Chapt. 30
Ronin POV
So. They took it well. But, I'm not down there right now. Cause, right now, I'm in Kass and I's room because of. . . Well something. I don't know what it is. I just got a strong urge to. . . Ravage? Kass's insides. I'm going over that memory as to try to find whatever could've sparked it.
Obligatory Flashback
We were all at the couches, well without my girls anyway because they don't need to hear this.
Elizabeth: So. . . You own a multibillion dollar company?
Me: Mhm.
Azula: And you have no parents?
Me: Luckily yes.
Takeshi: And you decided you needed to keep this a secret?!
Me: You already knew about this *insert brand name* owner!
I winced cause I f'ed up. His eyes flashed with worry, while everyone else's flashed with disbelief.
Takeshi: Just because you came out doesn't mean I wanted to Ronin!
He was looking at me with his dangerous glare.
Me: Look I'm so-
He was already stomping up the stairs.
Me: Argh! God dammit!
He had only used that glare a couple other times. One time being against Melissa.
Azula: Wait what?
Me: He owns *insert brandname*.
Elizabeth: What do you mean he owns *insert brand-name*?
I could feel my left twitch, something it hasn't done in a long time, before slamming the coffee table.
Me: Its exactly what it FUCKIN' MEANS!
Flashback End
Maybe it was the anger at them, or myself? Disappointment in myself for revealing Kesh's big secret? Maybe it was the stress of the situation? Whatever it is, now I'm hormonal and can't let myself out of this room. From what I know, Zula is in Kesh's room, trying to calm him down.
I've been pacing my room for the past hour. I can't be near Kass because I seem to try and get physical with her. Thankfully, I don't try to do anything with my girls or the other two but I just want her to hold me right now. Let me melt away in her arms.
Luna: Papa?
She tugged at my gym shorts.
Luna: Maybe you should go to sleep.
Ember: Yeah! Have a nice dream! That always helps!
They didnt really give me a chance to refute since they dragged me to the bed and made me sleep.
I hope things will die down
Kassandra POV
Me: Argh!!! I hate that I can't help him!
I hate that I'm useless right now! I'm more of a problem than a help because of what I do to him.
Elizabeth: Sometimes we just have to wait. Its better that you are seperate right now.
Me: I know. I just wanna help him. He's hurt because he hurt Takeshi.
Elizabeth: Its ok Sandra.
They haven't used that nickname since they met Ronin.
Me: Its just-
An ear piercing scream shot throughout the cabin. We shot out of our seats and looked towards the stairs.
Me: Ronin!!!
I bolted upstairs with Elizabeth in tow. As we ascended the stairs the screams turned more and more painful, as if someone were being tortured in the most brutal of ways. We got to the room and tried to open the door but it was locked.
Me: Ronin open the door!!
I started banging on the door but it was useless. I started imagining the worst. He was being killed whilst trying to defend the kids, the knife being dragged down his skin for retaliating.
Takeshi: What the hell is going on?
He wasn't mad but worried. Loyalty at its finest in these two.
Me: I d-dont know!
He went to the door and started banging on it loudly.
Takeshi: Ronin, whats going on in there!
The screams only got worst and everyone was getting scared about what was happening.
Takeshi: Ronin! Whats going on!!
He was getting anxious, his hand was shaking and he was starting to get scared. I was terrified. Hearing Ronin scream in such anguish. It was painful. I was about to crumple to the floor from fear when the screams stopped. It was dead silent inside. When after mere seconds we heard Luna and Ember spoke out.
Embed/Luna: P-papa?
They sounded like they were trembling in fear.
Takeshi: God damnit!
He backed up against the opposite side of the hallway and rammed into the door, forcing it open. We piled in quickly before freezing in our tracks.
Me: R-Ronin?
There on the bed stood Ronin. But, his hair was paper white whilst growing in length as we stood there, covering an eye and his ears. All body hair seemed to be standing on edge. Long razor sharp looking claws stuck out from his nails.
Feline like ears stuck out of the top of his head and twitched in the direction of any noise. He had saliva trailing down the sides of his mouth, making him look like he was a rabid animal. His normally rust red eyes were now blood red and glowing slightly, with narrowed pupils.
But the most terrifying part were the 9 white tails. They were as white as his hair and fluffy looking but were standing as straight as possible. Near the tips of the tails, the fur was colored red, forming a pair of red eyes on each tail.
We all stared at him, to which he glared at us with his narrowed pupil, as if trying to pierce through our souls. We would've stayed like this if it weren't for a noise that only Ronin could hear. He snapped his head towards the noise and bolted towards the window, jumping straight through it, shattering the glass.
Me: Ronin!!
I ran over to the window, ignoring the broken glass, and looked out of the window to seem him hightailing it towards the forest before disappearing within it.
Me: We have to go after him!
I tried to run out of the room but Takeshi grabbed me.
Takeshi: We should go to the city. Get help from the police.
Luna: No!!!
We looked at her in disbelief before Ember chimed in.
Ember: They kill people like us!
It was known that there is biast against nekos but we had to find him. And soon, a snow storm was coming into the area.
Me: We know that but a big storm is coming soon. We can't let your papa stay out there during that.
Luna: N-no! Those men! They. . . They-
Ember: They killed our mama!
They burst out into tears. We were thrown back into shock. Their mother was killed by the police? And now people are saying that we have to have the police help find him? Must not bring back the best of memories.
