Chapt. 31
Ronin POV
Why is it so cold? I feel like I've been dumped into a bath of liquid nitrogen. Its so cold, it burns. Exaggeration? Maybe. But it is really cold. I open my eyes, only to be completely blinded by ceiling lights.
Me: Nice design. On top of hypothermia, I also lose my sight.
Once my eyes adjusted to the intense light shining into my eyes, I looked to see that the air conditioner was blasting.
Me: Damn twats.
I went over and turned it off, pulling it out of the socket as well.
Me: Treating patients? I'm supposed to get warmer not colder.
I tried to get out of the room but I felt a tug at my arm. Looking down, I saw clear tubes sticking into my arm.
Me: The hell are these for?
I ripped them out without a second care and carried on, walking out the door and closing it behind me. I made it not three steps before wrapping my tails around my body.
Me: Damn it's cold in this place. Feels more like morgue than a hospital.
I continued forward, walking down the twisting corridors and passing through multiple sets of double doors before finding an elevator.
Me: Finally.
I pressed the ground floor button and waited for the doors to close, slumping into the corner of the elevator.
Me: So . . . Cold.
I blacked out for what felt like a couple hours but was really only a half minute before I was shaken awake by another patient.
Patient: You okay mate?
Me: Huh, yeah. I'm good.
Patient: You sure bruv? You're shakin' like crazy.
I took out my tails and covered myself.
Me: I'm fine. Got my own blanket.
He grinned at me.
Patient: Are those dyed?
He pointed towards the red eyes on each tail.
Me: Nah, just found out I had these yesterday. Or was it 2 days ago? I don't know, I've been unconcious for whats felt like so long.
The patient nodded his head and clicked the 3rd floor button. I looked just above the frame of the elevator door. We're on the 6th floor right now.
Me: Visiting someone else?
He got a far off look before saying.
Patient: Wife is in here too. Our eldest kid is only 22. They can't afford to pay the medical bills, let alone my surgery.
I stared at him with sympathy laced within my eyes. He chuckled nervously whilst rubbing the back of his neck.
Patient: Sorry, I shouldn't have ruined your mood. Especially when you're gettin' outta here.
I saw a nurse rush by, looking panicked.
Me: Whats your name?
He got another far off look.
Patient: Hendrick. Hendrick Peterson.
Me: Well it was nice meeting you Hendrick, and don't worry about the surgery. I'll be coming back to help you out.
I stood up and walked out of the elevator, which strangely enough stopped on the 5th floor.
Me: And who said I was allowed to leave?
On cue, red lights and sirens flooded the hospital corridors. He looked towards some of the lights and then at me. To which I responded with a cheeky grin.
Hendrick: Wai-
The elevator door slammed shut loudly, startling me as well.
Me: God damn! That could take someone's arm off.
Nurses passed by. Taking patients towards their rooms. I knew there would be a nurse that would get suspicious of me at some point so I got moving. Stairs? Nah. They would be blocking those off real soon and I would get spotted. Vents? Nah. If I pass out again, who knows how long it'll be till someone finds me. Elevator shaft? Yeah. Is it a dumb idea? Of course. But is it a sick way of escaping? Hell yeah!
Me: Welp, let's get this done.
Kim Possible Like Timeskip
Finally down at the bottom, it was a nice idea of them to have a button to open the elevator doors in the elevator shaft. Why? I don't know. Why the hell would there be people at the bottom of the elevator shaft? Either way. Works for me. I get out and I see police putting a barracuda outside, blocking people and the media.
Me: Geez, are they really taking it this seriously?
I stepped out into the middle of the barricade and was instantly hit by the warmth of the sun.
Me: Finally! I'm not freezing my ass off.
I decided that I didnt need my tails anymore and, so, put them away, along with my ears. I sat down to bask in it warmth before hearing someone shout at me.
Police: Freeze asshole!
I looked up and saw three police holding stunning in my direction.
Me: Huh? Whats going on?
I tried to stand up but they yelled at me to stay still.
Me: Whats going on?
Police: You move again and you are getting tazed!
Me: Do you know who I am? I am the guy you're looking for! I'm Ronin O'Brian!
Police: Tazer, Tazer, Tazer!
I tried to take a step forward and was instantly met by four prongs shooting electricity throughout my body. I let out a mild scream before falling to my knees. He kept his finger on that trigger and it kept shocking me. After 10 seconds, he took it off and started to walk towards me slowly. I took the chance to grab 2 prongs and rip them out before he started again. This time though, I powered through. I grabbed the last 2 prongs and yanked them out.
Me: God dammit! Listen you deaf bastard!!
I would've kept talking before another eight prongs were shocking me. The electricity forced my body to take out my ears, and tails. Luckily, not my claws, yet.
Me: Pieces. . . Of. . . Shit!
They all got startled at the eyes on my tails and that let me get the prongs out. I was breathing heavily but was more annoyed if anything.
Me: Listen damnit!! I AM RONIN!!!
They seemed even more startled, and the one that initially tazed me, fell backwards onto his bum.
Me: God, it feels like I've been cooked on the inside.
???: PAPA!!!
I bolted towards that oh so familiar pair of voices. The police tried to stop me but they didnt really do much. One tried to tackle me but I rolled diagonally and he landed on his face. I reached my destination and saw the three faces I did this all for.
Kass: Ro!
I embraced all three of them as they ran under, for Ember and Luna, or jumped, for Kass, the barricade.
