Kass got to it first.

Kass: Its back at the cabin. Takeshi should come back sometime today to take us back to the city.

During the small conversation, I noticed the nurse slip out of the room. So I asked.

Me: Wait then who undressed me?

I asked, very scared of the answer. Luckily, Kass raised her hand, blushing deeply as it went up.

Me: Oh thank God. Do you have your phone? I need to make a couple calls.

She nodded and gave me her outdated phone. I would need to fix his later. I typed Kesh's number and called. It ringed a little before he picked up.

Takeshi: Yeah?

He said very sluggishly.

Me: Barely woke up?

Takeshi: Yeah, ill be coming back for yo-

Me: Nah, stay and sleep man, you sound beat.

Takeshi: But what about you? You're in the hospital and you wouldn't have a car.

He sounded alarmed and worried, I just laughed.

Me: Kesh, you know who I am. I've got connections. Now stay home and sleep. Or whatever you want to do with Azula.

Takeshi: Its not like that!

He screamed and a little after a groan was heard.

Azula: Who are you talking to?

Me: See yeah later Kesh.

I hung up and started typing a different number.

Me: Im gonna have to make a private call now so can you three stay outside of the room?

Kass was suspicious but did it either way, taking Ember and Luna with her. I finished typing the number and dialed.

Me: Ey boss. Imma need a ride. Think you can hook me up?


This is why I don't use social media for anything more than entertainment. Cameras flashed my eyes making it near impossible to see and microphones were shoved so close to my mouth, they might as well be trying to feed them to me.

Me: I'm not answering any questions right now.

I had to have my girls on my shoulders and Kass's hand firmly in mine, as to not be pulled away or separated.

Reporter 1: Is it true that she is your girlfriend or wife?

Reporter 2: Are they your biogical kids?

Reporter 3: And if not, who are their parents?

Reporter 4: Are you affected by your parents death?

Reporter whatever fucking number: How does it feel to have so kuch power at your finger tips?

They were pushing buttons that a giant sign saying, "Fuck off."

Me: Annoying.

I said in a low tone.

Reporter number who cares: Can you repeat that.

My tails puffed out with a loud cracking sound, close to a whip, as I expanded my claws.

Me: Very fucking ANNOYING!

They all backed up whether in fear or in shock, I didnt care, I took Kass and carried her bridal style towards the parking lot, the girls hanging on tightly as to not fall off. I pushed past multiple reporters and made a lot more fall over and drop very expensive recording gear. I ran faster than all of the reporters, sprinting when some got close, and got the spot, seeing nothing there.

Me: Come on, come on, come on. COME ON!

I saw it in the distance, a decently lengthy, night black limo racing down the street, with multiple motorcycles on all sides. I turned to see the media gaining on our spot and bolted towards the limo. They saw me coming and stopped it, having one of the bikers open the closest door and signal us in.

Me: Kids hop in! Hurry!

They jumped off of my shoulders, boosting themselves closer, sprinting towards the open door, and entering. I was slowing by the second and media was gaining. I turned around and saw the media only around 3-4 meters away, some reaching their hands out to try and grab me. I pulled the last bits of my strength to break into a 20mph sprint. I reached the open door and leaped in, throwing Kass onto one of the many leather seats, as I crashed onto the floor.

Biker: Go, go, go!

He shut the door and a few seconds later the vehicle started moving. I could see the media start to block the street, so the bikers all pulled out handguns and cleared them long enough for the limo to get out of the hospitals streets.

Me: Geez, that *gasp* couldve went very *gasp* poorly.

Kass leaned over my sprawled out body, checking for any scratches or cuts that might've been made when they tried to grab me.

Driver: Are you okay, sire?

Me: Yeah, *long sigh* yeah. I'm fine.

Kass: So thats what you've had to deal with?

I looked at her with a blank face before laughing.

Me: Not even close. When I was younger and first shown to the media, one of them tried to kidnap me. I proceeded to nearly gouge out his left eye with my thumb.

Kass shivered while covering her left eye.

Me: Don't worry Kass, I won't do it to you. I have other parts I'd rather have a bite of.

She blushed and turned away, while i just laughed. I set her back onto the leather seat before talking to the driver.

Me: I assume you were informed as to what locations I requested?

Driver: Yes sire. We are headed to your cabin as we speak.

Me: Good. Are the other vehicles stationed there as well?

Driver: Yes sire. Per your requests, four other limousines are stationed at the cabin with surrounding guards. As well as your personal vehicle.

Me: Good. Thank you for having to out up with this. Espcially when its coming from a 15 year old. Oh and you can stop with, 'sire,' thing, I don't care all too much. Just Ronin.

Driver: It is not a problem, we have dealt with much more deadly situations before. . . Ronin.

Me: Alright. I'll be closing the window now, knock when we are there.

Driver; Yes Ronin.

I closed both the one way glass and soundproof window. I turned back and was tackled to the floor by all three girls.

Ember: Its cold on here papa.

She whined and the other two also voiced there complaints about the temperature. I hadn't noticed since I needed to know whether my orders were fulfilled. It was freezing in here.

Me: Okay, let me turn off the ac.

They got off and I turned off the ac, which had been on its coldest setting, at max speed. It was still cold and was going to stay cold for a long time. I saw a mini fridge and snack bar in the corner of my eye. I remembered I had asked for this as well.

Me: You guys want a drink?

They all nodded and I tossed Kass a Ginger Ale, her favorite soda, and Ember and Luna each a Sunkist, their favorite soda. Luna caught hers in her hands, whilst Kass and Ember weren't as lucky. Embers, hit her hand and plopped into her lap, hitting her bare knees with frezzing cold plastic. Kass. . . Well she tried? It hit her square in the face. I tried my best to not laugh, but once I saw her gloomy face I burst.

Kass: Its not funny!!

I kept laughing, to which she chucked the soda bottle at me, to which it hit me in the chest. I went on to wheeze instead of laugh since it had knocked the air out of my lungs.

Me: S-so *gasp* abusive.

I whispered to myself, but, she still heard it. She walked over to my sprawled out figure and got onto her knees, leaning over.

Kass: Do you want abusive?

I rolled my eyes, I pulled her down onto the floor with me and trapped her in a hug. Trying to escape, she thrashed around, but I saw that she was smiling. I signaled Ember and Luna over, and they laid down. I puffed out my tails and covered them, in turn pulling them closer. I managed to cover all four of us, using four tails to cover our top half and another four for Kass and I's bottom half. The last tail just stay, squashed up against my back, kinda uncomfortable. So I angled it down, through my legs, making it much more comfortable.

Ember/Kass/Luna: Fluffy.

They said simultaneously, cuddling closer to both me, and the tails. They were quite fluffy.

Making it all the easier to fall asleep.

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