Takeshi: Girls, they can't do that. Your papa is very powerful. If they did that, the men would be in very big trouble, and could die.
I had already called the cops by this point
The search has been going on for the past 2 days and he hasn't been found. Multiple sets of tracks, some miles apart with no connection, have been found. But, whenever they find very recently made tracks, they cut off. The police have been upping their efforts, using more canines, helicopters, and inferred drones, but haven't seen even a glimpse of him yet. And with the storm going on, they had to call it off until it passes. Some officers who were close with his parents stayed at the cabin though.
Officer 1: Do you believe he has a reason to stay away from you to this extent?
Azula: Maybe stress? Anger at himself? He messed up and said something before this entire thing happened.
While they continued the conversation in the living room I went back upstairs and into our shared room. The broken glass laid on the ground, ripped sheets lay on the bed only moving to the wind, and stray white hairs. I moved to the window and stared out. The tracks of his have since been covered up by the storm. It was cold, but I don't know whether thats because of the storm or the prospect of Ronin becoming another missing person.
Me: Please Ronin. Come back.
Tears ran down my face, colder than the air whipping my face, and snow gathering in my hair. I stood there shivering, waiting for him to wrap his arms around me and tell me its okay. I waited. And waited. And waited. Sobbing harder and harder with each passing minute.
???: When I was fifteen, in my parent's house
I met a good girl when school got out
And I was too scared to tell her how
I loved her still
Well I loved her still, I loved her still, I loved her still
Well we grew up and we both moved out
We went to different schools in different towns
And is it too late to tell you now
I love you still
Well I love you still, I love you still, I love you still
Mistakes I made when I was younger
And it's too late to discover
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer
And there are times that I wonder
Is it too late to discover?
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer, summer, summer
Well I, think back every now and then
So I can sit back, and just pretend
That when you call me, I will tell you how I feel
And I never will, I never will, I love you still
I love you still, I love you still, I love you still
Mistakes I made when I was younger
And it's too late to discover
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer
And there are times that I wonder
Is it too late to discover?
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer, summer, summer
And every night before I sleep
I like to think you think of me
And every night before I sleep
I like to think you think of
I think that we should think of
And do you ever think of
Mistakes I made when I was younger
And it's too late to discover
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer
And there are times that I wonder
Is it too late to discover?
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer
Mistakes I made when I was younger
And it's too late to discover
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer
And there are times that I wonder
Is it too late to discover?
Love at the end of the summer
At the end of the summer, summer, summer
I jolted my head in direction of the door. No one. Had it just been me? Did I hallucinate him singing to me?
???: Its ok Kass. I'm here.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me into a deep and warm hug. I soon felt two big pieces of fluff at both sides of my body wrap around me, further warming me.
Me: Where have you been?
I asked shakily.
Ronin: I had to keep all of you safe, and if that meant I have to stay in a blizzard. Then so be it.
I tried to thrash out of his grasp.
Me: You hurt me more being away from me than staying!
He only tightened his grasp, and scoffed.
Ronin: Trust me. When I have things as sharp as these.
He extended his hand, popping out his claws.
Ronin: I could do some damage.
His retracted his clawsand hand, pulling me back into the deep hug.
Me: Why didn't you come back sooner?
Ronin: Because my mind was full of. . . sexual, thoughts. And I don't want my or your first time, to because of my animalistic nature.
I blushed deeply at the thought of doing that with him. I wouldn't mind.
Me: Let's go tell the others you're OK.
Ronin: Yeah, that'd be nice.
He let me go and I walked not two steps before being pulled back into his embrace.
Ronin: You didn't think I would let you go without getting a little smooch?
I giggled at his antics but complied, grabbing his collar and pulling him to my height.
Me: Of course not.
I kissed him passionately. Making up for the past two days. We broke apart and panted for a bit before regaining our composure.
Ronin: Lets go love.
He picked me up bridal style and room us out of the room, down the stairs, and into the living room.
Officer 2: We won't be able to continue the search until after the storm sir.
Takeshi: God damnit then I'll go out by myself!!!
He stood up from his seat angrily before Ronin chimed in.
Ronin: What search?
Everyone's head snapped towards his voice.
Takeshi: R-Ronin?
Ronin popped out his tails and claws.
Ronin: One and only. Now what search are we talking abo-oof-
We were tackled by Ember and Luna, who launched themselves off the couch and into us.
Ember/Luna: PAPA!!
They cried tears of, probably, relief and joy whilst nuzzling themselves into his chest. Ignoring my presence being there as well.
Luna: W-why did you leave!
They began to launch balled fist after balled fist into his ribcage before he pulled them both into the same hug he had me in earlier.
Ronin: Shhh, its ok. I'm here now and thats all that matters.
Officer 1: We need to call an ambulance!
I was confused. Why an ambulance?
Ronin: Its just a flesh wound.
He sat up, grunting all the while since he had to move both I and his girls, before adding.
Ronin: Besides, I ain't got time to bleed.
Bleeding? I looked up to see a large gash above his left eye, covering his entire left half of his face in both dried, and fresh blood.
Me: Call it now.
Ronin: Kass n-
Ember, Luna, and I raised our hands ready to slap him if he refuted.
Ember/Luna/Me: No.
His eyes dilated in fear and he slowly put his hands into a surrendering position.
Ronin: Fine, fine. If you insist. Now, if you don't mind, my head actually hurts a lot. So don't wake me up for a good. Full day?
And he passed out on the floor.
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