Me: How are you guys?
They said nothing but nuzzled deeper into my embrace. I could hear the snaps of cameras and voices of people asking whether I actually was Ronin O'Brian or some lunatic, but it mattered not.
Police: Step away from the civilians!
I looked behind to see the same three cops as before, all pointing their handguns at me. I covered Ember and Luna's eyes before saying.
Me: Alright, alright. Can't even talk to my kids and wife? YEESH!
Kass: Whats going on?
Me: They don't believe I'm me.
She chuckled.
Kass: Thats dumb.
Me: Yeah, I know.
I kissed her lips and then told her.
Me: Take the kids past the barricade, ill be fine. And cover their eyes.
I then spoke to the girls.
Me: Ill be okay girls. Just some small problems. Just go with momma.
Police: Back away now!
Me: Gotcha!
I kissed Kass's cheek before standing back up. I stood and and walked backwards slowly, hands raised. Before they even said anything, I slowly lowered myself to a prone position onto the floor and put my hands behind my back. Slowly, of course. I heard them rush towards me and a crushing weight was put onto my back.
Me: Geez. *cough* Let a man breathe at least.
He went on to tell me that I was being arrested for resist of arrest and interfering with an investigation. Miranda rights, the whole nine yards. He was about to throw me into the car if it weren't for a nurse that quickly ran towards us.
I mentally face palmed. Finally!
Police: Excuse me miss?
Nurse: He is Ronin, *gasp* O'Brian! He was checked in two days ago after going missing in the storm that swept over!
The police man looked scared, whilst I just had a smug look. He looked down at me disbelief.
Me: I tried to tell you.
He immediately took the handcuffs off and apologized profusely.
Me: Its cool man. You were probably just stressed about having to find a, multibillion dollar teen.
I said it with such distaste that he looked suprised.
Me: Money is both a blessing and a curse. Now. You gonna call this off now? Cause there are people in that hospital that actually need to be taken care of?
I was about to walk away to the baricade before I was firmly grabbed on the shoulder.
Nurse: Mind explaining yourself?
She said in such a calm tone, it was terrifying. Even the cop was scared.
Me: Um. Mercy?
I was dragged off by the ear, which was honestly more painful than the three tazers.
I was back in my hospital room, which I just now noticed was more fancy, and the cops were questioning me. It was more of stuff about what happened during and before the snowstorm but they then asked.
Police 1: Why'd you do this?
I chuckled before replying.
Me: I said it outloud earlier.
I motioned towards the three sleeping figures in my medical bed.
Me: I wanted to see my kids and wife.
The other people in the room couldn't see it but, I had my tails wrapped around them, to which they hugged them tightly.
Police 2: So you caused this whole thing.
Police 3: Ripped out IV drips and other wires.
Police 2: Climbed down an elevator shaft from the 5th floor.
Police 3: Frightened three police who were tazing you for 45 seconds, then ripped them out.
Police 2: Dodge, weaved, and rolled out of tbe way of the cops.
Police 1: Just to see your family?
Me: Winner, Winner!
Three hands came out and softly chopped my face before retreating.
Me: And I'd do it again.
The nurses and cops all smiled.
Police 1: Youre a good kid, doing all that just to see them.
Nurse 2: Wait, you're 15 right?
Me: Yeah. You have my medical documents so I assume you would know that.
Nurse 1: Then how is she your wife?
I blushed brightly but smiled just as bright.
Me: A little accident really.
I proceeded to explain the short story whilst playing with Ember and Luna's hair. By the end of it the nurses were giggling and the cops laughed or chuckled. I would've laughed along but it hurt.
Me: Ack, geez. You really held that trigger down.
Police 1: Sorry kid. We didn't know whether it really was you. The description we were given was of a 15 year old with short black hair and rusty eyes. Not bleach white hair, blood red eyes, ears, and nine tails with pairs of eyes.
Me: Nah, its fine. Still amazed I toughed through that. Just another thing thats gonna attract, friends.
They all looked at me weirdly.
Me: Its hard to find trustworthy people when you have so much power. People, especially highschoolers, see you as a tool, not a person.
They looked at me with sympathetic looks.
Me: Its fine. I have these three, and thats all I need.
They smiled but he second cop looked at me with curiosity.
Police 2: Wait. You said they are your kids right?
My pupils dilated and I blushed madly.
Me: No, no, no! Never! Not this young! They're not ours. We are both still virgins.
I saw them all collectivly sigh.
Me: What? Do you think I'm just some rich playboy? Hell no. I have to live near way too many of those self centered bastards. We would use protection and pills anyway.
They all raised one or both eyebrows at me.
Me: I'm not a regular rich kid. I honestly don't want this life. Its boring, its lonely, and its paranoia inducing. Not knowing whether you can trust that people like you for who you are? Its taxing on the mind. I just want to live a normal life. Thats why I try to stay away from social media and those damn paparazzi. These three are the closest I have to that.
I kissed Kass's forehead to which she curled up onto my chest even more.
Me: Now, would you mind leaving. I would like to sleep. Cause my body hurts and is still tingly from those three.
I pointed towards the three cops and they rubbed their necks nervously before being pushed out by the nurses.
Me: Oh! And I'm not gonna press charges! It was a mistake so don't worry about it!
The door was shut and I was left alone with the three loves of my life.
I would let myself be tazed for an hour just to see you.
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